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LibFile: nurbs.scad

B-Splines and Non-uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) are a way to represent smooth curves and smoothly curving surfaces with a set of control points. The curve or surface is defined by the control points and a set of "knot" points. The NURBS can be "clamped" in which case the curve passes through the first and last point, or they can be "closed" in which case the first and last point are coincident. Also possible are "open" curves which do not necessarily pass through any of their control points. Unlike Bezier curves, a NURBS can have an unlimited number of control points and changes to the control points only affect the curve locally.

To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>

File Contents

  1. Section: NURBS Curves

    • nurbs_curve() – Computes one or more points on a NURBS curve. [Path]
    • debug_nurbs() – Shows a NURBS curve and its control points, knots and weights [Geom]
  2. Section: NURBS Surfaces

    • is_nurbs_patch() – Returns true if the given item looks like a NURBS patch.
    • nurbs_patch_points() – Computes specifies point(s) on a NURBS surface patch
    • nurbs_vnf() – Generates a (possibly non-manifold) VNF for a single NURBS surface patch. [VNF]

Section: NURBS Curves

Function: nurbs_curve()

Synopsis: Computes one or more points on a NURBS curve. [Path]

Topics: NURBS Curves

See Also: debug_nurbs()


  • pts = nurbs_curve(control, degree, splinesteps, [mult=], [weights=], [type=], [knots=]);
  • pts = nurbs_curve(control, degree, u=, [mult=], [weights=], [type=], [knots=]);


Compute the points specified by a NURBS curve. You specify the NURBS by supplying the control points, knots and weights. and knots. Only the control points are required. The knots and weights default to uniform, in which case you get a uniform B-spline. You can specify endpoint behavior using the type parameter. The default, "clamped", gives a curve which starts and ends at the first and last control points and moves in the tangent direction to the first and last control point segments. If you request an "open" spline you get a curve which starts somewhere in the middle of the control points. Finally, a "closed" curve is a one that starts where it ends. Note that each of these types of curve require a different number of knots.

The control points are the most important control over the shape of the curve. You must have at least p+1 control points for clamped and open NURBS. Unlike a bezier, there is no maximum number of control points. A single NURBS is more like a bezier path than like a single bezier spline.

A NURBS or B-spline is a curve made from a moving average of several Bezier curves. The knots specify when one Bezier fades away to be replaced by the next one. At generic points, the curves are differentiable, but by increasing knot multiplicity, you can decrease smoothness, or even produce a sharp corner. The knots must be an ascending sequence of values, but repeating values is OK and controls the smoothness at the knots. The easiest way to specify the knots is to take the default of uniform knots, and simply set the multiplicity to create repeated knots as needed. The total number of knots is then the sum of the multiplicity vector. Alternatively you can simply list the knots yourself. Note that regardless of knot values, the domain of evaluation for u is always the interval [0,1], and it will be scaled to give the entire valid portion of the curve you have chosen. If you give both a knot vector and multiplicity then the multiplicity vector is appled to the provided knots. For an open spline the number of knots must be len(control)+p+1. For a clamped spline the number of knots is len(control)-p+1, and for a closed spline you need len(control)+1 knots. If you are using the default uniform knots then the way to ensure that you have the right number is to check that sum(mult) is either not set or equal to the correct value.

You can use this function to evaluate the NURBS at u, which can be a single point or a list of points. You can also use it to evaluate the NURBS over its entire domain by giving a splinesteps value. This specifies the number of segments to use between each knot and guarantees a point exactly at each knot. This may be important if you set the knot multiplicity to the degree somewhere in your curve, which creates a corner at the knot, because it guarantees a sharp corner regardless of the number of points.


By Position What it does
control list of control points in any dimension
degree degree of NURBS
splinesteps evaluate whole spline with this number of segments between each pair of knots
By Name What it does
u list of values or range in the interval [0,1] where the NURBS should be evaluated
mult list of multiplicities of the knots. Default: all 1
weights vector whose length is the same as control giving weights at each control point. Default: all 1
type One of "clamped", "closed" or "open" to define end point handling of the spline. Default: "clamped"
knots List of knot values. Default: uniform

Example 1: Compute some points and draw a curve and also some specific points:

nurbs\_curve() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
control = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
curve = nurbs_curve(control,2,splinesteps=16);
pts = nurbs_curve(control,2,u=[0.4,0.8]);
color("red")move_copies(pts) circle(r=1.5,$fn=16);

Example 2: Compute NURBS points and make a polygon

nurbs\_curve() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
control = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
curve = nurbs_curve(control,2,splinesteps=16,type="closed");

Example 3: Simple quadratic uniform clamped b-spline with some points computed using splinesteps.

