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Git & Git related version control software

luongthevinh edited this page Jan 24, 2016 · 3 revisions


Git is the de facto go-to solution for version control.

Go here to download a graphical Git installer appropriate for your machine’s operating system (Mac / Windows).

Run the installer and follow its instructions to install the software:

  • For Mac, the default options are all we need for configuring Git;

  • For Windows:

    • select option "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" when asked about "Adjusting your PATH environment";
    • after Git installation, please open your command-line terminal and run the following code: git config --system core.longpaths true;
    • note that Git on Windows comes with Git Bash, a command-line terminal environment that enables you to run Unix-style commands.


Atlassian's SourceTree is one of the best desktop apps for managing Git repositories online and offline.

  • Go here to download a graphical installer of SourceTree appropriate for your machine’s operating system (Mac / Windows);

  • Run the installer and follow its instructions to install the software into a folder you prefer;

  • Launch SourceTree after installation, follow the default recommended basic configurations, and log in with your GitHub account if you have one;

Important Note for Windows Users: make sure SourceTree uses the "system" Git software (and NOT its own "embedded" Git software), by:

  • Installing Git as instructed above; and

  • In SourceTree, adjust the following setting: go to Tools > Options > Git > Git Version and select "Use System Git".

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