With this release we are conforming our version numbering to match that used in our other client libraries. This reflects the fact that this plugin is heading towards compliance with version 1.2 of our Features Specification, also aligning with the underlying implementations of ably-cocoa and ably-java.
Fixed bugs:
- Unhandled TimeoutException error being thrown occassionally #72
Closed issues:
- native dart implementation #76
- Improve our "pub points" score on pub.dev #65
- Ably Flutter - Error building for android: target SDK less than 24 #25
Merged pull requests:
- Conform workflow triggers #91 (QuintinWillison)
- Rename Package to remove the _plugin suffix #90 (QuintinWillison)
- Stage 1.1 Integration #88 (QuintinWillison)
- Readme Improvements #79 (QuintinWillison)
- Add maintainers file #78 (niksilver)
- Remove experimental warning #77 (QuintinWillison)
- Android | reduce minSdkVersion to 19 #75 (tiholic)
- Feature/rest history integration tests #68 (tiholic)
- Feature/lint dart #67 (tiholic)
- Realtime Channel history #52 (tiholic)
- Channel history & Paginated Result API for Rest #48 (tiholic)
Conforming to pub.dev recommendations, following initial upload to the platform.
The first, development preview of our Flutter plugin, wrapping our iOS Cocoa and Android client libraries.
- Create a REST or Realtime instance by passing
can be created by passing an API token (ClientOptions.fromKey
are not supported yet
- Get a REST channel and publish messages
- Listen for Realtime connection state changes using a stream subscription
- Listen for Realtime channel state changes using a stream subscription
- Connect and disconnect Realtime channels
- Attach and detach Realtime channels
- Subscribe for messages on a Realtime channel using a stream subscription
- Publishing messages on a Realtime channel
- iOS podspec tweaks #46 (QuintinWillison)
- Drive test example #32 (zoechi)
- Manual testing on RTN14 and RTN15 #27 (tiholic)
- Fix: iOS hot-restart issue with active listeners #26 (tiholic)
- Realtime Publish #23 (tiholic)
- Realtime message subscription #21 (tiholic)
- Realtime Channel attach, detach and state events #20 (tiholic)
- Synchronous API for creating instances and Hot-reload fix #18 (tiholic)
- Improve pubspec #17 (QuintinWillison)
- re-codec using JSON and Codegen #13 (tiholic)
- Pilot implementation for Realtime event based API's - ConnectionStateChange #6 (tiholic)
- Feature/platform message encoding #5 (tiholic)
- Feature/ios rest #4 (tiholic)
- Prepare for publish #3 (QuintinWillison)
- Publishing rest messages - android only #2 (tiholic)
* This Changelog was generated with assistance from the github_changelog_generator