nurbs\_curve() Example 3
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[13,43],[30,52],[49,22],[24,3]];
npts = nurbs_curve(pts, 2, splinesteps=3);
color("red")move_copies(npts) circle(r=1);

Example 4: Simple quadratic uniform clamped b-spline with some points computed using the u parameter. Note that a uniform u parameter doesn't necessarily sample the curve uniformly.

nurbs\_curve() Example 4
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[13,43],[30,52],[49,22],[24,3]];
npts = nurbs_curve(pts, 2, u=[0:.2:1]);
color("red")move_copies(npts) circle(r=1);

Example 5: Same control points, but cubic

nurbs\_curve() Example 5
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[13,43],[30,52],[49,22],[24,3]];

Example 6: Same control points, quadratic and closed

nurbs\_curve() Example 6
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[13,43],[30,52],[49,22],[24,3]];

Example 7: Same control points, cubic and closed

nurbs\_curve() Example 7
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[13,43],[30,52],[49,22],[24,3]];

Example 8: Ten control points, quadratic, clamped

nurbs\_curve() Example 8
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];

Example 9: Same thing, degree 4

nurbs\_curve() Example 9
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];

Example 10: Same control points, degree 2, open. Note it doesn't reach the ends

nurbs\_curve() Example 10
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
debug_nurbs(pts,2, type="open");

Example 11: Same control points, degree 4, open. Note it starts farther from the ends

nurbs\_curve() Example 11
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];

Example 12: Same control points, degree 2, closed

nurbs\_curve() Example 12
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];

Example 13: Same control points, degree 4, closed

nurbs\_curve() Example 13
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];

Example 14: Adding weights

nurbs\_curve() Example 14
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
weights = [1,1,1,3,1,1,3,1,1,1];

Example 15: Using knot multiplicity with quadratic clamped case. Knot count is len(control)-degree+1 = 9. The multiplicity 2 knot creates a corner for a quadratic.

nurbs\_curve() Example 15
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
mult = [1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1];

Example 16: Using knot multiplicity with quadratic clamped case. Two knots of multiplicity 2 gives two corners

nurbs\_curve() Example 16
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
mult = [1,1,1,2,2,1,1];

Example 17: Using knot multiplicity with cubic clamped case. Knot count is now 8. We need multiplicity equal to degree (3) to create a corner.

nurbs\_curve() Example 17
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
mult = [1,3,1,1,1,1];

Example 18: Using knot multiplicity with cubic closed case. Knot count is now len(control)+1=11. Here are three corners.

nurbs\_curve() Example 18
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
mult = [1,3,1,3,3];

Example 19: Explicitly specified knots only change the quadratic clamped curve slightly. Knot count is len(control)-degree+1 = 9.

nurbs\_curve() Example 19
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
knots = [0,1,3,5,9,13,14,19,21];

Example 20: Combining explicit knots with mult for the quadratic curve to add a corner

nurbs\_curve() Example 20
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
knots = [0,1,3,9,13,14,19,21];
mult = [1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1];

Example 21: Directly repeating a knot in the knot list to create a corner for a cubic spline

nurbs\_curve() Example 21
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
knots = [0,1,3,13,13,13,19,21];

Example 22: Open cubic spline with explicit knots

nurbs\_curve() Example 22
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
knots = [0,1,3,13,13,13,19,21,27,28,29,40,42,44];

Example 23: Closed quintic spline with explicit knots

nurbs\_curve() Example 23
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
knots = [0,1,3,13,13,13,19,21,27,28,33];

Example 24: Closed quintic spline with explicit knots and weights

nurbs\_curve() Example 24
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
weights = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4];
knots = [0,1,3,13,13,13,19,21,27,28,33];

Example 25: Circular arcs are possible with NURBS. This example gives a semi-circle

nurbs\_curve() Example 25
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
control = [[1,0],[1,2],[-1,2],[-1,0]];
w = [1,1/3,1/3,1];
debug_nurbs(control, 3, weights=w, width=0.1, size=.2);

Example 26: Gluing two semi-circles together gives a whole circle. Note that this is a clamped not closed NURBS. The interface uses a knot of multiplicity 3 where the clamped ends of the semi-circles meet.

nurbs\_curve() Example 26
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
control = [[1,0],[1,2],[-1,2],[-1,0],[-1,-2],[1,-2],[1,0]];
w = [1,1/3,1/3,1,1/3,1/3,1];
debug_nurbs(control, 3, splinesteps=16,weights=w,mult=[1,3,1],width=.1,size=.2);

Example 27: Circle constructed with type="closed"

nurbs\_curve() Example 27
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
control = [[1,0],[1,2],[-1,2],[-1,0],[-1,-2],[1,-2]];
w = [1,1/3,1/3,1,1/3,1/3];
debug_nurbs(control, 3, splinesteps=16,weights=w,mult=[1,3,3],width=.1,size=.2,type="closed",show_knots=true);

Module: debug_nurbs()

Synopsis: Shows a NURBS curve and its control points, knots and weights [Geom]

Topics: NURBS, Debugging

See Also: nurbs_curve()


  • debug_nurbs(control, degree, [width], [splinesteps=], [type=], [mult=], [knots=], [size=], [show_weights=], [show_knots=], [show_idx=]);


Displays a 2D or 3D NURBS and the associated control points to help debug NURBS curves. You can display the control point indices and weights, and can also display the knot points.


