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glgui timepicker
glgui-timepicker creates a time entry widget consisting of (24) hours and minutes verticalvaluepickers. Using this widget, a user can enter a time of day. Parameters, attributes and procedures in this widget are very similar to those available in glgui-timewheels.
Parameter | Description |
g | Graphical User Interface (GUI) for this widget |
x | Lower left corner along the x-axis in pixels |
y | Lower left corner along the y-axis in pixels |
w | Width of the element in pixels |
h | Height of the element in pixels. The time text is centered in this height. |
colorarrows | Color of the up and down arrows in the widget |
colorhighlight | Color of the the highlighting on the buttons behind the arrows that appears only when they are pressed |
colorvalue | Color of the selected time text |
colorbg | Background color of the entire widget. This can be #f to not have a background color. |
font | Font for the time text |
Example 1: Creates a timepicker at coordinates 20,20, width 240, and height 110. The arrow buttons are grey with a faded blue highlight when pressed. There is no background color and the text is displayed in arial_20.fnt and is white.
(set! timep (glgui-timepicker gui 20 20 240 150
Grey (color-shade Blue 0.5) White #f arial_20.fnt))
Besides the parameters set in the above procedure, the widget has the following attributes that can be set using glgui-widget-set! and retrieved using glgui-widget-get:
Attribute | Default Value | Description |
ampm | False | If true, the time widget uses a 12-hour clock, and an AM/PM button is created. |
button-normal-color | colorbg | The background color of the AM/PM button. |
callback | False | If a procedure, this procedure is called when a time change is finished being made in the time picker. If Button1 (or your finger on a mobile platform) is being held down for cycling through minutes or hours, the callback is not called until you release. |
hidden | False | If true, the widget is not displayed. |
hourmin | 0 | The minimum hour available within the time picker. |
hourmax | 23 | The maximum hour available within the time picker. This can be less than the minimum hour to include a range that wraps around midnight. |
scalearrows | False | If true, the size of the arrow buttons will be proportional to the height of the widget. |
topdown | False | By default, later times are reached by pressing the up arrows. By setting this to true, the values are reversed, with the down arrows going to later times. |
value | Current Time | The time to show on the time picker (in seconds). This defaults to the current time. |
Example 2: Retrieves the current time value of the timepicker created in Example 1. This is a Unix timestamp that assumes the date is Jan 1st, 1970 (so it is the number of seconds since midnight).
(glgui-widget-get gui timep 'value)
It can be converted to that time the current date like this:
(seconds->string (glgui-widget-get gui timep 'value) "~H:~M")
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