A curated list of awesome Matlab frameworks, libraries and software.
- rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox - Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to get you started.
- probml/pmtk3 - Probabilistic Modeling Toolkit for Matlab/Octave.
- JalaliLabUCLA/Image-feature-detection-using-Phase-Stretch-Transform - PST or Phase Stretch Transform is an operator that finds features in an image. PST implemented using MATLAB here, takes an intensity image I as its input, and returns a binary image out of the same size as I, with 1's where the function finds sharp transitions in I and 0's elsewhere.
- matlab2tikz/matlab2tikz - This program converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures for smooth integration into LaTeX.
- altmany/export_fig - A MATLAB toolbox for exporting publication quality figures
- pdollar/toolbox - Piotr's Image & Video Matlab Toolbox
- kyamagu/mexopencv - Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library
- kyunghyuncho/deepmat - Matlab Code for Restricted/Deep Boltzmann Machines and Autoencoders
- plotly/MATLAB-Online - MATLAB Online Toolbox - Create interactive charts in your web browser with MATLAB and Plotly
- fieldtrip/fieldtrip - The MATLAB software toolbox for MEG and EEG analysis
- dustinstansbury/medal - Matlab Environment for Deep Architecture Learning
- sergeyk/selective_search_ijcv_with_python - Simple Python script to compute Selective Search proposals in Matlab.
- alecjacobson/gptoolbox - Matlab toolbox for Geometry Processing.
- RANSAC/RANSAC-Toolbox - A toolbox to experiment with the RANSAC algorithm for Matlab and Octave
- covartech/PRT - Pattern Recognition Toolbox for MATLAB
- karpathy/Random-Forest-Matlab - A Random Forest implementation for MATLAB. Supports arbitrary weak learners that you can define.
- faridani/MatlabNLP - Natural Language Processing tools for MATLAB
- dch33/Quad-Sim - A package of documentation and software supporting MATLAB/Simulink based dynamic modeling and simulation of quadcopter vehicles for control system design
- lmthang/nmt.matlab - Code to train state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation systems.
- facebook/pose-aligned-deep-networks - Pose Aligned Networks for Deep Attribute Modeling matlab code used for the publication here: http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.5591
- gpeyre/matlab-toolboxes - Contains all my Matlab toolboxes.
- piermorel/gramm - Gramm is a powerful visualization toolbox which allows to quickly create complex, publication-quality figures in Matlab, and is inspired by R's ggplot2 library by Hadley Wickham. As a reference to this inspiration, gramm stands for GRAMmar of graphics for Matlab.
- jaderberg/python-matlab-bridge - A simple interface to allow Python to call MATLAB functions.
- jdelacroix/simiam - A MATLAB-based educational bridge between theory and practice in robotics.
- tntrung/impSDM - The Matlab implementation of Supervised Descent Method (SDM) for Face Alignment.
- ricedsp/rwt - The Rice Wavelet Toolbox (RWT) is a collection of Matlab M-files and C MEX-files for 1D and 2D wavelet and filter bank design, analysis, and processing. The toolbox provides tools for denoising and interfaces directly with our Matlab code for wavelet domain hidden Markov models and wavelet regularized deconvolution.
- nasa/T-MATS - An open source thermodynamic modeling package completed on behalf of NASA. The Toolbox for the Modeling and Analysis of Thermodynamic Systems (T-MATS) package offers a MATLAB/Simulink toolbox that gives a developer the ability to create simulations of such thermodynamic systems as turbomachinery and gas turbines. Keywords: TMATS, Control System, Numerical Methods, Newton-Raphson, Jacobian Calculation, Propulsion, Aircraft Engine, Jet, Turbofan, Turbojet, Compressor, Turbine, Nozzle, Inlet, open source
- benhager/solarized-matlab - Solarized for MATLAB
- scottclowe/matlab-schemer - Apply and save color schemes in MATLAB with ease.
- fangq/jsonlab - JSONlab: a toolbox to encode/decode JSON files in MATLAB/Octave
- chris-taylor/USElection - MATLAB model to make predictions for the US 2012 election
- manur/MATLAB-git - A thin MATLAB wrapper for the Git source control system
- jimmy-ren/vcnn_double-bladed - Vectorized implementation of convolutional neural networks (CNN) in Matlab for both visual recognition and image processing.
- zhzhanp/TCDCN-face-alignment - Matlab implementation of facial landmark detection by deep multi-task learning
- epnev/ca_source_extraction - Matlab implementation of a source extraction and spike inference algorithm for large scale calcium imaging data analysis, based on a constrained matrix factorization approach.
- cvxr/TFOCS - A MATLAB toolbox for building first-order solvers for convex models.
- huashiyiqike/LSTM-MATLAB - LSTM-MATLAB is Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) in MATLAB, which is meant to be succinct, illustrative and for research purpose only. It is accompanied with a paper for reference: Revisit Long Short-Term Memory: An Optimization Perspective, NIPS deep learning workshop, 2014.
- banterle/HDR_Toolbox - HDR Toolbox for processing High Dynamic Range (HDR) images into MATLAB and Octave
- lmendo/MATL - A programming language based on MATLAB and suitable for code golfing
- yalmip/YALMIP - MATLAB toolbox for optimization modeling
- fangfufu/Matlab-Data-Video-Converter - Convert arbitrary binary files into a video.
- Sohl-Dickstein/Minimum-Probability-Flow-Learning - Matlab code implementing Minimum Probability Flow Learning.
- SheffieldML/deepGP - Deep Gaussian Processes in matlab
- scatnet/scatnet - Scattering Network for Matlab
- SheffieldML/vargplvm - Bayesian GPLVM in MATLAB and R
- SheffieldML/GPmat - Matlab implementations of Gaussian processes and other machine learning tools.
- nctoolbox/nctoolbox - NCTOOLBOX A Matlab toolbox for working with common data model datasets
- kts/matlab-midi - Matlab scripts to read and write MIDI files
- graphviz4matlab/graphviz4matlab - Matlab interface to Graphviz graph layout package. Allows interactive editing of the resulting graphs.
- sfstoolbox/sfs-matlab - SFS Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- wme7/aero-matlab - My matlab homework files
- psexton/matlab-xunit - xUnit for Matlab with JUnit-compatible XML output
- FacePlusPlus/facepp-matlab-sdk - Matlab SDK for Face++
- probml/pmtkdata - A collection of MATLAB data sets used by PMTK.
- masumhabib/PlotPub - Publication quality plot in MATLAB.
- gerald-lindsly/mongo-matlab-driver - Matlab driver for MongoDB
- brian-lau/MatlabStan - Matlab interface to Stan, a package for Bayesian inference
- slayton/matlab-xkcdify - XKCDIFY! Adding flair to boring Matlab Axes one plot at a time
- petercorke/robotics-toolbox-matlab - Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB
- textmate/matlab.tmbundle - TextMate support for Matlab / Octave
- ronw/matlab_htk - MATLAB functions that interface with the HTK Speech Recognition Toolkit (http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/) for training HMMs, GMMs and simple speech recognizers.
- marianux/ecg-kit - A Matlab toolbox for cardiovascular signal processing
- vlfeat/vlbenchmarks - VLBenchmark is a MATLAB suite of benchmarks for computer vision features
- justdark/matlab_code-ufldl-exercise- - My UFLDL EXERCISE CODE
- alexandrebarachant/covariancetoolbox - Covariance toolbox for matlab, including riemannian geometry
- ubcmatlabguide/ubcmatlabguide.github.io - YAGTOM: Yet Another Guide TO Matlab
- MaoXu/Joint_Bayesian - According to the paper "Bayesian Face Revisited: A Joint Formulation", the repository realizes the algorithm of Joint Beyesian with Matlab and achieve the same result as the paper
- KirillLykov/cvision-algorithms - Collection of Computer Vision algorithms implemented in Matlab
- joncox123/Cortexsys - Matlab GPU Accelerated Deep Learning Toolbox
- jacobeisenstein/DPMM - Dirichlet process mixture model code in Matlab. Sampling and variational.
- CSAILVision/LabelMeToolbox - MATLAB Toolbox for the LabelMe Image Database
- utiasSTARS/msckf-swf-comparison - MATLAB code and data for our CRV 2015 paper
- LabForComputationalVision/matlabPyrTools - MatLab tools for multi-scale image processing, including Laplacian pyramids, Wavelets, and Steerable Pyramids
- avehtari/BDA_m_demos - Bayesian Data Analysis demos for Matlab/Octave
- johnyf/openstreetmap - MATLAB interface to OpenStreetMap (load maps, extract road connectivity, plot road network & find shortest path)
- jluttine/matlab - A collection of MATLAB scripts
- quandl/Matlab - Quandl's Matlab module
- michaelchughes/NPBayesHMM - Nonparametric Bayesian Inference for Sequential Data. Includes state-of-the-art MCMC inference for Beta process Hidden Markov Models (BP-HMM). Implemented in Matlab.
- mtex-toolbox/mtex - MTEX is a free Matlab toolbox for quantitative texture analysis. Homepage:
- ikarosilva/wfdb-app-toolbox - The WFDB Toolbox for MATLAB/Octave is a collection of functions for reading, writing, and processing physiologic signals in the formats used by PhysioNet (see README for details).
- horchler/SDETools - Matlab Toolbox for the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations –
- brotchie/eulerianmagnify - Eulerian video magnification in Matlab
- AtsushiSakai/MATLABRobotics - MATLAB Sample Code for Robotics
- timholy/julia-matlab - Matlab interface for calling Julia
- mvansegbroeck/vad - Voice Activity Detection system (Matlab-based implementation)
- mpf/spot - A linear-operator toolbox for Matlab
- kirk86/ImageRetrieval - Content Based Image Retrieval Techniques (e.g. knn, svm using MatLab GUI)
- geoscience-community-codes/GISMO - MATLAB Toolbox for Seismic Data Analysis
- rishirdua/machine-learning-matlab - Matlab implementation of Machine Learning algorithms
- plok6325/Parallel-Get - a toolbox to get CHN stock data for matlab
- lindahua/pli-toolbox - A MATLAB Toolbox for Probabilistic Learning and Inference
- stephenbeckr/fastRPCA - Matlab code for all variants of robust PCA and SPCP
- singaxiong/SignalGraph - Matlab-based deep learning toolkit that supports arbitrary directed acyclic graphs (DAG). Support DNN, LSTM, CNN layers and many signal processing layers. Include recipes/examples of using the tool for various tasks.
- pengsun/MatlabCNN - Matlab codes for 2D Convolutional Neural Network
- JorgeGT/PlotRTL1090 - 3D visualization of air traffic through RTL-SDR (dump1090) and MATLAB
- johnyf/fig2u3d - Export MATLAB figure as U3D file or directly to 3D interactive PDF
- jaijuneja/ekf-slam-matlab - A Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping simulation in MATLAB
- 13952522076/CollaborativeFiltering - matlab,协同过滤,MovieLens数据集,电影推荐系统
- zhegan27/TSBN_code_NIPS2015 - The Matlab Code and the Supplementary Material for the NIPS 2015 paper "Deep Temporal Sigmoid Belief Networks for Sequence Modeling"
- stabix/stabix - Slip transfer analysis toolbox and GUIs (Matlab)
- sqlp/sdpt3 - SDPT3: MATLAB/Octave software for semidefinite-quadratic-linear programming
- dmaniloff/libpomdp - libpomdp is a set of POMDP approximation algorithms implemented in Java and Matlab
- canlab/CanlabCore - Core tools required for running Canlab Matlab toolboxes.
- steven2358/kafbox - A Matlab benchmarking toolbox for kernel adaptive filtering
- ketch/RK-opt - Matlab scripts to search for Runge-Kutta methods that are optimal in terms of SSP coefficient
- johannesgerer/jburkardt-m - An official Git Mirror of John Burkardt's great collection of MATLAB Software
- diehl/Incremental-SVM-Learning-in-MATLAB - This MATLAB package implements the methods for exact incremental/decremental SVM learning, regularization parameter perturbation and kernel parameter perturbation presented in "SVM Incremental Learning, Adaptation, and Optimization" by Christopher Diehl and Gert Cauwenberghs.
- andreas-bulling/ActRecTut - MATLAB Human Activity Recognition Toolbox
- xuzhenqi/cnn - This is a matlab-code implementation of convolutional neural network
- rmgarnett/gpml_extensions - Provides various extensions to the GPML toolbox for Gaussian process inference in MATLAB.
- kimjingu/nonnegfac-matlab - Matlab implementations of fast algorithms for nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations
- jschwizer99/plot2svg - Save MATLAB plots as svg files
- JianboTang/RNN_MATLAB - this is a matlab toolbox of deep learning about sequences learning, object-oriented,including rnn, lstm and encoder decoder(sequences to sequences) etc.GPU version is available
- gwtaylor/imCRBM - Matlab implementation of Implicit mixtures of Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines.
- CoSMoMVPA/CoSMoMVPA - A lightweight multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) toolbox in Matlab / Octave
- andrewssobral/mtt - MATLAB Tensor Tools
- pyoceans/python-seawater - Translated version of the matlab CSIRO seawater toolbox
- isaacgerg/matlabHyperspectralToolbox - initial cut
- DrosteEffect/BrewerMap - [MATLAB] The complete palette of ColorBrewer colormaps. Simple selection by scheme name and map length.
- dlegland/matGeom - Matlab geometry toolbox for 2D/3D geometric computing
- dlaptev/RobustPCA - Robust PCA implementation and examples (Matlab)
- dgleich/gaimc - Graph Algorithms in Matlab Code
- datajoint/datajoint-matlab - High-level relational database interface for MATLAB
- amandajshao/crowd_group_profile - Matlab code for our CVPR 2014 work "Scene-Independent Group Profiling in Crowd".
- zoharby/plot_google_map - MATLAB function for plotting a Google map on the background of a figure
- TheFGX/Hierarchical-Hidden-Markov-Model - Matlab Implementation of "The Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model: Analysis and Applications"
- StackOverflowMATLABchat/NeuralNetPlayground - A MATLAB implementation of the TensorFlow Neural Networks Playground seen on http://playground.tensorflow.org/
- Sinergia-BMZ/swa-matlab - Sleep Wave Analysis - an open source toolbox for matlab to score and analyse various waveforms in sleep EEG data
- SIMEXP/psom - pipeline system for octave and matlab
- ronw/matlab_hmm - MATLAB functions for training and evaluating HMMs and GMMs.
- MOxUnit/MOxUnit - An xUnit framework for Matlab and GNU Octave
- mne-tools/mne-matlab - MNE scripting with Matlab
- Manca/face-detection - My Face Detection application written in Matlab.
- lizhangzhan/plsa - a probabilistic latent semantic analysis model in matlab programming
- kendrickkay/knkutils - MATLAB utility functions written by Kendrick Kay
- baidut/OpenVehicleVision - An opensource lib. for vehicle vision applications (written by MATLAB), lane marking detection, road segmentation 如需商用需注意其中部分算法受专利保护
- ASETS/asetsMatlabMaxFlow - Matlab implementation of continuous max flow variants
- yabata/pyrenn - A Recurrent Neural Network Toolbox for Python and Matlab
- tinevez/matlab-tree - A MATLAB class to represent the tree data structure.
- tfzhou/BINGObjectness - BING Objectness proposal estimator Matlab wrapper. More in http://mmcheng.net/bing/
- tambetm/matlab2048 - 2048 playing agent using deep Q-learning in Matlab.
- sofacoustics/API_MO - SOFA Matlab/Octave API
- rconan/OOMAO - Object-Oriented, Matlab & Adaptive Optics
- pengsun/MexConv3D - Matlab mex implementation of the basic operations for 3D (volume) Convolutional Neural Network
- ojwoodford/sc - A MATLAB toolbox to turn gridded data into pretty images
- MITComputationalCamera/LightFields - HW#3 Uses Matlab to compute a lightfield refocus
- lucklab/erplab - ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.
- iahncajigas/nSTAT - Neural Spike Train Analysis Toolbox for Matlab
- grinsted/gwmcmc - An implementation of the Goodman & Weare MCMC sampler for matlab
- g2e/seizmo - passive seismology toolbox for Matlab & GNU Octave
- bbci/bbci_public - MATLAB toolbox for Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI)
- avisingh599/vo-howard08 - A MATLAB implementation of Visual Odometry using Andrew Howard's 2008 paper.
- alexgkendall/OPTICS_Clustering - MATLAB Implementation of the OPTICS unsupervised clustering algorithm
- alexanderlerch/ACA-Code - Matlab scripts accompanying the book "An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis" (www.AudioContentAnlysis.org)
- akanazawa/Semantic-texton-forests - Implementation of semantic texton forests in matlab
- adikhosla/mturkMatlab - MATLAB toolbox for communicating with Amazon's Mechanical Turk (AMT) API.
- ZhuangLab/matlab-storm - GUIs and functions for analyzing STORM data in MATLAB
- zhegan27/dpfa_icml2015 - The Matlab Code for the ICML 2015 paper "Scalable Deep Poisson Factor Analysis for Topic Modeling"
- WeishanDong/UFLDL-Tutorial-Exercise - This repo contains completed exercises (code in MATLAB) of Prof. Andrew Ng's Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning (UFLDL) online tutorial: http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/UFLDL_Tutorial
- waps101/3DMM_edges - Matlab implementation of algorithm for fitting 3D Morphable Model to images using edge features
- SIMEXP/niak - Octave/Matlab library for mining large fMRI datasets
- Rudiment-Info/arcade - The ARtillery Crater Analysis and Detection Engine (ARCADE) is an experimental computer vision application built using MATLAB. ARCADE scans satellite imagery for signs of artillery bombardment, geocodes artillery blast craters, and will ultimately calculate the inbound trajectory of projectiles.
- Robert0812/midfilter_reid - Matlab code for our CVPR 2014 work on learning mid-level filters for person re-identification
- rmgarnett/active_learning - Active learning toolbox for MATLAB
- nik1106/MNA-MAT - An easy-to-use MATLAB tool for SPICE netlist simulation
- mvallieres/radiomics - MATLAB programming tools for radiomics analysis
- howarth/DeepLearnLab - Deep Learning in Matlab
- GuntherStruyf/matlab-tools - Matlab tools which come in handy in a couple of situations
- goGPS-Project/goGPS_MATLAB - goGPS MATLAB is an advanced GNSS observation processing software.
- francopestilli/life - MatLab routines for evaluating the quality of white-matter connectomes generated using diffusion-weighted imaging.
- eigtool/eigtool - EigTool is open MATLAB software for analyzing eigenvalues, pseudospectra, and related spectral properties of matrices.
- ebrevdo/synchrosqueezing - The MATLAB Synchrosqueezing Toolbox
- davidstutz/matlab-mnist-two-layer-perceptron - A two layer perceptron implemented in MatLab to recognize handwritten digits based on the MNIST dataset.
- apjanke/matlab-bench - Some utilities for exploring Matlab's behavior
- stefslon/exportToPPTX - MatLab tool for exporting data to PowerPoint 2007+ files without the need COM-object automation.
- spunt/bspmview - MATLAB program for viewing 3D fMRI statistical images
- Sohl-Dickstein/Hamiltonian-Annealed-Importance-Sampling - Matlab code implementing Hamiltonian Annealed Importance Sampling for importance weight, partition function, and log likelihood estimation for models with continuous state spaces
- simondlevy/SensorFusion - A simple Matlab example of sensor fusion using a Kalman filter
- rayryeng/equi2cubic - MATLAB script that converts equirectangular images into six cube faces
- polarch/Spherical-Harmonic-Transform - A collection of MATLAB routines for the Spherical Harmonic Transform and related manipulations in the spherical harmonic spectrum.
- petercorke/machinevision-toolbox-matlab - Machine Vision Toolbox for MATLAB
- NOCIONS/letswave6 - Letswave 6 - Matlab EEG signal processing toolbox
- MatthewPeterKelly/OptimTraj - A trajectory optimization library for Matlab
- markuman/go-redis - GNU Octave Redis client (for Matlab too)
- libDirectional/libDirectional - Matlab library for directional statistics and directional estimation
- johncolby/along-tract-stats - A MATLAB toolbox for performing along-tract analysis of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) MRI tractography data.
- jflalonde/skyModel - MATLAB implementation of the Perez physically-based sky model.
- jflalonde/shadowDetection - MATLAB implementation of our shadow detection approach, introduced in our ECCV 2010 paper.
- iandol/opticka - Opticka is an object–oriented visual stimulus+experiment manager built on top of the Psychophysics toolbox (PTB) for Matlab. It runs experimental tasks using flexible full state machine logic and easily does dynamic methods-of-constants type experiments with full behavioural control. It uses a class system to create simple to use visual stimuli using experimenter friendly units. Opticka can use an Eyelink eyetracker, Plexon Omniplex neurophysiology data collection and general TTL control using either a cheap LabJack (ms precision) or DataPixx (µs precision). It contains analysis routines linked to Fieldtrip for spike and LFP data easily parsed in terms of the experimental variables.
- ewiger/yamlmatlab - Java-based implementation of YAML IO support in MATLAB.
- davidkun/HyperSpectralToolbox - HyperSpectral Matlab Toolbox forked from Sourceforge
- ceshine/RRL_Matlab - Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Matlab Implementation
- cadieu/twolayer - Spatial and Transformational Invariants Matlab Code
- analogdevicesinc/MathWorks_tools - Scripts and tools created by ADI to be used with MATLAB and Simulink with ADI products
- wspr/matlab-plot-tools - Various small packages for Matlab
- wemackey/iEye - MATLAB eye-movement data toolbox
- victorlempitsky/Mate - Object-oriented CPU/GPU ConvNets in MATLAB based on MatConvNet
- trentool/TRENTOOL3 - Open-Source MATLAB toolbox for transfer entropy estimation
- simulkade/FVTool - Finite volume toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- OpenWaterAnalytics/EPANET-Matlab-Toolkit - A Matlab class for EPANET water distribution simulation libraries
- OpenWaterAnalytics/epanet-matlab - Matlab wrappers and scripts for various EPANET applications, including MSX
- nathanieljohnston/QETLAB - A MATLAB toolbox for quantum entanglement.
- marbsydo/Steganography - Image & video steganography in Matlab
- jorgengrythe/beamforming - Matlab files for various types of beamforming
- jflalonde/illuminationSingleImage - MATLAB implementation of our llumination estimation technique from a single image (ICCV'09 and IJCV'12 papers)
- jameslyons/matlab_speech_features - A set of speech feature extraction functions for ASR and speaker identification written in matlab.
- fordanic/image-registration - A MATLAB library/toolbox providing access to image registration suitable for use with medical images.
- fangq/iso2mesh - iso2mesh - a 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave
- avehtari/PSIS - Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS) and PSIS leave-one-out cross-validation for Python and Matlab/Octave
- zhegan27/dsbn_aistats2015 - The Matlab Code for the AISTATS 2015 paper "Learning Deep Sigmoid Belief Network with Data Augmentation"
- vperic/mmockito - mmockito is a MATLAB mock framework based on Java Mockito.
