GAP v0.3.3
Closed issues:
- Make "official" API (#86)
- GAP Error shows up in Julia tests, but does not lead to failure (happens on Travis) (#235)
- GAP not starting when installed via GAP.jl (#277)
- Improve Travis tests on gap-system/gap to actually test GAP.jl (#292)
- use shallow clone and
(#306) - Some GAP docstrings are missing? (#316)
- problem with Documenter in packages depending on GAP.jl (#337)
- using GAP does not see packages in ~/.gap/pkg (#340)
- JuliaExperimental fails on oscar-ci (#350)
- Switch to using GAP 4.11.0 (#351)
Merged pull requests:
- Travis: add Julia 1.4 to test matrix (#331) (@fingolfin)
- Set up Documenter.jl (#338) (@fingolfin)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#339) (@JuliaTagBot)
- let Julia start GAP without -r option (#341) (@ThomasBreuer)
- libjulia ignores .julia/config/startup.jl ... (#343) (@ThomasBreuer)
- Improve InstallMethod calls (#346) (@ThomasBreuer)
- fixed and extended GAP <-> Julia conversions (#347) (@ThomasBreuer)
- extended the documentation for macros (#348) (@ThomasBreuer)
- improved the manual of the GAP package JuliaInterface (#353) (@ThomasBreuer)
- Up to now, GAP (running in a Julia session) printed its error messages (#355) (@ThomasBreuer)
- Change the way we do Int64 conversion to/from GAP (#357) (@fingolfin)
- let Documenter.jl test Julia examples (#358) (@ThomasBreuer)
- catch GAP errors also in Julia 1.1 (#359) (@ThomasBreuer)
- Simplify package initialization (#362) (@fingolfin)
- Use CONST_ADDR_OBJ in GET_JULIA_OBJ (#363) (@fingolfin)
- Switch to GAP 4.11.0 point release (#364) (@fingolfin)