Major changes
- #27726 - Add CrossSite Request Forgery prevention filter
- #27025 - Reduce the number of vert.x eventloops started by default
- #26998 - Introduce a Kafka Client DevUI component
- #26107 - Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 5.12.2 to 6.1.1
Complete changelog
- #27899 - Auto-approve workflow runs from established contributors or low-risk files
- #27898 - Properly support generic bounds for ParamConverterProvider classes
- #27897 - Support non-producer methods annotated with @startup
- #27896 - Ensure that Mongo DNS lookup does not happen on the event loop
- #27895 - Bump Eclipse Yasson to 3.0.2 in the Jakarta rewrite
- #27892 - resteasy-reactive: ParamConverter+Kotlin+ResteasyReactice+List leads to java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on startup (Regression since 2.12)
- #27891 - Use default host and port when the service instance does not set them
- #27890 - Bump jboss-logmanager 1.1.1
- #27885 - Fix request context leak in the Funqy Knative runtime
- #27883 - Add test to verify openshift with deployment kind and no version labels
- #27880 - Bump micrometer-bom from 1.9.3 to 1.9.4
- #27875 - Revert "Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 5.12.2 to 6.1.1"
- #27871 - Redis value group (replacing the string group)
- #27870 - Stork custom serviceDiscovery default Host is not working anymore
- #27866 - Additional docs notifications
- #27864 - Allow setting a custom logging filter on logging handlers
- #27863 - Bump liquibase.version from 4.15.0 to 4.16.0
- #27860 - More fixes for JAX-RS 3.1, upgrade to RESTEasy 6.2.0.Beta1, to Hibernate Validator 8.0.0.Final
- #27859 - Return proper response code when an HTTP request contains an invalid Q value
- #27853 - Provide an option to set Form based auth encrypted cookie as HttpOnly
- #27852 - 500 from RESTEasy Reactive with malformed Accept when multiple @produces
- #27846 - Cross-link to quarkiverse wiki
- #27843 - Adjust notifications for documentation work
- #27838 - Create Infinispan caches on first access with the minimal config
- #27837 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.24.3 to 9.24.4
- #27833 - Bump mockito-bom from 4.7.0 to 4.8.0
- #27830 - Use dependabot for GitHub actions version management
- #27829 - Upgrade SmallRye Health to 3.3.0
- #27826 - Ensure that InitialConfigurator uses the Quarkus configured min log level
- #27825 - Kubernetes: Add default template.metadata in StatefulSet resource
- #27824 - Synchronize maven-model-helper version
- #27822 - Bump flyway.version from 9.2.3 to 9.3.0
- #27820 - Bump artemis.version from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0
- #27816 - Use dependabot for simplifying GitHub actions version management
- #27815 - Address a few Kotlin compiler warnings
- #27810 - Rest client classic: revert to package private visibility for configuration methods
- #27808 - Jakarta - EE 10 - SmallRye Metrics test failure
- #27806 - Jakarta - Also reformat Kotlin projects
- #27802 - Fix for Context Propagation on Reactive Messaging
- #27796 - Bump flyway.version from 9.2.2 to 9.2.3
- #27789 - Fixes artifact names of Kubernetes Service Binding ITs
- #27788 - Make it easier to configure that OIDC JWT introspection only is required
- #27787 - Avoid several levels of RuntimeException wrapping
- #27786 - Temporary disabled CompositeBuildWithDependenciesDevModeTest flaky test
- #27783 - Reduce
options - #27782 - Enforce project's dependency constraints on the classpath used for dev mode bootstrap
- #27781 - Improve MongoDB guides
- #27779 - Not fail with bean params with generics
- #27776 - Qute - introduce CheckedTemplate#defaultName()
- #27773 - Too many levels of RuntimeException nesting on BuildException
- #27771 - GraphQL revert custom field data fetcher
- #27765 - Improve Reactive Route guide
- #27764 - Explicitly register generation task output to sourceset
- #27762 - Reactive native returns "400 bad request" in case of bean params with template parameters
- #27756 - Properly generate documents from config groups in ConfigMapping
- #27755 - Improve error reporting for https access when quarkus.ssl.native=false and update corresponding docs
- #27750 - Avoid mixing the RESTEasy Classic and RESTEasy Reactive REST layers
- #27749 - Keycloak Reactive Admin Client code which depends on comparing Response.StatusType does not work
- #27748 - Update mvn commands in docs to match the ones ran by quarkus-cli
- #27745 - Use new RuntimeProxyCreation public API with GraalVM >= 22.3
- #27742 - Bump jackson-bom from 2.13.3 to 2.13.4
- #27741 - Revert "Upgrade to jreleaser 1.2.0"