- vlblocks/vlblocks - Blocks - a MATLAB experiment framework
- suhangpro/epicflow - A Matlab wrapper for EpicFlow
- steven2358/kmbox - Kernel Methods Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- stephenbeckr/SparsifiedKMeans - KMeans for big data using preconditioning and sparsification, Matlab implementation
- softwarespartan/IB4m - Interactive Brokers API for Matlab
- sjtrny/Dark-Channel-Haze-Removal - MATLAB implementation of "Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior"
- sduprey/optimal_transaction_execution - This entry contains two topics The first item is entirely based on the following paper: http://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/papers/pdf/SFB649DP2011-056.pdf It contains 2 MATLAB demonstrating script : DATA_preprocessing.m & VAR_modeling_script.m DATA_preprocessing.m uses the LOBSTER framework (https://lobster.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/) to preprocess high frequency data from the NASDAQ Total View ITCH (csv files) allowing us to reconstruct exactly at each time the order book up to ten depths. Just look at the published script ! VAR_modeling_script.m contains the modeling of the whole order book as VEC/VAR process. It uses the great VAR/VEC Joahnsen cointegration framework. After calibrating your VAR model, you then assess the impact of an order using shock scenario (sensitivity analysis) to the VAR process. We deal with 3 scenarii : normal limit order, aggressive limit order & normal market order). Play section by section the script (to open up figures which contain a lot of graphs). It contains a power point to help you present this complex topic. The second item is entirely based on the following paper : http://www.courant.nyu.edu/~almgren/papers/optliq.pdf It contains a mupad document : symbolic_demo.mn I did struggle to get something nice with the symbolic toolbox. I was not able to drive a continuous workflow and had to recode some equations myself. I nevertheless managed to get a closed form solution for the simplified linear cost model. It contains a MATLAB demonstrating script : working_script.m For more sophisticated cost model, there is no more closed form and we there highlighted MATLAB numerical optimization abilities (fmincon). It contains an Optimization Apps you can install. Just launch the optimization with the default parameters. And then switch the slider between volatility risk and liquidation costs to see the trading strategies evolve on the efficient frontier. It contains a power point to help you present this complex topic.
- ryotat/tensor - matlab code for convex optimization based tensor decomposition (completion/denoising)
- rothnic/DataFrame - Matlab impelementation of DataFrame/Pandas concept.
- PortfolioEffect/PE-HFT-Matlab - MATLAB toolbox for high frequency portfolio analysis, intraday backtesting and optimization
- ojwoodford/batch_job - Parallelize MATLAB for loops across workers, without the Parallel Computing Toolbox
- NicolasBoumal/manopt - Manopt, a Matlab toolbox for optimization on manifolds
- nicolasayotte/MatlabGDSPhotonicsToolbox - This is a Matlab library of functions to facilitate the design of Photonics Integrated Circuits GDS layout.
- m-r-s/reference-feature-extraction - Reference Matlab/Octave implementations of feature extraction algorithms
- Mensen/ept_TFCE-matlab - Advanced EEG Statistics
- Matlab-Biometric-recognition/Facial-Expression-Recognition-Matlab-Code - Facial Expression Recognition Matlab Code
- lostanlen/scattering.m - Scattering.m — a MATLAB toolbox for signal scattering
- lonl/CDBN - Convolutional Deep Belief Networks with 'MATLAB','MEX','CUDA' versions
- KrisKusano/datapackage - Load dataprotocols.org Tabular Data Packages in MATLAB
- klho/FLAM - Fast linear algebra in MATLAB
- jonathanlilly/jLab - A Matlab toolbox for big data analysis, signal processing, mapping, and oceanographic applications.
- ispamm/Lynx-Toolbox - Lynx Matlab Toolbox
- dstolz/epsych - Epsych is a toolbox for extending Tucker-Davis Technologies hardware and software for Matlab-in-the-loop behavior and/or electrophysiology
- danyalrehman/MATLAB - Just a series of MATLAB scripts to deeper understand Digital Signal Processing
- cfackler/zenburn_matlab - A port of the Zenburn color scheme to the MATLAB environment.
- BlackrockMicrosystems/NPMK - Neural Processing Matlab Kit is a set of functions for loading and manipulating data from Blackrock Microsystems' data files (.CCF, .NEV, .NSx).
- bastibe/transplant - Transplant is an easy way of calling Matlab from Python
- arron2003/rgbd2full3d - Matlab codes that convert a RGBD image into a cad like model. This code is released as a part of my PhD dissertation.
- Allopart/rbpf-gmapping - MatLab implementation of a Rao-Blacwellized Particle Filter for Grid- Based FastSlam
- WaterlooRobotics/mobilerobotics - Matlab and Robot code for ME 597: Autonomous Mobile Robotics at the University of Waterloo
- tntrung/impFaceRecognition - A Matlab implementation of Face Recognition using Sparse Representation.
- StevenJL/tdoa_localization - Time delay of arrival localization algorithm in Matlab
- shaisha/EasyConvNet - A simple implementation of convolutional networks in Matlab
- scttl/marks_based_ocr - Matlab based document image analysis and classification system, that makes heavy use of contextual and language cues to decode image glyphs
- rmeddis/MAP - MATLAB model of the auditory periphery
- Qingbao/iris - Iris Recognition Algorithms Comparison between Daugman algorithm and Hough transform on Matlab
- maximm8/VisualHull - Creation of Visual Hull using Matlab
- mathworks/Enigma - MATLAB App for simulating the Enigma encryption machine
- lubimovnik/NMFdenoiser - Matlab toolbox for making audio denoising using several NMF techniques
- lbl1985/toolbox - matlab toolbox repo
- jwagenaar/SFR-Toolbox - Access Scientific File Formats using standardized syntax in Matlab
- jorgehatccrma/AudioMorphing - Just that (for Matlab)
- jmiseikis/RobotNavigation - MATLAB implementation of two popular navigation algorithms: A-star and Real-Time Randomized Path Planning
- jimmy-ren/vLSTM - Vectorized multimodal LSTM using Matlab and GPU
- jeanluct/braidlab - Matlab package for analyzing data using braids
- jacobgil/BagOfVisualWords - A simple Matlab implementation of Bag Of Words with SIFT keypoints and HoG descriptors, using VLFeat.
- iwbailey/processRFmatlab - matlab functions and scripts for working with receiver functions
- horchler/QTWriter - Export QuickTime Movies with Matlab –
- etrulls/matlab-colorscheme - A programmatical way to avoid staring at a white screen forever.
- eliduenisch/latexTable - This MATLAB function converts matrices, cells or tables from MATLAB to LaTeX table code.
- ehodneland/cellsegm - An automated MATLAB tool for segmentation of surface stained cells.
- dmarienko/Matlab - Some usefull matlab scripts
- dlegland/matImage - Image Processing library for Matlab
- djoshea/matlab-utils - Collection of miscellaneous shared utils for Matlab
- chrisconlon/blp-demand - estimate BLP demand model in Matlab using state-of-the-art techniques
- cheniffer/VASP-Matlab - Scripts for creating, reading, visualizing, analyzing data, etc for files for DFT calculations using VASP.
- CellProfiler/CellProfiler-1.0 - CellProfiler 1.0 (Matlab-based), current version at: CellProfiler/CellProfiler
- aldebaro/ufpa-face-detection - Face detection for Octave / Matlab based on Viola & Jones' algorithm
- widmann/firfilt - Routines for designing Windowed Sinc, Parks-McClellan and Moving Average Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters and filtering EEGLAB EEG datasets. The routines for designing Parks-McClellan FIR filters require the MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox. Report bugs, unexpected behavior and feature requests to widmann at uni-leipzig dot de.
- vtpasquale/NASTRAN_CoFE - NASTRAN compatible finite element analysis and optimization implemented with MATLAB
- UCI-CARL/VisualStimulusToolbox - A lightweight Matlab toolbox for generating, storing, and plotting visual stimuli related to vision and neuroscience research such as sinusoidal gratings, plaids, random dot fields, and noise.
- taheris/BRML.jl - Julia translation for David Barber's Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning MATLAB toolbox
- sjtrny/MatteKit - MATLAB library for alpha matting
- SergioRAgostinho/five_point_algorithm - A MATLAB implementation of the Five-Point Algorithm by David Nistér
- sciguy14/Nerf-Sentry-Gun - The Nerf Sentry Gun uses Scale Invariant Feature Transform via MATLAB to perform badge recognition of room entrants and fire upon those who don't have access! Using motion tracking, it can follow the intruder and fire darts at them. Images of the intruder are uploaded to the web and tweeted.
- robertoostenveld/cifti-matlab - MATLAB code for reading and writing CIFTI connectivity files
- rishirdua/linear-separability-matlab - This MATLAB code tests if given set of points are linearly separable using Linear Perceptron. Linear Perceptron is guaranteed to find a solution if one exists. This approach is not efficient for large dimensions. Computationally the most effective way to decide whether two sets of points are linearly separable is by applying linear programming.
- OpenPIV/openpiv-matlab - Matlab version of the OpenPIV project (open source Particle Image Velocimetry)
- NilsWinter/matlab-bayesian-estimation - Matlab Toolbox for Bayesian Estimation
- MOcov/MOcov - A coverage report generator for Matlab and GNU Octave.
- jmrf/HOG-Pedestrian-Detector - MATLAB implementation of a basic HOG + SVM pedestrian detector.
- jeljaik/extended-kalman-filter - Matlab and C++ code for implementation of the Extended Kalman Filter for estimating dynamic quantities for a single rigid body with distributed force/torque measurements and distributed gyroscopes and accelerometers measurements.It also include estimation of the orientation under the quaternion representation.
- jaygreco/Amazon-Dash-Decoder - A MATLAB implementation for decoding of configuration packets for the iOS Amazon Dash Button setup.
- JasonFriedman/RepeatedMeasures - MATLAB software for running psychophysics and motor control experiments
- jaolive/SiStER - An easy-to-use MATLAB code to simulate long-term lithosphere and mantle deformation
- irfu/irfu-matlab - Matlab routines to work with space data, particularly with Cluster data from CAA. Also some general plasma routines.
- IPL-UV/altoolbox - MATLAB Active Learning Toolbox for Remote Sensing
- IoSR-Surrey/MatlabToolbox - General purpose Matlab toolbox
- FESTUNG/project - MATLAB / GNU Octave code of FESTUNG
- DylanMuir/SlackMatlab - Basic integration for Slack notifications for Matlab.
- dgleich/mcode - A list of my personal Matlab codes
- dengwirda/jigsaw-matlab - JIGSAW is a Delaunay-based unstructured mesh generator for two- and three-dimensional geometries.
- davidvarga/MBeautifier - MBeautifier is a Matlab source code formatter or beautifier. It is Matlab based and can be used directly in the Matlab Editor and also can be configured.
- darshanime/neural-networks-MATLAB - Implementation of Artificial neural networks in MATLAB.
- daeyun/Image-Stitching - MATLAB code for panorama image stitching.
- collinhover/face_detector - Skin based, multi-scale, non rotated face detector written in Matlab, trained using Adaboost, bootstrapping, and classifier cascades.
- ClaireXie/face2sketch - This code is the MATLAB implementation of converting face to sketch and vice versa
- cjhammond/neuroelf - NeuroElf MATLAB toolbox
- charlesxu90/Machine_Learning_Matlab - Matlab codes for Machine Learning algorithms.
- catch22/octave-doctest - Doctests for Octave/Matlab
- brian-lau/MatlabAUC - Matlab code for the area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) and confidence intervals
- bodono/apg - A lightweight accelerated proximal-gradient package for matlab
- bobbiesimpson/Isogeometric-BEM - Matlab code for isogeometric boundary element analysis
- arokem/WavefrontOptics - Matlab toolbox for analyzing wavefront optics data; especially human adaptive optics measurements
- annacgilbert/Simple-sublinear-Fourier-sampling - Simple Matlab implementation of a sublinear Fourier sampling algorithm
- yuxjiang/CAFA2 - Matlab Evaluation codes for the 2nd CAFA experiment
- YourBrain/Contec-Pulse-Oximeter-in-Matlab - Matlab code to collect real time data from Contec Pulse Oximeters (Heart rate monitor). Please note, this is unsupported and unofficial code that I am sharing in case it is any use to anyone.
- ymatsunaga/mdtoolbox - MDToolbox: A MATLAB/Octave toolbox for statistical analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories
- vrdmr/CS273a-Introduction-to-Machine-Learning - Introduction to machine learning and data mining How can a machine learn from experience, to become better at a given task? How can we automatically extract knowledge or make sense of massive quantities of data? These are the fundamental questions of machine learning. Machine learning and data mining algorithms use techniques from statistics, optimization, and computer science to create automated systems which can sift through large volumes of data at high speed to make predictions or decisions without human intervention. Machine learning as a field is now incredibly pervasive, with applications from the web (search, advertisements, and suggestions) to national security, from analyzing biochemical interactions to traffic and emissions to astrophysics. Perhaps most famously, the $1M Netflix prize stirred up interest in learning algorithms in professionals, students, and hobbyists alike. This class will familiarize you with a broad cross-section of models and algorithms for machine learning, and prepare you for research or industry application of machine learning techniques. Background We will assume basic familiarity with the concepts of probability and linear algebra. Some programming will be required; we will primarily use Matlab, but no prior experience with Matlab will be assumed. (Most or all code should be Octave compatible, so you may use Octave if you prefer.) Textbook and Reading There is no required textbook for the class. However, useful books on the subject for supplementary reading include Murphy's "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective", Duda, Hart & Stork, "Pattern Classification", and Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, "The Elements of Statistical Learning".
- tomdoel/pulmonarytoolkit - Lung medical image analysis and visualisation software for Matlab.
- tjhickey724/OctaveBat - This is a repository of unit tests for simple matlab/octave functions that are similar to the problems on codingbat.com
- Symphony-DAS/symphony-matlab - Symphony Data Acquisition System
- sussillo/hfopt-matlab - A parallel, cpu-based matlab implemention of the Hessian Free (HF) optimization (feed forward networks, recurrent neural networks (RNN), multiplicative recurrente neural networks (MRNN)).
- smistad/3D-Gradient-Vector-Flow-for-Matlab - This is an implementation of Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) for 3D in Matlab. It is based on the original 2D implementation of Xu and Prince.
- SimonDu/CUR-matrix-decomposition - A matlab library for CUR matrix decomposition
- sachinkariyattin/HWCR - Handwritten Character Recognition System using Neural Networks is developed using MATLAB Neural Network and Image Processing tool box. This system has been developed using existing algorithms like Preprocessing and Feature Extraction techniques.
- rodralez/NaveGo - NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB toolbox for simulating integrated navigation systems and performing Allan variance analysis.
- robince/tdistfit - Matlab code for fitting multidimensional t-distributions
- rafavzqz/geopdes - GeoPDEs is an open source and free package for the research and teaching of Isogeometric Analysis, written in Octave and fully compatible with Matlab.
- psycharo/factor-graph - matlab/c++ factor graph framework
- open-ephys/simpleclust - Manual spike clustering software for matlab
- oferon/Ofer_Matlab - my Matlab functions
- mortonne/aperture - Matlab toolbox for univariate and multivariate analysis of EEG data in the time and frequency domains
- maxime/narrative-gps - An attempt to read the GPS Snapshot files from the Narrative Camera with Matlab
- MatthewPeterKelly/dscTutorials - A few simple tutorials for dynamical systems and control. Most require Matlab.
- LundUniversityComputerVision/multipol - Matlab toolbox for systems of polynomial equations
- jponttuset/davis-matlab - A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation
- josecamachop/MEDA-Toolbox - Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis Toolbox for Matlab
- jooh/matlab-plotting - Code for bending Matlab's figures to your will.
- jkitchin/matlab-cmu - +cmu matlab package for units and other useful things.
- jensb89/Matlab-Pushbullet - Matlab class to connect with pushbullet
- jckane/Voice_Analysis_Toolkit - A set of Matlab code for carrying out glottal source and voice quality analysis
- JamzyWang/JPEG2000 - An implementation of JPEG2000 written in Matlab
- JaimeIvanCervantes/FaceRecognition - Face recognition written in MATLAB. This code implements Fisher's Discriminant Analysis and SVMs using LIBSVM.
- Ismail-AlJubbah/Arabic-Handwriting-Recognition-Using-Matlab - Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Neural Network in MATLAB ( Word Level )
- ikuwow/PatchMatch - The PatchMatch algorithm on MATLAB
- hangxyz/License-Plate-Recognition-by-MATLAB - 基于MATLAB的车牌识别系统
- gwtaylor/convnet_matlab - Simple 2-d convolutional net demo for Matlab.
- gwheaton/ID3-Decision-Tree - A MATLAB implementation of the ID3 decision tree algorithm for EECS349 - Machine Learning
- GeoffCowles/fvcom-toolbox - A collection of Matlab post- and pre-processing tools for the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM)
- gaika/madiff - Matlab Automatic Differentiation (reverse mode, OO)
- frohro/PSK31-Simulation-Octave-Matlab - This is a model modulator/demodulator for the PSK31 digital communications protocol to try out various algorithms.
- FNNDSC/matlab - Matlab Projects and Snippets
- dprice80/mni2fs - MNI2FS: Surface Rendering of MNI Space Volumes for MATLAB
- DonovanBenoit/RasterToVector - A project to use matlab to convert raster image to a vector format.
- djoshea/matlab-save-figure - Cross-platform figure export from Matlab to SVG, PDF, PNG, etc. preserving transparency
- decabyte/arff_matlab - ARFF reader/writer tools for MATLAB
- dcherian/tools - My MATLAB tools + other stuff
- dantswain/redis-matlab - A Redis client in pure Matlab
- CTU-IIG/TORSCHE - The repository for TORSCHE Scheduling Toolbox for Matlab
- charlienash/nricp - Matlab implementation of non-rigid iterative closest point
- bobpepin/YacuDecu - CUDA Deconvolution Library with C and Matlab API
- aojeda/mobilab - MoBILAB toolbox for MATLAB is an analysis and visualization platform for Mobile Brain/Body data.
- AnalysePrestackSeismic/APS_Release - A library of MATLAB code for analysing post-migration pre-stack seismic data.
- amolchanov86/matcaffe_tools - Some matlab tools for caffe
- alchemyst/ternplot - Plot ternary diagrams in Matlab
- akhiljain93/inpainting - A MATLAB implementation of the revolutionary Kulkarni and Rajagopalan algorithm for inpainting using tensor voting.
- ahmetcecen/MultiPolyRegress-MatlabCentral - Multivariate Polynomial Regression
- YiqingZhang/selectiveSearch - my own MATLAB implementation of the selective search algorithm
- yanboxue/rnntool - RNNTool is a matlab toolbox for Recurrent Neural Network
- xumi1993/SplitRFLab - A Matlab toolbox of processing receiver functions and shear wave spliting
- ustunb/slim-matlab - optimized scoring systems in matlab
- ushadow/gesture-recog - Gesture recognition algorithms in MATLAB
- tsumpf/arrShow - arrayShow: A Matlab image viewer for multidimensional complex data (e.g. MRI images)
- tboerstad/DSPView - A MATLAB GUI for ultrasound B-mode, velocity, strain and elastographic processing.
- sunglok/TriangulationToolbox - Triangulation Toolbox for MATLAB
- spunt/bspm - Utility MATLAB functions and wrappers for fMRI data analysis, mostly based in SPM12
- sonots/cvprtoolbox - Yet Another MATLAB Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition toolbox
- socib/glider_toolbox - MATLAB/Octave scripts to manage data collected by a glider fleet, including data download, data processing and product and figure generation, both in real time and delayed time.
- snopt/snopt-matlab - Matlab interface for sparse nonlinear optimizer SNOPT
- slayton/matlab-git - A simple function that lets you use GIT from matlab using standard GIT commands
- simon-r/Audio-Tools - A collection of matlab function and classes for manipulating and analyze audio-files.
- simgunz/802.11n-ldpc - A matlab implementation of the 802.11n LDPC encoder and decoder
- RWalecki/DOC-Toolbox - Dynamic Ordinal Classification Toolbox (in Matlab)
- Robert0812/salience_match - Matlab code for our ICCV 2013 work "Person Re-identification by Salience Matching"
- rflamary/nonconvex-optimization - Matlab/Octave toolbox for nonconvex optimization
- renci-unc/StormSurgeViz - A MATLAB-based tool for visualization and analysis of UGRID-compliant ADCIRC model output
- RehabEngGroup/MOtoNMS - Matlab MOtion data elaboration TOolbox for NeuroMusculoSkeletal applications
- redbKIT/redbKIT - redbKIT is a MATLAB library for reduced-order modeling of parametrized PDEs
- RazvanRanca/Matlab-ImageStitching - Combines multiple images with overlapping areas thus creating a panorama - Computer vision course project
- randvoorhies/SimpleKalman - A very simple 1D Kalman Filter in MATLAB (for teaching)
- quantombone/graphviz_matlab_magic - sexy sfdp-graphviz Matlab graph drawing wrappers
- quantlabs/db-fx-strategy - Roll model for trading strategy to C++ or FPGA via Matlab tool
- qiuqiangkong/matlab-hmm - Open source HMM toolbox, with Discrete-HMM, Gaussian-HMM, GMM-HMM. (matlab)
- psurya1994/suspiciousactivitydetector - This is the MATLAB code for the paper, "Autonomous UAV for Suspicious Action Detection using Pictorial Human Pose Estimation and Classification" published in published in Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis.
- playerkk/drfi_matlab - MATLAB implementation of the paper Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach
- Optickle/Optickle - MATLAB based, frequency domain, quantum-opto-mechanics simulation of optical interferometers
- oahziur/animated-archer - Octave/Matlab Implementation for Job Shop Scheduling Problem
- noureldien/FingerprintRecognition - Fingerprint Recognition in runtime using images captured from mobile. Built using Android and OpenCV. Also built in MATLAB.
- nicolassmith/alm - a la mode: mode matching and beam propagation solutions for MATLAB
- NeuroStats/Survival - Matlab toolbox for Survival (time-to-event) analysis. Implements both univariate and mass-univariate analyses.
- NeuroStats/lme - Linear mixed effects (LME) Matlab toolbox. This toolbox implements both univariate and mass-univariate analyses.
- murphyk/matlabtools - Matlab tools (from code.google.com/p/matlabtools/)
- MUNEEBABBASI/2DQuadSim - Matlab simulation of 2D quadrotor systems
- mtv2101/MEA-LFP-analysis - Matlab code for extracting patterns from multi-channel neural local-field potential recordings
- misop/shadow_removal - shadow removal from images in matlab
- miditoolbox/1.1 - MIDI toolbox 1.1 (2016) is a collection of Matlab functions to analyse MIDI files
- midgleyf/Symphony-UI - MATLAB interface for the Symphony .NET framework
- mh-skjelvareid/synaptus - A Matlab/Octave toolbox for synthetic aperture ultrasound imaging
- mfaessle/coax-control - ROS interface and Matlab control for the CoaX
- maxto/matlab-yahoo-finance - retrieve historical data from Yahoo! Finance
- matbugs/matbugs - A MATLAB interface to WinBugs.
