Major changes
- #14457 - Upgrade to GraalVM 20.3.1
Complete changelog
- #14642 - Screenshot update for GraphQL and Health
- #14641 - Added updated screenshot for GraphQL Guide
- #14639 - Updated screenshot in OpenAPI Docs to reflect the UI changes
- #14636 - Resolve non-Arc CacheInterceptionContext lazily
- #14634 - Log warning about the use of NativeImageMojo
- #14631 - Make the oidc-client doc title shorter and try to improve the introduction
- #14627 - Add documentation about RESTEasy Reactive Jackson features
- #14620 - Add K8s Namespace property documentation
- #14617 - Add a missing Java resource content to the OIDC code flow guide
- #14616 - Upgrade SmallRye GraphQL to 1.0.21
- #14615 - Fix NPE when packaging uber-jar on Openshift
- #14605 - Make some AppCDS adjustments
- #14604 - Prevent UOE when MessageBodyReader can handle multiple media types
- #14603 - Reinitialize org.wildfly.common.net.HostName during native application's runtime
- #14599 - Fix empty resource name sanitization
- #14597 - Reactive Messaging HTTP quickstart fixes
- #14590 - FlyWay causes SQLException on live reload when migrate-at-start is enabled
- #14589 - Align generated Maven project version in getting started guide
- #14587 - 'security-openid-connect-web-authentication' Guide content differ from quickstart
- #14585 - Mention RESTEasy Reactive in the Qute guide
- #14584 - Qute - support multiple namespace extension methods on the same class
- #14583 - RunnerClassLoader sanitizeName cannot handle 0 length name argument
- #14581 - Update SmallRye Config to 1.10.1
- #14580 - Improve the getting started with reactive guide
- #14576 - Ignore XMLGregorianCalendar warning missing in Jandex
- #14574 - Avoid potential NPE when proxying is enabled
- #14571 - Remove experimental warning from Multiple Persistence Units support
- #14569 - How to properly register XMLGregorianCalendar?
- #14568 - Fix image tag in Deploying to OpenShift guide
- #14565 - Using fast-jar packaging + AppCDS with Quarkus 1.11.0
- #14563 - Security fixes for RESTEasy Reactive
- #14557 - Add a missing quarkus-jsonp dependency and a unit test to quarkus-smallrye-jwt-build
- #14552 - Fix the javadoc: Java System properties' name aws.secretAccessKey
- #14550 - Can't use Qute in reactive application
- #14549 - Fix NPE in NativeTestExtension on missing native image
- #14548 - Ambiguous info in reactive guide
- #14547 - 1.11.0 quarkus-smallrye-jwt-build does not work standalone
- #14544 - quarkus-resteasy-multipart seems to require Jackson in Quarkus 1.11.0.Final
- #14543 - Use absolute uris in oidc-client discovery and authorization webclient
- #14541 - Check if OIDC Client can use Vertx Web Client more effectively
- #14536 - NPE thrown in X-Forwarded-For header parsing
- #14535 - Use RESTEasy Reactive when in getting-started-reactive-crud example
- #14521 - Add ssl options to webclient in oidc-client
- #14520 - Fix the path to MetricsRequestHandler when quarkus.http.root-path is set
- #14519 - Migrate to the new OSSRH server
- #14517 - Make Dev Console work properly in the face of non ASCII chars in FS paths
- #14516 - Metrics throw a 500 Internal Server Error when Application has configured a quarkus.http.root-path
- #14511 - Address ConcurrentModificationException on ThreadLocalPool
- #14510 - ConcurrentModificationException thrown when closing a connection on a reactive pool
- #14508 - Bump commons-lang3 from 3.9 to 3.11
- #14504 - File not found exception on dependency quarkus-resteasy-reactive-deployment-1.11.0.Final.jar
- #14500 - Copy all liquibase resource files to native image
- #14499 - Added hot-reload support for branding file (logo, css, favicon)
- #14498 - Bump maven-model-helper to 18
- #14497 - Increase timeout when deploying to Nexus
- #14491 - Upgrade commons-lang3 from 3.9 to 3.11
- #14490 - Prevent handlers of suspended contexts from being executed on another thread
- #14486 - Quarkus RESTEasy Reactive Jackons @Blocking Failure should never be restarted
- #14483 - Remove the 'no sources dir' warning from DevMojo
- #14482 - Sync pom.xml snippets with the latest version of generated application
- #14480 - OIDC Client > Cannot overwrite properties
- #14478 - Properties in bootstrap app for 1.11 are in random order, 1.7 had them alphabetically sorted
- #14477 - Avoid Hibernate ORM enhancer to auto-detect the target JVM version
- #14476 - Uber jar packaging fails when deploying to OpenShift
- #14474 - OidcClientFilter usage throws NoSuchFieldException
- #14468 - Fix security OIDC Client documentation
- #14467 - Set built-with-quarkus-core value to the G:A:V instead of just V
- #14463 - Fix broken resteasy-multipart
- #14462 - Don't require global body handler for GraphQL
- #14460 - Fix flakey test
- #14458 - Prevent double free on exception
- #14457 - Upgrade to GraalVM 20.3.1
- #14456 - Add built-with-quarkus-core attribute to the quarkus-extension.yaml
- #14453 - Fix guides code generation to be consistent with content
- #14446 - Don't produce build items from field in ReactiveHttpProcessor
- #14442 - quarkus-reactive-messaging-http gives warning for ReactiveHttpProcessor.routeProducer
- #14441 - Fix regressions in Kubernetes health handling
- #14439 - quarkus-cache in dev mode ends up with NPE
- #14438 - Kubernetes: liveness and readiness probes ignore the
setting - #14436 - Failed to start application with quarkus-cache:1.11.0.Final
- #14433 - Prevent false positive warning about quarkus.kubernetes.deploy
- #14432 - Ensure that dev mode debug host can be configured with -DdebugHost
