Major changes
- #7379 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta5
- #7109 - Add support for graceful shutdown
- #7049 - OptaPlanner extension
- #5496 - Add support for building and deploying container to Kubernetes
- #4489 - Expose Hibernate ORM option to disable 2LC
Complete changelog
- #7617 - Bump flyway-core from 6.2.4 to 6.3.0
- #7615 - Logging guide: move reference to the end, start with howto's
- #7613 - Generated Readme proposal improvements
- #7611 - Improvement required to the generated README file
- #7606 - fix: container-image-s2i runtime dependencies
- #7604 - Usage statement added to Amazon Lambda archetype manage.sh script
- #7603 - Update SmallRye Fault Tolerance to 4.1.1 to bring bugfixes
- #7602 - Fix misleading Javadoc on NativeConfig
- #7600 - Improvements around s2i and kubernetes deployment
- #7599 - Prestart all core threads, otherwise quarkus.thread-pool.core-threads is ignored
- #7598 - Config option quarkus.thread-pool.core-threads is ignored
- #7597 - Homogeneize the Quarkus "powered by" mentions
- #7596 - Simplify kubernetes tests
- #7595 - Ensure that container image tests only run on linux when the docker flag is enabled
- #7593 - Enforce dependencyConvergence in quarkus-bootstrap-core
- #7590 - Updating package names in guides
- #7588 - Add option to disable the http port when https is enabled
- #7587 - Initialize sun.nio.ch.Iocp at runtime on Windows with JDK 11
- #7586 - Upgrade to RESTEasy 4.5 to support async IO
- #7585 - quarkus master build fails if no docker daemon is running
- #7584 - Use launch mode as a prefix for the file used as the app model cache
- #7583 - Unlist elytron extension as it's an internal one
- #7582 - Bump quarkus-http-websockets-jsr from 3.0.2.Final to 3.0.3.Final
- #7581 - Tests fail after quarkus:dev run
- #7577 - NettyProcessor marks http2 related classes for runtime initialization even if they are not on the classpath
- #7576 - NettyProcessor marks http2 related classes for runtime initialization even if they are not on the classpath
- #7575 - Document the fact that Panache stream methods should be closed
- #7573 - Fix ReactivePgReloadTest
- #7571 - Output CloudWatch Logs for AWS Lambda invocation
- #7569 - Fix wrong string constant name for
- #7567 - Unify extension definitions
- #7566 - Improve the documentation on Kotlin data class
- #7563 - Upgrade Quarkus HTTP to 3.0.3.Final
- #7562 - devtools commands to accept platform descriptor as an argument
- #7560 - Qute - loop section -support iterators and arrays
- #7559 - bump jaxb-runtime
- #7557 - Homogenise the extension descriptions
- #7555 - Use actual bean type when generating Reactive Messaging Invoker
- #7553 - Fix wrong KubernetesClientBuildConfig link
- #7552 - Rest Client - support injection for providers used in @RegisterProvider
- #7550 - Injecting CDI beans with array type should not result in warning
- #7547 - Enhance NativeImageLauncher (test utility) to support Java 11+ runtimes
- #7546 - Make DiagnosticPrinter compatible with Windows
- #7542 - Register ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator
- #7540 - refactor: do not use deprecated DefaultAnnotationScannerExtension class
- #7539 - Write the getting started with reactive documentation
- #7538 - Update the JMS guide to use the Qpid JMS extension
- #7537 - Add some new ignores for ReflectiveHierarchyStep
- #7535 - io.quarkus.test.common.NativeImageLauncher.guessPath() needs to support > Java 9
- #7534 - Resolving enforcement mode from path configuration
- #7533 - Fix #7532 Introduce NativeConfig.includeAllTimeZones
- #7532 - Introduce NativeConfig.includeAllTimeZones
- #7531 - Microprofile rest client - Can't inject config/beans to providers also in 1.2.1.Final
- #7530 - Make sure that DotEnvConfigSource is used for runtime properties as well
- #7529 - Fix @fallback issues of smallrye-fault-tolerance for Quarkus
- #7528 - JsonNode missing in Index
- #7526 - Fix metrics of the default Agroal data source
- #7525 - Metrics for default Agroal data source are broken
- #7524 - Move Agroal metric classes into private API
- #7523 - Load JSON parent first for logging
- #7522 - Fix broken YAML for Boring Cyborg
- #7520 - Fix some datasource config issues
- #7517 - Fix Context propagation tutorial
- #7515 - add short-name to reactive-messaging-amqp extension metadata