- MartinReiche/EEGLAB_scripts - Collection of scripts to run EEG data processing using EEGLAB in MATLAB
- markallenthornton/MatlabTFCE - Standalone MATLAB implementation of permutation TFCE correction
- malloc47/digital-collation - Basic matlab routines for doing registration for document image comparison (collation)
- lzane/VRP-using-SA-with-Matlab - Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) using Simulated Annealing (SA) with Matlab
- luster/tawfDereverb - Fast Audio Dereverberation MATLAB System
- lawrennd/fgplvm - Faster GP-LVM software in MATLAB.
- LanMai/OpenSIM - OpenSIM matlab code
- kakearney/legendflex-pkg - A more flexible legend for Matlab
- jramshur/ECG_Viewer - Matlab GUI for reviewing, processing, and annotating electrocardiogram (ECG) data files
- joyeecheung/panoramic-image-stitching - Panoramic image stitching using SIFT and RANSAC in matlab.
- jovo/MatGraphStat - matlab code for various statistical procedures on large graphs
- jmarkow/ephys - A series of MATLAB scripts for high-throughput electrophysiology data analysis
- jjedele/Naive-Bayes-Classifier-Octave-Matlab - Simple Demo of a Naive Bayes Classifier written in Octave. Thx to David Suendermann for demo data.
- JiamingMai/Color-Attenuation-Prior-Dehazing - MATLAB codes for the paper "A Fast Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm using Color Attenuation Prior"
- JacobD10/SoundZone_Tools - Signal Processing Tools for MATLAB
- izhengfan/opticalflow - use Horn-Schuck method to estimate optical flow in MATLAB
- ina111/MatRockSim - Matlab Rocket Flight Simulator
- GLEON/Lake-Analyzer - MATLAB source code for Lake Analyzer
- florianwittkamp/FD_ACOUSTIC - Collection of Matlab and Python scripts for Finite-Difference seismic wave simulation in 1-D and 2-D
- farsounder/protobuf-matlab - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/protobuf-matlab
- ezander/sglib - A Matlab/Octave toolbox for stochastic Galerkin methods
- epnev/constrained-foopsi - Implementation of the constrained deconvolution spike inference algorithm in Matlab
- eldila/MatIB - A simple immersed boundary method solver in matlab.
- DylanMuir/TIFFStack - Load TIFF files into matlab fast, with lazy loading
- dsmi/emsolver - Electromagnetic moment-method solvers in MATLAB
- dmochow/rca - MATLAB toolbox for performing "Reliable Components Analysis".
- dinkelk/astrodynamics - A set of useful astrodynamics functions for MATLAB
- diabeticgonewild/Artificial_Pancreas - Artificial Pancreas Project in MATLAB from Medtronic CareLink CSV Export (2011)
- dgleich/hq-matlab-figs - High Quality Matlab Figures
- dbolotov/neural_network_template - template neural network developed in MATLAB and python
- davidnbresch/climada - climada core module (MATLAB)
- David-Guo/face_recongnize - Matlab PCA 人脸识别
- cvxgrp/l1_ls - This is the repository for the l1_ls, a simple Matlab solver for l1-regularized least squares problems.
- chokkyvista/daSVM - Matlab implementation of the EM and MCMC algorithm for SVMs as introduced in the paper "Data augmentation for support vector machines"
- chebfun/ATAP - MATLAB M-files for Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice
- CALFEM/calfem-matlab - CALFEM - a finite element toolbox for MATLAB
- braton/fadapt - Adaptive filter algorithms package for Matlab
- BoChen90/machine-learning-matlab - some algorithm in machine learning using matlab
- BluSTL/BluSTL - BluSTL (pronounced "blue steel") is a MATLAB toolkit for automatically generating hybrid controllers from specifications written in Signal Temporal Logic.
- biomathematicus/MATLAB - ModelDB Classes for MATLAB
- BillyTziv/Quadcopter-Simulator - Simple quadcopter model in matlab
- bartleyneuro/OctaveMVPA - An All-in-One Princeton MVPA, AFNI-for-MATLAB, and SPM Distro: All Converted for Use in Octave
- ajm188/meepers-creepers - MIPS emulation in MatLab
- ajdecon/gradschool_matlab - Various matlab scripts for specialized image processing and data analysis.
- ahtamjidi/3PRE - matlab code for doing visual SLAM for RGBD SLAM
- acuoci/Matlab4CRE - Collection of Matlab codes to solve typical CRE (Chemical Reaction Engineering) problems
- yuip/hfss-api - A HFSS API to control HFSS from Matlab
- yihui-he/panorama - image stitching from scratch with MATLAB
- wspr/hatze-biomech - A Matlab implementation of Hatze's 1980 anthropometric body segment parameter model
- wilselby/MatlabQuadSimAP - MATLAB files for simulating a 3DRobotics ArduPilot based quadrotor
- wengjn/MatlabDBN - Dynamic Bayesian Network
- wangshusen/RandMatrixMatlab - simple MATLAB code for randomized matrix computation
- venkateshshukla/adaboost-viola-jones - Simple Adaboost Implementation in Matlab in context of the Viola Jones Face Detection Framework
- uvainio/Beamline-B1-macros - Data processing of 2d data to 1d data in absolute units with Matlab macros on beamline B1 at HASYLAB, Hamburg
- ulrikls/dicomrt2matlab - Import DICOM-RT structures to Matlab
- ulfgri/gdsii-toolbox - Octave and MATLAB toolbox for GDSII stream format
- TWOEARS/SOFA - Fork of the HRTF SOFA API for Matlab
- transmatrix-github/svmplus_matlab - An implementation of SVM+
- toshiakit/AnalyzeTwitter - Analyzing Twitter with MATLAB
- tlatsas/line-coding - Matlab functions that emulate popular line coding techniques
- thliebig/CTB - Circuit Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- taro10h/flicker_stimulator - SSVEP Stimulator using MATLAB and Psychtoolbox
- TarekVito/ColorCoherenceVector - Color Coherence Vector is a powerful color-based image retrieval (Matlab)
- SystemAnalysisDpt-CMC-MSU/ellipsoids - Ellipsoidal Toolbox for MATLAB is a standalone set of easy-to-use configurable MATLAB routines and classes to perform operations with ellipsoids and hyperplanes of arbitrary dimensions
- svendaehne/matlab_SPoC - Matlab code for SSD, SPoC, mSPoC, and cSPoC
- sunits/Unvoiced_Sound_Classification - Classification of unvoiced speech phones. Uses MATLAB.
- suever/MarkdownPanel - Panel for displaying Markdown as HTML within a MATLAB GUI
- spunt/whyhowlocalizer - Materials and MATLAB Psychtoolbox code for running the Why/How Localizer Task
- spunt/easy-optimize-x - GUI-based MATLAB software for optimizing the design of fMRI tasks
- Spartak0s/Polar-Codes-Software-Matlab- - Polar Codes on Matlab Simulation.
- souri/Guitar-Tuner - This is a matlab script to tune an acoustic guitar. However it can be modified to tune any musical instrument provided the frequencies of each note is known,
- software-shao/Collective-Kernel-Learning - Matlab Code for CoKL, which was proposed in Clustering on Multiple Incomplete Datasets via Collective Kernel Learning. ICDM 2013
- sgarrettroe/data_analysis - Matlab tools for analyzing 2D and 3D-IR spectra
- sebdi/Depth-Super-Resolution - Depth Super-Resolution for MATLAB
- scottclowe/matlab-continuous-integration - A method of doing Continuous integration on a CI server when developing in MATLAB
- sauravag/GPSMATLAB - MATLAB Toolbox for simulating Single/Dual Frequency GPS and Carrier Phase Differential GPS
- samuellab/MindControlAccessUtils - MATLAB scripts to read in YAML output created by MindControl software.
- rsagroup/rsatoolbox - A Matlab toolbox for representational similarity analysis
- RoyiAvital/Fast-Anisotropic-Curvature-Preserving-Smoothing - This is a MATLAB implementation of the article "Fast Anisotropic Smoothing of Multi Valued Images Using Curvature Preserving PDE" by David Tschumperlé at https://tschumperle.users.greyc.fr/.
- romi1502/NMF-matlab - NMF code in Matlab
- roemervandermeij/nwaydecomp - NWAYDECOMP is a MATLAB toolbox intended for N-way/multi-way decompositions of neuroscience data
- ritchie-xl/Stock-Prediction-via-SVM-Matlab - Predict the stock price using SVM regression in a daily basis ( LibSVM pre-installed needed)
- rikrd/matlab - matlab source directory
- richardtomsett/vertexsimulator - Virtual Electrode Recording Tool for EXtracellular potentials: a Matlab simulator for spatially realistic LFP simulation in spiking neural networks
- Rexam14/Infinity - Raccolta di function Matlab per l'Analisi Numerica
- reed-adept/aria-matlab - OUTDATED Matlab and Simulink Interfaces for ARIA -- most up to date code can now be found with the ARIA library package -- see website
- ramon-astudillo/stft_up_tools - Matlab code for Uncertainty Propagation
- raacampbell/shadedErrorBar - Produce elegant shaded error bars in MATLAB
- psexton/matlab-xunit-doctests - DocTests extension for matlab-xunit
- pmknutsen/whiskertracker - Whisker Tracking in Matlab
- PlayrecForMatlab/playrec-examples - Examples of how to use playrec in Matlab/Octave, including some basic functionality that may be useful in other scenarios
- pjbarendrecht/BsplineLab - An interactive MATLAB tool for B-spline curves
- PierreHao/Deep-Learning-ToolBox-CNN - An improved version for matlab deep learning toolbox cnn
- petercorke/toolbox-common-matlab - Common code for MATLAB toolboxes for Robotics, Machine Vision
- parthe/Speaker-Diarization-toolkit-MATLAB - An end-to-end MATLAB toolkit for completely unsupervised Speaker Diarization using state-of-the-art algorithms.
- OxfordML/fault-bucket.m - Matlab code for fault and anomaly detection, drawn from MA Osborne, R Garnett, K Swersky, and N de Freitas. Prediction and Fault Detection of Environmental Signals with Uncharacterised Faults. (2012). AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2012).
- omcaree/RaspberryPiRobot - Control a Raspberry Pi powered robot with MATLAB and Simulink
- OHBA-analysis/osl2 - A set of Matlab tools and scripts for running M/EEG analyses on CTF and Elekta Neuromag data
- NelsonUpenn/PMLS-MATLAB-Guide - MLguide1-0.pdf: Nelson & Dodson's "Student's Guide to Physical Modeling with MATLAB." Other items include Errata, code samples, and discussion.
- Myles-ZMY/HSCD - Matlab Code for CVPR 2015 Paper
- mycarta/PMKMP - Matlab function to create perceptual colormaps
- mxgiuliani00/M3O-Multi-Objective-Optimal-Operations - M3O is a Matlab toolbox for designing the optimal operations of multipurpose water reservoir systems
- mwgeurts/gamma - 1D, 2D, or 3D gamma computation in MATLAB
- muratkrty/reinforcement-learning-robot-in-maze - Matlab/Octave implementation of Reinforcement learning (Q learning algorithm).
- msssm/lecture_files - MATLAB scripts used in the lectures
- moink/Monte-Carlo-Bingo-simulation - A Matlab solution to this programming problem: http://programmingpraxis.com/2009/02/19/bingo/
- minhnhat93/lfa_sc - Matlab implementation of the paper "Learning fast approximations of sparse coding"
- mikofski/JGit4MATLAB - JGit wrapper for MATLAB
- michaelchughes/SuperTopicModels - Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation and other topic models. Supports regression and classification. Written in Matlab.
- mhollmann/easyupMVPA - A matlab toolbox for easily accessible multivariate analysis of (neuro-) scientific data.
- mForex/mForex.API.Matlab - Official mForex API binding for Matlab
- mbaird/stereo-disparity-map - Stereo pair disparity map generation using Matlab
- mattmcd/mdepin - MATLAB Dependency Injection
- Matlab-Biometric-recognition/Signature-Recognition-Based-on-Neural-Networks-Matlab-Code - Signature Recognition [Neural Networks ] V4 : Simple and Effective Source Code Neural Networks Based Signature Recognition.
- lukelorusso/patternSpeechRecognition - A MATLAB simulation of speech recognition based on pattern analysis, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients as extracted feature and Dynamc Time Warping as similarity measurement.
- lucasanguinetti/ln-game-theory - Matlab code for the figures and the examples used in G. Bacci, L. Sanguinetti, and M. Luise, "Understanding game theory via wireless power control,' submitted to IEEE Signal Process. Mag., Oct. 2014.
- leolincoln/matlabFaceRecognitionRealTime - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYwsnXm0uiw&list=UUFMOamu3rLNNT1tqx462FQw
- LCSL/NYTRO - This Matlab package provides an implementation of NYTRO: NYström iTerative RegularizatiOn
- lawrennd/mocap - Matlab software for processing motion capture files.
- labnation/DeviceInterface.Matlab - Controlling the SmartScope from Matlab
- labliscvut/imu_calibration - Matlab codes for calibration of inertial measurement unit (3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope)
- LabForComputationalVision/textureSynth - This package contains MatLab code for analyzing and synthesizing digital image of visual texture.
- kunegis/konect-toolbox - Matlab toolbox for network analysis
- kul-forbes/ForBES - Generic and efficient MATLAB solver for nonsmooth optimization problems
- krylenko/LPCsynthesis - Speech analysis and synthesis using linear predictive coding (LPC) in Matlab
- klimzaporojets/sift - SIFT Descriptor implementation in Matlab
- kencoken/enceval-toolkit - Evaluation toolkit for various image feature encodings for Matlab
- KalevRK/MATLAB-Object-Recognition - An object recognition and tracking program written in MATLAB.
- justinthomas/MATLAB-tools - A custom set of MATLAB functions and tools
- jm-contreras/fmri - MATLAB scripts for analysis of fMRI data
- jlian/matlab-particle-tracker - An application in MATLAB used for tracking particles
- jimmyDunne/opensim-matlab - testing inferface for model
- jimmyDunne/c3d2OpenSim - Matlab code for processing motion data and running simulations for OpenSim
- JimHokanson/matlab_standard_library - Standard Library for my Matlab Projects
- jieshen-sjtu/OnlineMaxNorm-NIPS2014 - Matlab code for NIPS 2014 work "Online Optimization for Max-Norm Regularization"
- jhu-lcsr/matlab_urdf - Matlab code for loading a ROS URDF
- jhoelzl/HRTF-Individualization - Head-related Transfer Function Customization Process through Slider using PCA and SH in Matlab
- jhirniak/Birdophile - Birdophile is software written in Matlab to make you recognize birds basing on their recordings. It extracts calls, then obtains Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) which compares to birds profiles also in MFCCs from database. If bird is detected then, the picture, latin and english name, as well as certanity of the result are being displayed. It cotains functionality for easy creation of own library from recording collection in wav format for known birds.
- jdelacroix/matlab_code_kit - A kit of various, (hopefully) useful pieces of MATLAB code.
- ittus/Matlab-Voice-Record - Matlab Voice Record and plot FFT Realtime
- israkir/cox-watermarking - a simple spread-spectrum based informed watermarking implementation in MATLAB
- iralabdisco/pso-clustering - PSO-Clustering algorithm [Matlab code]
- ieeg-portal/Nicolet-Reader - Allows users to read Nicolet (.e) files in Matlab
- horchler/SHCTools - Matlab Toolbox for Simulation, Analysis, and Design of Stable Heteroclinic Channel Networks
- hangong/Xiao06_color_transfer - This is an open-source implementation of Xiao's image colour transfer algorithm published in 2006. MATLAB/Octave code is provided.
- hamiltonkibbe/cdef - Generate constant c definitions from matlab vectors
- hagaygarty/mdCNN - 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for volumetric inputs. Matlab framework supporting 2D and 3D kernels
- grinsted/wavelet-coherence - A cross wavelet and wavelet coherence toolbox for MATLAB
- gokhanozbulak/Harris-Detector - A Harris corner detection implementation written in Matlab.
- giorgione/Codici_Matlab - Codici matlab per Inferenza Bayesiana e Modelli Grafici
- friend0/vrepMatlab - The matlab side of code corresponding to the V-REP quadrotor scene in 'vrepQuad'
- franciscoserdio/Genetic-Algorithms-Toolbox - Genetic Algorithms in Matlab.
- fglichttechnik/TI-DLP-LightCrafter - MATLAB Framework for talking to TexasInstruments DLP LightCrafter
- epiSurg/EpiSurg - MATLAB & Bash Scripts for analyzing neurodata acquired from epilepsy patients
- elvinlucero/elman_neural_networks - Attempted recreation Jeff Elman's work entitled "Finding Structure in Time" using Matlab's Neural Network Toolbox (paper at https://crl.ucsd.edu/~elman/Papers/fsit.pdf)
- Elucidation/UAV-Motion-Planner-Ensemble - A Matlab motion planner ensemble of a global Voronoi model and a local Potential Field model
- ekzhu/Stock-Portfolio-Builder - Use financial optimization models with MATLAB
- edisonhyc/MatTest - Matlab Algo-trading Backtest System
- edden-gerber/ecog_fmri_visualization_matlab - Matlab functions for flexible plotting of intracranial or fMRI data on 3D brain models
- echeever/BodePlotGui - A MATLAB GUI for drawing asymptotic Bode diagrams
- DynareTeam/particles - Matlab/Octave codes for nonlinear filters.
- Dynamic-Systems-and-GP/GPdyn - Gaussian Process Model Dynamic System Identification Toolbox for Matlab
- dylansun/FaceRecogition_PCA_LDA - Matlab Code
- dumbmatter/parfor_progress - MATLAB progress monitor (progress bar) that works with parfor.
- dtu-dsp/Robochameleon - A matlab coding framework and component library for simulation and experimental analysis of optical communication systems
- DrDanRyan/ML-Framework - A modular machine learning framework for Matlab with an emphasis on deep neural network models.
- dorian3d/AcademicFigures - Matlab scripts to create readable, color and high contrast figures for publications
- djalbers/glucose_dynamics_modeling - MATLAB code for glucose/insulin modeling
- Dhivin/Gesture-control-for-robotics-in-Matlab - Gesture control for robotics
- decatur/NuCompRes - A lightweight component to expose computational MATLAB® resources over HTTP.
- dbarash1/sr_by_example - Matlab implementation of "Super-Resolution From a Single Image", by Glasner, Bagon and Irani.
- DataONEorg/matlab-dataone - A Matlab Toolbox that provides functions to interact with data repositories that implement the DataONE service API. The toolbox also includes client-side functions for managing provenance (the history) of derived data products.
- danyaljj/constrained_clustering - A MATLAB project containing many popular / existing constrained clustering algorithms
- danthompson41/Atrial-Fibrillation-Detection-from-BIH-MIT-Database - Takes data from the atrial fibrillation database from Physionet, and attempts to detect that atrial fibrillation using a number of statistical methods. Matlab code.
- damiancclarke/microdataMATLAB - Functions and scripts associated with the book Microdata and MATLAB (Adams, Clarke, Quinn)
- cvondrick/matlabutil - Why does MATLAB not have these functions...?
- circstat/circstat-matlab - Matlab Circular Statistics Toolbox
- Chosko/img-face-detection - Implementation of the Robust Real-Time Face Detection of Paul Viola and Michael J. Jones, in MATLAB
- byrneta/Computational-Fluid-Dynamics - Selected MATLAB code I wrote while taking a CFD class in graduate school. Project descriptions are included.
- brussell123/LabelMe3dToolbox - LabelMe3D Matlab toolbox
- brigr/k-means - My MATLAB implementation of the K-means clustering algorithm
- brian-lau/MatlabQuery - LINQ -like queries in Matlab
- bishesh/statsCompare-RiemannianManifold-Groups - A set of matlab codes to explore the differences in statistics on Riemannian manifold and groups.
- Biospec/cluster-toolbox-v2.0 - Chemometrics Toolbox for MATLAB
- baaatx/cog_comm_tools - Set of tools for working with PTB within MATLab for the Cognition And Communications lab at UT Austin.
- avishaiwa/SVLS - A MATLAB software for SVLS algorithm
- ashafaei/ubc3v - The Matlab toolkit for UBC 3 View Dataset.
- arolet/wasserstein-dictionary-learning - A matlab toolbox to perform Wasserstein Dictionary Learning or NMF
- AnthonyShiverMicrobes/fitness_score - matlab code for the import, filtering, normalization, and scoring of colony array images
- andronovl/SharpViSu - Matlab-based software for corrections and processing of super-resolution microscopy data
- anarakonjac/absorption-image-analyser - A Matlab GUI for processing and analysing absorption images from cold atom experiments.
- AlexGascon/Shazam-MATLAB - A MATLAB implementation of the famous song-matching algorithm, Shazam
- aecins/shadow_free_segmentation - MATLAB implementation of the shadow free segmentation algorithm from the ICCP14 paper
- abill/DeBlur - motion blur healing matlab project
- zixu1986/hmm_code - a set of Matlab functions for learning HMM usnig EM algorithm
- zhfe99/mat_lib - My Matlab Library
- zhangzhensong/movingleastsquare - This is an matlab implementation of Siggraph 06 paper "Image deformation using moving least squares",
- yw2026/DREES - DREES (Dose response explorer system) is an in-house Matlab-based open source software customized for modeling and exploring dose response in radiation oncology.
- YoonusMD/HandGestureRecognition - Hand Gesture Recognition Code for Matlab
- Yfaye/Facial-Expression-Recognition - Facial Expression Recognition Using Eigenface Method in MATLAB
- yashdv/Speech-Recognition - A simple Matlab code to recognize people using their voice.
- yangchuancv/SPL_Saliency_Code - matlab code for my SPL13 saliency paper
- wsshin/maxwellfdfd - MATLAB-based solver package of Maxwell's equations by the FDFD method.
- wspr/splines-matlab - Hobby's spline algorithm in Matlab
- williammortl/Matlab - Assorted Matlab source code for a variety of things like Sudoku solvers, Markov Chains, and signal processing code
- warmlogic/mat-mvm - MATLAB tools for importing and analyzing EEG data with FieldTrip (mostly)
- warmlogic/expertTrain - Expertise training experiment written in Matlab using Psychtoolbox
- waitwaitforget/SemanticHashing - Implemented Senmatic Hashing in Matlab.
