Releases: rtcwmp-com/rtcwPro
🛠️ New Features
- Always display SMG ammo when hovering over teammates
- New built-in crosshairs (cg_drawCrosshair 16 - 25)
- New custom crosshair Cvars:
Cvar | Argument type | Value range | Default | Description |
cg_customCrosshair | integer |
0-1 |
0 |
Enable/Disable the custom crosshair cvars |
cg_customCrosshairHeight | float |
0.0-999.0 |
5 |
Vertical span of the crosshair |
cg_customCrosshairWidth | float |
0.0-999.0 |
5 |
Horizontal span of the crosshair |
cg_customCrosshairThickness | float |
0.0-999.0 |
1 |
Thickness of the non-center crosshair elements |
cg_customCrosshairThicknessAlt | float |
0.0-999.0 |
1 |
Thickness of the crosshair center dot |
cg_customCrosshairColor | string |
000000FF |
Hex color code in RGBA (00-FF range) of the non-center elements |
cg_customCrosshairColorAlt | string |
Hex color code in RGBA (00-FF range) of the center dot |
cg_customCrosshairXOffset | float |
-999.0-999.0 |
0 |
X-Axis offset from center of the non-center elements |
cg_customCrosshairYOffset | float |
-999.0-999.0 |
0 |
Y-Axis offset from center of the non-center elements |
cg_customCrosshairXGap | float |
0.0-999.0 |
0 |
X-Axis gap from center of the horizontal crosshair elements |
cg_customCrosshairYGap | float |
0.0-999.0 |
0 |
Y-Axis gap from center of the vertical crosshair elements |
cg_customCrosshairVMirror | integer |
0-1 |
1 |
Horizontally mirror the lower half of the crosshair to the upper half |
🛠️ Fixes
- Reverted countdown timer voice change back to the original voice (mod)
- Config file loading from the mod directory was affected when unpure pk3s were also in the mod directory (client)
- Using /map while fs_game was rtcwpro had issues due to not including the qagame and libjansson dlls in the last release (client/mod)
🛠️ Linux Client
- Thanks to Snappas we finally have a working Linux client
🛠️ Unlag 2.0
- implemented working version of Neil Toroto's Unlag
- Don't unlag players behind walls; cap time shift
- Remove unlag from explosions by default
- Apply time shift to alive players only (gib bug fix for 1.2.9 unlag)
🛠️ New Features
- New Demo Player (new pro client only)
- Clickable timeline of events (END key)
- added kill navigation (PGDN/PGUP keys)
- Fast seek
- Rewind
- POV kills and team obj status on timeline
- Key controls for 3/10/60s forward/backward in demo
- Support for OSP, bani, all versions of pro demo playback
- added cg_teamObituaryColors for kill feed (uses OSP color codes)
- shoutcast - enable grenade trail using cg_shoutcastGrenadeTrail
- universal map spawn timer using /timerset (no need for map configs)
- added proper lagometer speed graph with history
- show server name and date in scoreboard
🛠️ Fixes
- Fixed pause floating players (revive push)
- Fixed CI sprite on respawn
- Fixed crash from spectating 999 player drop
- Fixed large number for teammate ammo when weapon is dropped
- Fixed wrong reqss prints
- Fixed compiler warnings in qagame
- Fixed weapon switching overwriting the cmd's weapon
- Fixed issue with choppy jump deceleration
- Fixed jansson include path in makefile
- Fixed +zoomView interaction with sniper scope
- Fixed 99.5% of reported valgrind errors
- Fixed custom screen shake (g_screenshake 100 now using a percentage)
- Fixed axis grenade visibility using drawgun 2
- Fixed unpure client pk3s loaded on pure server
- Keep the vote name and countdown after voting
- Reset push velocity after revive
- Check if entities are clients in revive push
🛠️ Under the hood enhancements
- Update curl include for windows dedicated
- Update cvarlist
- Check for cmake
- Refresh docker's build files on image creation
- Clean up build dependencies on Windows
- Update makefile for linux client
- Added more cvars to /serverstatus
- Provide cl_guid in userinfo string - ECGN server support
- Remove unused curl source
- Cross-compile windows client on Linux
- Linux client w/ SDL for sound, window, input
- Cleaned up countdown wav files
- Added extension to update the view angles each frame
- Give rcon the ref commands
- Build user commands once per fixed timestep
- Replace x86 assembly in several functions
- Added alloc/free for stats URL
- Added g++ to build images for libunwind
- Build images from git to push to docker
- Added Windows crash reporting
- Restart server automatically if nobody is playing (sv_minRestartDelay)
- Added build image for Ubuntu 18
- Added Static Huffman to server
- Make build scripts executable
- Static Huffman from CNQ3
- Refactor extension loading out of CG_Init
- Change references from dockerbuild to develop
- Run a server build in valgrind
- Move jansson to windows dependencies also
- Use curl response size and null terminator for json API
- Build, deploy, and run using docker images
- Allow cgame to check for client capabilities before loading them
- hide demo upload advert that is not used
- jpeg turbo - use JCS_EXT_RGBA for screenshotjpeg
- added dat file for assets (makes sure client downloads the file)
- Remove curl, mysql, openssl, mongodb, jpeg6 from the repo
- Refactor project files to use deps directory
- refactored opening server config file
- prevent stats gamelog chat spam
1.3.1 server only update
🛠️ Enhancements:
- shoutcast - added F1-12 follow keys for shoutcast mode - /scsfollow enters shoutcast input mode for F1-12 hotkeys, enter exits shoutcast input mode
🔧 Bug Fixes:
- fixed crosshair health bar of teammates
- backed out pause music changes
- shoutcast - revert small change that is messing up demo controls
- shoutcast - turn off scs input mode if scs logs out
No client changes made from 1.3.0 - updating client is not needed
🛠️ Changelog Highlights:
- Fixed Panzer Ammo Spawn Issue: No more worries about spawning with the wrong Panzer ammo
- Debug Logging for ConfigString Changes: We've implemented debug logging to track down the elusive issues related to te_escape2 flags. This will help us pinpoint and squash those bugs for good.
