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Releases: Azure/azure-storage-azcopy


27 Jan 19:08
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Version 10.28.0

New Features

  1. Added support for trailing dot transfers to destinations that do not support trailing dot files. (#2827)
  2. Added support to fall back to LMT on missing source hash when --compare-hash is set for sync commands. (#2866)
  3. When receiving a ShareSizeLimitReached error on transferring a file, AzCopy will now fail fast and suggest the customer increase file share quota and resume the command. (#2895)
  4. Added support to validate destination container name to fail fast if it is a system container. (#2883)
  5. Added support to allow customers to reauthorize credentials on token expiration. (#2887)
  6. Added support to always create missing destination resources in azcopy sync. (#2894)
  7. When targeting flat namespace accounts in azcopy sync,directory stubs can now be overwritten or overlapped. (#2894)

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where AzCopy would not persist tokens when logging in via Device Code by migrating Device Code logic to azidentity Track 2 SDK. (#2361, #2747)
  2. Updated version check to hit updated AzCopy static website URL. The previous URL was taken down due to security requirements. (#2852)
  3. Fixed an issue where jobs clean would be blocked due to trying to clean up its own log file. (#2850)
  4. Fixed an issue where a panic would sometimes be hit due to closing an nil channel. (#2874)
  5. Downgraded go version to 1.22.7 to temporarily resolve reported high memory issue. (#2855)
  6. Fixed an issue where --log-level=NONE would display a log file location. (#2845)
  7. Fixed the log levels of some messages. (#2845)
  8. Corrected the cleanup of files with names ending in / when using --delete-destination-files on azcopy sync. (#2847)
  9. Correctly target objects in copy/sync/delete with names ending in /. (#2847)

Dependency updates

  1. Golang 1.23.1 -> 1.22.7 (#2911)

  2. v0.28.0 -> v0.31.0 (CVE-2024-45337)(#2890)

  3. v0.30.0 -> v0.33.0 (CVE-2024-45338)(#2899)


  1. Updated README and in line text help messages to clarify OAuth support as a source AuthN method in Blob <-> File transfers. (#2838)
  2. Added --log-level=DEBUG as a valid option in text help message. (#2845)


13 Nov 17:23
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Version 10.27.1

Bug Fixes

  1. Reverted a change that resulted in breaking file service transfers and a larger memory footprint. (#2858#2855)

Dependency updates

  1. v4.5.0 -> v4.5.1 (#2861)


31 Oct 17:35
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Version 10.27.0

New Features

  1. Added ability to specify concurrency of piped uploads via the AZCOPY_CONCURRENCY_VALUE environment variable. (#2821)
  2. Update message returned when transfer failure is related to tags permission issues. (#2798)
  3. Optimized number of calls to create directory. (#2828)

Dependency updates

  1. Golang 1.22.5 -> 1.23.1
  2. azidentity 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0
  3. azcore 1.13.0 -> 1.16.0

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where piped downloads in Linux would append AzCopy version information if on an older version. (#2774)
  2. Fixed an issue where sync with --hash-meta-dir would cause original files to be hidden. (#2758)
  3. Fixed an issue where jobs list would result in a segmentation violation. (#2714)
  4. Fixed an issue where list for File would not allow OAuth. (#2821)
  5. Fixed an issue where folders would be handled improperly on FNS accounts. (#2809)
  6. Fixed an issue where --dry-run would sometimes panic due to closing a log file that was already closed. (#2832)
  7. Fixed an issue where sync --delete-destination-files was overwriting all destination files. (#2818)
  8. Fixed an issue where AzCopy would panic due to sending on an already closed channel. (#2703)


  1. Updated in line text help message to say that source and destinations cannot be modified during transfers. (#2826)

AzCopy v10.26.0

31 Jul 14:24
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Security fixes

  1. Updated dependencies to address security vulnerabilities.

New Features

  1. AzCopy now supports distribution through package managers for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Ubuntu, Mariner, Debian, SUSE, Rocky and CentOS. (#2728)

Dependency updates

  1. Golang 1.22.4 -> 1.22.5
  2. azidentity 1.6.0 -> 1.7.0

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where AzCopy would fail to unmarshal the _token_refresh_source property correctly when performing copy jobs from OAuth-attached containers. (#2710)
  2. Fixed a CI pipeline in Azure DevOps to automatically detect CVEs declared against our dependencies. (#2705)

AzCopy v10.25.1

14 Jun 00:29
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Security fixes

  1. Updated Golang to 1.22.4 to address security vulnerabilities

Dependency updates

  1. Golang 1.22.3 -> 1.22.4
  2. azidentity 1.5.1 -> 1.6.0

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a regression in list where --output-type=text would not output any information
  2. Adjusted parsing of AZCOPY_OAUTH_TOKEN_INFO to support both enum names as a string and integers (for users that took dependency upon the accidental changes in 10.25)