By Position What it does
control control points for NURBS
degree degree of NURBS
splinesteps number of segments between each pair of knots. Default: 16
width width of the line. Default: 1
size size of text annotations. Default: 3 times the width
mult multiplicity vector for NURBS
weights weight vector for NURBS
type NURBS type, one of "clamped", "open" or "closed". Default: "clamped"
show_index if true then display index of each control point vertex. Default: true
show_weights if true then display any non-unity weights. Default: true if weights vector is supplied, false otherwise
show_knots If true then show the knots on the spline curve. Default: false

Example 1: The default display includes the control point polygon with its vertices numbered, and the NURBS curve

debug\_nurbs() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];

Example 2: If you want to see the knots set show_knots=true:

debug\_nurbs() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];

Example 3: Non-unity weights are displayed if you give a weight vector

debug\_nurbs() Example 3
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
pts = [[5,0],[0,20],[33,43],[37,88],[60,62],[44,22],[77,44],[79,22],[44,3],[22,7]];
weights = [1,1,1,7,1,1,7,1,1,1];

Section: NURBS Surfaces

Function: is_nurbs_patch()

Synopsis: Returns true if the given item looks like a NURBS patch.

Topics: NURBS Patches, Type Checking


  • bool = is_nurbs_patch(x);


Returns true if the given item looks like a NURBS patch. (a 2D array of 3D points.)


By Position What it does
x The value to check the type of.

Function: nurbs_patch_points()

Synopsis: Computes specifies point(s) on a NURBS surface patch

Topics: NURBS Patches

See Also: nurbs_vnf(), nurbs_curve()


  • pointgrid = nurbs_patch_points(patch, degree, [splinesteps], [u=], [v=], [weights=], [type=], [mult=], [knots=]);


Sample a NURBS patch on a point set. If you give splinesteps then it will sampled uniformly in the spline parameter between the knots, ensuring that a sample appears at every knot. If you instead give u and v then the values at those points in parameter space will be returned. The various NURBS parameters can all be single values, if the NURBS has the same parameters in both directions, or pairs listing the value for the two directions.


By Position What it does
patch rectangular list of control points in any dimension
degree a scalar or 2-vector giving the degree of the NURBS in the two directions
splinesteps a scalar or 2-vector giving the number of segments between each knot in the two directions
By Name What it does
u evaluation points in the u direction of the patch
v evaluation points in the v direction of the patch
mult a single list or pair of lists giving the knot multiplicity in the two directions. Default: all 1
knots a single list of pair of lists giving the knot vector in each of the two directions. Default: uniform
weights a single list or pair of lists giving the weight at each control point in the patch. Default: all 1
type a single string or pair of strings giving the NURBS type, where each entry is one of "clamped", "open" or "closed". Default: "clamped"

Example 1: Computing points on a patch using ranges

nurbs\_patch\_points() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
patch = [
    [[-50, 50,  0], [-16, 50,  20], [ 16, 50,  20], [50, 50,  0]],
    [[-50, 16, 20], [-16, 16,  40], [ 16, 16,  40], [50, 16, 20]],
    [[-50,-16, 20], [-16,-16,  40], [ 16,-16,  40], [50,-16, 20]],
    [[-50,-50,  0], [-16,-50,  20], [ 16,-50,  20], [50,-50,  0]],
pts = nurbs_patch_points(patch, 3, u=[0:.1:1], v=[0:.3:1]);
move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=2,$fn=16);

Example 2: Computing points using splinesteps

nurbs\_patch\_points() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
patch = [
    [[-50, 50,  0], [-16, 50,  20], [ 16, 50,  20], [50, 50,  0]],
    [[-50, 16, 20], [-16, 16,  40], [ 16, 16,  40], [50, 16, 20]],
    [[-50,-16, 20], [-16,-16,  40], [ 16,-16,  40], [50,-16, 20]],
    [[-50,-50,  0], [-16,-50,  20], [ 16,-50,  20], [50,-50,  0]],
pts = nurbs_patch_points(patch, 3, splinesteps=5);
move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=2,$fn=16);

Function: nurbs_vnf()