- Colored Player Names in Stats Output: Stand out on the battlefield with colored player names in the stats output. Show your unique identity and let the enemy know who they're up against!
- Client HTTP Downloads from RtcwPub: Say goodbye to unreliable server downloads. We've integrated client HTTP downloads from RtcwPub to ensure a smooth and efficient download experience for all players.
- Shoutcast Overlay: Exciting times ahead as we work on a shoutcast overlay to enhance your broadcasting and spectating experience.
- Backed Out Changes to Sten/Venom Overheat: We're fine-tuning the balance of the Sten and Venom weapons. Expect improvements as we work to ensure a fair and enjoyable gameplay experience.
🔧 Bug Fixes and Improvements:
- Backed out original HTTP downloads that didn't work.
- Various under-the-hood optimizations and stability improvements.
Thanks to everyone that has helped out. Text above created by Chat-GPT ;-)
fixed village door shader for high picmip
added missing shader for syringe icon
added nopicmip options for smoke and objective icon
added cg_debugdamage for logging
moved misc logfile creation to common area for client and server
fixed panzer magic ammo pickup
#240 added cg_teamOverlayLatchedClass to show next spawn player class - cg_teamOverlayLatchedClass 1
always draw fps/snapshot info at far right
Hold ctrl to move borderless window
Borderless window support
Add r_mode -2 to automatically use desktop resolution
Fix lag on client startup caused by curl
Parse alpha separately to get cg_hudAlpha working with new cvars
Display speed graph inside lagometer - cg_lagometer 2
make airstrike and arty smoke always go south like osp
removed bobtimer from playerstate - playerstate is now same as vanilla - client is compatible with other mods now
added support for unique logfile filenames - default for dedicated server; client can use logfile 3
#378 added saving/reloading of stats upon player disconnect/reconnect
implemented unlagged from q3ratmod - g_antilag 2 *** experimental only ***
antiwarp change for lag_max_delta (ETL port)
added support for multiple document objectives on a map (radar/delivery)
added ratmod true ping logic to alternateping
more logic to prevent writing to already submitted stats file
fixed fps sten/venom overheating issues
added g_usePreciseConsoleTime to record precise round time in console
drop client on snapshot overflow - sv_dropClientOnOverflow 1
#329 make g_knifeonly votable - knife fight instead of coin toss
Fix clients appearing from thin air on some maps - g_broadcastClients 1
lock the teams after /unpause
#369 always record round winner - also fixed issue for #414
fixed statsdump so it only plays sound at intermission (moved end of round sound to cg right after stats are recorded)
fixed remaining grenades on revive when dying with ticking grenade
api stats
correct curl stats submission error and added retry loop
#413 Add public chat to gamelog
#414 prevent server crash after submitting stats file to api
added api console commands /api [help/last/whois] - calls pro api and receives response
Updated server zip 10/10/2022 - fixed two small issues in original 1.2.8 release
client - only draw timer during round when using cg_drawTimer 1
client - allow changes to cg_gun[xyz]
client - added cg_antilag so users can turn antilag on/off
client - move connection interrupted out of the center to small text on lagometer
client - added priority objective status prints using cg_showPriorityText 1
render - #408 - fixed MAX_SHADERS on radar
server - added client command logging
server - fixed unpause so it counts down to 0 before restarting match
server - minor change for antiwarp for warping player that has stopped but still has velocity
server - fixed objDestroyed stats
server - correctly restore players view angle on revive
server - added g_allowEnemySpawnTimer to control ERT on server level
server - always show Clock Set To message in warmup regardless of value for g_noTeamSwitching
server - use g_tournament instead of g_noTeamSwitching in checkgamestate
server - update ref option messages
server - removed unncessary code in round-end logic
server - #375 changed json round_end to exclude pause time
server - fixed team locks after round starts
server - #324 fixed voting information so it is not empty
server - #390 fixed speclock swapping on swapteams vote
server - fixed invalid health pickup notifications i.e. "50 health" picked up
server - #397 fixed engineer objPlanted and objDestroyed stats
server - fixed end of round sound duplication
server - fixed starting health based on # of medics
server - updated template configs and GeoIP dat file
