Major changes
- #17364 - Add DevServices support for Keycloak
Complete changelog
- #18941 - NoSuchElementException in RuntimeUpdatesProcessor if no tests are present in multi module in dev mode
- #18921 - Disable Dev Services for MongoEntityTest
- #18919 - Add connection: close if the server is shut down
- #18918 - Micrometer: additional config adapter
- #18913 - Add new line on enter back
- #18912 - Reset the current context Classloader on the threads of the Vertx blocking executor pool
- #18911 - dev-mode Classloader leaks via the vertx blocking executor pool
- #18902 - Update Keycloak DevConsole to use the authorization code grant by default
- #18898 - Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 5.5.0 to 5.6.0
- #18897 - Fix conditional dependency parsing
- #18892 - Classic Rest Client: honor quarkus.tls.trust-all in RestClientBuilder
- #18891 - CLI: registry --streams command option to list the available platform streams
- #18890 - Graceful shutdown of keep-alive connections
- #18889 - Optimise the strategy we use to reset the classloader in the Common ForkJoin ThreadPool
- #18876 - Fix CT hang when compile error in application
- #18871 - Fix various issues in security-openid-connect-dev-services.adoc
- #18869 - CLI: 2.1.0 doc updates
- #18868 - Don't run dokka and kapt on Java 16+ for now, drop --add-opens
- #18865 - Update to Vert.x 4.1.2 and friends
- #18863 - Clarify that indexed properties are not supported in env variables
- #18857 - Fix a few infelicities in getting-started-testing.adoc
- #18856 - Add a Dev Console smoke test for Keycloak
- #18853 - Disabling Dev Services For Keycloak causes a template exception due to a strict rendering
- #18852 - CLI: make --refresh work in combination with -S
- #18851 - Kafka documentation review
- #18847 - Rename quarkus.datasource.devservices to quarkus.datasource.devservices.enabled
- #18844 - DevServices datasource property name is quite generic
- #18841 - Introduce arbitrary mongo connection URL parameter support in dev-services
- #18840 - Fix issue with testing multi module projects
- #18837 - Throw an error in case a configured registry isn't available and suggest a workaround
- #18832 - Only add the consumer group id if the Kafka config is not empty
- #18830 - Quarkus 2.0 mongodb with devServices option
- #18826 - Fixes CLI --refresh option
- #18825 - Fix native regression in Config validation
- #18824 - CLI: set registry client system property
- #18821 - Replaced registry 'disabled' option with 'enabled'
- #18816 - Always create a new HashMap when changing the immutable extension metadata
- #18815 - Ignore case when comparing extension names
- #18814 - Regression: Native fails with
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.Integer
- #18813 - Use the Maven plugin descriptor as the source of plugin's G:A
- #18811 - Avoid configuring
if no other Kafka configuration is present - #18810 - Update OpenTelemetry
- #18807 - Fix integration between Rest Client Reactive and OpenTracing
- #18808 - Extensions should be sorted case insensitive
- #18806 - Smallrye-Opentracing with Reactive Rest Client no longer working
- #18804 - gRPC request context: activate before all the interceptors are invoked
- #18803 - Fix split MongoDB Panache packages
- #18800 - Make sure the registry ordering reflects the priority for the platform selection algorithm
- #18799 - CLI ext add, list, remove are not registry aware
- #18798 - Ignore synthetic methods for purposes of bean validation
- #18796 - Quarkus hot reload fails on absent test folder and/or test class in Continuous Testing mode
- #18794 - Introduce failure assertions for UniAsserter
- #18793 - Bump Kotlin version to 1.5.21
- #18791 - CLI: dry-run dir warn; show disabled registry
- #18789 - Don't run kapt on Java 17+ until KT-47583 is fixed
- #18783 - Quarkus 2.1.0.CR1: Hibernate Validator produces a warning when combined with Resteasy Reactive and Kotlin Coroutines
- #18780 - Bump SmallRye JWT version to 3.2.1
- #18778 - Add assertThrows method to UniAsserter
- #18774 - quarkus21 create --registry-client -S 2.43 --dry-run test27899rr4j fails with non informative error
- #18773 - quarkus create --dry-run test fails if test dir already exist
- #18770 -
in config should beenabled:false
- #18768 - quarkus registry list not reporting correctly
- #18767 - quarkus projects does not have maven compiler configured
- #18765 - Bump log4j-jboss-logmanager from 1.2.0.Final to 1.2.2.Final
- #18761 - Improve IDE detection
- #18758 - Improve error messages for edge cases of @QuarkusIntegrationTest failure
- #18755 - Move @StaticInitSafe annotation to the proper package
- #18753 - Update to SmallRye Fault Tolerance 5.2.1
- #18751 - Solution for errors with self-signed certificate
- #18747 - Upgrades to Infinispan 12.1.7.Final
- #18743 - Fix split packages issue in Hibernate ORM with Panache
- #18738 - Dev UI qute config - switch to strict rendering
- #18735 - Register profile specific configuration files for hot-reload
- #18731 - Add profile specific config files to watched resources in dev mode
- #18724 - Kafka quick start generate projects with maven plugin
- #18720 - Prevent AmbiguousResolutionException for HttpServerRequest in RESTEasy Reactive
- #18719 - Running a CLI app in quarkus dev mode (maven), does not re-run the app after a code change. (macOS
- #18716 - Introduce context specific error message for ops that need to run on the Event Loop
- #18715 - Make sure gradle test process is destroyed in tests
- #18714 - Provide easy way for QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager implementations to inject into test
- #18706 - Grpc Server QuarkusIntegrationTest fail
- #18702 - Remove blocking code from OIDC
- #18700 - Separate the console from testing
- #18699 - [OpenTelemetry OTLP Exporter extension] Add support for gRPC headers
- #18698 - Add basic injection capabilities to QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager
- #18676 - Clicking on application class in stacktrace causes 500 in dev ui
- #18619 - Document quarkus.uuid usage in the kafka reference guide
- #18594 - Dev mode console handler does not get installed if there are no tests (picocli app)
- #18574 - Make the datasource optional for persistence units with DATABASE multi-tenancy
- #18561 - Enable the registry client by default in the dev tools
- #18511 - FaultToleranceDefinitionException after migrating to Quarkus 2.0
- #18485 - Dev UI qute config - switch to strict rendering
- #18400 - Command Mode App under Development mode is NOT able to be restarted or stopped based on user input value
- #18361 - Update to SmallRye Fault Tolerance 5.2.0
- #18352 - Action prompt in dev mode only seems to appear if tests are present for the app
- #18130 - Hibernate ORM with Multitenancy and TenantConnectionResolver default datasource
- #17364 - Add DevServices support for Keycloak
- #17217 - Keycloak Devservices
- #17207 - Introduce exponential backoff for @Retry
- #11252 - jax-rs - exception mapper -
Unable to extract parameter
doesn't show the value of the parameter, just {1}