- #7514 - Show better error when multiple container image extensions used with Kubernetes
- #7513 - Fix Context Propagation compilation error snippet
- #7511 - Allow ctor injection for RESTEasy Resources with Security annotations
- #7509 - Undertow websockets extension does not register service provider for javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator
- #7508 - Ensure that Amazon Lambda uses the ObjectMapper bean when available
- #7506 - Converge wagon-provider-api versions in quarkus-bootstrap-core #7505
- #7505 - Enforce dependencyConvergence in quarkus-bootstrap-core
- #7504 - Fix broken Hibernate Search Quickstart
- #7501 - Quarkus recommended labels
- #7497 - refactor: remove unused logger from vault extension
- #7495 - Constructor Injection in secured JAX-RS resources leads to exception
- #7494 - Reduce log level and use JBoss logger
- #7492 - JDBC resources leaked when using
- #7491 - Cannot disable Keycloak policy enforcement for root path
- #7490 - Remove unneeded context propagation library
- #7489 - Remove obsolete throws Exception from tests of quarkus-smallrye-jwt extension
- #7484 - Conflicts when multiple container-image modules are present
- #7482 - Use the recommended labels for generated kubernetes manifests
- #7479 - Bug report template - add build tool bullet to the environment list
- #7478 - Banner updates
- #7477 - Banner is not subatomic
- #7476 - Qute - add test for include section, a small fix for user tags
- #7475 - Introduce awaitility to flaky ReactiveMongodbPanacheResourceTest
- #7473 - Trying to stabilize CodeFlowTest
- #7472 - Qute can not find included template without extension
- #7471 - fix (#7460) Setup mock before creating the client
- #7470 - feat: don't display registry warning for s2i
- #7469 - quarkus-logging-json not working 1.3.0
- #7468 - fix: docker login command
- #7467 - Bump debezium-core from 1.0.0.Final to 1.0.2.Final
- #7461 - Clarify that we need 1.5GB of heap for building Quarkus
- #7460 - Fail to build Quarkus in master because of minikube dependency
- #7459 - Upgrade Maven resolver related dependencies used by bootstrap
- #7458 - Unable to build gradle project in Java 11 + smallrye amqp extension
- #7457 - Qute - mention elvis and ternary operators in the docs
- #7456 - fix: increase reactive test SSE wait time
- #7454 - Failure to build container-image via s2i in some clusters
- #7453 - Rework datasource configuration
- #7452 - Make updating a built application to k8s a no-brainer
- #7450 - Polish Kubernetes extension
- #7449 - Apply minor cleanup to internal test extensions
- #7448 - Fix a connection-delay processing
- #7447 - OIDC Connection-Delay config parameter doesn't work
- #7445 - Fix monitor state bug
- #7444 - IllegalMonitorStateException in VertxBlockingOutput
- #7441 - Gradle: prefer local deps as JARs when building runnable JARs
- #7439 - Prevent cleaning up the build directory when QuarkusProdModeTest fails
- #7438 - Avoid having to load ResteasyContextProvider class
- #7437 - Fixed scope for quarkus-junit5-internal dep in qute-deployment
- #7436 - Qute type-safe templates - validate virtual methods in expressions
- #7435 - Fix requesting on MongoDB ObjectId fields
- #7434 - MongoDB Panache: When using Kotlin data classes, the ID field is not populated after calling persist()
- #7429 - Add code example for java 11 native dockerfile to native-and-ssl guide
- #7425 - Load the Servlet API parent first
- #7421 - Allow @Autowired on methods
- #7420 - Spring DI - @Autowired annotation does not work for setters
- #7418 - Prevent redirect loops and support a cookie path parameter
- #7416 - Use BeanArchiveIndexBuildItem in hibernate-validator extension to allow working with generated beans
- #7415 - MongoDB find by foreign objectId fails
- #7413 - Fix missing IgnoreCase handling for some Spring Data JPA queries
- #7412 - Spring Data JPA - ContainingIgnoreCase is not working
- #7411 - Allow MetricBuildItem to declare the desired registry type
- #7410 - enable support for AMQP in the quarkus-artemis-test module
- #7407 - quarkus-logging-sentry and quarkus-undertow - java.lang.ClassCastException: io.sentry.servlet.SentryServletContainerInitializer cannot be cast to javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer
- #7406 - Remove wrong and unused dependency from the bom
- #7403 - CDI beans with array type result in warning.