server - combined round end sounds into one file
server - removed old latchvictorysound code
server - #345 Correct fix for player killed holding primed grenade
server - fix for the multiple objective captures in end of round stats
server - increased max_cvars to avoid max cvars error
server - corrected sten number of bullets shot with com_maxfps 250
server - updated GeoIP database
Asset - Added quake head hitsound - headStyle 9
Asset - Added new country flags
Asset - Added new medpack image with more red color
Config - Added cg_errordecay, r_showtris, and r_shownormals to server template configs
Client - Added custom console colors and alpha
Client - Adjusted raw mouse input
Client - Fixed cdkey generation
Client - Added cg_muzzleFlash 2 to show flash on client and enemy
Client - Added mouse buttons 4 and 5
Client/Server - Print who issued /readyteam in console
Client/Server - Center print when opponent loses objective
Client/Server - Improved end of round sound duplication
Client/Server - Added download message for invalid client version
Client/Server - Fixed footstep bobbing for high FPS
Client/Server - Fixed cg gun frame crash on team switch
Server - Kick players with shared guids that are messing up stats
Server - Fixed kick voting so it only looks at player count on the team that called the vote
Server - Fixed team locking during warmup/disconnects
Server - Prevent document revive bug
Server - Fixed artillery instant kill bug
Server - Added cvar to control forcetapout
Server - Fixed map voting when loading mapindex 0
Server - Fixed knockback for fps
Server - Fixed maxlives so players do not respawn
Server - Fixed objective capture stats
Server - Fixed vote percent for non startmatch votes
Server - Record filename when FS_FileForHandle is NULL
Server - #387 Fixed grenade splash damage
Server - Added a few logging prints for json stats submit to API
Server - Fixed stats sync issue
Server - #345 change to next best weapon when killed with primed grenade
Server - Fixed spawn flag stats
Server - #382 reset objective and dyno stats on end of AB round
Server - Issue #379 Fixed warmup stats
Server - Issue #372 Fixed objective destroyed stats
Server - Added 'true' ping from rtcwPub
Server - Fixed physics for FPS (1.2.61 already released to a few servers)
Server - Added /maps command
- server: fix callvote map matching of maps that differ by number
- server: add g_damageRadiusKnockback to change explosions knockback, default 1000
- server: do not submit stats for early exit rounds
- server: do not submit stats if no more than 2 players are active
- server: add server country to json output
- server: fix bug where clients spawn with varying health instead of respecting number of team medics
- server: fix hitsound sequence issues
- client: change default for cg_reinforcementTimeColor to red
- client: change default for cg_enemyTimerColor to green
- client: add cl_activateLean to toggle leaning when holding move keys and +activate, default 1
- client: add cg_hitsoundBodyStyle 1-5 to change body hitsound, default 1
- client: add cg_hitsoundHeadStyle 1-8 to change head hitsound, default 1
- client: add cg_notifyTextX and cg_notifyTextY to change kill feed position
- client: add cg_notifyTextWidth to change kill feed char width, default 8
- client: add cg_notifyTextHeight to change kill feed char height, default 8
- client: add cg_notifyTextShadow to toggle shadowing of kill feed
- client: add cg_chatX and cg_chatY to change chat position
- client: add cg_teamOverlayX and cg_teamOverlayY to change team overlay position
- client: add cg_compassX and cg_compassY to change compass position
- client: add cg_lagometerX and cg_lagometerY to change lagometer position
- client: add cg_drawFrags to toggle "you killed" frag center prints
- client: add cg_fragsY to change frag center print position
- client: add cg_fragsWidth to change frag center print char width size, default 16
- client: add cg_zoomedSensLock to toggle zoom sens lock when zooming in
- client: add cg_pauseMusic
- client: un-hardcode cg_zoomedSens
- client: disable http due to overflows causing crashes
- client: deprecate con_color due to a possible crash
- client: only draw triggers in freecam
- client: don't draw dynamite timers when scoreboard is up
- client: remove unneeded delay in the default body hitsound
- client: fix bug where raw input will keep initializing for no reason
- client: fix draw obj icon not updating when it should
- client: fix weapon switch to pistol at dropweapon when holding ammo packs
- client: fix spawn shield icons not showing up
- client: fix player bounding box collision/sticking
- client: optimize events handling