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JetBrains DataGrip DBMS IDE Installation

luongthevinh edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 2 revisions

DataGrip, member of JetBrains's popular family of integrated development environments (IDEs), is an IDE for database management systems (DBMSs).

Go here to download a DataGrip installer appropriate for your computer's operating system (Mac / Windows), run it and follow its instructions.

When launching DataGrip after installation, you may be prompted to register the software. Registering using an .edu email address of yours should give you 6 months-1 year of free use.

Add Drivers for SQL Dialects

DataGrip supports a wide array of SQL dialects via working through many Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers.

To add drivers, go to menu File > Data Sources > Drivers. When you click on a particular SQL dialect, e.g. PostgreSQL, for the first time, there will appear a white box with a Download button for you to download and install the relevant JDBC driver(s).

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