- vsoch/fvplay - MATLAB scripts is intended for visualizing and preparing raw data for use with a supervised classifier
- VisLab/detect - MATLAB toolbox for continuous event detection
- vfitoolkit/VFIToolkit-matlab - A Matlab Toolkit for Macroeconomic Models using Value Function Iteration
- VermeirJellen/FinancialEngineering - Matlab Financial Engineering Toolkit
- uzh/edf-converter - Converts EyeLink 1000 Edf files into a MATLAB structure - eye edf
- utvisionlab/mixest - MixEst: A MATLAB toolbox for mixture-model parameter estimation
- unl-nimbus-lab/bag2matlab - Read ROS bag data into a Matlab workspace
- UMD-ISL/Matlab-Toolbox-for-Dimensionality-Reduction - Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction
- u0078867/ulema-ul-analyzer - U.L.E.M.A. is a MATLAB-based GUI tool (for Windows) for quickly processing motion capture data (C3D files) relative to upper limb movements
- tuckermcclure/matlab-plot-big - Makes large MATLAB line plots much faster.
- tsdev/spinw - SpinW Matlab library for spin wave calculation
- troyhaskin/MatlabToolbox - Collection of Matlab scripts developed as needed/wanted
- toshiakit/optimization - MATLAB code based on "Optimization" chapter of "Collective Intelligence" book by Toby Segaran
- toshiakit/apriori - Market Basket Analysis with MATLAB
- ToolboxHub/ToolboxToolbox - Declarative dependency management for Matlab.
- timothyrubin/DependencyLDA - Matlab (and C) implementation of Dependency-LDA, Prior-LDA and Flat-LDA models for multi-label document classification
- tiepvupsu/FISTA - FISTA implementation in MATLAB
- ThePolywellGuy/Matlab-Modeling - Download the MATLAB Code Used to Model WB6!
- TGM-Oldenburg/Psylab - A set of scripts, written in Matlab, which are designed to develop and automatically control a large variety of psychoacoustical detection- and discrimination-experiments in a fast and uniform way.
- TDPF/TDPF - Temperature Dependent Power Flow in MATLAB
- tavildar/Polar - C and MATLAB implementation for Polar encoding and decoding
- sunxfancy/ANN2 - Matlab 神经网络实验程序
- sunshineatnoon/Convolutional-Neural-Network - This is a matlab implementation of CNN on MNIST
- SunQilin/lstm_matlab - A matlab version of lng short term memory
- sun11/sw-sift - Matlab implementation of sift(opensift) algorithm.
- stuart-knock/BrainNetworkModels - Matlab code which was the basis of TheVirtualBrain scientific library.
- stefano-galelli/Matlab-Multi-objective-Feature-Selection - MatLab implementation of W-QEISS, F-QEISS and W-MOSS: three algorithms for the selection of (quasi) equally informative subsets
- sri96/matlab2octave - A Matlab to Octave Compiler
- spunt/barpatch - MATLAB tool to create bar graph with error bars using patch and line objects
- speredenn/refprop-matlab-additions - A more usable backend to use NIST REFPROP routines from MATLAB
- sometimesfood/spact-matlab - A simple Matlab implementation of the CENTRIST visual descriptor
- software-shao/Multi-Incomplete-view-Clustering - The MATLAB code for Multi-Incomplete-view Clustering (MIC) method proposed in Multiple Incomplete Views Clustering via Weighted Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with L2, 1 Regularization, ECML-PKDD 2015.
- smcg/MARTA - MATLAB-based experimental control software
- simgunz/viterbi-decoder - A matlab+mex implementation of a convolutional encoder and a Viterbi decoder
- sid5291/SensorTag-Matlab - A Matlab program to interface with the Sensor tag using the CC2540
- sid5291/RSSI_Localization_WiFi - RSSI Localization using a MATLAB server to calculate path loss model from RSSI data and plot real time position of User
- SheffieldML/multigp - Multiple output Gaussian processes in MATLAB including the latent force model.
- shaoguangcheng/cdbn_matlab - an implementation of Convolutional Deep Belief Network (CDBN) using Matlab
- shaibagon/sketch_the_common - Matlab implementing the sketching part of Shai Bagon, Or Brostovsky, Meirav Galun and Michal Irani's Detecting and Sketching the Common (CVPR 2010).
- sg-s/kontroller - A MATLAB package for NI-DAQ to help you do experiments. Kontroller has a easy-to-use GUI, with support for automation and is fully programmable.
- sfikas/zah - An image descriptor, suitable for keyword spotting, that is computed as a function of Convolutional Neural Network intermediate layer responses. Implemented in MATLAB.
- sfikas/duguepes-matroutines - A collection of Matlab routines implementing various tasks related with pattern recognition and computer vision.
- scy0208/EM-GMM-matlab - Using EM algorithm for mixed Gaussian distribution clustering
- scrouzet/classifyEEG - MATLAB functions to perform classification based upon topographic EEG data.
- ScottStevenson/akeylog - Acoustic Keylogging Demo in Matlab
- sauravag/FIRM-MATLAB - FIRM Toolbox for MATLAB
- sandywang/GRETNA - A Graph-theoretical Network Analysis Toolkit in MATLAB
- rvlasveld/ICSS - Matlab implementation of "Iterated Cumulative Sum of Squares for retrospective detection of changes of variance"
- ron1818/PhD_code - r and matlab code, datasets, published papers for my phd study 2011-2015
- romi1502/score-informed-source-separation - Matlab code of the algorithm described in the paper "Score informed audio source separation using a parametric model of non-negative spectrogram" by R. Hennequin, B. David and R. Badeau
- romeovs/mattex - A LaTeX package and some .m scripts to enable better communication between matlab and LaTeX (octave as well!).
- roenby/blockMesh - Matlab toolbox for generating block structured hex meshes in the polyMesh file format of OpenFOAM.
- rich-hart/SVM-Classifier - Example code for how to write an SVM classifier in MATLAB
- requiem116/DNN-HMM - This directory contains all the Perl scripts and MATLAB codes we writed for the identification of replication domains using DNN-HMM in our paper.
- RenderToolbox/RenderToolbox3 - Matlab toolbox for managing graphics rendering for psychophysics
- rbunge/QuadAir - A Matlab implementation of the Compact Vortex Lattice Method, used to calculate the aerodynamics of fixed-wing aircraft.
- razo-zapata/fuzzy-RL-wavelet-networks - Matlab code to control underactuated systems based on a hybrid approach that combines neural networks, reinforcement learning, fuzzy logic and wavelets.
- RamanLab/FastSL - A MATLAB toolbox to rapidly evaluate synthetic lethal sets in organisms using the genome-scale metabolic models
- raffadrummer/flanger - A Matlab implementation of a flanger (and few other basic filters)
- qinxiuchen/matlab-decisionTree - matlab decisionTree for classification
- PurdueH2Lab/MatlabCEA - A Matlab interface for NASA CEA
- psexton/MockObject - A mock object library for MATLAB.
- pranavj1001/MatlabAndroidSensorsProject - Awesomeness of Android Phone Sensors.
- pramttl/optika - Optika was an image-processing and problem solving event organized at our techfest. This repository contains matlab code, which used to interpret the arena, and determine the shortest paths to the destination avoiding some unsafe points. So the key role was played by shortest path algorithms. We made use of our own variant of the A* algorithm, or the LEE's algorithm.
- PortfolioEffect/PE-Estim-Matlab - MATLAB toolbox for high frequency market microstructure analysis and estimators for price variance, quarticity and noise
- pmaher86/colormouse - MATLAB color axis mouse control
- PhilD001/biomechZoo - biomechZoo is a user-customizable toolbox for the analysis of biomechanical data within the MatLab programming environment. Please take a look at the Wiki for setup information and user instructions.
- OxfordML/wsabi - Minimal implementation of WSABI_L and WSABI_M in MATLAB.
- orcmkit/ORCmKit - ORC Modeling Kit: Tools for the modeling of ORC power systems in Python, Matlab and EES
- OpenPIV/openpiv-spatial-analysis-toolbox - Spatial Analysis Toolbox is a collection of Matlab subroutines and GUI to streamline the post-processing of the particle image velocimetry (PIV) data obtained by OpenPIV (or other) software
- okomarov/wrds - Matlab API to access WRDS
- nolanlab/MatlabCytofUtilities - various scripts and functions that can be useful when working with mass (or flow) cytometry data in Matlab
- neurolabusc/NiiStat - NiiStat is a set of Matlab scripts for analyzing neuroimaging data from clinical populations
- nbara/EI-EEGtools - A set of Matlab functions for the BioSemi EEG system at the EI
- MPEL/MotorProto - Electric Machine Simulation Toolbox for MATLAB
- mp4096/aux-funs - A collection of auxiliary functions for MATLAB
- mp4096/adawhatever - MATLAB implementation of AdaGrad, Adam, Adamax, Adadelta etc.
- mopify/mopi - General purpose MATLAB/Octave Package Installer
- mollyStark/cbir-gui - Matlab program about content based image retrieval with user feedback.
- mobeets/mASD - automatic smoothness determination (ASD) in Matlab
- mikgroup/espirit-matlab-examples - Matlab examples for BART
- michellehirsch/MATLAB-Scopes - A small collection of scopes for real time display of signals in MATLAB.
- megasthenis/textprogressbar - A text progress bar for Matlab's command line.
- mebden/GPtutorial - Matlab code for the introduction to Gaussian processes, 2008
- mbauman/mmake - A minimal subset of GNU make, implemented in MATLAB for MATLAB.
- mattpitkin/yamm - Yet Another Matlab MCMC code
- mattpitkin/matlabmultinest - A Matlab nested sampling implementation
- matthew-brett/matlabtesting - Basic unit test rig for matlab
- MatNN/MatNN - A Neural Network framework for MATLAB
- Matlab-Biometric-recognition/Speaker-Recognition-Bimetric-System-Matlab-Code - Speaker Recognition System V3 : Simple and Effective Source Code For for Speaker Identification Based On Neural Networks
- MatjazJogan/psychomatrix - MATLAB implementation of the Psychomatrix observer model
- massvis/eyetracking - User data, including text descriptions, eyetracking data and Matlab code for visualizing it.
- martinpickett/Hertzian-Contact - MATLAB code for simulating 1D Hertzian contact
- martin-etchart/kde - Kernel Denisty Estimator. C port for Zdravko Botev's Matlab function.
- markveillette/stbl - MATLAB library for working with alpha stable distributions
- markuman/fastKNN - Loop-Free KNN algorithm for GNU Octave and Matlab
- MalteKurz/VineCopulaMatlab - A MATLAB toolbox for vine copulas based on C++
- macvicab/MITT - Multi-Instrument Turbulence Toolbox (Matlab)
- lucbpz/DUET-MATLAB - DUET Algorithm on MATLAB. Blind Source Separation.
- lostella/ForBES - Generic and efficient MATLAB solver for nonsmooth optimization problems (DEPRECATED: refer to https://github.com/kul-forbes/ForBES)
- lnls-fac/MatlabMiddleLayer - Matlab scripts
- lemonzi/matlab - MATLAB Tools - Various useful functions we've put together for convenience
- leeneil/ghio-matlab - Guided hybrid input-and-output (GHIO), HIO and shrink-wrap Matlab functions
- LCAV/edmbox - Matlab routines for Euclidean distance matrices
- krzakala/LowRAMP - Matlab code for Low rank Matrix Factorization with AMP
- kotowicz/matlab-ClassInheritanceBrowser - A tool for managing and organizing classes, with a simple interface and (optional) tree diagram.
- kmoored/BEM-2D-Matlab - This is the source code for the Matlab version of the 2D boundary element method code. This code is an unsteady potential flow solver. The features include time-stepping, wake rollup, lumped wake elements, one degree-of-freedom equations of motion and a boundary layer solver.
- keevindoherty/FeatureExtractionToolbox - A feature extraction toolbox for EMG signals written in MATLAB
- kalleastrom/ImageAnalysisExamples - A collection of matlab scripts illustrating different concepts in image analysis
- kakearney/cptcmap-pkg - cptcmap.m: color palette tables (.cpt) for Matlab
- jwasham/machine-learning - Some notes on machine learning algorithms, mostly in Matlab format.
- jrajeev/logo_detection_and_replacement - Logo Detection and Replacement - Academic Project for Computer Vision course (CIS 581) at UPenn. Logo Detection is done using HOG features defined and implemented using MATLAB.
- joseph-fourier/cuda-matrix-multiply-mex - A mex function to perform matrix multiplication on an nvidia gpu with a potentially huge improvement in performance depending on hardware available. Matlab's parallel computing toolbox is not required.
- joramvd/preprocessing - Preprocessing EEG data: Matlab code pipeline and pdf manual
- jooh/pilab - Pattern information analysis in Matlab
- jooh/matlab-studytools - Tools for running psychology experiments in Matlab.
- jonovotny/BasinVis - A Matlab application for stratigraphic and subsidence modelling of sedimentary basins based on well data.
- JohnZed/matelike - Empirical Likelihood for Matlab
- johncolby/dput - Generate paste-able ASCII representations of MATLAB variables
- jk123vip/SRC_SOMP_matlab - 稀疏表示分类器应用于高光谱图像分类的MATLAB代码实现。仿真论文地址如下:
- JimHokanson/adinstruments_sdk_matlab - Implementation of AD Instruments SDK in Matlab
- jiegzhan/machine-learning-stanford - Stanford machine learning class on Coursera. Taught by Andrew Ng. Implemented the assignments with Matlab.
- jfpowell/nfft_matlab - 64 bit Windows Matlab NFFT Binaries
- jdkoen/roc_toolbox - ROC Toolbox for Matlab
- janisz/mathematical-programming - Matlab/Octave sripst for Linear Programming class
- JaneliaSciComp/Wavesurfer - A Matlab application for electrophysiology data analysis
- JamzyWang/SketchRetrieval - A whole application of sketch retrieval written in matlab
- jaijuneja/texture-localisation-matlab - Fourth year engineering project at University of Oxford
- IPGP/mseed-matlab - Matlab/Octave codes to read and write miniSEED files
- ignacio-rocco/matconv-style - Implementation of Neural Style on Matlab using MatConvNet
- ieeg-portal/EDF-Reader - Allows users to read EDF (.edf) EEG files in Matlab
- idiap/slog - Similarity Learning on Graph (SLOG) matlab codes
- ibrahimirdem/pca-face-recognition - PCA Algoritması ile Matlab'da Yüz Tanıma
- HukLab/PLDAPS - Plexon Datapixx Psychtoolbox - Neurophysiology experiment toolbox for MATLAB
- horverno/sze-academic-robotics-projects - Various robotics related projects in various programming languages (MATLAB, LabVIEW, C#) and techniques (V-REP, ROS, LEGO Mindstorms, Kinect, Neobotix).
- horchler/hypergeomq - Fast evaluation of the generalized hypergeometric function in Matlab
- hkingravi/FunctionObservers - MATLAB toolbox for code pertaining to function observers.
- hjjayakrishnan/Android-Phone-IMU-Discrete-Kalman-Filter - This is the implementation of a discrete Kalman filter on the noisy accelerometer values from the inertial measurement unit on my android phone. I've utilised the wireless IMU app to send the data onto matlab.
- hiroyuki-kasai/SGDLibrary - Matlab library for stochastic gradient descent algorithms: Version 1.0.4
- hiroshiban/Mcalibrator2 - Mcalibrator2 -- a MATLAB-based display luminance/chromaticity characterization software package.
- HildoBijl/SONIG - Matlab source code for the SONIG algorithm: Sparse Online Noisy-Input Gaussian process regression.
- HichameMoriceau/Machine-learning-fundamentals - Implementations of the most well known algorithms applied in Machine Learning in Octave/MATLAB.
- hansenms/ismrm_sunrise_matlab - Source code for the ISMRM Sunrise Recon Course
- haniesedghi/REASON2 - Matlab codes for REASON2, paper can be found at http://arxiv.org/abs/1402.5131
- gwc19/Chirp-Signal-Compression-Simulator-CSCS-Matlab-App - CSCS (Chirp Signal Compression Simulator) is a Matlab application for easily simulate the single/multi-target linear frequency modulation (chirp) signal compression
- gustavdelius/extinction - Matlab code to reproduce results from the paper "Predation effects on mean time to extinction under demographic stochasticity"
- GuipengLi/optLBFGS - Matlab code for the Limited-memory BFGS (Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno) algorithm
- govindmanian/ABM - MATLAB Code for an agent based model
- G-Node/gnode-client-matlab - MATLAB-based client for G-Node data stores
- gimber/dpecon - MATLAB/GNU Octave code for solving economics-related dynamic programming problems
- ggscorzato/MatlabMonteCarlo - A parallel Lattice QCD code in Matlab. The goal is simplicity, generality, elegance, without orders of magnitude loss in performance. For educational purposes and ... for fun. Work in pogress.
- gditzler/IncrementalLearning - Implementation of incremental learning algorithms for Matlab.
- gauravsapiens/Automatic-Vehicle-Identification - A simple Matlab tool for License Plate Recognition
- funnyzhou/weakcnn - matlab
- floresconlimon/romberg - Implementation of the romberg algorithm in matlab
- flokadillo/bayesbeat - A MATLAB package for inferring metrical structure from musical audio using probabilistic models
- fairyflies9/2D_IBM_MATLAB - 2D immersed boundary code written in MATLAB
- evl2001/brainography - A toolbox for MATLAB to render connectivity matrices in anatomical format
- ethz-asl/matlab_epos_library - A MATLAB library for easy control of Maxon EPOS motor controllers over RS-232
- erogol/Shot_Boundary_Detection - Shot_Boundary_Detection at Matlab
- emmanuelkalunga/Online-SSVEP - Matlab codes for the Online SSVEP-based BCI using Riemannian Geometry algorithm
- elmanuelito/matlab2fortran - Performs some simple conversions from matlab code to fortran
- EliasKokkinis/audio-source-separation - This repository contains MATLAB scripts that implement some of the methods discussed in the ECESCON 8 workshop on Audio Source Separation
- ehosseiniasl/Nonnegativity-Constrained-Autoencoder-NCAE - Matlab code for implementing Nonnegativity Constrained Autoencoder (NCAE) for Deep Learning.
- DynareTeam/dseries - Matlab/Octave class for handling time series in Dynare
- DouXiaoZhi/DataHandle - 处理数据并构建指纹库的MatLab工具包
- djoshea/retina-tools - Matlab/Igor Pro Tools from Baccus Lab Winter Rotation
- Dining-Engineers/Multi-scale-Local-Binary-Pattern - Multiscale Local Binary Pattern (MLBP) implementation in Matlab.
- derekjgriffith/matlab-modtran-5 - Matlab Function Wrapper for MODTRAN 5
- dendriticspine/TDT-Extraction-Sandbox-GUI - Data extraction tools / GUI in MATLAB for wrangling neuro/electrophys data stored in TDT (TuckerDavis Technologies) tank format.
- dedan/power14 - how to use the CED Power 1401 from Matlab
- davidssmith/tinycs - minimal MATLAB-based compressed sensing MRI toolkit
- DavidMercier/TriDiMap - Matlab functions to plot 3D maps from nanoindentation tests.
- daharoni/Miniscope_Analysis - MATLAB analysis functions for Miniscope project.
- cultpenguin/segymat - Read and write SEGY formatted files using Matlab/Octave
- csalinasonline/KalmanMatlabCode - Kalman Filter for Beginners: with MATLAB Examples
- ComplexNetTSP/IEEE802_15_4_Matlab - Matlab Code of the implementation of IEEE 802.15.4 Mac/Phy Layer
- CHOMPTT/ADACS_MATLAB - A simulation for the ADACS of the CHOMPTT cubesat mission
- chew-z/libsvm - My experiments with libsvm for Matlab. Mostly regression.
- ChenJoya/Vehicle_Detection_Recognition - This is a Matlab lesson design for vehicle detection and recognition. Using cifar-10Net to training a RCNN, and finetune AlexNet to classify. Thanks to Cars Dataset:http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car_dataset.html
- charlsa/Lab-Assistant - MATLAB projekt TNG016
- cesar7f/BiMat - A MatLab framework to facilitate the analysis of bipartite complex networks
- carrien/wave_viewer - Wave Viewer is a Matlab-based analysis tool for speech waveforms.
- CanyonWind/HumanDetection - Python & Matlab implementations for human detection
- bschauerte/edit-distances - Matlab edit distances
- brijGit/SPEAKER-RECOGNITION-USING-MFCC-AND-TDA - In This Project we propose to build a simple yet complete and representative automatic speaker recognition system, as applied to a voice based biometric system i.e. a voice based access control system. To achieve this, we have first made a comparative study of the MFCC approach with the Time domain approach for recognition by simulating both these techniques using MATLAB and analyzing the consistency of recognition using both the techniques.
- brian-lau/MatlabProcessManager - Matlab class for launching and managing asynchronous processes
- bollig/rbffd_prototypes - Prototypes Written in Matlab and Mathematica for the RBFFD_GPU Project
- Blodimir/MatLabProj - my project in matlab
- bileschi/Matlab-Useful-Stuff - This contains an accumulation of tools I have built for myself over the course of long MATLAB career. Some of these tools have been added in newer versions of the MATLAB standard API. Most of it is geared towards low level image processing. Beware, much of it was experimental and uncommented.
- bibliolytic/MTlearning - Multi-task learning framework (see Jayaram et al. 2016, to be publilshed Feb. 2016) written in MATLAB. Python version coming shortly...
- bfroehle/distmesh - DistMesh - A Simple Mesh Generator in MATLAB
- baccuslab/spike-sorting - The repository for taking raw HDF5 multielectrode array recordings and identifying spikes through clustering. Should work on MATLAB versions >=2014a
- axg2016/16-QAM-QPSK-BPSK - Simulation in MATLAB of Digital Communication modulations (BPSK,QPSK,16 QAM) to find the performance and probability of error in Rayleigh and Rician fading environments
- anasimtiaz/sleep-edfx-toolbox - A Matlab toolbox to download, extract and work with PhysioNet Sleep EDF Expanded Database
- alexmbreuer/irlan - Implicitly-restarted Lanczos implementation in MATLAB
- akshayp/fall-detection - 🚷 DSP Program written in Matlab to detect falling objects with a companion Web UI
- ajt60gaibb/freeLYAP - A basic implementation of the Bartels-Stewart algorithm in MATLAB
- agentmess/Spectral-Spatial-RF-Pulse-Design - This package includes Matlab functions to design spectral-spatial RF pulses (also known as spatial-spectral RF pulses) for application to magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging
- AFDL/LFIT - A MATLAB toolkit for the interactive processing of plenoptic images.
- adcroft/gtools - Collection of matlab scripts to help visualize output from the GOLD and MOM6 ocean models
- 0todd0000/spm1dmatlab - One-Dimensional Statistical Parametric Mapping in Matlab.
- zprime/matlabfrag - matlabfrag is a function which exports a Matlab figure to .eps and .tex files for use in LaTeX/pdfLaTeX/LyX.
- ymjdz/MATLAB-Codes - MATLAB simulation software for the book Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, 2nd edition.
- yellowjacket05/MatlabOptimization - Optimization algorithm based on matrix calculus for reference trajectory tracking/model predictive control. I authored the code during my PhD.
