released this
03 Nov 14:32
Complete changelog
#21150 - Use Optional.orElseGet to fix OidcIdentityProvider bug
#21147 - Allow the application to start in dev mode even if we can't generate DDL scripts for the Dev UI
#21146 - Optional unwrapping failure OidcIdentityProvider at l. 223
#21143 - Ignore non gradle jvm project when building app model
#21140 - Ensure that all web-fragment.xml files are considered
#21130 - Move Smallrye JWT Build docs to a separate guide
#21129 - Hibernate Types not working anymore with Version 2.2.0 Final
#21122 - Quarkus ignores dev profile property for hibernate ORM configurations
#21118 - Quarkus not always initialising web servlets on startup
#21112 - Make sure the docker check is last
#21106 - Gradle MulitModule Project: quarkusGenerateCodeTests: java.lang.NullPointerException
#21098 - Fix test wait time type
#21097 - Increase vault client timeouts
#21096 - GraphQL: allow multiple accept headers
#21095 - Vault tests are flaky
#21093 - Update Hibernate Reactive to 1.0.1.Final
#21087 - quarkus.test.wait-time is documented as Duration type but only numbers are supported
#21086 - Avoid referencing classes to be removed in Kafka 3.0.0
#21085 - SmallRye GraphQL returns multiple content-types in Content-Type
header when requested with multiple content-types in Accept
#21083 - Kafka Streams extension fails to compile with Kafka clients 3.0.0
#21079 - Fix panache+kotlin named datasource issue
#21078 - Don't block indefinitly if a Quarkus app is not started
#21071 - Add panache annotation processor before configuration is resolved
#21064 - Do not use ConfigConfig directly (it is only required for documentation)
#21063 - Ensure that the same exception in method signature does not break Arc
#21060 - Throwing the same exception twice causes dev mode to fail build
#21053 - Make sure dev mode startup failure is logged
#21042 - Upgrade SmallRye Health to 3.1.2
#21036 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.6.1
#21029 - Ensure that .env file does not end up in the prod artifact
#21028 - Qute type-safe validation - fix namespace extension methods handling
#21025 - quarkus.config.locations was 'null' at build time and is now '/mnt/app-config-map'
#21024 - Uber-jar contains .env file when built after running quarkusDev (Gradle)
#21011 - Add gRPC guides missing imports and other improvements
#21008 - Iterating over a list of enums generated by Qute Namespace Extensions no longer works
#21006 - Exclude tomcat-embed-core
#21001 - Panache should enhance when superclass has fields
#20998 - Use custom thread factory for NIO
#20997 - Security annotations don't work with CompletionStage
#20996 - Compress startup messages with docker
#20995 - Allow List injection
#20986 - Fixes Maven project resources output dir
#20980 - Register config mappings with live reload
#20979 - @RolesAllowed
causes CompletionStage to be serialized as itself
#20977 - Increase default pool size in Rest Client Reactive
#20974 - quarkus:dev hot reload behavior changed & UI resources not being loaded (new in 2.4.0.Final, works in 2.3.1.Final)
#20973 - Jackson fails to deserialize JsonSubTypes when re-running continuous tests
#20969 - Fix issue with the ANSI console
#20966 - Show compilation failure in the terminal
#20965 - Allow disabled clients to be closed
#20964 - Clear cached devservices properties on close
#20957 - Hot-reload fails with ConfigMapping in ContainerRequestFilter
#20955 - Bump testcontainers-bom from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2
#20947 - Assume compatibility of custom image with the default neo4j image
#20945 - Neo4j Dev Service image cannot be substituted with custom-built image
#20943 - Clarify config override rules for multiple
#20940 - Validate full hierarchy of ConfigMapping injection points
#20937 - Fix resolution of path params when using @BeanParam in Resteasy Reactive
#20936 - Upgrade SmallRye GraphQL to 1.3.5
#20934 - Error occurred while destroying instance of bean io.quarkus.oidc.client.OidcClients
#20933 - Added maven-resolver-util constraint to the bootstrap-bom
#20929 - Qute type-safe validation - don't validate "null" literal method params
#20921 - from dependency jars pickup behaviour
#20918 - Index only JAR dependencies
#20917 - Dependency not resolved (new in 2.4.0.Final, works in 2.3.1.Final)
#20916 - @ConfigMapping
not working in 2.4.0.Final, but works in 2.3.1.Final
#20915 - Update OidcClient to accept absolute expires_in time values
#20912 - Update OidcClient
to accept absolute expires_in
#20910 - Exception java.lang.AbstractMethodError: javax/servlet/Filter.destroy()V when closing quarkus
#20909 - Fix test URL in Reactive Messaging HTTP quickstart
#20898 - Update OTel guide to use the main OTLP gRPC receiver port
#20897 - Resteasy-reactive routing does not work for PathParam/RestPath when declared inside a bean @BeanParam when paths are shared across classes
#20895 - Upgrade to Testcontainers 1.16.1
#20889 - Cursor line fixes
#20887 - Ensure that @QuarkusIntegrationTest tests are closed properly
#20882 - Panache entities not found when using multiple datasources in Quarkus 2.x versions
#20866 - ~580 INFO messages from datasource dev service when no Docker available
#20861 - OTel guide isn't working
#20736 - Split the JWT guide into JWT and JWT Build/generate guides
#20712 - Hibernate Custom Usertype failing on startup
#20700 - Restructure internal persistence unit info for Hibernate ORM DevUI
#20609 - Compilation errors are only logged in http response during hot reload
#20576 - Fix panache operation bytecode generation for Kotlin Hibernate Panache
#20265 - Quick starts example 'Using HTTP with Reactive Messaging' is not working
#19086 - gradle module build execution fails when using composing build
#19012 - java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.example.Startup tried to access protected field in Panache after 1.13
#17034 - List exception on RESTEasy Reactive
#5903 - Persisting a modification with AttributeConverter
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