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glgui button arrow string

Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

glgui-button-arrow-string creates an arrow button with a string label

Parameter Description
g Graphical User Interface (GUI) for this widget
x Lower left corner along the x-axis in pixels
y Lower left corner along the y-axis in pixels
w Width of the element in pixels
h Height of the element in pixels
l Specifies whether the arrow is pointing left. If true it points left, otherwise the arrow points right.
str The string to be shown on the button
fnt The font used to render the string
callback The callback procedure when button is clicked


Example 1: A button arrow with "Back" string pointing to the left, which when clicked navigates back to a different gui. Requires a 22pt cabin font to run.

(glgui-button-arrow-string gui:info (+ x 5) (+ y (- h 37)) 60 30 #t "Back" cabin_22.fnt
  (lambda (g wgt type mx my) (set! curscreen gui:start)))
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