Major changes
- #7518 - Support OIDC client_secret_post client authentication
- #6334 - Liquibase extension
- #4920 - read timeout for blocking http
Complete changelog
- #7709 - Updated the MicroProfile REST Client to 1.4.1
- #7706 - Further improve the Kubernetes doc
- #7697 - Add ability to pass custom repositories when resolving artifact descriptor in the bootstrap maven resolver
- #7693 - Prevent BannerProcessor from failing when builds done in parallel
- #7692 - Mention GraalVM 20.0.0 in the exception message of the version check
- #7689 - FileSystemAlreadyExistsException when recordBanner is run in parallel
- #7688 - Reactive MySQL Client - fix locale-specific assertions
- #7687 - Quarkus 1.3.0.CR1: Cannot use @restclient in constructor injection
- #7682 - Disable banner in QuarkusDevModeTest
- #7680 - Don't use locale specific strings for error checks in test
- #7679 - Expand read timeout to cover Vert.x
- #7677 - Also adjust tarLongFileMode for the PDF archive
- #7674 - Fix potential hang if request is terminated prematurely
- #7671 - Allow passing raw class names to JniRuntimeAccessBuildItem
- #7669 - docs: use maven wrapper whenever possible
- #7667 - Polish Kubernetes doc
- #7666 - Polish container image extensions and doc
- #7664 - changed tarLongFileMode to posix to mitigate problem with long group id
- #7663 - Changes to get native build work on Windows with GraalVM Java 11
- #7662 - Fix banner in native when building with docker
- #7661 - make default banner max 80 chars wide
- #7658 - fix: allow Flyway and Liquibase to play together by making JdbcDataSourceSchemaReadyBuildItem a multiple build item
- #7656 - Add OIDC tenant-enabled property
- #7652 - Support Kubernetes expose property via Quarkus configuration
- #7646 - Quarkus hangs when clients disconnect after sending incomplete POST requests
- #7645 - Provide a useful error message when native image fails with OOM
- #7644 - remove useless warning in the Kubernetes extension
- #7639 - Fix MP REST 1.4 TCK
- #7638 - Gradle: don't rely on presence of the JavaPlugin.JAR_TASK_NAME
- #7636 - Apply sun.nio.ch.Iocp substitutions only against Windows
- #7634 - Avoid unresolved bean issue when retrieving the ShutdownReadinessCheck
- #7632 - Bootstrap application - fail with 1.3.0.CR1 in native - substitution target for io.quarkus.vertx.core.runtime.graal.Target_sun_nio_ch_Iocp is not loaded
- #7631 - Graceful shutdown failed with Quarkus 1.3.0.CR1 - No bean found for required type [ShutdownReadinessCheck] and qualifiers [Readiness]
- #7630 - Show useful warning message when @ConfigProperty used in JAX-RS Provider
- #7629 - Include the original cause in AppModelResolverException
- #7628 - Prevent any side-effect NPE while closing a failed devmode launch
- #7627 - Check timestamp for CP cache
- #7626 - Caching of hardcoded paths can cause issues
- #7624 - [1.3.0.CR1] Gradle build breaks with local non-jar project dependencies
- #7623 - Don't run postgres tests by default
- #7622 - Update to latest SmallRye Health
- #7619 - Set a proper temp directory for Amazon Lambda
- #7616 - fix sns event deserialize issue
- #7614 - Support for recognizing multiple Quarkus platforms in a project
- #7607 - @ConfigProperty not resolved in native mode
- #7605 - Kotlin Amazon Lambda native image vertx tmp dir failure
- #7564 - JDK language specific tests
- #7518 - Support OIDC client_secret_post client authentication
- #6942 - Fixing typo
- #6906 - jacksonDeserilazationIgnoresPersitantAttribute is disabled on native, no link to an issue
- #6747 - OIDC confidential clients can not authenticate with form params with Vertx 3.8.5
- #6491 - AWS lambda could not deserialize SNS and SQS events
- #6334 - Liquibase extension
- #6084 - build native via docker could have more informative error messages
- #4920 - read timeout for blocking http
- #4455 - Read timeout for Servlet