released this
15 Sep 13:28
Major changes
#11963 - Assorted Quartz cleanup
Complete changelog
#11977 - Ensure that user-defined quarkus.kubernetes-config.enabled takes precedence over secret
#11973 - Improve index inclusion and Arc exclusion configuration
#11972 - Upgrade Debezium to 1.2.3.Final
#11970 - Fix Quarkus ClassLoader's jar ProtectionDomain handling
#11968 - quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets.enabled takes precedence over quarkus.kubernetes-config.enabled
#11964 - Fix typo in warn message
#11963 - Assorted Quartz cleanup
#11960 - Increase connection and read timeouts in IncompletePostTestCase
#11957 - Fix jbang ClassLoader issue
#11956 - Update to xstream 1.4.13 to reduce illegal reflective access warnings
#11954 - Bump assertj-core from 3.17.1 to 3.17.2
#11952 - Bump assertj-core from 3.17.1 to 3.17.2 in /integration-tests/gradle
#11951 - Bump assertj-core from 3.17.1 to 3.17.2 in /devtools/gradle
#11946 - Make name of Revapi artifact consistent
#11945 - Configurable instance name for quartz
#11941 - Various multiple persistence units adjustments
#11935 - Fix formatting in BOM for Micrometer artifacts
#11932 - Docs - CDI intro - add a note about reading fields on client proxies
#11930 - If parent first fails see if the resource exists in this CL
#11928 - Allow transformed classes to be dumped
#11918 - Drop setting from Jib and S2I
#11915 - default code gen not working in 1.8.0.CR1
#11913 - hibernate with jbang fails with class loader issue
#11912 - Make native tests work with random port
#11911 - force set in s2i and jib despite it being the default
#11909 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.11 to 2.14.12
#11907 - Normalize duration default values rendered in documentation
#11901 - Support the ability to create the schemas on database schema generation
#11899 - Make store dir relative to build dir when saving OpenAPI schema
#11897 - Narayana - make LifecycleManager from SM CP unremovable
#11895 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.9 to 3.5.10
#11894 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.9 to 3.5.10 in /devtools/gradle
#11891 - Native Tests fail when quarkus.http.test-port is set to 0
#11884 - Update Guava to 29.0-jre
#11880 - Google Cloud Functions Funqy HTTP
#11870 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.10 to 2.14.11
#11869 - Bump aws-alexa-sdk.version from 2.32.0 to 2.33.0
#11862 - Gradle IT: if set, pass maven.repo.local to the run task
#11859 - Bump aws-lambda-java-events from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0
#11858 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.9 to 2.14.10
#11857 - quarkus.debug.transformed-classes-dir does not work anymore
#11852 - Fix panache repository operations failure with multiple persistence units
#11851 - Quiet down Mongo test logs
#11850 - Update instructions to set fast-jar flag
#11846 - should be relative to project basedir
#11845 - SmallRye GraphQL Documentation update
#11844 - MongoDB test cluster far too verbose
#11842 - Panache repository persist failure with multiple persistence units in 1.8.0.cr1
#11840 - Bump "aws-lambda-java-event" to 3.2.0
#11839 - IncompletePostTestCase fails once in a while with SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
#11832 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.7 to 3.5.9
#11830 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.8 to 2.14.9
#11829 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.7 to 3.5.9 in /devtools/gradle
#11828 - Re-enable MutinyTest
#11827 - Fix enforcer rules deployment
#11826 - Document the Multiple Persistence Units support
#11825 - Default platform version range should be [major.minor-alpha,major.minor+1]
#11820 - Clean project with debezium-quarkus-outbox fails with BuildException
#11818 - Hibernate ORM: Schema is not generated
#11817 - Allow RestEasy JAXB collection serialization in native mode
#11815 - Range check makes the release fail
#11806 - Serialization of RestEasy JAXB wrapped collections fails in native mode
#11804 - Maven bootstrap: resolve workspace for layouts with directory breaks
#11711 - ReactiveMongodbPanacheResourceTest is regularly failing
#11687 - MutinyTest#testSSE can be unstable
#11650 - Platform JSON: support reading BOM's managed deps from a generated POM
#11647 - Fast-Jar + quarkus.arc.remove-unused-beans=false causes ClassNotFoundException
#11299 - Add documentation and quickstart for Funqy HTTP for Google Cloud Functions
#10303 - Remove illegal refletive access warning for xstream for parameterized tests
#10022 - Configuration properties of type duration should include the unit when rendering the default value
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