- WiLab/sdruOFDM - OFDM implemented in MATLAB for USRP radios with MAC Layer
- wangyif2/LogisticRegression - MatLab implementation of Logistic Regression
- vgururao/MatlabFun - Random scripts collected over the years
- tytell/neuromech - Neuromechanics Matlab scripts
- TheMax/Matlab- - Gruppenaufgabe
- stulp/dmp_bbo_matlab_deprecated - Matlab code for Dynamic Movement Primitives and Black-Box Optimization
- stefano-galelli/MATLAB_IterativeInputSelection - The MATLAB_IterativeInputSelection toolbox is a MatLab implementation of the Iterative Input Selection (IIS) algorithm proposed by Galelli and Castelletti (2013).
- SLahti/Matlabproject - Object TLD
- sjtrny/FuseBox - MATLAB library for pansharpening and image fusion
- sjgershm/tlsa_matlab - Matlab code for Topographic Latent Source Analysis of brain imaging data
- shanqing-cai/audapter_matlab - MATLAB code for Audapter
- scienceopen/matlab-rinex-reader - Fixed old Kai Borre Matlab code to run in Octave and hence be callable by Python to work with RINEX data
- saadkandil/matlab - Programming Projects for Coursera's Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
- rtaormina/MATLAB_ExtraTrees - The MATLAB_ExtraTrees package is a MATLAB implementation of the Extremely Randomized Trees (Extra-Trees) proposed by Geurts et al. (2006)
- rothnic/youemel - UML for Matlab
- robEllenberg/MATLAB - Useful public-domain matlab scripts and functions
- rctorres/Matlab - Rotinas em Matlab
- pratikmallya/octree_simple_matlab - A Quadtree/Octree/N-ary tree implementation in matlab
- pppoe/MatlabPCA - PCA Code in Matlab Script
- pleaseRedo/Matlab - (Machine learning)2D Image recognition
- pglira/Point_cloud_tools_for_Matlab - Various point cloud tools for Matlab
- pbrubeck/MATLAB - Numerical methods and algorithms. Experimental.
- NTFrs/MyMatlabCF - Computational Finance scripts and functions for matlab
- newmayor/ACTTwitchControls2 - matlab code
- mwgeurts/dicom_tools - DICOM manipulation tools for MATLAB
- mscavnicky/copula-matlab - Collection of MATLAB scripts for working with probability objects called copulas. Contains support for HAC copulas.
- mjirik/matlab-interactive-3D-graph-cut - Interactive 3D Graph Cut for Matlab
- mhgolestan/MatlabPNM - A Matlab-based package for performing Pore Network Modeling of porous media
- Matlab-Biometric-recognition/3D-Face-Recognition-System-Matlab-Code - 3D Face Recognition System Matlab Source Code
- markus-nilsson/md-dmri - MATLAB code for Multidimensional Diffusion MRI
- lukacu/visual-tracking-matlab - Matlab code for several visual tracking algorithms
- Liusifei/Face-Hallucination - face hallucination algorithms in matlab
- leonardoaraujosantos/Matlab_CS231N - Porting CS231n course assignments to matlab
- lawrennd/kern - Kernel toolbox for MATLAB.
- la3pna/matlab - matlab files for EMRFD
- KTH-Ivan-Liljeqvist/MATLAB - MATLAB - Runge Kutta, Interpolation, Numerical Methods
- komrad36/MATLABCruiseControl - Modified divorced PID controller applied to car cruise control and accompanying physics simulation and visualizations - MATLAB port
- kedzie/matlab-poly - Polyphonic Transcription. Viterbi estimation on Switching Kalman Filter in Matlab.
- kbatseli/PNLA_MATLAB_OCTAVE - MATLAB/OCTAVE functions for the Polynomial Numerical Linear Algebra Framework
- justingardner/mrTools - mrTools - matlab based tools for fMRI
- johndgiese/matlab - Useful scripting functions in the MATLAB language; mostly related to image processing.
- joastbg/matlab-quant-snippets - MATLAB snippets for Quantitative Finance, greeks, vega scalping etc.
- jaiverma/MATLAB - Digital Image Processing
- jae-lee/matlab-8-puzzle - An 8-puzzle solver written in MATLAB for an Artificial Intelligence course.
- hildekuehne/HTK_actionRecognition - Matlab demo for action recognition with HTK
- GWTechCollective/matlab-examples - Example code for MatLab
- gorchard/Matlab_AER_vision_functions - This repository contains some commonly used Matlab functions for working with and displaying AER vision data
- GitHubJGC/Matrices-Matlab-Population-Crisis - Final group project for Economic Analysis with Matrices Module. Population Crisis.
- FraPochetti/Matlab - matlab scripts to be compared to numpy ones
- fordanic/openslide-matlab - A MATLAB library providing bindings to the C library OpenSlide (https://github.com/openslide/openslide) used for reading whole-slide images.
- diego898/matlab-utils - Collection of custom and file-exchange scripts, toolboxes and such
- dengcai78/MatlabFunc - Matlab codes for feature learning
- cortrium/CortriumC3_matlab - MATLAB scripts to load and process data from Cortrium C3 medical device
- chudur-budur/nsga2-matlab - A very fast, 90% vectorized, NSGA-II algorithm in matlab.
- BlinkFTW/MIMO-OFDM - MATLAB code simulating different MIMO-OFDM schemes
- APMonitor/apm_matlab - APMonitor Optimization Suite in MATLAB
- analogdevicesinc/libiio-matlab - MATLAB bindings for libiio
- analogdevicesinc/ad936x-filter-wizard - MATLAB-based FIR filter design
- agramfort/matlab_mesh_toolbox - mesh_*.m functions to work with triangulated surfaces in Matlab
- aarpon/MATLABStarter - A series of startup functions for MATLAB that dynamically adds MATLAB m files, Java folders and .jar archives in user-defined folders and optionally updates any subversion or git working copies found.
- sinairv/Temporal-Difference-Learning - Temporal Difference Learning and Basic Reinforcement Learning Demos in Matlab
- aweinstein/dw - Matlab Implementation of Diffusion Wavelets
- vrama91/cider-matlab - Code for computing the CIDEr (Consensus-based Image Description Evaluation) metric.
- tmuellersim/MATLAB-ANCF - Senior Design - ANCF and Multibody Dynamics Calculations
- theshadowx/MatLabImageBrowser - Image Browser in MatLAB
- steffenmauch/libftdi-matlab - use libftdi library directly in m-files of MATLAB to talk with FTDI chips
- RomaVis/rs_matlab - Reed-Solomon over GF(2^m) implementation in MATLAB 2011a
- Relja/relja_matlab - Miscellaneous utilities
- Rafnuss/Matlab-Parflow - Matlab interface for running simulation on Parflow
- qiuqiangkong/matlab-gmm - Open source GMM (matlab)
- polli2006/Matlab--Convexhull - Implementation of constructing the convex hull using Kirkpatrick's algorithm. There are code, examples and report (in Russian)
- phyrwork/cobs-matlab - Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) for MATLAB
- oliverwreath/CV-Matlab - Computer Vision Projects
- mrberti/matlab_skripte - Hier verwalte ich ein paar meiner Matlab Skripte
- micahjsmith/bls-matlab - Pull data from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) directly into Matlab
- matrixorz/writer_identification - Matlab code for writer identification with ScatNet
- m7ossny/imfustb - Image Fusion MATLAB Toolbox
- lrq3000/gbnn-matlab - Gripon-Berrou Neural Network (also called Cliques Neural Network) high-performance implementation in Octave/Matlab
- LNSD/ShazamMatlab - Matlab implementation of Shazam-linke hashing algorithm and db search.
- kolia/matlab_makefile - makefile-like functionality for matlab - saves target results to disk
- jpeelle/jp_matlab - Misc matlab scripts
- joshvillbrandt/matlab-units - A MATLAB class that adds units and uncertainty propagation to variables.
- IPGP/sac-matlab - Matlab/Octave codes to read and write SAC seismic data file
- IPGP/mapping-matlab - Matlab/Octave mapping functions (DEM read/write, high-quality maps, coordinates convert, ...) without toolbox
- Icarurs/matlab-8-puzzle - An 8-puzzle solver written in MATLAB for an Artificial Intelligence course.
- G-Wang/Matlab_LSTM - practice lstm implementation in Matlab
- fordanic/matlab-utilities - This repository contains a number of different utility functions that are re-used in some of my MATLAB repositories here on GitHub. As such, the included functions might not be so existing on their own. :-) Hopefully other toolboxes published will be of greater relevance.
- evule/FAST-matlab - Functional Adaptive Sequential Testing toolbox for Matlab
- DavidMercier/Matlab_functions - Various Matlab functions / code
- daeyun/matlab-util - Collection of reusable MATLAB helper functions
- daemonPainter/Matlab-ICP - A compilation of Matlab scripts and function to compute Iterative Closest Point algorithm on two set of points. Reference: P.J. Besl, N.D. McKay, "A Method for Registration of 3D Shapes", 1992
- cthissen/Drex-MATLAB - olivine LPO simulation
- cqijoe/Matlab_Geophysics - Geophysics programs written in Matlab
- brookstaylorjr/MACKtrack - Automated cell tracking package for MATLAB
- bonbrown/matlab_utilities - Short MATLAB functions for reading, analysing and deriving quantities from atmospheric data.
- arvanito/deep_matlab - Unsupervised deep learning in MATLAB
- twadleigh/mexjulia - embedding Julia in the MATLAB process.
- Vijayprasanna13/Induction-motor-performance - matlab codes for performance characteristics of induction motor
- uenowataru/OpticalFlow-matlab - Matlab implementation of basic optical flow.
- tprasadtp/delay-reverb-matlab - delay-reverb-matlab
- tmills/ihmm - A fork of Jurgen Vangael's Infinite HMM matlab code
- theshadowx/MatLabRLCSimulator - RLC circuit simulator in MatLab
- Tes3awy/MATLAB-Tutorials - Image Processing MATLAB Codes, Simulink, GUI, and Standalone Applications
- t0nyren/landmarkpp - A matlab landmarking tool via Face++ API
- sourabh2k15/noobs-guide-to-matlab - for noobs like me who self learn things by doing stuff ( the hacker way ! )
- saulwiggin/Computational-Engineering-with-matlab - computational engineering in matlab
- rdeits/MatlabOptimizationTools - Some helpful scripts for running optimizations in Matlab
- RChaintreuil/sudoku-generator - A Sudoku generator for Matlab
- quanmingyao/FaNCL - Fast Low-Rank Matrix Learning with Nonconvex Regularization. Matlab Code
- phi-max/skel2graph3d-matlab - MATLAB code to derive the network graph of a 3D voxel skeleton
- nine/matlab-cs2cs - cs2cs wrapper-function for GNU Octave or Mathworks Matlab
- manuamador/ReverberationChamber_MatlabModel - A simple Matlab model of electromagnetic reverberation chamber based on image theory.
- long0612/matlab-realtime-audioprocessing - Matlab realtime audio processing
- jnkather/ColorDeconvolutionMatlab - A Matlab implementation of Ruifrok's color deconvolution algorithm.
- HanOostdijk/matlab_mongodb - MATLAB functions that use the java driver for access to MongoDB databases
- gregorburger/sph-sve - Matlab SPH code for the 1D Saint-Venant Equations
- francopestilli/mba - Matlab Brain Anatomy. This is a set of routines for displaying and manipulating brain anatomy using MatLab.
- fglichttechnik/TechnoTeam-LMK-MATLAB - MATLAB tools for measuring luminance images with a TechnoTeam LMK
- edofrederix/Matlab-Fast-SOAP - A faster non-DOM approach for creating, sending and parsing SOAP messages with Matlab
- d-hall999/Science-Project - Matlab File
- cassisi/kuramoto - Matlab simulation of phase oscillator networks with different connectivities
- brotchie/matlab-sqlite3 - Simple Matlab wrapper for the sqlitejdbc JDBC interface.
- brio50/Matlab-AVL-Wrapper - Simulate Windtunnel Testing with AVL
- AllenXL/Image_Video_Processing-Matlab - Matlab script for image and video processing. (In SJTU PAMI Lab 2012.09-2015.03)
- alaa-saade/macbeth_matlab - Matrix Completion with the Bethe Hessian : matlab demo
- aignacio724/cpe428-Proj1 - Proj1 Matlab
- acire19/CALCOLO_NUMERICO_MATLAB - Esercizi di calcolo numerico.
- Mensen/swa-matlab - Sleep Wave Analysis - an open source toolbox for matlab to score and analyse various waveforms in sleep EEG data
- twadleigh/jlcall - Call julia from matlab.
- yomguy/CNAQ - a MATLAB acquisition tool to measure and compute transfer functions and impulse responses over audio cards (Windows ONLY now sorry)
- RenderToolbox3/RenderToolbox3 - Matlab toolbox for managing graphics rendering for psychophysics
- bronsonp/matlab-network-server - Request-response network servers in Matlab made easy
- andresgm/Stokes-Multiflow - Matlab routines for solving the Stokes flow equations using the boundary integral formulation.
- zakandrewking/optSwap - Matlab scripts for OptSwap and OptYield
- wuhabi/cnn - implementation of convolutional neural networks in matlab
- TwistingTwists/EvoNN - Genetic Algorithms (EvoNN) implemented in MATLAB(R).
- tleeuwen/SimpleFWI - Simple matlab code for testing optimization algorithms on seismic inverse problems
- tir38/ASL_GUI - American Sign Language Recognition System (MATLAB)
- TheAvalanche/MATLAB-Jpeg-encoder - JPEG compression implementation in MATLAB. With writing into file.
- takeshineshiro/matlab_linear_128 - Utrasound simulation for fpga and matlab
- svalinn/matlab_meshtal_tools - Matlab tools for MCNP mesh tally files
- shwina/matlab-sep14-workshop - MATLAB workshop at Clemson University based on lesson material contributed to Software Carpentry
- RoteAugen/flappybird-for-matlab - the popular Flappybird game on MATLAB
- omcaree/youBot_MATLAB - Control of a Kuka youBot from MATLAB using ROS and the Robotics System Toolbox
- msaveski/LCE - Matlab Implementation of the Local Collective Embeddings model
- McDonnell-Lab/Matlab-ELM-toolbox - Matlab code for implementing single layer ELM networks using various methods
- Matlab-Biometric-recognition/Face-Recognition-Biometric-With-Wavelet-and-Neural-Network-Matlab-Code - Face Recognition [Wavelet and Neural Networks ] V2
- lustosa-leandro/android-matlab-navigation - Allows for MATLAB real-time visualization/processing of Android IMU/GNSS sensor data.
- lgiraud4/Lattice-Boltzmann-Matlab - My D2Q9 code for Mathlab
- king110/genFLAC3D - A FLAC3D code generator written in MATLAB
- KelsieZhao/SparseAutoencoder_matlab - sparse autoencoder code
- kaustubhcs/Word-Processor-MATLAB- - ~KTB
- johnkorn/Multiresolution-Morphology---matlab - Nontext objects detection using multiresolution morphology
- jk123vip/cdSRC_matlab_code - cdSRC(Class-Dependent Sparse Representation Classifier) 基于类别的稀疏表示分类器的简单实现,MATLAB代码版本。下面是原论文地址:
- JimHokanson/SegwormMatlabClasses - Segworm code rewritten to use Matlab classes and packages
- jcbyts/pdstools - matlab code for analyzing spike data collected with pldaps
- fan2fan/matlab--steepest-descent-method - The steepest descent method, and find the minimum of the following function
- cristi993/Matlab-Neural-Network-Exercices - Exercices in Matlab using Neural Network Toolbox for creating perceptrons and neural networks.
- berianjames/matlab-scientific-functions - Short utility functions for use in scientific research
- bcho/octave_porn - Porn image detection using Octave / Matlab
- atilberk/matlab-eigenface-recognizer - A face recognizer written in matlab
- andymass/base16-matlab - Base16 color schemes for the MATLAB desktop https://github.com/chriskempson/base16
- amirsaffari/biological-neural-networks-toolbox - Biological Neural Networks Toolbox for Matlab
- ahmetcecen/IsoSlicer-MATLAB - A GUI to help create transparent 3D isosurface maps of volumetric data.
- plotly/MATLAB-api - MATLAB Online Toolbox - Create interactive charts in your web browser with MATLAB and Plotly
- johanlofberg/YALMIP - MATLAB toolbox for optimization modeling
- pcarbo/varbvs - Large-scale Bayesian variable selection for R and MATLAB.
- BatzoglouLabSU/SIMLR - Single-cell Interpretation via Multi-kernel Learning (R code in master branch, Matlab code in matlab branch)
- sfstoolbox/sfs - SFS Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- KIOS-Research/EPANET-Matlab-Toolkit - A Matlab class for EPANET water distribution simulation libraries
- Symphony-DAS/symphony-matlab2 - Symphony Data Acquisition System
- KordingLab/nerds - 👼 Matlab package implementing blind deconvolution method for neural spike recovery
- Vicissitude47/Shear-Force-Bending-Moment-Calculator - Matlab Competition(ENCMP100), 2015 Winter Term, University of Alberta
- poormanme/smallAnimalMRgHIFU - Set of MATLAB and Solidworks files for implementing a small-animal MRgHIFU system on a small-animal MRI scanner
- Ethan-Zhou/Dense-VO - a dense visual odometry implemented in matlab
- DavidBrainard/BrainardLabToolbox - Matlab toolbox used on all Brainard Lab machines. May be useful to others.
- zgimbutas/fmmlib3d_em_matlab - FMM library in R^3, Matlab EM extensions
- ZacharyTaylor/Camera-to-Arm-Calibration - Matlab toolbox for finding the transformation from a camera to a robotic arms base
- wqren/DBNtoolbox - deep belief network toolbox written in Matlab, including algorithms of unsupervised feature learning, deep learning, and general machine learning
- woodrush/growth - Yet Another obuscated MATLAB code.
- winkijeg/SPEECHart - MATLAB toolbox speech
- wilsonlab/mwlIO - Functions for reading/writing Wilson lab specific datafiles in Matlab
- wcy0319/im-reg - image registration matlab functions
- vedaldi/osm2mat - Convert OpenStreetMap OSM files to MATLAB
- toshiakit/classification - MATLAB code based on "Document Filtering" chapter of "Collective Intelligence" book by Toby Segaran
- tomdoel/depmat - Dependency management for Matlab repositories
- tkmeldrum/MeldrumLabCode - Matlab files for processing
- taehoonlee/clustereval - Easy clustering evaluation in MATLAB
- sma-wideband/design_files - This repository hosts the MATLAB/Simulink/SystemGenerator/EDK design files and bitcodes for the ROACH2-based SMA Interim Correlator.
- slimgroup/SeisDataContainer - SeisDataContainer is a set of MATLAB classes providing an alternative to built-in MATLAB arrays for SPOT/pSPOT operators. The main purpose of those classes is to add an extended set of class attributes suitable for in-core and out-of-core processing of regularized seismic data.
- skeeto/matbots - Matlab competative programming game
- sinjax/dbscan - A matlab implementation of dbscan
- shirley-zhou/MachineLearning - Coursera Machine Learning, Matlab
- scottclowe/colorlab - Perceptually uniform colormaps for MATLAB.
- schuberm/simplemd - lennard-jones argon md in matlab
- sacadena/cnnManipMatConvNet - Code for CNN visualization, RF estimation and more in matlab using MatConvNet toolbox.
- ryotat/dtuphd14 - MATLAB scripts for DTU PhD summer school 2014
- rtol/FUND-Global - Matlab code for FUND MG
- ramakrishnavedantam928/cider-matlab - Code for computing the CIDEr (Consensus-based Image Description Evaluation) metric.
- qdev-dk/zmqmat - Wrapper for ZeroMQ for matlab.
- pavicrc/nvrVeinsSegmentation - SPM8/Matlab vessel segmentation toolbox
- papaonlegs/ELE006 - Matlab video processing toolbox
- oferfrid/NQBMatlab - Matlab useful functions and projects
- nxtruong/trmatlab - Matlab utilities by Truong X. Nghiem.
- minhsonpham/VPSC_Multijunction_Matlabscript - Matlab script to run and analyse dislocation multi-junction-based constitutive model that is integrated in a viscoplastic self-consistent program
- michellehirsch/Add-Background-Gradient-to-MATLAB-Plots - Add a background gradient to MATLAB plot axes to make them look a little fancy
- Marteen21/RobotSoccer - Simulating Robots playing soccer using MatLab
- marcusps/QIP.m - A MATLAB package of useful function for quantum information processing (QIP) calculations
- maedoc/pybox - Yet another Python-MATLAB toolbox
- liebermeister/mnt - Metabolic Network Toolbox for MATLAB
- liebermeister/elasticity-sampling - Matlab functions for Elasticity Sampling
- leopoldcambier/FAST - FAST (Finally An SDDP Toolbox) is an SDDP toolbox for Matlab
- kimsoohwan/GPML - Extensions for GPML in Matlab
- kermittfrog/CFHToolbox - Characteristic Function Transform Methods in Finance (Matlab)
- kerfoot/spt - Matlab toolbox for representing, managing, processing, visualizing and exporting raw Slocum glider data sets
- kephale/Mush - The Push programming language in Matlab
- jborggaard/AD_Deriv - Automatic Differentiation Tools for Matlab
- insilico/matsnprank - Matlab implementation of SNPrank
- iamhankai/mlp_demo - Matlab demo of Multilayer Perceptron
- HzFu/SACS_TIP2014 - The Matlab code for Self-adaptively Weighted Co-saliency (SACS) Detection
- hveiga/MQAM-Simulator - MQAM Simulator in Matlab
- histed/tools-mh - Matlab misc utilities
- fsigworth/aEMCodeRepository - Matlab code for RSC reconstruction
- FredPar/Dynamixel-Pro-Library-for-Matlab - This library lets you control the Dynamixel Pro servomotors (by Robotis) from Matlab.
- DynareTeam/dates - Matlab/Octave class for handling dates in Dynare
- DKavolis/plane-sweep - matlab code for plane sweep algorith
- ckovach/DBT - DBT spectral analysis scripts for matlab
- cineguerrilha/Neurodynamics - Neurodynamics lab matlab toolbox
- cdoersch/dswork - A distributed processing framework for Matlab
- bugra/Phase-Detection - Phase Detection implementation in Matlab
- bernard24/ConvexTensor - Matlab code for the paper "A New Convex Relaxation for Tensor Completion"
- batraman/MATLAB-Interactive-Learning-Environment-MILE - MATLAB Interactive program for Scientific Computing
- andycon/cosmo_mvpa - Matlab toolbox for multivariate pattern analysis
- aecker/figure - Pretty Matlab figures
- adalca/mmda - Matlab Medical Dataset Analysis
- aboisbunon/mst - Model Selection Toolbox for Matlab/Octave
- AaronJackson/ducking-chess - Single and multiplayer chess in MATLAB
- wspr/matlabpkg - Various small packages for Matlab
- zhemingwang/JPEG2000 - An implementation of JPEG2000 written in Matlab
- scikit-signal/pytftb - A Python implementation of the MATLAB Time-Frequency Toolbox by Auger, Flandrin, Goncalves and Lemoine (http://tftb.nongnu.org)
- jadref/buffer_bci - Simple Matlab/Octave based framework for building Brain Computer/Machine Interfaces (BCI/BMI)s
- elvinlucero/neural_networks - A project at UCSD concerning Jeff Elman's work entitled "Finding Structure in Time". This attempts to recreate the word prediction phenomenon as described in the paper, using Matlab's Neural Network Toolbox.
