All notable changes to valet-plus will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #524 Removed support for Elasticsearch 2.4
- #524 Removed support for Elasticsearch 5.6
- #524 Removed support for Elasticsearch 7.6
- #516 Removed setting the query parameter for Drupal.
- #535 Removed old PHP fixes within valet fix for old brew formulae now replaced by henkrehost/php
- #524 Added support for Elasticsearch 7.8
- #502 Added to PHP xdebug config xdebug.max_nesting_level to -1
- #530 Added Composer.lock file
- #487 Added brew update and uninstall brew php pipeline step
- #470 Added macOS catalina image for testing on macos catalina
- #501 Changed PHP memory limit to 4 GB
- #454 Changed the valet unlink command to improve feedback and help description.
- #541 Fixed PECL YML package no longer supporting PHP 7.0 beyond version 2.0.4.
- #539 Fixed the CI/CD not failing when switch to (php) step fails
- #537 Fixed valet fix forcefully trying to reinstall and relink the default PHP version. Even when not on the default version. Causing a faulty link process (overwriting).
- #533 Fixed CI/CD not adhering to installation instructions
- #528 Fixed syntax error due to symfony/polyfill-php80 being required by new version (4.4.9) of symfony/debug
- #530 Fixed composer.lock being ignored causing composer updates to run during install
- #464 Fixed logic to copy Elasticsearch NGINX stub on install
- #455 Fixed bug where switching PHP version to a flawed installation would result in an unusable valet-plus installation.
- #393 Major part of the readme, now available in the WIKI
- #437 Dependency on mysql-utilities because brew has deprecated the use of the formula.
- #401 Installation bug with apcu_bc due to double .so directives getting placed in php.ini.
- #402 Installation bug with ioncube due to PHP 7.3 not being configured.
- #403 Installation bug with memcached on MacOS Mojave due to zlib not being installed by default anymore.
- #408 Installation bug with Elasticsearch due to PECL yaml not being installed.
- #408 Bug while switching Elasticsearch version by always suffixing the version in the datapath config.
- #425 Bug in custom PECL extensions throwing errors when no url is set for custom extension.
- #426 Bug in valet fix command trying to install PHP 7.1 as default.
- #435 Bug in fix command as all errors needed to be present to fire fix logic.
- #449 Xdebug not installing on PHP version 7.0 due to new xdebug version which only supports PHP 7.1+.
- #447 Versioned MySQL (E.G: [email protected]) not being linked upon install.
- #399 Existing files to adhere to PSR-2 code style.
- #414 Magerun to version 1.103.1.
- #414 Magerun2 to version 3.2.0.
- #393 Changelog file to keep track of changes.
- #394 Azure pipelines integration as start for the automated testing setup.
- #399 PHP_CodeSniffer to project dependencies to ensure code style validation tools.
- #404 Github issue templates to enforce workflows.
- #404 Contributor guidelines
to explain workflows. - #425 Added support for switching to PHP 7.4.