- #27737 - Add RESTEasy Reactive StatusType equals and hashCode methods
- #27733 - Fix inconsistency in kubernetes commands / arguments handling between jvm and native
- #27732 - More Jakarta progress
- #27731 - Enable Keycloak Admin Client injection by default and minor doc updates
- #27728 - Use new RuntimeResourceSupport public API with GraalVM >= 22.3
- #27727 - Improve the extension proposal form
- #27726 - Add CrossSite Request Forgery prevention filter
- #27722 - Fix broken main
- #27719 - Fix streaming of JSON strings in RESTEasy Reactive
- #27718 - Add getDataSource accessor in the new Redis API
- #27716 - Add suffix to errors on shutdown
- #27715 - Add global rest-client config properties
- #27701 - Bump checker-qual from 3.24.0 to 3.25.0
- #27700 - Bump flyway.version from 9.2.1 to 9.2.2
- #27697 - Use new public API
with GraalVM >= 22.3 - #27694 - Validate parameter passed to ConfiguratorBase.param()
- #27690 - Stop depending on com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.Resources#registerResource
- #27689 - Fix typos and wrong fonction class in the GCF Funqy guide
- #27688 - Manually serialize the Pojo in the PojoResourceTest and enable it
- #27687 - Use own lookupMethod to avoid dependency on internal GraalVM API
- #27686 - Replace usages of
- #27685 - SmallRye CP - introduce ThreadContextProviderBuildItem
- #27682 - Allow HttpServerOptionsCustomizer to set KeyManager and TrustManager for HTTPS server
- #27679 - GraphQL Field level context and error event on blocking fixes
- #27678 - Bump jsoup from 1.15.1 to 1.15.3 in /core/processor
- #27676 - Bump smallrye-common-bom from 1.13.0 to 1.13.1
- #27673 - Add kotlin formatting plugin
- #27672 - Docs: Enhancement to authorization code flow intro in Security docs
- #27670 - Make sure methods annotated with
are declared as public - #27669 - @FunQ over non-public methods are ignored but information is not logged/no ex/nothing in docs
- #27668 - The config reference is not generated for child config classes annotated with
- #27667 - Jakarta - Remove integration-tests/kafka-avro when migrating
- #27664 - Proper exception message when passing null value to SyntheticBeanBuildItem Configuration parameter
- #27658 - Rework the BeanDefiningAnnotationBuildItem default scope
- #27651 - Jakarta - Upgrade to CDI 4.0.1 and various other upgrades
- #27649 - Bump jquery from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1
- #27648 - Bump jboss-metadata-web from 15.0.0.Final to 15.1.0.Final
- #27646 - Bump flyway.version from 9.2.0 to 9.2.1
- #27645 - Bump unboundid-ldapsdk from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6
- #27644 - Fix KafkaDevServicesContinuousTestingTestCase#testContinuousTestingScenario2
- #27643 - Jakarta - EE 10 - Update Jakarta Authorization API to 2.1.0 and Authentication API to 3.0.0
- #27642 - Jakarta - EE 10 - Upgrade Quarkus HTTP to Servlet 6.0.0 and Websockets 2.1.0
- #27637 - OIDC Remote Intropsection should work with discovery-enable set to true
- #27635 - More global Rest Client configs
- #27631 - Fix treatment of recursive bean types
- #27629 - Stork integration with REST Client Reactive on a filter
- #27627 - MongoDB driver failing DNS Lookup
- #27621 - Add Google Cloud Functions integration tests
- #27619 - Re-enable PojoResourceTest when the issue is fixed at Yasson side
- #27618 - Disable PojoResourceTest due to issue on Yasson 3.0.1
- #27617 - Bump default Kafka dev service image to redpanda v22.1.7
- #27616 - Improve SmallRye Health extension's default scope for health checks
- #27614 - Re-enable the test KafkaDevServicesContinuousTestingTestCase#testContinuousTestingScenario2
- #27609 - Extend form auth cookie configuration
- #27607 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.4.0 to 8.4.1
- #27606 - Bump jib-core from 0.21.0 to 0.22.0
- #27602 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.6.11.Final
- #27601 - Some fixes to include imports in subsequent code examples
- #27599 - Fix flaky ClientRequestTest
- #27597 - Disable flaky BlockingRawTest#shouldAdd
- #27590 - Generalize external rules to independent-projects and adjust Jakarta transformation
- #27588 - Switch Oracle DB container image to new 21-slim-faststart flavour
- #27586 - Disable KafkaDevServicesContinuousTestingTestCase#testContinuousTestingScenario2
- #27579 - Use ClassPathElement.getDependencyKey() for dev ui template paths
- #27578 - Fix flaky ClientRequestTest
- #27577 - Add explicit dependency on smallrye-context-propagation-propagators-rxjava2 for SR CP integration tests
- #27570 - Jakarta - EE 10 - Support JAX-RS 3.1.0 in RESTEasy Reactive
