Releases: Project60/org.project60.sepa
CiviSEPA 1.5-beta3
Warning: If you're using the CiviSEPA payment processors, you will have to install the SEPA Payment Processor extension after upgrading to this version.
Changes since CiviSEPA 1.4
- Allow mandates without BICs (#245,#549) by @bjendres
- Provide "Find/Create/Terminate Mandate" actions to FormProcessor/action-provider (#554) by @bjendres
- Moved payment processors to separate extension (#534) by @bjendres
- Automated unit tests (#469) by @BenediktMagnus and @bjendres
- IBAN Blacklist (#540) by @bjendres
- Labels for Creditors (#541) by @bjendres
- Hook to alter next collection date (#555,#558) by @jaapjansma
- Update settings system (#563, #564) by @bjendres
- Fixed incoherent formatting/validation of IBAN and BIC (#542) by @pfigel
- Fixed recurring contribution link (#539) by @pfigel
- Fixed late group deferral on weekends (#547) by @bjendres
- Fixed deleting contributions from existing transaction groups (#548) by @bjendres
- Fixed PSP creditor token validation (#544) by @pfigel
- Fixed mandate API not passing on failure (#562) by @bjendres
- Fixed mandate API date (#553) by @psampont
CiviSEPA 1.4
CiviSEPA Next Generation
The long awaited and completely overhauled 1.4
version of CiviSEPA with countless new features.
Be sure to test well before upgrading!
CiviSEPA 1.4 beta1
CiviSEPA Next Generation
The long awaited and completely overhauled 1.4
version of CiviSEPA with countless new features.
Be sure to test well before upgrading!
CiviSEPA 1.2.6 beta 3
Important fix for CiviCRM 5.x
users: This beta version fixes #514, which can lead to inconsistencies in the created contributions.
CiviSEPA 1.2.6 beta 2
Includes #505, which is important if you use more than one creditor.
CiviSEPA 1.2.6 beta 1
The following improvements over 1.2.5
- Feature: show contribution status is group listing (#484 )
- Feature: CiviCRM 5.x compatibility (#454 )
- FIX: PaymentProcessor: Couldn't create SEPA mandate (#488)
- FIX: SDD payment processor doesn't use Exclude Weekends setting (#479)
- FIX: Group closing incomplete when using "large group" support (#482)
CiviSEPA 1.2.5
Quite a lot of improvements over 1.2.4, please test your workflow well before upgrading your LIVE system. You also might want to re-visit the CiviSEPA settings after upgrade.
- Support for big groups (#430)
- New option: Close SEPA group before download (#428)
- New option: Close SEPA group to status received (#429)
- Compatibility with CiviCRM 4.7.20+ (#443, #438)
- Anonymised IBAN token (#421)
- Hook to define group references (#457)
- PHP7 compatibility (#411)
- FIX: Invoice button disappears (again) (#356)
- FIX: Payment processor cycle day problems (#449)
- FIX: Payment processor start date calculation (#435)
- FIX: Performance issues (#426)
- FIX: Cloning mandate doesn't copy IBAN/BIC (#420)
- FIX: Rounding problems (#432)
- FIX: SEPA Group cannot be deleted in CiviCRM 4.7 (#442)
- FIX: Remove old CRM-14114 workaround (#452)
- FIX: Batching algorithm multiplies groups (#458)
- FIX: Collection cycle violated (#459)
- FIX: Issues with deferred collection dates (#460)
- FIX: More robustness for SEPA tokens (#461)
CiviSEPA 1.2.5.beta5
Caution: important bugfix for issues with 1.2.5.beta1
- 1.2.5.beta4
News/bugfixes in version 1.2.5:
- Support for big groups (#430)
- Close SEPA group before download option (#428)
- Option: Close SEPA group to status received (#429)
- Compatibility with CiviCRM 4.7.20+ (#443, #438)
- Anonymised IBAN token (#421)
- PHP7 compatibility (#411)
- FIX: Performance issues (#426)
- FIX: Cloning mandate doesn't copy IBAN/BIC (#420)
- FIX: Rounding problems (#432)
- FIX: SEPA Group cannot be deleted in CiviCRM 4.7 (#442)
- FIX: Batching algorithm multiplies groups (#458)
- FIX: Collection cycle violated (#459)
CiviSEPA 1.2.5.beta4
Caution: important bugfix for issues with 1.2.5.beta1
, 1.2.5.beta2
, and 1.2.5.beta3
- Issues with batching / FRST mandates (#430)
News/bugfixes in version 1.2.5:
- Support for big groups (#430)
- Close SEPA group before download option (#428)
- Option: Close SEPA group to status received (#429)
- Compatibility with CiviCRM 4.7.20+ (#443, #438)
- Anonymised IBAN token (#421)
- PHP7 compatibility (#411)
- FIX: Performance issues (#426)
- FIX: Cloning mandate doesn't copy IBAN/BIC (#420)
- FIX: Rounding problems (#432)
- FIX: SEPA Group cannot be deleted in CiviCRM 4.7 (#442)
- FIX: Batching algorithm multiplies groups (#458)
- FIX: Collection cycle violated (#459)
CiviSEPA 1.2.5.beta1
News/bugfixes in version 1.2.5:
- Support for big groups (#430)
- Close SEPA group before download option (#428)
- Option: Close SEPA group to status received (#429)
- Compatibility with CiviCRM 4.7.20+ (#443, #438)
- Anonymised IBAN token (#421)
- PHP7 compatibility (#411)
- FIX: Performance issues (#426)
- FIX: Cloning mandate doesn't copy IBAN/BIC (#420)
- FIX: Rounding problems (#432)
- FIX: SEPA Group cannot be deleted in CiviCRM 4.7 (#442)