- MatthewPeterKelly/TrajOpt - A trajectory optimization library for Matlab
- KIOS-Research/EPANET-Matlab-Class - A Matlab class for EPANET water distribution simulation libraries
- zhechenzhu/amc-toolbox - MATLAB toolbox for automatic modulation classifier development
- victorlei/smop-testsuite - Large open-source matlab packages used as test data
- ulrikls/niak - Neuroimaging Analysis Kit for Matlab and Octave
- tyrellTuring/watermaze - Matlab code for automated analysis of Morris water-maze data
- toshiakit/clustering - MATLAB code based on "Discovering Groups" chapter of "Collective Intelligence" book by Toby Segaran
- stenvala/riemann - Interface for Symbolic Riemannian Manifold in Matlab
- shaharkov/ContSingVal - A Matlab implementation of the paper "Controlling Singular Values with Semidefinite Programming"
- seckin206/Find-the-Frequency - Using Matlab, analyze the sound and get the frequency
- scttl/jtag - Journal image tagger. Tcl/Tk and matlab based app for segmenting and tagging document image regions then running various classifiers over them
- rserban/ANCF_beam - Matlab simulation of a flexible beam modeled with gradient-deficient ANCF beam elements
- robotology/mex-wholebodymodel - Matlab MEX interface to the iWholeBodyModel interface.
- robertreingit/simpleBrainSurface - A simple MATLAB plot function to render the surface of a Brain in MNI-coordinates.
- ramon-astudillo/custom_fe - Python/Matlab front-ends for HTK/Kaldi
- qingxiang-jia/gesture_recognizer - Imaging processing project for my image processing class. Current project, written in MATLAB.
- pseudospectators/spectral2d-m - Simplified Matlab 2D version of FLUSI code
- pseudospectators/insect-tools - Collection of useful matlab scripts often used with insects
- pratyakshs/image-quilting - A MATLAB implementation of the Efros & Freeman paper
- pbmanis/ACQ3 - Acq3 - Matlab (tm) based data acquisition program for electophysiology.
- ojwoodford/udp_broadcast - Simple UDP broadcast and listen classes, with MATLAB wrappers
- nugrahawahyu/Multi-Tab-Matlab-GUI - Matlab gui with easy to edit and beautiful tabs
- noureldien/PortfolioOptimization - Portfolio Optimization and efficient frontier using MATLAB. This project is a part of assignment for COMP6212 Computational Finance course, 2nd semester, MSc AI, University of Southampton.
- melisabok/RedesNeuronales - Trabajos Practico de Redes Neuronales hecho en Matlab
- mbattifarano/GoFigure - Implements a figure handler class in MATLAB to streamline figure generation and organization.
- marcecj/msndfile - msndfile is a Matlab Mex file that uses the C library libsndfile (http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/) to read audio files.
- lnls-fac/collective_effects - Matlab scripts to calculate and simulate collective effects
- krasvas/EyeMMV - EyeMMV toolbox is a MATLAB toolbox appropriate for post experimental eye movement analysis
- kbyagnik/OCR-MLP - Designed a classifier to recognize optical characters (numbers) using Back-propagation in Multi-Layer Perceptron on given Training Set of numbers using MATLAB
- kandelj/MitoSPT - single particle tracking of fluorescent time lapse images of mitochondria in cells using ImageJ preprocessing followed by Matlab object recognition functions.
- jonatanolofsson/mattools - Various OO-tools for use in MATLAB
- jlblancoc/mechplot - Library to render structures and mechanisms (in MATLAB)
- jgrelet/ladcp - Matlab LADCP-Processing system based on IFM-GEOMAR/LDEO
- jesjos/signals-systems-transforms - Coursework regarding the generation and analysis of signals using Matlab.
- jamesmawm/Compound-Exchange-Option-of-a-Power-Plant - Evaluating a compound exchange option on a power plant investment opportunity in Matlab
- irina694/HOSC-data - Runs of MATLAB using DAKOTA on HOSC
- imperiumzigna/MatLab-codes - Códigos Matlab diversificados
- igkiou/image_utils - A collection of utilities for image processing, written in MATLAB and C/C++.
- hoeltgman/m-files - A collection of Matlab files for mostly image processing related tasks.
- ggscorzato/MCfits - Matlab functions to extract basic physical quantities from correlation functions in twisted mass Lattice QCD
- gelliravi/MatTrans - MATTRANS - A MATLAB(R)/Simulink Power System Transient Stability Simulation Package
- free-unife/numerical-calculus-octave-scripts - Octave/Matlab functions and scripts related to "Calcolo Numerico e Laboratorio" course in UNIFE (University of Ferrara), year 2015-2016.
- fietew/ekfukf - Mirror of EKF/UKF Toolbox for Matlab V1.3 from Aalto University, Finland
- ehkropf/SKPrime - A MATLAB implementation of the Schottky-Klein prime function.
- edofrederix/Turbmat-Tools - Matlab library for querying, processing and visualizing data from the JHU Turbulence Database.
- edofrederix/Turbmat - Matlab library for querying data on the JHU Turbulence Database Cluster
- eccarson/ca-ksms - Matlab implementations of communication-avoiding Krylov subspace methods
- dmlipinski/LaTeX-Fig - A MATLAB script to export figures using a system installation of LaTeX to process text objects.
- dmd/thesis - All Matlab code written in the service of Daniel Drucker's Ph.D. Thesis work
- djweiss/omni-jobs - matlab toolkit for SGE management / experiments
- danstowell/code_GLM - Generalized Linear Model (GLM) point process model for spike trains - matlab code by J Pillow
- cosmolab/octweb - Drop-in replacement for the now-defunct "Matlab Web Server" using Octave CGI scripts
- christandiono/mathp - MATHP: MATLAB-Assisted Tool for Hypertext Preprocessing
- chrismullins/SpindleSimScript - MATLAB script to generate XML for the Microscope Simulator
- bsamadi/AUT-USARSim-Toolbox - This toolbox is developed to enable MATLAB communicate with USARSim. The code is purely in MATLAB and it has been developed by Sajjad Yazdani and Amin Ranjbar under the supervision of Behzad Samadi at Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT).
- bryan91/pHRIWARE - MATLAB tools for the physical human-robot interaction workspace analysis, research and evaluation
- bobkopp/matDICE - MATLAB-based variant of DICE integrated assessment model
- bduong/hbridge - Wireless MSP430 microcontroller hooked up to a small RC car with a MATLAB UI for control
- bblockwood/mirrlees_ampl - Solves the Mirrlees model (replicating Saez 2001) using Matlab and AMPL.
- artemyk/scatter_patches - MATLAB code to draw scatter plots using patches
- antonl/VTrack - A particle tracker written in MATLAB utilizing the Image Capture and Processing toolkits. Written for Dr Visscher's lab at the University of Arizona.
- ahbarnett/validspike - Spike-sorting and validation metric codes in MATLAB and C
- adam2392/Neural_Interaction_Lab_MatlabForPD - Matlab code for Parkinson's disease
- TytoLogy/TDTToolbox - TytoLogy-Toolboxes-TDTToolbox:Matlab toolbox for use with TDT System3 hardware
- TNO/TNO-DECO - Matlab code for preprocessing Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Data
- Stimela/Stimela - Stimela is an environment for standardised mathematical models of drinking water treatment processes in Matlab/Simulink
- Risca/knife-alien - TNG016 Real-time audio processing in MATLAB
- PhilD001/the-zoosystem - The Zoosystem is a user-customizable toolbox for the analysis of biomechanical data within the MatLab programming environment. Please take a look at the Zoosystem Wiki for setup information and user instructions.
- Perfexion/RCSizingCode - A matlab function (and GUI) for sizing of model size RC aircraft
- NithyaMenon/laserPulseModel - Matlab tool to process an input laser signal and return the modulated output pulse sequence.
- NeonKingKong/sparse_autoencoder_highPerfComp_ec527 - High Performance Programming (EC527) class project. MATLAB, C, C++, and CUDA implementations of a sparse autoencoder.
- LeonGuo1988/LeonToolx - Computer vision and machine learning MATLAB toolbox
- LNSD/LNSD-ShazamMatlab - Matlab implementation of Shazam-linke hashing algorithm and db search.
- KezhiLi/Tracking_Hypo - Worm tracking matlab code using multiple hypotheses
- JacobCrabill/FV2D - A 2D Finite-Volume CFD Code in Matlab and C++
- IriscShih/lookuptable_GUI - Development of a Matlab analyzation toolkit for 3D lookup tables
- HukLab/matRegress - MATLAB code for GLMs on pyschophysical and neural data
- Hazhor/Book-Manager - A Cross-Book Dataset Analyzer with a Simple Matlab GUI
- GOFUVI/t_tide-modified - This is a modification of the popular tidal analysis package in MATLAB from Pawlovsky: "Pawlowicz, R., Beardsley, B., & Lentz, S. (2002). Classical tidal harmonic analysis including error estimates in MATLAB using T_TIDE. Computers & Geosciences, 28(8), 929–937"
- DavidMercier/NIMS - A Matlab toolbox to plot and to analyze nanoindentation data (with conical indenters)
- CSarabalis/8.14_2013 - Data and MATLAB scripts for 8.14 Junior Lab in the Spring 2013 semester.
- Artiavis/theeigenfacebook - a Matlab GUI for creating a database of eigenface-profiles and accessing profiles using a login picture
- wisniewski/matlab - Unimation PUMA 560 Robotic Arm Model
- solis/matlabs - matlab party zone
- sievers/matlab - lots of potentially useful MATLAB routines
- ravikiranj/matlab - a collection of matlab projects
- nwh/matlab - Utility to download and install useful Matlab code
- mhtkmr54/Matlab - Superimposed graphs of true stress/strain and engineering stress and strain
- libqueso/gpmsa-matlab - Matlab version of GPMSA
- lbehmer/MATLAB - MATLAB code for EEG analysis
- kostrzewa/matlab - matlab testing tools for tmLQCD
- kndiaye/matlab - My matlab functions
- hope4u/Matlab - MIMO Semster Porject
- geoinfo2014/matlab - some useful matlab function, especially for geodetic problems
- dxtkdxtk/CTP_MATLAB - ctp matlab call c# dll framework
- betainverse/matlab - random collection of matlab scripts
- anshulthakur/matlab - Matlab codes
- ahgnaw/MATLAB - folder with the matlab code I'm working on
- SSabev/matlab - My implementation of the kmeans algorighm and files that come with the project.
- NivekT/MATLAB - Practice problems and projects that I have completed on MATLAB.
- HrNilsson/Matlab - Various matlab functions
- Gerst20051/MATLAB - Collection of MATLAB scripts and examples
- ElbertvanPutten/matlab - some useful matlab functions
- PRML/PRMLT - Matlab Toolbox for Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- quinnliu/machineLearning - implementations of machine learning algorithms in Matlab/Octave
- kyamagu/matlab-json - JSON encoder for Matlab
- feisenkeil/Hierarchical-Hidden-Markov-Model - Matlab Implementation of "The Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model: Analysis and Applications"
- DavidBrainard/RenderToolbox3 - Matlab toolbox for managing graphics rendering for psychophysics
- kakearney/boundedline-pkg - Plot line(s) with error bounds/confidence intervals/etc. in Matlab
- nschloe/matlab-guidelines - Guidelines for writing clean and fast code in MATLAB
- junspark/matlab_tools - matlab tools
- brianarmstrong/cog_comm_tools - Set of tools for working with PTB within MATLab for the Cognition And Communications lab at UT Austin.
- vicrucann/cacharr - Matlab class that allows to work with very large matrices through caching; thus avoid matrix allocation out-of-memory error.
- stenvala/dp - Platform for programming finite element method solvers in Matlab
- markuman/go-sqlite - powerfull sqlite3 toolbox for Matlab and GNU Octave
- jjedele/Decision-Tree-Creator-for-Octave-Matlab - Nothing Special. Creates decision trees of a data matrix based on information gain.
- avehtari/MatlabPSIS - Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS) and PSIS leave-one-out cross-validation for Matlab/Octave
- ashwinsrnth/matlab-sep14-workshop - MATLAB workshop at Clemson University based on lesson material contributed to Software Carpentry
- antoinerg/SPM - object-oriented interface to scanning probe microscopy images for Matlab
- ZachDischner/Stocks - Home-built stock market data mining and analysis toolkit using MATLAB and MySQL. Work in progress, I add to it when I have time. Connection between MATLAB and MySQL built using http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8663-mysql-database-connector
- SiPBA/PETRA - PETRA: Matlab Toolbox for brain image processing and classification.
- PabloBrubeck/MATLAB - Numerical methods and algorithms. Experimental.
- DuPupu/Huobi-BTC-Auto-Trade-RSI - A simple Huobi Bitcoin auto trading SIMULATION script written in MATLAB
- zippera/matlabcodes - various codes of matlab
- zikegcwk/Matlab_TrackingFluorescenceMicroscope - Matlab files for tracking fluorescence microscope. HMM model, analysis, fluorescence measurement and correlation analysis, controlling hardware etc...
- ydelgadom/Matlab_project - GUI for the worm algorithm/Z(3) spin model.
- yangscar/electrophysiol_Matlab - A matlab version electrophysiological experiment platform based on Visage and Cerebus
- yacobylab/matlab.mixin - an simple example of a matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous
- xiaoshanhuang/hxs_matlab - matlab code for research
- wspr/bvh-matlab - Parse BVH files (Biovision) for Matlab (hi!)
- wleepang/matlablib - Library of custom matlab functions that make matlabing less insane
- vfilimonov/matlab-projects - The missing projects manager for MATLAB
- ultimate010/Noekeon-Matlab - Matlab version of Noekeon
- tony-azevedo/Matlab-Analysis - Code to port to different machines
- tharrigan620/matlab_breakout - A Breakout/Brick Breaker game in Matlab
- tgvoskuilen/MatlabTools - Useful Matlab classes, functions, and scripts
- tassianors/matlab_files - matlab files for my master final project
- speredenn/matlab-tools - Useful MATLAB tools in my workflow
- spectralflight/MATLAB-Spectralflight - MATLAB scripts for personal projects.
- smschm/functional-matlab - AKA What hath God wrought?
- slayton/matlab-cody - Files for the Mathworks Matlab Cody challenges
- sinjax/trendminer-matlab - the trendminer matlab repo
- simeon-simeonov/Matlab.Algorithms - Geometric Algorithms in Matlab
- sergeyf/matlab_utilities - some useful MATLAB functions
- sebastiangeiger/Matlab-Stuff - Collection of methods written for matlab. Mainly concerned with clustering.
- sdx360/WorkMatlab - Practicas Procesamiento
- scottclowe/matlab-utilities - MATLAB utility functions written by Scott Lowe
- salimm/MatlabMLLib - My Matlab Machine Learning codes
- rowoflo/Matlab_TrackablePackage - A Matlab package used for interfacing between Matlab and the OptiTrack system.
- rodrigo-garcia-leon/MATLAB_shared - Collection of MATLAB scripts and toolboxes regarding psychoacoustics
- robertsj/MATLAB-Transport-Pack - Several MATLAB routines for performing neutron transport and reactor physics.
- rggeorge/Matlab-animation - A few animation/physics projects done in matlab.
- rdodesigns/MATLAB-scripts - A centrally repo for getting scripts and their updates
- ransage/matlab-utilities - A collection of various functions that I find myself using frequently and wishing MathWorks had included
- ramb0x/Matlab-MLframework - Machine Learning framework for Kaggle, 273, and side projects.
- qdev-dk/matlab-daemon - RPC daemon for matlab
- project8/monarch_matlab - matlab version of monarch
- pikipity/Yaskawa3D_matlab - Use matlab to build a Yaskawa 3D model
- physion/ovation-matlab - Ovation Matlab API and utilities
- paulgribble/matlab - matlab code for the Gribble lab
- owlbread/MATLAB-stereo-image-disparity-map - Matlab function for generating disparity maps for stereo images
- otbrown/mpsvgss-matlab - A Matrix Product State Variational Ground State Search written for MATLAB. I know how you all love MATLAB.
- otbrown/mpostat-matlab - MATLAB code to find the stationary state of a dissipative open quantum system, using matrix product operators.
- neurojak/introToMATLAB - MATLAB code and associated files for tutorial
- ndonnellan/matlabSandbox - For posting moderately "useful" matlab
- nazarovsky/matlab-useful - Useful MATLAB and MEX functions
- mim/matlabUtil - Useful Matlab functions
- mhlee1116/DeepLearningDropout - MATLAB implementation of Deep Learning with dropout
- mdopain/EEG_MATLAB - Onze MATLAB files om de EEG te editen
- matthew-lagro/Matlab-Learning - Just code to teach myself some Matlab
- macroIQ/matlab_helpers - Simple m Files
- loyiravu/matlabnetworkplan - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/matlabnetworkplan
- liebermeister/sbtab-matlab - Matlab functions for SBtab format
- larrylindsey/MatlabCode - My personal stash of matlab code. Please excuse the mess.
- kyamagu/matlab-fscache - File-system based cache for Matlab.
- kyamagu/matlab-batch - Distributed Matlab job execution library.
- kweekly/sensezilla-matlab - SinBerBEST Sensing Project [MATLAB]
- klessel/HSS-Matlab - Codes for Hierarchically Semi-Separable Matrices. Written by Kristen Lessel, studying under Professor Shivkumar Chandrasekaran in the Department of ECE at UCSB. For more information see http://scg.ece.ucsb.edu/publications.html
- jonbrennecke/matlab-utils - An iff module of some general purpose matlab workspace utilities.
- jonbirge/matlab-utils - Various MATLAB utilities
- johnwalley/matlab-examples - MATLAB examples
- jobinvcm/Matlab-engg - Sample matlab programs
- jedediahfrey/matlab_gitextensions - Command wrapper for GitExtensions in Matlab
- imthomasking/MATLAB-files - Useful MATLAB programs include merge_pictures, etc.
- ihstevenson/matlab-eyetribe - a light-weight (pure) matlab class using the eyetribe JSON API
- hunteryourlove/MATLAB-signin - MATLAB files
- gareth-ferneyhough/Matlab-LQR - A Matlab script that solves the brick on ice (double integrator) problem using LQR and draws the solution. Most code from MIT OpenCourseWare.
- francopestilli/life_scripts - Diffusion imaging and tractograpy script sin MatLab
- empireryan/vrepMatlab - The matlab side of code corresponding to the V-REP quadrotor scene in 'vrepQuad'
- emilyhalket/projectMatlab - Interface R, Matlab, SPM
- ekellogg/Matlab_EM - matlab scripts for EM image processing and analysis
- dpineiden/matlab_cea - Scripts y funciones matlab para trabajar con grandes cantidades de imagenes de tipo LANDSAT; que son conjuntos de tomas satelitales :TIF georeferenciadas
- dotc95/matlab_projects - Projects on Matlab
- djweiss/matlab-utils - Some simple matlab utility functions that can come in handy from time to time.
- divyanshusrivastava/dsp-matlab - this repo contains matlab files associated with digital signal processing
- cmutzel/powerflow-matlab - An old MATLAB project where I simulated power flow in in electrical grids.
- chadsgilbert/matlab-xml - Write MATLAB structs to xml and read xml to MATLAB struct
- cehars/Symmetry-Map - Matlab
- ccalonzo/ODDET_Matlab - ODDET image processing Matlab library by Carlo
- btekgit/MatlabCTClass - This matlab class implements volumetric (cell) array manipulation routines for volume images. It can store a whole volume as a cell array. It is most effective when memory is not sufficient to work on 3D matrices.
- botonchou/matlab.ipc - MATLAB inter-process communication using FIFO
- asuagar/matlab-tools - Matlab scripts developed in my daily work.
- arybin93/MatlabUtils - Useful scripts via Matlab
- aniketawati/Matlab-scripts - Contains useful matlab scripts
- allendotlidh/LDA-matlab - LDA PCA about computer vision coding in matlab
- alirezamonfared/MATLAb_Mobility - Mobility Project, MATLAB codes
- alexschlegel/matlab_lib - Alex's MATLAB library
- XapaJIaMnu/matlab-kmeans - A reccursive kmeans implementation for matlab.
- ProfessorX/MATLAB-Tutorials - Yet another code warehouse for some baby-level MATLAB codes.
- Palethorn/MatlabSource - Misc matlab source
- JonCG90/MatlabDpx - Read and writing dpx files in Matlab
- JimHokanson/matlab_web - Matlab web functions
- JimHokanson/matlab_svg - Matlab SVG
- IngenieroFiestero/Ejercicios-Matlab - Recopilacion ejercicios clase
- HBadertscher/Matlab-Reference - Matlab-Reference
- G-Node/matlab-odml - odml support for matlab
- Fizz-2013/MATLAB-Projects - A collection of MATLAB tools and programs
- DonaldSBosley/MATLAB_DSP - Tools for sound generation, analysis, audio effects, etc...
- Chouffe/Face-Recognition - Face detector designed in Matlab
- CReSIS/OPS-MATLAB - MATLAB API for the OPS project.
- CE440Finite/FEA-Matlab - Finite Element Analysis Project Matlab Codes and Other Things
- AlistairBoettiger/matlab-storm - This is Alistair's development version of ZhuangLab/matlab-storm. For release version, please see Zhanglab/matlab-storm.
- 91kerezi/Matlab-course - Here I will keep files from course
- zk00006/OpenTLD - Official source code for TLD
- rbgirshick/rcnn - R-CNN: Regions with Convolutional Neural Network Features
- quantombone/exemplarsvm - Ensemble of Exemplar-SVMs for Object Detection and Beyond
- PRML/PRML - Pattern recognition and machine learning toolbox
- ChiefPilot/F3BarGauge - LED- or LCD-like bar gauge control for iOS
- danluu/UFLDL-tutorial - Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning Tutorial Solutions
- rbgirshick/voc-dpm - Object detection system using deformable part models (DPMs) and latent SVM (voc-release5). You may want to use the latest tarball on my website. The github code may include code changes that have not been tested as thoroughly and will not necessarily reproduce the results on the website.
- jngiam/sparseFiltering - Sparse Filtering
- RobotLocomotion/drake - A planning, control, and analysis toolbox for nonlinear dynamical systems. Please see the WIKI for documentation.
