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Revar Desmera edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 1 revision

LibFile: modular_hose.scad

Modular hose segment and attachment ends.

To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/modular_hose.scad>

File Contents

  1. Section: Modular Hose Parts

Section: Modular Hose Parts

Module: modular_hose()

Synopsis: Creates modular hose parts.

Topics: Modular Hose, Parts

See Also: modular_hose_radius(), tube()


  • modular_hose(size, type, [clearance], [waist_len], [anchor], [spin], [orient]) [ATTACHMENTS];


Construct moduler hose segments or modular hose ends for connection to standard modular hose systems. The 1/4", 1/2" and 3/4" sizes are supported and you can produce just one end to make a mount or end attachment to a modular hose, or you can make modular hose segments. To make assembly possible with printed parts you can add clearances that make the ball end smaller and the socket end larger. These work by simply increasing the radius of the whole end by the specified amount. On a Prusa printer with PETG, a clearance of 0.05 allows the 3/4" hose parts to mate with standard modular hose or itself. A clearance of 0.05 to 0.1 allows the 1/2" parts to mate with standard hose, and with clearance 0 the 1/4" parts will mate with standard hose. Note that clearance values are different for the different sizes. You will have to experiment with your machine and materials. Small adjustments will change the stiffness of the connection.


By Position What it does
size size of modular hose part, must be 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4.
type type of part to make, either "segment", "socket" (or "big"), or "ball" (or "small")
clearance clearance to make assembly possible. Either a scalar to apply the same to both ends or a vector [small,large] to apply different clearances to the two ends. Default: 0
waist_len size of central "waist" of the part. Default: standard length.

Example 1:

modular\_hose() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/modular_hose.scad>

Example 2: A mount point for modular hose

modular\_hose() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/modular_hose.scad>
cylinder(h=10, r=20)
   attach(TOP) modular_hose(1/2, "ball", waist_len=15);

Example 3: Mounting plate for something at the end of the hose

modular\_hose() Example 3
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/modular_hose.scad>
   attach(TOP) modular_hose(3/4, "socket", waist_len=0);

Function: modular_hose_radius()

Synopsis: Returns the waist radius of the given modular hose size.

Topics: Modular Hose, Parts

See Also: modular_hose(), tube()


  • r = modular_hose_radius(size, [outer]);


Returns the inner (or outer) diameter of the waist section of the modular hose to enable hollowing out connecting channels. Note: diameter is accurate to about 1e-4.


By Position What it does
size size of hose part, must be 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4
outer set to true to get the outer diameter.

Example 1:

modular\_hose\_radius() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/modular_hose.scad>
       attach(TOP) modular_hose(1/2, "ball");

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