AzCopy v10.25.0

28 May 20:01
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Security fixes

  1. Updated Golang version to 1.22.3 to address security vulnerabilities

New Features

  1. Workload Identity authentication is now available (#2619)
  2. azcopy list now supports a --location flag, to support ambiguous URIs (#2595)
  3. azcopy list now properly supports --output-type=json for users in automated scenarios. (#2629)

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug where AzCopy was not reporting performance info in -output-type=json (#2636)
  2. Fixed a bug AzCopy would crash when operating on extremely large (16.5+TB) managed disks (#2635)
  3. Fixed a bug with hash-based sync where the directory structure would not be replicated when using --local-hash-storage-mode=HiddenFiles with --hash-meta-dir (#2611)
  4. Fixed a bug where attempting to use a non-S3/GCP/Azure storage URI would result in treating the URI as a local path (#2652)

Documentation changes

  1. Updated inaccurate helptext and filled in missing helptext (#2649)
  2. Many important errors now include a link to relevant documentation to assist users in troubleshooting AzCopy (#2647)
  3. Ambiguous flags (such as --cpk-by-value) have improved clarity in documentation (#2615)
  4. A clearer error message is provided when failing a transfer due to authorization. (#2644)
  5. A special error has been created when performing an Azure Files to Azure Blob Storage transfer, indicating present lack of service-side support (#2616)

AzCopy v10.25.0-Preview-1

AzCopy v10.24.0

26 Mar 21:53
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Version 10.24.0

New Features

  1. Print summary logs at lower log levels and add BytesTransferred to the output in the jobs show command. (#1319)
  2. Added a flag --put-blob-size-mb to copy, sync and bench commands to specify the maximum size of a blob to be uploaded using PutBlob. (#2561)
  3. Added support for latest put blob service limits. Block blob put blob size can now be set up to 5000MB. (#2569)
  4. Updated all SDK dependencies to their latest version. (#2599)
  5. Updated summary logs to use consistent wording across all commands. (#2602)

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where AzCopy would fail to auto login with the AZCOPY_AUTO_LOGIN_TYPE environment variable set to PSCRED on certain Linux and MacOS environments. (#2491)(#2555)
  2. Fixed a bug where page blob download optimizer would behave incorrectly on highly fragemented blobs if the service times out. (#2445)
  3. Ignore 404 errors on retried deletes. (#2554)
  4. Fixed a bug where the VersionID property would not be honored on the list command. (#2007)
  5. Fixed a bug where ADLS Gen2 paths with encoded special characters would fail to transfer. (#2549)
  6. Fixed an issue where ACL copying would fail when specifying an ADLS Gen2 account with the blob endpoint. (#2546)
  7. Fixed an issue where the snapshot ID would not be preserved when testing which authentication type to use for managed disks. (#2547)
  8. Fixed an issue where copy would panic if a root directory is specified as the destination. (#2036)


  1. Removed the azcopy login/logout deprecation notice. (#2589)
  2. Added a warning for customers using Shared Key for Azure Datalake transfers to indicate that Shared Key authentication will be deprecated and removed in a future release. (#2569)
  3. Updated the list help text to clearly indicate the services and authentication types supported.(#2563)

Security fixes

  1. Updated dependencies to address security vulnerabilities.

AzCopy v10.23.0

29 Jan 19:55
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Version 10.23.0

New Features

  1. Added support to ignore the error and output a summary if a cancelled job has already completed through the use of the --ignore-error-if-completed flag. (#2519)
  2. Added support for high throughput append blob. Append blob block size can now be set to up to 100 MB. (#2480)
  3. Added support to exclude containers when transferring from account to account through the use of the --exclude-container flag. (#2504)

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where specifying AZCOPY_AUTO_LOGIN_TYPE in any form other than uppercase would be incorrectly parsed. (#2499)
  2. Fixed an issue where a failure to rename a file from the temporary prefix to the file name would not be considered to be a failed transfer. (#2481)
  3. Fixed an issue where closing the log would panic for benchmark jobs. (#2537)
  4. Fixed an issue where --preserve-posix-properties would not work on download. (#2497)
  5. Fixed an issue where --decompress would not be honored in Linux. (#2392)
  6. Fixed an issue where log files would miss the .log extension. (#2529)
  7. Fixed an issue where AzCopy would fail to set metadata properties on a read only directory when using the --force-if-read-only flag. (#2515)
  8. Fixed an issue where the AzCopy log location on resumed jobs would be reported incorrectly. (#2466)
  9. Fixed an issue with preserving SMB properties in Linux. (#2530)
  10. Fixed an issue where long-running service to service copies using OAuth at the source would result in the token expiring too early. (#2513)
  11. Fixed an issue where AzCopy would try to create folders that already existed, resulting in many unnecessary requests. (#2511)


  1. Updated --include-directory-stub inline help to match public documentation. (#2488)

AzCopy v10.22.2

10 Jan 18:13
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Version 10.22.2

  1. Fixed an issue where AzCopy operations pointed at a snapshot or version object would operation on the base object instead.
  2. Fixed an issue where AzCopy would download only the base blob when the --list-of-versions flag was used.