- #7402 - chore: update aws sdk version
- #7400 - docs: fix broken links in kubernetes.adoc guide
- #7399 - New connection pool initiator for Hibernate ORM
- #7398 - Build step annotation enhancements
- #7397 - Bump mockito-core from 3.2.4 to 3.3.0
- #7396 - feat: group name version are inherited from container image.
- #7395 - Update Swagger-ui to 3.25.0
- #7394 - Resolve Gradle's project's classes dir in case the JAR isn't availablable
- #7393 - fix: version conflict for http-nio.
- #7392 - Broken enforcer rule on http-nio
- #7391 - Upgrade Maven wrapper to 3.6.3 and enforce Maven 3.6.2
- #7389 - Prevent NCDFE on thread pool shutdown when CL is closed early
- #7388 - Update various guides to Mutiny
- #7387 - Upgrade awssdk from 2.10.3 to >= 2.10.24
- #7386 - Qute - mention elvis and ternary operators in the docs
- #7385 - Fix broken MongoClientBuildItem support
- #7384 - smallrye-config update, dependabot entry
- #7383 - KubernetesDeploy - close client
- #7382 - Fix documentation formatting issues
- #7381 - Reactive Messaging - add @dependent scope only if not JAX-RS construct
- #7380 - Make quarkus.security.jdbc.principal-query.sql optional
- #7379 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta5
- #7378 - MongoClientBuildItem is never produced
- #7377 - Qute type-safe templates - validate "virtual methods" in expressions
- #7375 - Make some small adjustments to the container image doc
- #7371 - quarkus.security.jdbc.principal-query.sql is required even if quarkus.security.jdbc.enabled is set to false
- #7369 - S2i improvements
- #7368 - Add SecurityIdentityAugmentor section
- #7365 - Submodule not in classpath when running :app:quarkusBuild in a multi-module Gradle project
- #7363 - refactor: KebernetesDeploy no longer uses kubectl.
- #7361 - Document how to protect routes in Quarkus
- #7357 - NPE in :quarkusTestConfig gradle task with 1.3.0.Alpha2
- #7356 - Create openshift wrapper extension.
- #7354 - CDI lifecycle behavior different when using reactive messaging and @incoming and @StartupEvent
- #7351 - Update JWT guide with the builder API intro and fix some typos
- #7350 - Bump rxjava from 2.2.17 to 2.2.18
- #7349 - Bump narayana to 5.10.1.Final and SQL Server JDBC driver to 7.2.2.jre8
- #7348 - Hibernate ORM configuration option to disable 2LC
- #7347 - Add some small polish to the Kubernetes deployment process
- #7346 - Code polish - 2020-02-21
- #7345 - Ensure that whitespaces don't break bean invocation in SpEL
- #7344 - Add Spring autolabelling
- #7343 - @PreAuthorize() does not support space before string expression
- #7341 - Align naming in container-image & kubernetes extensions
- #7340 - CodeFlowTest failing from time to time on CI
- #7339 - refactor: Kubernetes extension now uses
- #7338 - Update the version of smallrye-open-api to 1.2.1
- #7336 - Avoid annoying Warning logs when Sentry is disabled
- #7335 - Partially revert "Fix issue getting config from fork join pool"
- #7334 - Qute - add some javadoc to public API
- #7332 - Reverse the dependency between context propagation and mutiny.
