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timestamp tsr getpolicy

Matthias Görges edited this page Jul 13, 2015 · 1 revision

timestamp-tsr-getpolicy get timestamp response policy.

Parameter Description
tsr Timestamp response


Example 1: Obtain a trusted timestamp for a file containing the string "LambdaNative" and display the content of various fields

> (define filename "LNtest")
> (u8vector->file (u8vector 76 97 109 98 100 97 78 97 116 105 118 101) filename)
> (define tsr (timestamp-gettimestamp filename))
> (timestamp-tsr-getpolicy tsr)
> (timestamp-tsr-getserial tsr)
#u8(101 189 159 207 1 11 237 143 38 38 96 183 112 93 213 30 102 135 228 206)
> (timestamp-tsr-getordering tsr)
> (timestamp-tsr-getnonce tsr)
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