Releases: chime-experiment/ch_util
Releases · chime-experiment/ch_util
What's Changed
- fix(cal_utils): different fix for ruff linting error by @ssiegelx in #83
- fix(hfbcat): Re-initialise class variables by @ketiltrout in #86
- Update for pyproject by @ketiltrout in #87
- ss/daily filter by @ssiegelx in #88
- Numpy 2.0 support by @ljgray in #84
Full Changelog: v24.8.0...v24.10.0
What's Changed
- Update minimum supported python to 3.9 by @ljgray in #71
- feat(ephemeris): Import functions moved to caput by @ketiltrout in #72
- feat(hfbcat): Move get_doppler_shifted_freq from ephemeris by @ketiltrout in #73
- fix(tools): Provide public
function by @ketiltrout in #74 - fix(ch_util): Import objects directly from caput.time by @ketiltrout in #75
- doc: Add missing docstrings by @ketiltrout in #76
- ci: delete tests using production DB by @ketiltrout in #79
- build: Covert build to use pyproject by @ketiltrout in #78
- refactor(ephemeris): Use ch_ephem by @ketiltrout in #77
- chore: Delete old files out of
by @ketiltrout in #80 - feat(tools): Expose PF_SPACE constant by @ketiltrout in #82
- CI: Lint code with ruff by @ketiltrout in #81
Full Changelog: v24.6.0...v24.8.0
What's Changed
- fix(tools): Swapped sign of KKO and GBO rotation by @lazdam in #62
- feat(rfi): extend end time of two rfi bands by @ljgray in #63
- fix: upgrade versioneer and change to non-vendored mode for Python 3.12 by @jrs65 in #64
- Chime static RFI mask changes by @ljgray in #65
- Fix sphinx workflow by @ljgray in #66
- CHIME static RFI adjustments by @ljgray in #67
- Remove 'ntries' database connection argument by @ljgray in #69
- feat(ephemeris): add convert ICRS to beam-model XY by @rikvl in #44
- feat(tools): add function to convert beam index by @rikvl in #68
- Doppler shift due to Earth's motion and rotation by @rikvl in #58
Full Changelog: v23.6.0...v24.6.0
What's Changed
- Cl/outrigger ephem by @leungcalvin in #37
- feat(tools): move _invert_no_zero to caput and add deprecation warning by @ljgray in #41
- feat(finder): add exclude_nighttime method to Finder by @ssiegelx in #42
- feat(cal_utils): class for fitting polynomial to real and imag component by @ssiegelx in #40
- fix: update deprecated numpy types by @jrs65 in #46
- Add .DS_Store files to gitignore by @ljgray in #48
- Adding extra static RFI flagging based on time stamps by @hgan0 in #45
- Bump minimum python version to 3.8 by @ljgray in #51
- feat(rfi): optionally get time-dependent rfi mask by lsd by @ljgray in #49
- Frequency Map (2/2): Add tools to handle some frequency map ops by @ljgray in #50
- Add arguments to retry chimedb connections if the first attempt fails by @ljgray in #55
- Add HFB target list as new catalog by @rikvl in #54
- Add end times to static masking by @ljgray in #56
- Dataset_id (1/2): properly load distributed dataset_id dataset by @ljgray in #53
- Timestamp Alignment(3/4): Modify time axis alignment attribute when reading acq data by @ljgray in #52
- feat(tools): Add the 26m bterm to fringestopping routines. by @sareda26 in #36
- Update outrigger parameters by @aelanman in #57
- fix: alias name kko to FCA in get_correlator_inputs by @aelanman in #60
- feat: site-specific frequency bin masking, adding KKO mask by @aelanman in #59
- fix(rfi): remove automatic timestemp set and move default instrument to argument by @ljgray in #61
New Contributors
- @hgan0 made their first contribution in #45
- @rikvl made their first contribution in #54
- @sareda26 made their first contribution in #36
- @aelanman made their first contribution in #57
Full Changelog: v22.10.0...v23.6.0
What's Changed
- ci(docs): move to github-pages by @nritsche in #10
- ss/sources specfind by @ssiegelx in #16
- docs(layout): build docs for imported members by @nritsche in #12
- Gbo by @leungcalvin in #15
- fix(holography): fix multi-user bug with create_from_ant_log by @ashill in #18
- fix(finder): Rename StorageNode.mounted to by @ketiltrout in #19
- doc(layout): Encourage use of username with set_user by @ketiltrout in #22
- feat(holography) : add quality_flag = 4 for CHIME noise source off by @ashill in #23
- feat(andata.CorrData.from_acq_h5_fast): Read dataset IDs. by @tristpinsm in #25
- feat(finder): Add HFB acquisition to finder. by @arashcosmology in #26
- fix(requirements): Bump peewee requirement to 3.14.1 or newer by @ketiltrout in #28
- feat(tools): Support querying correlator inputs for CHIME/FRB Outriggers by @aaronpearlman in #29
- fix: resolve MPIArray warnings by @jrs65 in #32
- Calibration time lookup by @jrs65 in #33
- Parallel RFI filtering by @ljgray in #35
- ss/narrowband-gain-error by @ssiegelx in #34
New Contributors
- @nritsche made their first contribution in #10
- @ssiegelx made their first contribution in #16
- @leungcalvin made their first contribution in #15
- @ashill made their first contribution in #18
- @ketiltrout made their first contribution in #19
- @tristpinsm made their first contribution in #25
- @arashcosmology made their first contribution in #26
- @aaronpearlman made their first contribution in #29
- @jrs65 made their first contribution in #32
- @ljgray made their first contribution in #35
Full Changelog: v20.10.0...v22.9.0