- zhouxc/Stanford-Machine-Learning-Course - machine learning course programming exercise
- andrewssobral/lrslibrary - Low-Rank and Sparse Tools for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videos
- uricamic/flandmark - Open-source implementation of facial landmark detector
- schneems/Octave - my octave exercises for 2011 stanford machine learning class, posted after the due date of course
- yahoo/Optimal-LSH - This package provides an efficient implementation of locality-sensitve hashing (LSH)
- zygmuntz/kaggle-blackbox - Deep learning made easy
- ShaoqingRen/SPP_net - SPP_net : Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
- pdollar/edges - Structured Edge Detection Toolbox
- jwyang/face-alignment - Face alignment in 3000 FPS
- adikhosla/feature-extraction - Computer vision feature extraction toolbox for image classification
- merwan/ml-class - Machine learning programming exercises
- chebfun/chebfun - Chebfun is an open-source software system for numerical computing with functions.
- NitinJami/keychaineditor - A CLI to interact with iOS's keychain on a jailbroken device to dump/edit/delete a keychain item.
- CovertLab/WholeCell - Mycoplasma genitalium whole-cell model
- rbgirshick/DeepPyramid - Deep feature pyramids for various computer vision algorithms (DPMs, pyramid R-CNN, etc.)
- wspr/thesis - My ever-continuing PhD thesis
- qiuwch/DeepLearning - Deep learning code by Hinton
- zellyn/deeplearning-class-2011 - Code for Deep Learning class at Google
- OLPS/OLPS - Online Portfolio Selection toolbox
- s-gupta/rcnn-depth - Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detection and Segmentation
- pdollar/coco - MS COCO API - http://mscoco.org/
- rbgirshick/star-cascade - Cascade Object Detection with Deformable Part Models – Add-on package for voc-release4.01
- uavster/Video2HeartRate - Push your smartphone camera with your fingertip, record and find out your heart rate.
- covarep/covarep - A Cooperative Voice Analysis Repository for Speech Technologies
- cvxgrp/proximal - Sample implementations of proximal operators
- gafiatulin/ml-class - My solutions to programming exercises from Stanford online Machine Learning class.
- joelimlimit/SketchTokens - A tool for extracting contour-based mid-level features, and to extract contour segmentations from images
- gpeyre/numerical-tours - Numerical Tours of Signal Processing
- alexgo1/Video-Stabilization - Digital Video Stabilization and Rolling Shutter Correction using Gyroscopes
- rieder91/MachineLearning - Exercises for the Stanford/Coursera Machine Learning Class
- alexandrebarachant/DecMeg2014 - Winning solution for the DecMeg2014 challenge https://www.kaggle.com/c/decoding-the-human-brain
- willard-yuan/hashing-baseline-for-image-retrieval - Various hashing methods for image retrieval and serves as the baselines
- aravindhm/deep-goggle - Source code for "Understanding Deep Image Representations by Inverting Them", CVPR 2015
- shelhamer/visual-pulse-monitor - Measure heart rate from standard video recording (UMass CS 691A final project)
- everpeace/ml-class-assignments - Programming Exercises on http://ml-class.org
- amaas/rnn-speech-denoising - Recurrent neural network training for noise reduction in robust automatic speech recognition
- DynareTeam/dynare - Dynare: a platform for handling a wide class of economic models
- aeolianine/octave-networks-toolbox - A set of graph/networks analysis functions in Octave
- JimmyLin192/GraphicalModel - Courera Version of Graphical Model.. Cooperate with Jian Guo.
- SaveTheRbtz/ml-class - Stanford Machine learning class excercises
- vistalab/vistasoft - VISTASOFT is the main software repository of the VISTA lab at Stanford University.
- jmcohen/taste - jmcohen.github.io
- benhamner/Air-Quality-Prediction-Hackathon-Winning-Model - Contains the code for the model that won Kaggle's Air Quality Prediction Hackathon
- vedaldi/practical-cnn - A VGG practical on convolutional neural networks
- open-bldc/open-bldc-hardware - OpenSource Brushless Drive Controller Hardware
- hosang/detection-proposals - Evaluation of detection performance, recall, and repeatability of detection proposal algorithms
- sidaw/fastdropout - code for fast dropout, messy
- saurabhme/discriminative-patches - Unsupervised Discovery of Mid-Level Discriminative Patches
- rhodricusack/automaticanalysis - Automatic analysis
- mpf/spgl1 - A solver for large-scale sparse reconstruction
- ziyuw/rembo - Bayesian optimization in high-dimensions via random embedding.
- votchallenge/vot-toolkit - Visual Object Tracking (VOT) challenge evaluation toolkit
- ruins/offline-narrative - Code for the Narrative Clip (getnarrative.com) that uses the local HDD cache of images, sensor data and meta information to perform life logging and other operations.
- lukeweston/SimpleFMCWRadar - A simple, low-power, low-cost 5.8-6.0 GHz microwave FMCW radar
- YimianDai/Image-Processing-Codes-for-Easier-Understanding - original or modified image processing codes for easier understanding
- ttomita/RandomerForest - Discriminant Projection Forest results, datasets, etc.
- palmerc/GeodeticUTMConverter - An objective-C converter of UTM to/from latitude and longitude
- jbhuang0604/StructCompletion - Image Completion using Planar Structure Guidance (SIGGRAPH 2014)
- endernewton/neil-test - NEIL Test Code
- batra-mlp-lab/object-proposals - Repository containing wrapper to obtain various object proposals easily
- Teaonly/beginlearning - Practices for machine learning
- peterwilliams97/ml_class - Work for the Andrew Ng online ML class
- oseledets/TT-Toolbox - The git repository for the TT-Toolbox
- jponttuset/mcg - Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping - State-of-the-art Object Proposals and Segmentation
- distrep/DMLT - Donders Machine Learning Toolbox
- tomtung/Learning-Machine-Learning - Machine learning algorithms I implemented using different programming languages.
- opencobra/cobratoolbox - COnstraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis toolbox
- norouzi/ckmeans - Cartesian k-means for approximate nearest neghbor search, codebook learning, etc.
- JiaoXianjun/rtl-sdr-LTE - Play with LTE signal (especially China TD-LTE) captured by rtl-sdr
- jhoffman/lsda - Large scale detection through adaptation
- endernewton/subdiscover - Subcategory Discovery and Segmentation for CVPR 2014 Paper (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~xinleic/papers/cvpr14.pdf)
- drakeguan/cp11fall_project1 - Implementation of Edge-Preserving Multiscale Image Decomposition Based on Local Extrema
- cehars/Summer-of-Project - Data Acquisition
- bensapp/MODEC - Multimodal Decomposable Model for Human Pose Estimation
- albertyang33/TADW - code for IJCAI2015 paper "Network Representation Learning with Rich Text Information"
- 1094401996/machine-learning-coursera - Lecture notes and assignments for coursera machine learning class
- kristinbranson/JAABA - Janelia Animal Behavior Detector
- jacobeisenstein/SAGE - Sparse Additive Generative Model of Text
- panditanvita/BTCpredictor - Bitcoin price prediction algorithm using bayesian regression techniques
- mtompkins/openAlgo - openAlgo is a publicaly shared repository for various work product germane to algorithms and the high frequency low latency electronic trading space with a bias toward exchange traded futures and options.
- gpstuff-dev/gpstuff - GPstuff - Gaussian process models for Bayesian analysis
- bmcfee/mlr - Metric Learning to Rank
- yaoliUoA/MDPM - Mid-level Deep Pattern Mining
- s-gupta/rgbd - Code for CVPR13 paper - Perceptual Organization and Recognition of Indoor Scenes from RGB-D Images
- maxime/ChinaMapDeviation - A method to correct the China Map Deviation, written as an Objective-C category on CLLocation
- mabrauer/hyperloop_sl - Hyperloop model in Simulink for collaboration
- jsupancic/SPLTT-Release - The Release Code for our CVPR 2013 Submission "Self-paced learning for long-term tracking".
- greeness/deep-learning - Collection of deep learning resources.
- cbm755/octsympy - A Symbolic Package for Octave using SymPy
- PetterS/patch-inpainting - Image inpainting using coherency senstitive hashing
- silverlab/megavista - mrVista and Silverlab improvements and developments to mrVista
- rvlasveld/oc_svm - One-Class SVM implementations for temporal segmentation of human activities
- pmineiro/randembed - Randomized embeddings for extreme learning
- norouzi/hdml - Hamming Distance Metric Learning with Non-linear Projection
- jngiam/scoreMatching - Score Matching Implementation for ICA
- google/carfac - Cascade of Asymmetric Resonators with Fast-Acting Compression cochlear model.
- duvenaud/warped-mixtures - Code for density estimation with nonparametric cluster shapes.
- dnuffer/dpcode - My deliberate practice code
- dennis1088/gaze-text-detection - Text detection in natural scene images using the Stoke Width Transform.
- anhncs/Probabilistic-Graphical-Models - Code for Implementation, Inference, and Learning of Bayesian and Markov Networks along with some practical examples.
- AlfredXiangWu/face_verification_experiment - Face verification experiment for lfw
- zygmuntz/metric-learning-for-regression - Applying metric learning to kin8nm
- wilsonkl/sfm-disambig - code from ICCV paper: Network Principles for SfM: Disambiguating Repeated Structures with Local Context
- vedaldi/visualindex - A simple demo of visual object matching using VLFeat
- taehoonlee/easyDL - Easy and fast deep learning
- rvlasveld/accelerometer_plotting - Quick accelerometer plotting tools.
- randvoorhies/SimpleSLAM - A simple SLAM implementation for education
- probml/pmtksupport - Various packages used by PMTK.
- jovo/smc-oopsi - code to implement our sequential monte carlo (smc) algorithm to perform optimal optical spike inference (oopsi) for individual neurons
- jflalonde/colorRealism - Code from the ICCV'07 paper "Using Color Compatibility for Assessing Image Realism"
- danielfm/edx-learning-from-data - My solutions for the CaltechX Learning From Data course on edX.
- akutta/Haze-Removal - Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
- JiaoXianjun/multi-rtl-sdr-calibration - Calibrate multiple rtl-sdr dongles concurrently and make them work together on GSM
- strawlab/MultiCamSelfCal - multiple camera self calibration Toolbox
- sasif/L1-homotopy - Codes related to L1-norm minimization using homotopy
- rbgirshick/dp-dpm - DeepPyramid DPM
- ppletscher/BCFWstruct - Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe Optimization for Structural SVMs
- n-zhang/part-based-RCNN - Codes and pretrained model for ECCV 14 paper 'Part based RCNNs for fine-grained category detection'
- jovo/oopsi - up-to-date code for model-based inference of spike trains from calcium imaging
- duvenaud/harlemcmc-shake - Code to produce demos of Metroplis-Hastings and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo samplers.
- SITZ/ML-Class - Completed programming assignments for Online Machine Learning Course
- Philip-Bachman/NN-Dropout - This code is for training feedforward neural networks with dropout.
- BBN-Q/Qlab - Measurement and control software for superconducting qubits.
- zhusz/CVPR15-CFSS - Full version (training+testing) of implementation of Shizhan Zhu et al.'s CVPR-15 work Face Alignment by Coarse-to-Fine Shape Searching
- posenhuang/deeplearningsourceseparation - Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Source Separation
- piotrmirowski/Tutorial_AutoEncoders - Tutorial code for Auto-Encoders, implementing Marc'Aurelio Ranzato's Sparse Encoding Symmetric Machine and testing it on the MNIST handwritten digits data.
- jmaih/RISE_toolbox - Solution and estimation of Markov Switching Rational Expectations / DSGE Models
- glisanti/CLEAR-MOT - A standard metric for evaluating the multiple target tracking algorithm is the CLEAR MOT.
- dusenberrymw/eigenfaces - An eigenfaces demo to go along with a recent blog post: http://mikedusenberry.com/on-eigenfaces/
- cogrhythms/good-coding-practices - Good coding practices for scientific programming.
- Sohl-Dickstein/LAHMC - Look Ahead Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- zygmuntz/kaggle-digits - Some code for the Digits competition at Kaggle, incl. pylearn2's maxout
- wiresoft/WFBezierCombinatorics - Boolean operations on NSBezierPath
- tknijnen/MSR - Multiscale representation of genomic signals
- songlab/chance - Download binary executables and sample data here:
- skaae/rbm_toolbox - mostly changes in RBM code. including PCD
- shimazaki/density_estimation - density_estimation
- pckben/vad - Voice Activity Detection
- mhejrati/3D-Object - Analyzing 3D Objects in Cluttered Images
- jovo/pop-oopsi - this repository stores code, text, simulations, and figs (and maybe more) for our population oopsi filter
- jcdevaney/AMPACT - Automatic Music Performance Analysis and Comparison Toolkit
- gynnash/AutoEncoder - Implementation of Semantic Hashing. Modified from Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton's code of training Deep AutoEncoder
- gkokaisel/MachineLearning - Octave Code for Machine Learning Programming Exercises
- gkioxari/k-poselets - k-poselets CVPR2014 code
- genp/sun_attributes - Code of training and implementing scene attribute classifiers. Project page: http://cs.brown.edu/~gen/sunattributes.html
- fhats/MATH408 - A collection of audio watermarking algorithm implementations for my MATH408 (Intro to Cryptography) research paper.
- fest/secondorderdemos - second order demos
- fest/gemdemo - gem demo
- emersonmoretto/mlclass-ex4 - Stanford ML Class programming exercises
- URDME/urdme - Stochastic reaction-diffusion simulation on unstructured meshes.
- zihaolucky/Machine-Learning-and-UFLDL - Lectures and notes, with my honor code as programming exercise.
- yvesx/Sensitivity - recommendation sensitivity project
- trungngv/fgp - Code for the paper 'Fast Allocation of Gaussian Process Experts'
- tianyicui/ml-class - My programming exercise solution for the Machine Learning class on Coursera
- onlymag4u/UFLDL_SparseAutoencoder - An unsupervised learning algorithm that applies back propagation, setting the target values to be equal to the inputs. Also, we impose a sparsity constraint on the hidden units, then the autoencoder will still discover interesting structure in the data, even if the number of hidden units is large.
- murraymeehan/UltrasoundSnake - A snake (active contour model) algorithm based tool to contour (identify the shape of an organ in) ultrasound medical images. Embarassingly, the dataset I was working with can't be shared with the public. It should still be useful for anyone wanting to write an automatic contouring program.
- msavva/ReVision - ReVision: Automated Classification, Analysis and Redesign of Chart Images
- jyeatman/AFQ - Automated Fiber Quantification
- jiayuzhou/MALSAR - Multi-task learning via Structural Regularization
- jfaghm/OceanEddies - A collection of algorithms to autonomously identify and track mesoscale ocean eddies in sea surface height (SSH) satellite data
- jeixav/LCS-Tool - Computational engine for variational Lagrangian coherent structures
- hsuantien/mlc_lsdr - implementation of several label space dimension reduction approaches for multi-label classification
- felixyu/pSVM - proportion-SVM (pSVM, $\propto$SVM) for learning with label proportions
- epfl-lts2/gspbox - The official repository of the Graph Signal Processing Toolbox (GSPBox)
- blindmotion/detector - Detects turns, overtakes, line changes based on sensors data
- blandry/crazyflie-tools - A collection of tools to develop controllers for the Crazyflie using Drake
- beckel/nilm-eval - NILM-EVAL: An evaluation framework for non-intrusive load monitoring algorithms
- ami-lab/AmI-Platform - AmI-Platform
- Stoney49th/OSHW-Multimeter - First steps towards a fully open source hardware multimeter
- SheffieldML/SGPLVM - Gaussian process latent variable models with shared latent spaces (SGPLVM)
- QSTEM/QSTEM - STEM/TEM/Coherent CBED image simulations
- PuggleBoard/PuggleBoard - I/O board for BeagleBone Black
- MuSAELab/SRMRToolbox - A non-intrusive objective metric for speech quality and intelligibility for normal hearing listeners and cochlear implant users
- MWRobocon/ETRobocon2014 - MathWorks ET Robocon 2014 repository
- DuncanMC/ClockAnimation - A project that shows how to use iOS 7 view animation with spring physics
- Arrowstar/ksptot - KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool
- AnalogDevicesLyricLabs/chimple - Chimple, a Probabilistic Programming Java API
- zmingwang/JPEG2000 - An implementation of JPEG2000 written in Matlab
- vivekn/mlclass - Programs based on the videos from the Stanford ML class
- venik/gps_project - The academic gps-project
- vedaldi/practical-object-instance-recognition - A VGG practical on object instance recognition.
- uwdata/visual-embedding - Data & source code for the visual embedding model
- trungngv/gprn - Code for the paper 'Efficient Variational Inference for Gaussian Process Regression Networks'
- tholden/dynareOBC - A toolkit for implementing occasionally binding constraints in Dynare.
- thirtysixthspan/Starburst - Open source eye tracking algorithm
- shenwei1231/DeepContour - The testing code for deep contour detector
- raingo/ufldl-cuda - Stanford UFLDL tutorial cuda implementation (only linear decoder)
- posenhuang/singingvoiceseparationrpca - Singing-Voice Separation From Monaural Recordings Using Robust Principal Component Analysis
- noolua/xImage - Tweak for mobileSafari plugin, using iOSOpenDev
- nico/ml-class - Programming exercises for 2011 ml-class.org (and the one exercise for ai-class.org)
- mim/igmm - Infinite Gaussian Mixture Model
- meduz/SHL_scripts - unsupervised learning of natural images --à la SparseNet.
- mcimpoi/deep-fbanks - Deep Filter Banks for Texture Recognition, Description and Segmentation (CVPR15)
- mcfrank/rules - Simple Bayesian rule learning model described in Frank & Tenenbaum (2011), Cognition
- kuz/BrainActivity3D - Computer Graphics Project 2013
- khdlim/frml - Code for Fast Ranking via Metric Learning
- kamu/ocw-assignments - Various assignments I have completed for OpenCourseWare that I have viewed. Feel free to correct me and point out bugs!
- jneira/machine-learning-course - Notes and code of the course
- isetbio/isetbio_v0.1 - Tools for modeling image systems engineering in the human visual system front end
- huacheng/Shift-Invariant-Deblurring - This Program is part of My Super-Resolution Project. It has implemented a Bind Deblurring Algorithm for Shift-Invariant-Deblurring
- eduardolundgren/car-plate-segmentation - Extract possible rectangle segments on images representing car plates regions and detect connected segments on binary images to extract the letters and numbers.
- e0404/matRad - An open source multi-modality radiation treatment planning sytem
- cod3monk3y/coursera-ml005-unittests - Formal unit tests for Coursera Machine Learning ml-005
- cjrd/MEIBP - Maximization-Expectation Indian Buffet Process (submodular IBP)
- chebfun/examples - Chebfun examples collection
- UCL-CompLACS/qrsim - Multiplatform quadrotor simulator
- SheffieldML/collab - Collaborative filtering with the GP-LVM
- Old-Stuff/Ai_Class_Octave_Functions - A series of functions to help solve the questions from Ai-Class faster
- CSAILVision/LabelMeMechanicalTurk - Toolbox for interfacing LabelMe with Mechanical Turk
- AlistairBoettiger/Image_Analysis - my Open Source image analysis code.
- zygmuntz/msda-denoising - Using a very fast denoising autoencoder
- zhming0/Uranus - 3D image registration of CT and MR images by using assembly line.
- vsubhashini/ica - Independent Component Analysis (for blind source separation)
- vedaldi/practical-object-category-recognition - A VGG practical on object category recognition.
- vedaldi/practical-object-category-detection - A VGG practical on the detection of visual object categories
- thgp/thgp-base-number-conversion - Base Number Conversion
- stevetjoa/ccrma - DEPRECATED. See http://github.com/stevetjoa/stanford-mir for most recent workshop material.
- sciguy14/Hack-the-PopShop - Image Recognition software paired with a lightweight server & and some 120VAC Hardware control to automate Cornell University's PopShop Co-working Space. http://www.popright.in
- rishirdua/basis-expansion - Generates features according to different non-linear basis expansion methods like Recht and Rahimi’s Random Fourier Features
- pillowlab/PYMentropy - Discrete entropy estimator using the Pitman-Yor mixture (PYM) prior
- pillowlab/BinaryPursuitSpikeSorting - Detect synchronous and overlapped spikes in extracellular recordings using Binary Pursuit (Pillow et al 2013)
- lmthang/bivec - Train bilingual embeddings as described in our NAACL 2015 workshop paper "Bilingual Word Representations with Monolingual Quality in Mind". Besides, it has all the functionalities of word2vec with added features and code clarity. See README for more info.
- kroneckerbio/kroneckerbio - KroneckerBio modelling toolbox for systems biology
- klostest/PhenoCamAnalysis - Image time series processing, filtering, modeling, and visualization
- jbhuang0604/SelfExSR - Single Image Super-Resolution from Transformed Self-Exemplars (CVPR 2015)
- isetbio/isetbio - Tools for modeling image systems engineering in the human visual system front end
- imogenproject/Imogen - Magnetohydrodynamics code for astrophysical simulations
- gzc/MOOC-Course - here I just want to backup my answers but not to propagate
- fhuszar/thesis - my PhD thesis on Bayesian inference
- felixyu/cbe - Circulant Binary Embedding
- duvenaud/additive-gps - Source for experiments in the Additive Gaussian process paper, as well as extensions relating to dropout.
- cvjena/bowInversion - Visualizing quantization effects in common bag-of-visual-words representations fro images.
- chrisfilo/Adaptive-Thresholding - Combination of Gamma Gaussian Mixture model and topological FDR for thresholding fMRI statistical maps.
- brada/zhang - Camera calibration using Zhang's algorithm and CALTag
- brada/caltag - Camera CALibration Tags
- bearpaw/clothing-co-parsing - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/clothing-co-parsing
- anhncs/2012-01_Stanford_CS228 - Probabilistic Graphical Models
- akar43/CategoryShapes - Code for "Category-Specific Object Reconstruction from a Single Image" CVPR 2015.
- TWOEARS/binaural-simulator - Two!Ears Binaural Simulation Framework using Dynamic Binaural Synthesis
- MBB-team/VBA-toolbox - The VBA toolbox
- DragonflyStats/Coursera-ML - Machine Learning with Coursera
- BGSU-RNA/FR3D - The official repository for "Find RNA 3D" (FR3D), a suite of programs for searching RNA 3D structures.
- zsiciarz/ml-coursera - My solutions for programming assignments from the Machine Learning course at coursera.org.
- zihaolucky/Quantitive-Investing - To find the habits of stocks market, we create this project, which would try to apply machine learning techniques and develop our own algorithms.
- yanshuaicao/gp_cholqr - code for "Efficient Optimization for Sparse Gaussian Process Regression"
- wielandbrendel/dPCA - An implementation of demixed Principal Component Analysis (a supervised linear dimensionality reduction technique)
- wgchoi/indoorunderstanding_3dgp - The code implement the method described in the 3DGP paper published in CVPR13 (see README for full title).
