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Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

serial-tryfile attempts to open the serial port with a file. It is used to read binary data saved from a serial data dump using the rawoutput plugin. Otherwise it the returned device handle behaves just like one made with (serial-try devname baudrate databits parity stopbits testproc).

Parameter Description
filepath Full path to the file to be opened


Example 1: Connect to a binary file if fromfile flag is set, otherwise make a normal serial connection. This example derives from a plugin, in which a handshake is done over a serial connection.

((fx= runlevel 1)
  (if fromfile
      ;; From a file, so connect to file
      (let* ((filepath (instance-refvar group instance "Port" #f))
             (dev (serial-tryfile filepath)))
        (if dev (begin (instance-setvar! group instance "Device" dev) 2) 0))
      ;; Not from a file, so connect normally
      (let* ((devname (instance-refvar group instance "Port" #f))
             (baudrate 9600) (databits 8) (parity 0) (stopbits 1)
             (dev (serial-try devname baudrate databits parity stopbits #f)))
        (if dev (begin (instance-setvar! group instance "Device" dev) 2) 0))
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