Synopsis: Generates a (possibly non-manifold) VNF for a single NURBS surface patch. [VNF]

Topics: NURBS Patches

See Also: nurbs_patch_points()


  • vnf = nurbs_vnf(patch, degree, [splinesteps], [mult=], [knots=], [weights=], [type=], [style=]);


Compute a (possibly non-manifold) VNF for a NURBS. The input patch must be an array of control points. If weights is given it must be an array of weights that matches the size of the control points. The style parameter gives the vnf_vertex_array() style to use. The other parameters may specify the NURBS parameters in the two directions by giving a single value, which applies to both directions, or a list of two values to specify different values in each direction. You can specify undef for for a direction to keep the default, such as mult=[undef,v_multiplicity].


By Position What it does
patch rectangular list of control points in any dimension
degree a scalar or 2-vector giving the degree of the NURBS in the two directions
splinesteps a scalar or 2-vector giving the number of segments between each knot in the two directions
By Name What it does
mult a single list or pair of lists giving the knot multiplicity in the two directions. Default: all 1
knots a single list of pair of lists giving the knot vector in each of the two directions. Default: uniform
weights a single list or pair of lists giving the weight at each control point in the. Default: all 1
type a single string or pair of strings giving the NURBS type, where each entry is one of "clamped", "open" or "closed". Default: "clamped"
style {{vnf_vertex_array ()}} style to use for triangulating the surface. Default: "default"

Example 1: Quadratic B-spline surface

nurbs\_vnf() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
patch = [
    [[-50, 50,  0], [-16, 50,  20], [ 16, 50,  20], [50, 50,  0]],
    [[-50, 16, 20], [-16, 16,  40], [ 16, 16,  40], [50, 16, 20]],
    [[-50,-16, 20], [-16,-16,  40], [ 16,-16,  40], [50,-16, 20]],
    [[-50,-50,  0], [-16,-50,  20], [ 16,-50,  20], [50,-50,  0]],
vnf = nurbs_vnf(patch, 2);

Example 2: Cubic B-spline surface

nurbs\_vnf() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
patch = [
    [[-50, 50,  0], [-16, 50,  20], [ 16, 50,  20], [50, 50,  0]],
    [[-50, 16, 20], [-16, 16,  40], [ 16, 16,  40], [50, 16, 20]],
    [[-50,-16, 20], [-16,-16,  40], [ 16,-16,  40], [50,-16, 20]],
    [[-50,-50,  0], [-16,-50,  20], [ 16,-50,  20], [50,-50,  0]],
vnf = nurbs_vnf(patch, 3);

Example 3: Cubic B-spline surface, closed in one direction

nurbs\_vnf() Example 3
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
patch = [
    [[-50, 50,  0], [-16, 50,  20], [ 16, 50,  20], [50, 50,  0]],
    [[-50, 16, 20], [-16, 16,  40], [ 16, 16,  40], [50, 16, 20]],
    [[-50,-16, 20], [-16,-16,  40], [ 16,-16,  40], [50,-16, 20]],
    [[-50,-50,  0], [-16,-50,  20], [ 16,-50,  20], [50,-50,  0]],
vnf = nurbs_vnf(patch, 3, type=["closed","clamped"]);

Example 4: B-spline surface cubic in one direction, quadratic in the other

nurbs\_vnf() Example 4
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
patch = [
    [[-50, 50,  0], [-16, 50,  20], [ 16, 50,  20], [50, 50,  0]],
    [[-50, 16, 20], [-16, 16,  40], [ 16, 16,  40], [50, 16, 20]],
    [[-50,-16, 20], [-16,-16,  40], [ 16,-16,  40], [50,-16, 20]],
    [[-50,-50,  0], [-16,-50,  20], [ 16,-50,  20], [50,-50,  0]],
vnf = nurbs_vnf(patch, [3,2],type=["closed","clamped"]);

Example 5: The sphere can be represented using NURBS

nurbs\_vnf() Example 5
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <BOSL2/nurbs.scad>
patch = [
          [[0,0,1], [0,0,1], [0,0,1],  [0,0,1],  [0,0,1],    [0,0,1],  [0,0,1]],
          [[2,0,1], [2,4,1], [-2,4,1], [-2,0,1], [-2,-4,1],  [2,-4,1], [2,0,1]],
          [[2,0,-1],[2,4,-1],[-2,4,-1],[-2,0,-1],[-2,-4,-1], [2,-4,-1],[2,0,-1]],
          [[0,0,-1],[0,0,-1],[0,0,-1], [0,0,-1], [0,0,-1],   [0,0,-1], [0,0,-1]]
weights = [
vknots = [0, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1];
vnf = nurbs_vnf(patch, 3,weights=weights, knots=[undef,vknots]);

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