- #7329 - Add support for registering classes for JNI runtime access
- #7328 - bump netty to 4.1.45.Final
- #7327 - Mongodb panache/mutiny
- #7325 - Qute - add missing parts of javadoc to public API
- #7323 - Fix quartz guide typo
- #7319 - Bump flyway-core from 6.2.3 to 6.2.4
- #7317 - Minor cleanup to log level configuration
- #7315 - Update Keycloak docker image to 9.0.0
- #7314 - Update Keycloak docker image to 9.0.0
- #7313 - Extend types ignored for reflection
- #7310 - Use Mutiny in the reactive section of the neo4j quickstart
- #7307 - Enable missing build profiles for native integration tests
- #7305 - use runtime classloader as TCCL during application close
- #7303 - Implement Context Propagation support for Mutiny
- #7302 - Show a proper error message when @Inject is used in NativeTest
- #7300 - NativeImageTest that uses @Inject: better error message than NullPointerException
- #7294 - Add Vault write and delete secret Fixes #7155
- #7290 - Using an import.sql file doesn't seem to get loaded with H2 in tests
- #7288 - Introduce built-in number operations in Qute extension
- #7287 - Bootstrap/workspace discovery: check parent dir for pom.xml
- #7285 - Add oidc-code-flow dev mode test
- #7283 - qute: modulo operation in iterations
- #7282 - Introduced quarkus-internal.maven-cmd-line-args system property
- #7281 - Bump JGit to
- #7279 - Qute - fix built-in template extension method for Map
- #7278 - Add hack to work around fork join pool problems
- #7277 - Qute - ExtensionMethodGenerator now handles ClassCastException correctly
- #7276 - 1.3.0.Alpha2: Kubernetes Client: Could not initialize class KubernetesDeserializer in dev mode
- #7274 - Qute - ignore expressions/tags starting with invalid identifiers
- #7273 - Add guide for Spring Cloud Config Client extension
- #7271 - Fix flaky Kubernetes tests
- #7270 - Transfer providers discovered at build-time to new ClientBuilder instances
- #7268 - add mutiny deployment deps corresponding to runtime deps
- #7266 - Update the Kafka Streams guide to use KafkaRecord instead of KafkaMessage
- #7265 - Synchronize Execution#diagnostics list internally
- #7264 - Remove redundant synchronized block
- #7263 - Implement the Mutiny API for the MongoDB client
- #7262 - enable autolabeller
- #7261 - RootDefinition - trim RuntimeConfig and RuntimeConfiguration suffixes
- #7260 - [fixes #6571] - Document OIDC Multi-Tenancy feature
- #7258 - Be nice to people mentioning lower case log levels
- #7257 - RootDefinition should also trim RuntimeConfig and RuntimeConfiguration suffixes
- #7255 - Add support for configuring additional dependencies in @QuarkusProdModeTest
- #7254 - Quartz - make it possible to access the underlying scheduler instance
- #7253 - Use Maven 3.6.3 in new projects
- #7252 - Update Gradle to 6.2
- #7251 - Hot reload tests for Reactive SQL Clients
- #7250 - Database config issue
- #7249 - Gradle quarkusBuild fails with java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider: io.quarkus.test.common.http.TestHTTPConfigSourceProvider not a subtype
- #7246 - Quartz extension - make it possible to access the underlying Quartz scheduler instance
- #7245 - Recreate all metric registries during reload
- #7241 - Remove elytron-security GraalVM 19.3.0 workaround
- #7240 - Improve Quarkus Keycloak Documentation
- #7238 - Swagger-UI/Openapi-Link provides faulty schema-components for List/Set
- #7237 - Ignore resolved dependencies that are not JARs or directories
- #7234 - 1.3.0.Alpha2 Kotlin error Caused by: java.util.zip.ZipException: zip END header not found
- #7231 - Add support for MutinyVerticle
- #7230 - Bump kafka to 2.4.0
- #7227 - Avoid overriding the default CONNECTION_HANDLING strategy in Hibernate ORM
- #7226 - Introduce QuarkusProdModeTest
- #7225 - Artifacts may not contain the version
- #7223 - Add release-related metadata to ide-config pom.xml
- #7219 - Fix: remove typo from CONTRIBUTING.md
- #7217 - Quarkus gradle build fails with flatDir
- #7216 - Update the reactive database client extensions to use Mutiny