- #14431 - Open API logo customization not affecting
- #14429 - Unrecognized configuration key "quarkus.kubernetes.deploy" was provided
- #14428 - Fix some minor infelicities in documentation
- #14423 - Log records show the hostname on which the native executable was generated
- #14422 - Upgrade to SmallRye OpenAPI 2.0.19
- #14421 - Add note about enabling all debug hosts for dev mode
- #14420 - Avoid potential NPE when collecting RESTEasy Providers on Resource methods
- #14419 - Apply tiny polish to MicrometerProcessor
- #14418 - ResteasyCommonProcessor: NullPointerException in case of using default annotation values for
- #14417 - Removed unnecessary ')' in the guide "BUILDING QUARKUS APPS WITH GRADLE"
- #14416 - Fix typo in the guide "BUILDING QUARKUS APPS WITH GRADLE"
- #14415 - Update doc around Resteasy GZIP support
- #14409 - Fix jboss-jaxrs-api_2.1_spec build warning
- #14408 - Make dev console work with BodyHandler
- #14405 - Dev UI - "Request has already been read" error when clearing cache if smallrye-graphql extension present
- #14403 - quarkus:dev's debugHost not configurable
- #14402 - dev mode: support suppressing warnign about non existing source directory
- #14400 - Properly handle @Blocking on an JAX-RS Application class
- #14397 - Resteasy-Reactive: Wrong blocking configuration handling in ResteasyReactiveScanner
- #14393 - Set quarkus.datasource.db-kind automatically K8S Service Binding is used
- #14392 - ConnectionPoolsClosedTest is racy
- #14387 - Preserve expected semantics of Maven execution with native profile enabled
- #14380 - CI: Add mongodb-rest-data-panache and mongodb-panache-kotlin to native tests
- #14375 - Use Google Mirror also for Initial JDK 11 Build
- #14374 - Rename Dev Console to Dev UI
- #14372 - Adjust Flyway setup to avoid accumulating containers in dev mode
- #14371 - Fix and get OIDC client tests running in CI native builds
- #14370 - Filter out recently added Hibernate ORM log
- #14364 - Simplify Liquibase setup to avoid accumulating containers in dev mode
- #14363 - Dev mode - fix instrumentation based reload
- #14361 - Fix config-maps property name in documentation
- #14357 - Allows other than Quarkus default branding (eg. Quarkiverse)
- #14356 - Use Dotname instead of Type to determine @BeanParam class target
- #14354 - Fix flakey RESTEasy reactive test
- #14352 - Ensure that QuarkusTestBeforeClassCallback is run on the Quarkus Classloader
- #14351 - Produce Artemis JMS connection factory as a synthetic bean
- #14348 - Resteasy Reactive - stream cannot be null
- #14341 - Liquibase hot reload - This pool is closed and does not handle any more connections!
- #14338 - Get rid of minor warning about deprecated config item
- #14333 - NPE in ArtemisJmsProducer.connectionFactory()
- #14326 - Handle 'inherit' logging min-level settings
- #14324 - Fix dockerfile path for gradle multi module project
- #14323 - fix: add JAXRS API as SR opentracing depends on it but didn't declare it
- #14320 - Native tests fail when quarkus.package.type=uber-jar
- #14317 - Bump adal4j version from 1.6.3 to 1.6.6
- #14312 - Run ./gradlew quarkusBuild failed when setting 'quarkus.docker.dockerfile-jvm-path' in multi module of gradle project
- #14311 - Make Jacoco parent first
- #14302 - Qute type-safe templates - fix validation of expressions in set sections
- #14300 - Update all known UIs to look more like the Dev Console
- #14296 - dev console -> dev mode
- #14294 - Allow adding inline attachement using MailTemplate
- #14292 - Replace '.' with '_' when generating env var in Kubernetes extension
- #14291 - Setting quarkus properties using the Kubernetes extension results in incorrect env var name
- #14282 - Fix NPE in CacheManagerImpl
- #14278 - Create better response when no GraphQL endpoint has been generated
- #14276 - Optimise bean destruction iterator
- #14275 - The property quarkus.kubernetes-config.enabled: "true" is ignored in the Kubernetes configuration
- #14274 - Fix case where quarkus.kubernetes-config.enabled=false in properties file overrides env var
- #14272 - ArC json endpoints should use HttpBuildTimeConfig.nonApplicationRootPath
- #14270 - qute: varargs extension function is not called when exactly one parameter is given
- #14263 - Bump micrometer-bom from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3
- #14260 - Better error messages if remote dev fails to connect
- #14257 - SmallRye GraphQL - NPE when accessing schema if no methods declared
- #14176 - Make the remote dev mode type more accessible
- #14154 - Regression: using inherit in quarkus.log.category fails with an exception
- #14152 - Remote-Dev triggers an entire redeployment(S2I Processor) with OpenShift Extension
- #14013 - Fix infinite recursion
- #13990 - Stack overflow in Funqy
- #13917 - Fix the guides which use
when generating the project - #13871 - Hibernate Proxy classes generated with incorrect java release version
- #13564 - Inlined attachments for MailTemplateInstance
- #11206 - Smallrye openapi creates a StackOverflowException when using Schema DiscriminatorMapping with self-reference
- #9837 - OverlappingFileLockException in JaCoCo when using offline instrumentation due to duplicate shutdown hooks (classloading issue)
- #9671 - GZip filter doesn't work
- #9194 - Exception logged by quarkus after SSE client is closed - "Failed to mark a promise as failure because it has failed already: DefaultChannelPromise failure: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException"