Major changes
Complete changelog
- #8760 - Command line mode now shows how to quit
- #8747 - Add Vault Database Guide
- #8746 - fix MDC scope nesting
- #8745 - Correctly record Optionals containing custom classes
- #8744 - Recording broken for Optionals containing custom classes
- #8743 - Bootstrap resolver: support for resolving project artifacts with no content
- #8739 - Add docs for Kubernetes Config extension
- #8735 - Fix broken health / live probes when container-image name is set
- #8733 - Kubernetes probes not added when using container-image.name
- #8731 - Bump quarkus-http-websockets-jsr from 3.0.5.Final to 3.0.6.Final
- #8729 - Bootstrap resolver: fixed false condition
- #8728 - Bump to Kogito 0.10.0
- #8724 - JUnit5 extension: project vs application root
- #8722 - MDC is empty after a Jaeger sub span is closed.
- #8720 - Qute - register user tags when validating templates during build
- #8718 - Small Kotlin fixes
- #8717 - Map RESTEasy filter to FORWARD and INCLUDE as well
- #8716 - Quarkus HTTP 3.0.6.Final
- #8713 - use quarkus.io kotlin extension does not provide restassured kotlin extension
- #8712 - Maven Workspace resolver: if there's no classes dir, look for target/artifactId-version.jar
- #8711 - Maven tests failing when doing a release
- #8709 - Forwarding to JAX-RS from ServletFilter returns 404
- #8707 - Gradle: multi module project test setup
- #8705 - Fix Warning with infinispan embedded config doc missing
- #8699 - Bump jboss-threads from 3.0.1.Final to 3.1.0.Final
- #8698 - Introduce configuration for the Hibernate Validator extension
- #8697 - Warning with infinispan embedded config doc missing
- #8691 - Mongo Panache: avoid ClassInfo as keys in maps
- #8690 - Security: avoid ClassInfo in Sets
- #8688 - Kafka Client: avoid using ClassInfo in Sets
- #8687 - Resteasy: do not use Jandex's ClassInfo in a Set
- #8678 - Make sure to return null for anonymous users
- #8677 - Config errors are not cleared
- #8672 - Disable the AMQP IT tests on Windows
- #8668 - Use of validation groups
- #8666 - Set the JDK 8 release version to avoid the ALPN issue
- #8665 - Fix quarkus-quartz duplicating clustered jobs
- #8663 - Stop using ClassInfo in Set and Map for SpringSecurityProcessor
- #8662 - User-defined tags fail to parse when inside an #include template section
- #8661 - quarkus-quartz duplicating clustered jobs
- #8657 - Gradle multi-module needs java-library instead of java plugin in non-app submodules
- #8653 - Change the "reactive route" extension name
- #8652 - fix: set defaults values for Page number and size
- #8649 - Make descriptor classes Serializable
- #8647 - Use Maven 3.6.3 too in independent projects
- #8644 - Remove Secret handling from kubernetes-config extension
- #8642 - Fix: added 2 semicolons in sql
- #8640 - Improve logging in kubernetes-config extension
- #8638 - Fix Reactive PG and MySQL Clients initialization
- #8637 - Dev mode test fixes
- #8636 - Fix read timeout test
- #8634 - Quarkus Security 1.1.0.Final
- #8633 - Fix potential reactor build order problem
- #8630 - Ensure logs are displayed when application fails due to bootstrap config error
- #8629 - Bump quarkus-http-websockets-jsr from 3.0.4.Final to 3.0.5.Final
- #8628 - Bump optaplanner version to 7.36.0.Final
- #8624 - Exceptions thrown in bootstrap recorders prevent logging
- #8623 - Example how to use @InjectMock together with @restclient
- #8622 - Ability to use InjectMock on MicroProfile RestClient
- #8620 - fix: add test to check the Unpaged class presence in the quarkus spring data api
- #8619 - Revert maven-toolchain.version to 3.0-alpha-2
- #8618 - quarkus-http 3.0.5.Final
- #8617 - Classcast Exception calling ServletFilter with HTTP/2
- #8615 - Add Quarkus Vault Authentication Guide
- #8613 - Fix AsciiDoc list formatting in Hibernate Search documentation
- #8608 - Don't require trailing / for servlet context
- #8607 - Fix failing test
- #8604 - Adjust amazon-lambda-xray pom description for consistency
- #8602 - Qute if section - consider truthy/falsy values during evaluation
- #8601 - Only enable Hibernate Validator built-in constraints that are used
- #8599 - Minor enhancements to platform descriptor classes
- #8598 - Add example for the configuration of the logging manager in gradle projects
- #8597 - Allow the use of @QuarkusTestResource with QuarkusProdModeTest
- #8596 - Move OidcTenantConfig out of the runtime package
- #8589 - Fail the build if multiple container-image extensions are available
- #8584 - A project with both docker and jib extension - no warning about this situation and image gets build twice under the same name
- #8583 - Update default imagePullPolicy value in docs
- #8582 - Qute IfSectionHelper - consider truthy values during evaluation
- #8581 - fix Jaeger metrics initialization
- #8580 - Use durable messages to improve robustness of the tests
- #8579 - Reactive routes - fix race condition in generated handlers
- #8578 - OpenTracing quickstart native build failing
- #8576 - Reactive Messaging: check if @Blocking is used with one of (Outgoing,…
- #8575 - NPE with Amazon Lambda HTTP with JDK 14
- #8571 - Spring Data JPA extension - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.data.domain.Unpaged
- #8567 - Quarkus allows using
with methods that are neither@Outgoing
- #8566 - fix(quartz): make jdbc store class configurable
- #8556 - Add support for disabling proactive authentication
- #8555 - quarkus-quartz using JobStoreTX and not JobStoreCMT
- #8546 - WebFilter is not able to modify response when running with quarkus:dev
- #8534 - dev mode doesn't recover when an invalid value (typo, space) is added to logging level configuration
- #8475 - Trailing slash required with Undertow + custom root path
- #8364 - no license information in quarkus security pom
- #8347 - Move OidcTenantConfig out of the runtime package
- #8284 - Allow AppArtifact to have more than one path
- #8162 - Remove unneeded paging when using PanacheQuery
- #8118 - Gradle + multi-module + cdi + quarkusDev = bug.
- #8061 - @QuarkusTest against model of shared library failing with "Not an entity" in multi-module Gradle project
- #8059 - No EntityManager found running @QuarkusTest when entities are only in submodule of multi-module Gradle project
- #7979 - Gradle test deployment failure
- #7903 - XStream substitutions to avoid @delete paths #7422
- #7675 - Quarkus quarkusDev mode not working in a gradle multimodule project - but the runable jar does.
- #7558 - Max throughput regression after unifying Executors
- #7426 - Using Hibernate ORM import script throws error on tests for Kotlin/Gradle
- #7422 - Unsupported type MethodAccessorGenerator reachable error
- #7156 - Qute can't resolve any templates
- #7097 - Introducing Mutiny
- #6105 - Overriding security context doesn't work anymore
- #6096 - JWT is being processed when permit policy is set
- #4847 - Quarkus Vault Dynamic DB Credentials Guide
- #4846 - Quarkus Vault Authentication Guide
- #2406 - Building my first extension guide