- #7214 - Change the way test failures are reported
- #7211 - Implement Mutiny support for the mailer service
- #7208 - Fixed support for Integrators and ServiceContributors in Hibernate ORM
- #7204 - update to MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 2.1 and SmallRye Fault Tolerance 4.1.0
- #7203 - Surefire 3.0.0-M4 passing even if a build step throws an exception
- #7201 - Benefit from the static metadata for GraalVM to have been moved into …
- #7195 - Multi-project @QuarkusTest in IDE to use compiled source
- #7189 - Function integrate of custom hibernate integrator is not called
- #7182 - Minor fixes for the create-extension mojo
- #7181 - create-extension should generate application.properties for the integration test
- #7180 - create-extension mojo should accept absolute paths for the templatesUriBase option
- #7177 - Implement Resteasy Mutiny support
- #7169 - feature: Spring API-only deps
- #7161 - Running a shutdown task failed: Provider io.smallrye.faulttolerance.propagation.ContextPropagationExecutorFactory not a subtype
- #7155 - Vault add writeSecret in VaultKVSecretEngine
- #7153 - Registering classes with @ConstructorProperties for Reflection for #7152
- #7144 - Qute Template Extension with multiple parameters: Resulting in endless wait without error
- #7138 - Gather and expose information about all known scopes before transforming annotations
- #7120 - Error in context propagation tutorial
- #7119 - Fix "QuarkusUnitTest: assertException shadows out setExpectedException"
- #7109 - Add support for graceful shutdown
- #7101 - Integration of Qute and Mutiny
- #7100 - guide updates for knative quick start update
- #7099 - Add Mongo Connection Pool Metrics
- #7086 - Add a composite OidcAuthenticationMechanism
- #7076 - ArC - introduce a new build item that represents a scope of a custom context registered by an extension
- #7066 - Native build of Kafka Streams fails at runtime with class RocksDBException not found
- #7061 - Allow MetricBuildItem to declare the desired scope
- #7059 - Update to SmallRye Reactive Messaging 1.1.0
- #7054 - missing RESTeasy classes in native build of JAX-RS app
- #7049 - OptaPlanner extension
- #7023 - Changes for config cogs tweak
- #7018 - Recreate all metric registries on startup?
- #7013 - Optimize the use of TenantConfigResolver by making OidcTenantConfig a good map key
- #7000 - QuarkusUnitTest: assertException shadows out setExpectedException
- #6997 - Improve OIDC multi-tenancy and "web-app" configuration support
- #6982 - Document how to create custom SecurityIdentityAugmentor
- #6965 - Test that quarkus-oidc works in the dev mode
- #6945 - Entity updates not persisted when using the repository pattern
- #6923 - doc: active record and repository patterns
- #6917 - Add hot reload tests for Reactive SQL Clients
- #6870 - ClassCastException in Qute BuiltinTemplateExtensions.map on a TreeMap with {#for entry in map.entrySet}
- #6802 - OIDC goes into a redirect loop if a token request with a code grant fails
- #6770 - Invalid WARNING: Closing open connection prior to commit
- #6744 - Upgrade to Infinispan 10.1.2.Final
- #6670 - Add configuration for vert.x with native transport #6669
- #6621 - Document how to use escaped {} in Qute
- #6571 - Document OIDC Multi-Tenancy feature
- #6291 - feat: log warning in case of finding spring.jpa properties configuration
- #6179 - Remove the GraalVM workarounds that are no longer required with 19.3.1
- #6135 - Explicitly document the different Panache ORM approaches
- #6013 - Adds tests for quarkus.http.auth.form.new-cookie-interval
- #6011 - quarkus-credential FORM auth cookie does not get renewed in the expected way
- #6007 - Use jib to generate container images during build phase
- #5496 - Add support for building and deploying container to Kubernetes
- #5493 - Allow triggering container builds and deployments during the build.
- #4489 - Expose Hibernate ORM option to disable 2LC
- #3539 - QuarkusTestExtension does not support -ntp in Maven 3.6.1