- #27568 - Replace deprecated Date constructor use in Jackson test
- #27567 - Disable flaky ClientRequestTest
- #27563 - Make Kubernetes model for native registration more complete
- #27562 - Make dependencies on bootstrap resolvers "provided" in quarkus-bootstrap-core
- #27558 - Fail extension build when @recorder is used in a deployment module
- #27555 - Upgrade to jreleaser 1.2.0
- #27550 - Report actionable error when extension
is in the wrong module. - #27549 - Null Pointer Exception Attempting to Watch Change Stream in Database with ChangeStreamOptions
- #27548 - Reactive MongoDB Change Streams - Add Support for Databases using custom ChangeStreamOptions
- #27545 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.24.2 to 9.24.3
- #27540 - Allow to set OIDC code grant custom headers and params
- #27539 - Improve command mode guide
- #27537 - Validate that synthetic beans are defined with known scope annotations
- #27533 - Automatically use SSE produces MediaType when @RestStreamElementType is used
- #27532 - Add default "" value to @Launch and improve command line JavaDoc
- #27531 - Add some details about status in jakarta/README.md
- #27530 - Allow to provide custom HTTP options in REST Client Reactive
- #27527 - Jakarta - Simplify classloader-linkage-error
- #27523 - Add Support for startAfter in Reactive MongoDB Change Streams
- #27522 - Add Support for startAfter in Reactive MongoDB Change Streams
- #27521 - Revert "Allow to provide custom HTTP options in REST Client Reactive"
- #27519 - Bump postgresql from 42.4.2 to 42.5.0
- #27518 - Bump flyway.version from 9.1.6 to 9.2.0
- #27516 - Change the dokka output format from the javadoc style to the native dokka style
- #27514 - Jakarta - Update the version of the RESTEasy Reactive TCK
- #27510 - NPE when using SyntheticBeanBuildItem with BeanCreator
- #27509 - Upgrade to version 42.5.0 of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver
- #27508 - Jakarta - EE 9 - Maven integration tests - testClassLoaderLinkageError tests failing
- #27507 - Jakarta - EE 9 - Context propagation tests failing
- #27506 - Jakarta - EE 9 - Serialization issue in MongoDB IT PojoResourceTest
- #27505 - Replace @michalszynkiewicz in the quarkus-github-bot.yml
- #27504 - Remove incorrect dependency from MongoDB IT pom
- #27502 - New config
- #27498 - RESTEasy Reactive - Support text/binary conversion for multipart files
- #27495 - Correctly set default for
- #27493 - Fix rotated access log file names
- #27490 - Make sure config keys with quoted dots works
- #27488 - Introduce
- #27486 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.3.3 to 8.4.0
- #27485 - Bump grpc.version from 1.48.1 to 1.49.0
- #27484 - Bump slf4j-jboss-logmanager to 1.2.0.Final
- #27483 - ArC - add the convenient ClientProxy.unwrap() method
- #27482 - Expose potential extension points on authorization code flow-related provider clients
- #27481 - Let user to provide own KeyManager and TrustManager for HTTPS server
- #27478 - Smallrye GraphQL codestart in Java & Kotlin
- #27477 - Ensure test resources are not restarted for nested classes
- #27474 - RestClient Reactive: Default conversion for basic types
- #27472 - http access-logs when rotate as double dots in filename extension
- #27469 - Graal Native Build missing ReflectionRegistrations in io.fabric8:kubernetes-model-core:5.12.3
- #27465 - Bump groovy for maven-invoker-plugin to support Java 19
- #27443 - CDI context propagation improvements for the reactive stack
- #27438 - Google Cloud Functions documentation improvements
- #27430 - Default parameter conversion for REST Client Reactive
- #27427 - Clarify ValidationErrorBuildItem/ArtifactResultBuildItem/EmptyBuildItem
- #27426 - Disallow mixing @QuarkusTest and @QuarkusMainTest
- #27419 - Take HTTP root path into account when using @TestHTTPResource
- #27416 - @TestHTTPResource annotation injects endpoint URL without the quarkus.http.root-path segment
- #27408 - action-build-reporter - Disable main repo at the job level
- #27405 - Promote kubernetes config extension to stable
- #27400 -
restarts for@Nested
classes - #27399 - Ability to configure dependency exclusions when composing app modules programmatically
- #27395 - Introduce action-build-reporter for forks
- #27391 - Bump flyway.version from 9.1.5 to 9.1.6
- #27390 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.24.1 to 9.24.2
- #27387 - Bump Keycloak version to 19.0.1
- #27372 - Improve live reload experience of external artifacts on dev mode
- #27369 - Bump wildfly-elytron.version from 1.20.0.Final to 1.20.1.Final
- #27367 - Jakarta - Make Infinispan work by using artifacts with the jakarta classifier
