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luongthevinh edited this page Jan 25, 2016 · 11 revisions

Julia is a new, increasingly popular scientific computing language, combining friendly syntaxes like those of Matlab / Octave and a powerful compiler that achieves performance in the order of C / C++.

Go here and download a compressed copy of the Julia + Juno IDE Bundle appropriate for your machine's

  • operating system (Mac / Windows); and
  • processor (32-bit / 64-bit).

Unpack / unzip the downloaded compressed file and move the unpacked / unzipped folder to a location of your choice on your computer. NOTE: your eventual Julia folder path SHOULD NOT CONTAIN SPACES; that would help avoid bugs.

Then you need to add the path to the folder containing your Julia executable files to your system PATH so that your computer knows where to find them:

  • Mac:

    • locate the .bash_profile file in your home folder
    • open the .bash_profile file in a text editor
    • add the following line: export PATH="<path to your folder>/resources/app/julia/bin:PATH"
    • save the .bash_profile file and exit the text editor
    • launch a new command-line terminal window and verify by running command: which julia, which should return the path to the julia executable file.
  • Windows:

    • Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables, look under the System Variable section for the variable Path, and append the following path to the existing text: ;<path to your Julia folder>/resources/app/julia/bin;
    • launch a new command-line terminal window and verify by running command: where julia, which should return the path to the julia.exe executable file.
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