- uschmidt83/shrinkage-fields - Code for CVPR 2014 paper "Shrinkage Fields for Effective Image Restoration" (Uwe Schmidt and Stefan Roth)
- trungngv/agp - Automated Variational Inference for Gaussian Process Models
- tobydriscoll/sc-toolbox - Schwarz-Christoffel Toolbox for conformal mapping
- tobin/lpsd - Compute power spectral density with logarithmically spaced points
- sh1r0/mmai-2013fall-project - What do you look like?
- semihyagcioglu/image-geolocalization - City Scale Image Geolocalization via Dense Scene Alignment
- rcasero/gerardus - Computational biology and medical image processing scripts and programs
- pillowlab/neuroGLM - Fitting and analysis of trial-based neural spike responses with Generalized Linear Model (GLM).
- phiguera/CharAnalysis - Diagnostic and analystical tools for sediment-charcoal analysis
- pengsun/MatConvDAG - Convolutional Directed Acyclic Graph Network, built on top of vlfeat/matconvnet
- olendorf/gametheoryopenscience - Documents for the Game Theory of Open Science Paper
- nicolassmith/lentickle - length loop modeling of laser interferometers
- neurodebian/spm12 - analysis of brain imaging data sequences
- mmt/spotless - SPOTless: Conic and Polynomial Programming Toolbox
- midas-journal/midas-journal-319 - Optimal mass transport for deformable registration and warping of 2D images
- mganjoo/zslearning - Repository for deep zero-shot learning via cross-modality transfer
- meshgi/RGBD_Particle_Filter_Tracker - Enhancing Probabilistic Appearance-Based Object Tracking with Depth Information: Multiple Object Tracking under Occlusion
- matthew-brett/marsbar - MarsBaR region of interest toolbox for SPM
- marklar/min-loss-hashing - locality sensitive hashing
- luster/guitar-effects - Guitar Effects project for Music & Engineering, Fall 2012 at Cooper Union
- lid/EC2-Spot-Price-Value - Determine the value proposition of EC2 spot prices for instances that must run continuously
- kstock/HERC-Handwritten-Equation-Recognition-Classification- - While handwriting provides an efficient means to write mathematical symbols quickly, it is a poor medium for rapid exchange and editing of documents. Meanwhile, advanced typesetting systems like LaTeX and MathML have provided an environment where mathematical symbols can be typeset with precision, but at the cost of typing time and a steep learning curve. In order to facilitate the exchange, preservation and ease of editing of mathematical documents, we propose a method of offline handwritten equational recognition. Our system takes a handwritten document, for example a students calculus homework, then partitions, classifies and parses the document into LaTeX.
- kristjankorjus/PredictingPersonalityFromEEG - Predicting personality from the resting state EEG
- knowing/android-gps - Android GPS
- kmyid/TILDE - Repository for "TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector", CVPR2015
- kirk86/wateramarking - Robust and secure watermarking scheme based on singular values replacement (SVD & DWT)
- jngiam/common - Common Support Functions
- jltmtz/mocap-dense-trajectories - Dense trajectories generated from mocap data.
- jflalonde/utils - A collection of useful tools
- jflalonde/radiometricCalibration - Implementation of the [Lin et al. CVPR'04] paper on radiometric calibration from a single image.
- jackdreilly/SparkADMM - ADMM implementation on Spark Cluster
- grinsted/ImGRAFT - Image Georectification and Feature Tracking toolbox for MATLAB
- gkioxari/ActionTubes - source code for Finding Action Tubes, CVPR 2015
- emersonmoretto/mlclass-ex3 - Programming exercise #3
- edouardoyallon/ScatNetLight - ScatNetLight for fast classifications of signals via Scattering Networks
- ecsplendid/DanceMusicSegmentation - Segmenting electronic dance music streams (like "A State of Trance") based on self-similarity
- dmelgarm/Kalman - Kalman filter to combine GPS and accelerometer data
- dhutchis/d4mBB - Introducing D4M with Baseball analytics
- cvjena/whoGeneric - Generic version of WHO for object detection with LDA models
- christophe-gouel/RECS - A solver for nonlinear, dynamic, stochastic, rational expectations equilibrium models
- cdoersch/contextprediction - The authors' implementation of "Context as Supervisory Signal: Discovering Objects with Predictable Context"
- beckel/class - CLASS - A system for automatically revealing (socio-economic) household characteristics from smart meter data.
- aecker/gpfa - Gaussian Process Factor Analysis
- aecker/ecker2014 - Code for reproducing figures in Ecker et al. 2014, Neuron 82(1), 235-248
- Yao-Yao/CS229-Machine-Learning - CS229 Machine Learning open course by Andrew Ng
- WEC-Sim/WEC-Sim - Wave Energy Converter Simulator (WEC-Sim)
- Simoscha/FolksInCivilConflicts - coming soon
- MihaiDamian/Machine-learning-programming-exercises - My solutions to the programming exercises from Stanford's Machine Learning online course
- MHaroonBaig/Trackpad-Automation - Simulating the mouse with your webcam.
- LIMO-EEG-Toolbox/limo_eeg - in development version of the software
- Guaran3/CS-229-Final-project - SLAM on phones
- AnalogDevicesLyricLabs/dimpleDemos - Dimple demos that were too large too put directly in the dimple/demos directory.
- AltschulerWu-Lab/phenoripper - An easy to use, image analysis software package that enables rapid exploration and interpretation of microscopy data.
- 165pol/tw004 - Code for the tw004 course @RMA
- zuoxinian/CCS - Connectome Computation System for Multimodal Human Brain Imaging Data Analysis
- zhushun0008/deepLearningExerciseOfStanfordOnline - This project includes how to implement sparse autoEncoder, Vectorization, and so on.
- yhyap/machine-learning-coursera - Programming assignments from Coursera's Machine Learning course taught by Andrew Ng.
- wittawatj/kernel-ep - kernel-based just-in-time learning for expectation propagation
- willwhitney/6.835-multimodal-fusion - A gesture recognition system involving signal fusion of multiple modalities for 6.835 at MIT.
- wichmann-lab/psignifit - Toolbox for Bayesian inference for psychometric functions
- wangjingyi/machine_learning - programming assignments for stanford machine learning class
- visionlab/MemToolbox - A MATAB toolbox for modeling visual working memory
- veonua/cs294a - cs294a programming assigment
- vagabonduweb/BCI_chips - optimization of a space representation for a better SVM classification
- uw-loci/curvelets - Curvelet-Based Alignment Analysis (CurveAlign and CurvePrep)
- ungdev/octocognoso - La connaissance collaborative
- stephenbaidu/dynamic_neuralnets - A simple re-configurable neural networks. Based on Coursera ML course.
- snikolov/generhythm - Studying the statistical structure of rhythm with the goal of creating a generative model
- shelhamer/visual-clutter - An assortment of vision projects: computer, human, or otherwise.
- serre-lab/color_hmax - Hmax color
- seaslee/ML_algorithm - Some machine learing algorithm
- scorpioliu/mlclass - Stanford Machine Learning class homework code
- satejnik/DVCP-VAM - Damn Vulnerable Chemical Process - Vinyl Acetate Monomer
- ryotat/dal - Dual Augmented Lagrangian (DAL) algorithm for sparse/low-rank reconstruction and learning
- ryantenney/ml-class - Spoiler alert. My solutions to the programming assignments for Stanford's Machine Learning online course.
- rudrapoudel/hello_ml - Hello world examples of the Machine Learning algorithms.
- roseperrone/character-detector - Adapts a neural net for use as a pill imprint character detector
- rohitgirdhar/TextureSegmentationLBP - Implementation of Texture Segmentation Algorithm using LBP, proposed by Ojala, Pietikainen in 1997
- rmgarnett/mgp - An implementation of the MGP from Garnett, et al., "Active Learning of Linear Embeddings for Gaussian Processes," UAI 2014.
- rjack/ml-class - My notes and code about Stanford's online Machine Learning class
- policecar/deepDB - Neural tensor network for KB completion ( http://papers.nips.cc/paper/by-source-2013-504 )
- physion/ovation-pldaps-importer - Pldaps importer for Ovation
- oziris/Gesture-Recognition - Bag of Words model for gesture recognition
- opencobra/m_model_collection - A collection of M models downloaded from published studies
- onlymag4u/UFLDL_SelfTaughtLearning - In Self-taught learning and Unsupervised feature learning, we will give our algorithms a large amount of unlabeled data with which to learn a good feature representation of the input.
- nicholst/SnPM-devel - Statistical NonParametric Mapping, development version
- nastra/machine-learning-stanford - Stanford Machine Learning Class
- muehlburger/ml_class - My Assignments of Stanford's Machine Learning Class 2011.
- mtoulouse/COMPACT - Compact Model of Potential Flow and Convective Transport - Expeditious temperature and flow modeling of data centers
- moorepants/PhysicalParameters - Code to calculate and analyze the physical parameters of a bicycle and rider.
- metalbubble/collectiveness - The source codes in the CVPR2013 Paper: Measuring Crowd Collectiveness
- mehmetgonen/lmkkmeans - Localized Multiple Kernel k-Means Clustering
- mattiasvillani/AdvBayesLearnCourse - Course material for the PhD course Advanced Bayesian Learning at Linköping University
- matthew-brett/fmristat - Copy of Keith Worlsey's FMRISTAT code
- mathieuaubry/paintingTo3D - Painting-to-3D Model Alignment Via Discriminative Visual Elements; M. Aubry, B. Russell and J. Sivic; ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2014 (presented at SIGGRAPH 2014)
- markeroon/CoherentPointDrift - Personal mirror of Andriy Myronenko's Coherent Point Drift library, which my plant registration method uses.
- markd2/GrafDemo - A little demo program showing off various Core Graphics features.
- kkloste/nexpokit - Matrix Exponential for node centrality, link-prediction, and more
- jebyrne/seedoflife - Nested Shape Descriptors and the Seed-Of-Life
- jdrugo/vb_linear - Variational Bayes linear regression
- iskandr/texture_synthesis - Repetitive pretty pictures on demand
- grantmwilliams/general_algorithms - Algorithms implemented in C++ and Fortran for sorting, numerical calculations, or other quality of life uses.
- girishrao/AMLMotionCapture - Machine learning project to predict human behavior from motion capture data
- gallamine/Photonator - MCNC for simulating photon movement through water
- fwood/columbia_stats_w4315 - Course Website for Columbia Statistics Applied Linear Models w4315
- fumin/pencil - implementation of http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~leojia/projects/pencilsketch/npar12_pencil.pdf
- freeman-lab/cascade - Library for fitting nonlinear neural encoding models
- frankpermenter/frlib - Tools for SDP facial reduction
- fmarani/mlclass - Exercises from the Stanford machine learning class.
- estsauver/GAOT - Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox
- emtiyaz/VariationalApproxExample - An example of variational approximation for Gaussian process classification
- emersonmoretto/mlclass-ex2 - Contains spoiler
- ekebrab/spikeFit - Columbia University Applied Math Senior Seminar Presentation: Generated Simple Linear and Trinomial Linear Regressions for hourly hashtag Twitter mentions
- dsmi-lab-ntust/AnomalyDetectionToolbox - A collection of algorithms for anomaly detection
- dpfau/neural-decoding - Subspace identification, nuclear norm minimization, poisson noise, and other collected treats.
- dogatuncay/i519 - Image Processing Project of Streptococcus Pneumonie Disease Colony sizes
- dmus/API-Project - Project for API2011
- davyfeng/sparse_test - test the sparse representation on trace data
- dannyneil/edbn - Event-based deep belief network offline training algorithm
- danielpreotiuc/trendminer-clustering - Spectral clustering work done for D3.2.1
- cvjena/local_novelty_detection - Local learning for novelty detection
- cvjena/finegrained-cvpr2014 - Nonparametric part-transfer for fine-grained recognition
- cottereau/CArl - Code Arlequin. Implementation of the Arlequin framework for multi-model volume coupling
- chris-taylor/digit-recognition - Kaggle digit recognition competition
- chebfun/guide - The Chebfun Guide
- bcsiriuschen/CARC - Cross-Age Reference Coding for Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Retrieval
- barapa/lenin - Automatic chord transcription
- bandinigo/MoGeRe - Mobile hand gesture recognition for phones using accelerometer and HMM
- asteinberger/Forensics-Research - Digital images contain information that goes beyond what we see. We wish to determine the source (e.g. camera) of a digital image, based on a set of attributes that can be extracted from the image. Digital cameras often do proprietary image processing between the light entering the sensors and the image is compressed and stored. Cameras use color filter arrays where each pixel has just one color (red, green or blue) sensor. The camera must estimate the other two colors from the neighboring sensors --- this process is called demosaicing. We attempt to create attributes related to the demosaicing algorithm by computing statistics of how pixel colors relate to their neighbors. We create a classifier from these attributes and report on initial results.
- asolin/MLSP2014-kaggle-challenge - MLSP 2014 Schizophrenia Classification Challenge: Winning Model Documentation
- andrewjmt/fishmusic - Generative music project focused on sonification of fish in an aquarium.
- amsoft/textLocalizaton - Sample Code for SPR Course Project
- aecker/moksm - Mixture of Kalman filter model for spike sorting (using split & merge EM)
- acganesh/IntentSense - IntentSense is a freely open-sourced prosthetic control system for amputees who are missing one or more fingers.
- aalab/paa - scripts for probabilistic archetypal analysis
- YutaItoh/HMD-Calibration - Head-Mounted Display Calibration Toolbox (including Direct Linear Transform and eye localibation-based methods)
- Yinxiaoli/IROS2014_3DVol - Source code for the paper "Real-time Pose Estimation of Deformable Objects Using a Volumetric Approach" in IROS 2014
- Vision4UAV/cvg_quadrotor_swarm - We present a cost-effective framework for the prototyping of vision-based quadrotor multi-robot systems, which core characteristics are: modularity, compatibility with different platforms and being flight-proven. The framework is fully operative, which works in simulation and in real flight tests of up to 5 drones, and was demonstrated with the participation in the 2013 International Micro Air Vehicle Indoor Flight Competition (Toulouse, France).
- VisLab/EEG-Clean-Tools - Contains tools for EEG standardized preprocessing
- ThomasRobertFr/MachineLearningPracticalSessions - My Machine Learning practical sessions done at the INSA of Rouen & the University of Rouen in 2013 and 2014.
- TWOEARS/TwoEars - Two!Ears Auditory Model - official releases
- StimOMatic/StimOMatic - StimOmatic is the accompanying code for the 2013 publication "A method for closed-loop presentation of sensory stimuli conditional on the internal brain-state of awake animals" by U. Rutishauser, A. Kotowicz and G. Laurent.
- ShermanMorrison/HTM - Implementation of Numenta's HTM algorithm
- SDGHub/ProbabilisticGraphicalModel - Probabilistic Graphical Model Course in Coursera
- RoaldFre/DNA - Simulation of a coarse grained DNA model
- Preko/Time-series-classification - Source code for a paper using Mahalanobis distances for time series classification.
- Mosar/EEG - 2014 autumn CSC project. EEG, Motor Imagery.
- Keripo/DancingMonkeysAccelerated - Fork of simfile generator project Dancing Monkeys, improving beat detection speed
- KRaizer/CogSys - Cogsys Production Projects
- Jackyhaorockman/StoBifAn - Stochastic Bifurcation Analyser
- JackKelly/PGM - Helper functions for free online Stanford Probabilistic Graphical Modelling course
- HyeonwooNoh/DeconvNet - DeconvNet : Learning Deconvolution Network for Semantic Segmentation
- Hobbyhobbit/Foodtrails - Queue formation in the ETH-Polymensa
- FlyCourtship/FlySongSegmenter - Signal in, sine and pulse song out
- Dontloo/cae_toolbox - Convolutional Auto-encoders Toolbox
- CyclotronResearchCentre/FASST - FASST, aka. fMRI Artefact rejection and Sleep Scoring Toolbox, public distribution with the latest updates.
- CharlyBi/Soil-Prediction - My second place solution to the Africa Soil Property Prediction Challenge
- AruniRC/fv-cnn-face - Dense-CNN features on faces
- 19bal/heg - Hem EMG hem de Görüntüden Elin Açma Kapama Hızının Çıkarılması
- young-geng/MLClass - Coursera machine learning class
- wz366/UFLDL-solutions - Completed and tested solutions for all exercises in Stanford Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial
- willard-yuan/sparse-reconstruction-hashing - The code of "Learning Hash Functions Using Sparse Reconstruction"
- varungulshan/vlfeat_benchmarks - Benchmarking code for various computer vision algorithms
- toshiakit/NaiveBayes - Vectorized approach to multinomial Naive Bayes classifier
- sunits/EnvironmentalSoundClassification - Here, an algorithm to classify environmental sounds with the aim of providing contextual information to devices such as hearing aids for optimum performance is proposed. We use signal sub-band energy to construct signal-dependent dictionary and matching pursuit algorithms to obtain a sparse representation of a signal. The coefficients of the sparse vector are used as weights to compute weighted features. These features, along with mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), are used as feature vectors for classification. Experimental results show that the proposed method gives an accuracy as high as 95.6 %, while classifying 14 categories of environmental sound using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). For more details, please refer to [1].
- steffejr/ProcessModelsNeuroImage - Process modeling for functional and structural neuroimaging data
- slimgroup/pSPOT - Parallel extensions to SPOT
- skohle/Master-s-Thesis - Programs corresponding to my master's thesis
- skeeto/ChaosWheel - Chaotic water wheel java applet
- romanpatscheider/SwissKitePower_sensorfusion - fusing of GPS and IMU measurements
- purvapruthi/TextExtract - This project is about developing an OCR system to detect text in images.Due to complexity of natural scenes,illumination effects and non-uniformity of background,this task is a difficult Computer Vision problem.Our aim is to develop a more efficient system with better accuracy to recognize text in all kind of images using machine learning and statistical techniques.
- pillowlab/CDMentropy - Centered Dirichlet Mixture entropy estimator for binary data
- physion/jayaraman-importer - Jayaraman Lab Data Import
- petdr/venus - A functional/logic programming language inspired by the language Mercury targetting both the JVM and .NET CLR.
- pavelgrib/MachineLearning - repo for all machine learning assignments
- paulking/ei_net - E-I Net is a spiking neural network simulation and a general-purpose spiking neural circuit simulator
- nflsalex/Context-Aware-Tensor-Decomposition - Context Aware Tensor Decomposition method for our KDD 2014 and UbiComp 2014 paper
- mscastillo/FSE - Feature Selection and Extraction
- mbusby/Scotty - The back end files for the Scotty app. Check ReadMe for version issues.
- martsberger/LogisticMapBifurcationDiagram - Tools for makig plots of the bifurcation diagram of the Logistic Map
- lmellblom/QR-code - TNM034, QR-code processing
- libertyh/ising-model - Fit an Ising model with neural spike train data using Minimum Probability Flow Learning. Based on code from Jascha Sohl-Dickstein.
- kolia/cones_MC - greedy & MCMC
- jsherfey/dnsim - Dynamic Neural Simulator - a modular modeling tool for large ODE models.
- jsamch/Rainstick - Arduino-based Haptic simulation - for Tactile Labs
- jlopezv0401/ocr - An OCR made up using the Gamma classifier with Alfa-Beta operators
- jflalonde/webcamCalibration - Implementation of our webcam calibration algorithm from our ECCV'08 and IJCV'10 papers.
- jdrugo/vb_logit - Variational Bayes logistic regression
- ina111/Larrabee - Propeller design tool. Minimum Induced Loss propellers: Larrabee's method
- igkiou/sparse_linear_model - ML library with emphasis on the sparse linear model.
- iabaldwin/MCMCIntro - Introductory notes on MCMC
- huajh/action_recognition - Action Recognition & Categories via Spatial-Temporal Features
- htsukahara/vca - Vanishing Component Analysis
- gnaixgnaw/CSP - Spectral Clustering for Complex Graphs
- giridharmurali/KadirAndBradysV2 - Kadir & Brady's Salient Region Detector (improved)
- georgwi/TAAB - The Anteaters are back
- ferhatelmas/pcml - 🎰 Mini project for pattern recognition and machine learning course
- erwincoumans/num4lcp - Numerical methods (NUM) for (4) linear complementarity problems (LCP) in physics-based animation. (fork from num4lcp.googlecode.com without the 'aux' folder that breaks Windows platform)
- emanuele/inference_with_classifiers - This repository collects code that implements algorithms for making inferential statements from classifiers.
- drakeguan/vfx11spring_project2 - project #2 of Digital Visual Effects, Spring 2011
- dnicholson/PWPdev - PWP 1D ocean model with float data assimilation
- devonbryant/uccs-mir-key - UCCS MIR Key Detection Research
- davidMcneil/OCR_formula2latex - Convert a written mathematical formula to latex
- craffel/remixavier - Given a mixed song, remove components that you have
- chinasaur/CBPSpikesortDemo - Demo code for spike sorting by continuous basis pursuit
- casper-berkeley/pasp - Packetized Astronomy Signal Processor
- carandraug/PeterKovesiImage - Peter Kovesi's functions for image processing
- brunogirin/octave-fractals - Simple scripts to generate Mandelbrot and Julia fractals with Octave.
- bloolizard/MachineLearning - Stanford: Machine Learning (Coursera)
- blairjordan/Grubler - Grubler is a pre-trained, feed-forward, back-propagation neural network designed to classify bugs using image features.
- ananelson/dexy-blog - Source code of blog posts.
- amirmc/ai-ml-classes - Stanford Online Classes - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- amelim/EKF-Slam - An Octave implementation of SLAM using an Extended Kalman Filter
- akanazawa/Topic-Random-Field - Implementation of "Image Segementation with Topic Random Field" by Zhao, Fei-fei, and Xing.
- aecker/ephyslib - My basic DataJoint classes for electrophysiology data analysis
- aceveggie/SimpleNeuralNetwork - A 2 Hidden Layer Feed Forward Neural Network
- SPLIfA/CAT - Open Source Population Balance Equation Solver
- RCJurriaans/CV_OR - Computer Vision Object Recognition 2012
- MyCSHome/Machine-Learning-Implementations - code for C395 class, implemented decision tree, neural network, case based reasoning and statistical test.
- Mamie/SupportVectorMachines - Use support vector machine to build a spam classifier
- Joelgranados/EcoAN - It's a tool to make image annotations simple.
- Jiaolong/Boosting_DA - Boosting for Domain Adaptation
- ComputationalMedicineLab/egpmrp - Efficient Gaussian-Process-Modulated Renewal Processes
- ChrizLee/coursera - Coursera class assignments and related projects
- Chaulk/WebcamWhiteboard - Machine Vision Term Project
- 4DD8A19D69F5324F9D49D17EF78BBBCC/mac_hine_learn_ing - machine_learning
- 1987hasit/HMM-Action-Recognition - Action recognition using skeleton information based on HMM model