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@jelbourn jelbourn released this 10 Sep 17:02


New @angular/youtube-player package!

Earlier this year, we changed the name of this repo to "angular/components" to emphasisze our goal
to provide more than only Material Design components. The 8.2.0 release includes one of the next new
features in that regard- a new package that wraps the
YouTube Player API for iframe Embeds
in an easy-to-use Angular component.

You can see the
documentation on GitHub
for the time being.

Big thanks to @YourDeveloperFriend for contributing this!

Bug Fixes

  • autocomplete: unable to open panel via click inside shadow DOM (#15616) (6e1fe2c), closes #15606
  • button: fix typo in comment (#17001) (5fb0d57)
  • card: stroked buttons missing margin (#16576) (399ed29), closes #16546
  • chips: allow null to be set as chip value (#16950) (57998a2), closes #16844
  • chips: preselected chip not highlighted on init inside OnPush component (#16868) (aad7ff7), closes #16841
  • drag-drop: connected drop zones not working inside shadow root (#16899) (6009211), closes #16898
  • drag-drop: drop list ref sorting disabled by default (#16963) (306e07c), closes #16961
  • drag-drop: error if custom preview or placeholder node is not an element (#16409) (8a4bed5)
  • drag-drop: handle list and viewport auto scroll regions overlapping (#16675) (792e886), closes #16647
  • drag-drop: handle the element going out of the boundary after a viewport resize (#16874) (44b8a47), closes #16536
  • drag-drop: incorrectly constraining element position if size changes between drag sequences (#16876) (cad0102), closes #15749
  • drag-drop: preview position relative to cursor thrown off if item has margin (#16180) (46cf45f), closes #16171
  • drag-drop: unable to drop into connected sibling that was scrolled into view (#16681) (dd59044)
  • expansion: show header focus state when expanded (#16486) (7bf5e4e)
  • icon: not copying attributes from symbol nodes (#16896) (425eb7e), closes #16892
  • icon: use ErrorHandler to log MatIcon errors (#16967) (dccddd9)
  • icon: use ErrorLogger to log http errors (#16855) (75686e8)
  • menu: keyboard controls not working if all items are disabled (#16572) (d3f63a3), closes #16565
  • menu: restore focus immediately when menu is closed (#16960) (bfa1853), closes #16954
  • paginator: MatPaginatorIntl will now cause MatPaginator to display an 'EN DASH' (U+2013) rather than a 'HYPHEN-MINUS' (U+002D) by default
  • progress-spinner: animation node inserted into wrong style root when using ngIf with ShadowDom encapsulation (#16982) (dadb3e1)
  • radio: clear aria attributes from host node (#16938) (237e030), closes #16913
  • slider: displayWith function never called with "null" (#16707) (17c8983)
  • snack-bar: don't stretch to fullscreen in landscape orientation (#16940) (8d12902), closes #16911
  • snack-bar: too tall under some circumstances in Safari (#16679) (e9baa09), closes #16605
  • tabs: tab nav bar not highlighting active tab if rendered after init (#16624) (93e9415), closes #16607
  • tooltip: avoid adding same aria description as trigger's aria-label (#16870) (1006cc2), closes #16719