- #27366 - Add osgi-core dependency for liquibase-core
- #27363 - Upgrade OTel to 1.17.0
- #27356 - Fix scheduler exclusion
- #27352 - RedPanda + kafka-streams stop working in upstream
- #27345 - [2.12.0.CR1]:
UI throws an error when navigating to "Configuration" -> "Config Editor", and "Devservices" is empty - #27341 - Create caches in Infinispan using the application.properties
- #27340 - Update to Vert.x 4.3.3 and Mutiny Bindings 2.26.0
- #27329 - Flyway: New config property to run
- #27324 - Don't fully buffer RR client responses
- #27322 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.23 to 9.24.1
- #27317 - Dev UI - bean dependency graph improvements
- #27314 - @produce(EmptyBuildItem.class) not working
- #27294 - Use ExternalRules enforcer rule
- #27259 - In a Gradle Quarkus application build, quarkusGenerateCode triggers a deprecation warning when sourcesJar is enabled
- #27235 - Validate config property names in the quarkus namespace
- #27232 - quarkus-integration-test-liquibase-mongodb fails in native with latest GraalVM 22.3-dev build
- #27229 - Broken context propagation in HTTP request that involves hibernate-reactive-panache, resteasy-reactive and qute
- #27225 - Resteasy Reactive: Add JAXB API as runtime dependency
- #27211 - quarkus-integration-test-redis-client native build fails with 22.3.0-dev mandrel
- #27203 - Rest Client Reactive: Provide custom ObjectMapper in request scope
- #27176 - Docs: Enhancements to OIDC introduction in Security docs
- #27171 - Make it possible to inject Keycloak admin client
- #27166 - Connection pool exhaustion for lazy entity association (acquisition timeout)
- #27142 - Document the release process
- #27105 - Docs: Adapt the Diataxis template and restructure the content for Basic Authentication
- #27083 - RESTEasy Reactive - Server side multipart implementation is not being respected
- #27070 - Bump avro.version from 1.11.0 to 1.11.1
- #27037 - Reduce false positives from revapi output/report
- #27030 - Jakarta - EE 9 - Upgrade to Infinispan 14 DEV and use Jakarta artifacts
- #27025 - Reduce the number of vert.x eventloops started by default
- #27009 - Enhancements to Security Getting Started docs
- #26998 - Introduce a Kafka Client DevUI component
- #26992 - Jakarta - EE 9 - Get a Jakarta version of the Confluent schema registry client
- #26984 - Jakarta - EE 9 - Infinispan Client IT fails because javax.annotation.Generated is not available
- #26901 - Document the release process
- #26868 - Enhance OIDC Client to support the token revocation
- #26867 - OidcClient should support the token revocation
- #26837 - Support
injection inquarkus-keycloak-admin-client
- #26783 - Add access log handler to the main router if non-app root-path is different from root-path
- #26782 - Endpoint access not logged into access log when root-path and non-application-root-path are under different root
- #26723 - Better structure for bean dependency graph in dev ui
- #26581 - [CI] - Kubernetes end-to-end testing
- #26567 - RESTEasy Reactive - prevent repeating of standard security checks
- #26551 - Support @ActivateRequestContext on reactive methods
- #26536 - RestEasy Reactive performs authorization checks twice
- #26495 - Allow to provide custom HTTP options in REST Client Reactive
- #26420 - Detect improper YAML keys
- #26401 - log4j: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Maximum number of attachments exceeded
- #26264 - Improve stereotypes support
- #26161 - Narayana recovery manager service
- #26160 - Improve recovery manager in quarkus-narayana-jta extension
- #26152 - Resteasy Reactive: ContextResolver not used
- #26116 - Reactive REST client: Configure Vert.x HttpClientOptions
- #26107 - Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 5.12.2 to 6.1.1
- #25981 - Custom logging filters
- #25905 - Testing: Add failure state in testing context
- #25749 - Provide running context to
implementations - #25423 - Allow configuring how Stork-based REST clients are mapped to requests
- #24885 -
fails on OCP + native mode - #24880 - Share the set of banned dependencies and their replacements with Quarkus ecosystem
- #24474 - RegisterForReflection#classNames does not register full hierarchy of the class
- #23739 - Hibernate Reactive Panache MSSQL Native Build
- #23592 - Build fails on REST endpoint when
has parameterized type - #21458 - Added "User-Agent" header to requests made to the Lambda Runtime API
- #18043 - Resteasy-reactive produces invalid json for Multi
- #11710 - Should be able to call a method annotated with @startup
- #8399 - Provide a CSRF prevention feature