Releases: nimblehq/rails-templates
- Fix: backtrace_silencers modification does not work on the latest rails version #267
- Correct the Turbolink removal for application.js #268
- Adding #270
- Test doesn't run due to the NGINX configuration #275
- Update Rails to the latest stable version 6.1.0 #263
- Add the configuration file for rails_best_practices #262
- Update copyright #266
- Allow Nginx handle incoming HTTP request on Heroku #274
- Upgrade Rails version, Ruby version and Node version #272
- Adding
into README #276 - Make semaphoreCI addon optional #277
- #195 - Replace pronto with danger
- #209 - Adding Engine prefix name validator
- #201 - Enable core-js
- #207 - Adding .nvmrc file
- #182 - Add precompiling assets script to fix docker build
- #246 - Adding rubocop-rspec
- #229 - Integrate danger-simplecov_json
- #249 - Feature/adding rubocop performance
- #231 - PhraseApp Addon
- #239 - Add Bootstrap addon feature
- #237 - Add Slim add-on
- #250 - Add Devise as an Add-on
- #232 - Nginx addon
- #199 - Fixing rubocop issue in disable_animation.rb
- #215 - Forcing the ruby template version
- #212 - Remove the spec/template.rb in the new app
- #226 - Fix missing gems when running app with docker
- #228 - Fix error when applying an addon to existing project
- #189 - Upgrade to Ruby 2.7.1 and Rails
- #190 - Prepare webpack assets only if there is at least one system test
- #193 - Refactor Dockerfile template
- #143 - Add sanitize helper in the spec
- #206 - Enable --parallel on rubocop
- #197 - Upgrade Webpacker
- #198 - Enable FrozenStringLiteralComment
- #208 - Moving rspec-rails to development and test group
- #222 - Fix Rubocop offense when first use template
- #219 - Remove redundant IrresponsibleModule smell in Reek config
- #243 - Only run asset precompile on system test
- #242 - Allow Rails serve static files as default
- #230 - Add rails-controller-testing to Gemfile template
- #233 - Update backtrace_silencers.rb
- #248 - Update Template test
- #241 - Improve the localization concern, moving to around_action
- #160 Webpack improvements for the test environment
- #177 Add Semaphore CI 2.0 Addon
- #178 Enable single add-on template application
- #163 Integrate with Semaphore 2
- #174 Optimize Dockerfile
- #175 Add Github PR template
- #179 Add support old applications to apply the template
- #180 Add script to copy the gem dependencies for building docker image
- #184 Replace link to shared ESLint with the new NPMJS organization
- #186 Rename makefile name and respect makefile tab indent style
#152 Replace the app_name string replacing to a template (.tt)
#153 Refactor the template file commands
#154 Upgrade Postgresql redis image
#155 Restructure the template files
#156 Create web variant
#157 Create api variant
#158 Move template related files to .template folder
#161 Add zeitwerk checking to codebase spec
#159 Add template tests
#162 Add how to contribute section to README file
#150 Fix the template test
#151 Add missing app configurations
#91 - Initialize assets folder structure
#96 - Add Rack Deflater to reduce response size
#97 - Add i18n-js gem
#98 - Enable Bullet to watch for N+1 queries
#100 - Setup gitignore
#101 - Setup editorconfig
#82 - Fix missing RuboCop disabled comments in disabled animation file.
#83 - Fix missing Redis configuration on Docker compose file.
#90 - Fix errors when building the docker image
#94 - Update database config
#86 - Improve the Dockerfile on Production mode
#87 - Set wait_on_first_by_default to true
#88 - Update Rails from 5.1.6 to 5.2.3
#92 - Update ruby version from 2.5.3 to 2.6.2
#93 - Cleanup gems
#95 - Update secret key base configuration due to rails 5.2 changes
#99 - Replace chromedriver-helper with webdrivers
#102 - Update chrome install script
- #57 Improve building of docker images for production
- #61 Create Sass functions for convert px unit in stylesheets
- #62 Access log file on docker test environment
- #70 Fix generating the template with URL is NOT working
- #72 Remove the mapping port on docker-compose on test environment
#37 - Linters and Automated Code Review Setup
#38 - Added sidekiq setup
#40 - Production-ready Docker-based deployment
#43 - Disable instance variable assumption detector for controllers
#44 - Add missing rspec config for Sidekiq
#45 - Update transactional fixtures for using in system test
#46 - Add Chrome Headless for system specs
#47 - [CHORE] Add pull request template to streamline PRs
#48 - [CHORE] Migrate the PR template to subdirectory .github
#49 - Minor improvements to the PR template
#50 - Fix: Incomplete port mapping for all Docker Compose services
#52 - Fix: Deprecated code for simplecov
#53 - System Specs config improvement
#54 - CI Improvements
v2.1.0 Upgrade Rails and fixed the docker issue.
v2.0.0 For Rails 5.0.1