Releases: daos-stack/google-cloud-daos
google-cloud-daos v0.5.0
google-cloud-daos v0.5.0
Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Added tags variable to allow network tags to be added to instances
- Updated packer template so that it does not change the system python version
- DAOSGCP-220 Properly handle
param when pool size is specified in % - DAOSGCP-221 Added tag variables to examples so that firewall rules can be applied to instances
- Removed hugepage settings that are not needed in DAOS v2.4
- Remove SCM size variables from IO500 example since SCM size does not need to be set in DAOS v2.4
Bug Fixes
- DAOSGCP-216 Corrected example of
value in images/
- DAOSGCP-183 Removed link to getting-started doc. The link was not necessary since the information is provided in the
"Creating and managing projects" documentation.
Version updates
- DAOS v2.4 is now the default DAOS version
- IO500 example uses IO500 SC23
- DAOSGCP-219 Change terraform provider versions to match versions generated by HPC Toolkit.
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.5.0
google-cloud-daos v0.4.1
Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Bug Fixes
- DAOSGCP-178 Fixes for ansible changes in EPEL by @mark-olson in #85
- DAOSGCP-189 Added by @mark-olson in #86
- DAOSGCP-190 Ensure realpath is not used on non-existent dirs by @mark-olson in #87
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
google-cloud-daos v0.4.0
Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- DAOSGCP-160 Rocky 8 support and simplification of image building scripts
- DAOSGCP-151 Removal of MIGs to reduce deployment time
- DAOSGCP-163 Refactor IO500 example
- DAOSGCP-165 Changes to support DAOS >v2.2.0
- DAOSGCP-140 Enable 1 thread per vCPU
Bug Fixes
- DAOSGCP-153 Fix bad link in predeployment guide
- DAOSGCP-159 Update copyright year in comment headers
Version updates
- DAOSGCP-172 Use Google HPC Rocky 8 base image and network-throughput tuned profile
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
google-cloud-daos v0.3.0
Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- DAOSGCP-100 Documentation updates
- DAOSGCP-124 I500 now has example configuration files for EC
Bug Fixes
- Swap chmod/chown to fix wildcard expansion error
- DAOSGCP-143 Fix issue with git command
- DAOSGCP-138 Update license in
Version updates
- DAOS v2.2.0 is now the default DAOS version
- IO500 example uses IO500 SC22
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0
google-cloud-daos v0.2.1
Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
DAOSGCP-122 Add internal IP support in io500
DAOSGCP-124 Add support for worker pools
DAOSGCP-125 Add switch for use_iap in packer scripts
Bug Fixes
DAOSGCP-121 Fix doc header level
DAOSGCP-131 Swap chmod/chown to fix wildcard expansion error
Version updates
- DAOS v2.0.3 - This version of google-cloud-daos now uses DAOS v2.0.3 with libfabric v1.15.1
All Changes
Uncategorized list of changes
- DAOSGCP-121 Fix doc header level by @markaolson in #59
- DAOSGCP-122 Add internal IP support to io500/ by @damokm4 in #54
- DAOSGCP-123 Add support for worker pools by @damokm4 in #55
- DAOSGCP-125 Add switch for use_iap in packer scripts by @damokm4 in #56
- DAOSGCP-126 - Updates for DAOS v2.0.3 by @markaolson in #60
- DAOSGCP-131 Swap chmod/chown to fix wildcard expansion error by @danielahlin in #61
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1
google-cloud-daos v0.2.0
Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
New Features
- DAOSGCP-57 Generate install script and startup scripts as output variables and output files.
- DAOSGCP-58 DAOS server formats itself without user intervention
- DAOSGCP-59 DAOS server takes an optional list of pools and containers to create automatically if that makes sense
- DAOSGCP-61 Make client module receive daos_*_yaml as variables and configure itself accordingly
- DAOSGCP-82 Modify daos_server terraform module to generate a configuration script
- DAOSGCP-83 Modify daos_server Terraform module to add ACLs to pools
- DAOSGCP-84 daos_config_script improvements to allow for automatic pool and container creation
- DAOSGCP-85 Modify daos_server terraform module to generate an installation script
- DAOSGCP-86 Add support for advanced networking
- DAOSGCP-88 Evaluate moving one-time formatting and pool creation to server 0
- DAOSGCP-96 Add functionality to check GCP permission before adding them
- DAOSGCP-99 Disable default insecure configuration of DAOS server
- DAOSGCP-103 Copy agent.crt and agent.key files to /etc/daos/certs on the DAOS servers
- DAOSGCP-109 Change client configuration script output on daos_server module to contain complete script
- DAOSGCP-115 Add "depends_on" to the google_compute_instance_group_manager.daos_sig resource so that the secret is always created before the mig
- DAOSGCP-100 Fix copyright issues
- DAOSGCP-104 Fix image build issues related to IAP tunneling configuration
- DAOSGCP-105 Change image name for daos-client image
- DAOSGCP-111 Remove unneeded Examples
- DAOSGCP-114 Documentation updates for google-cloud-daos v0.2.0
Bug Fixes
- DAOSGCP-91 Fix IO500 deployment
- DAOSGCP-92 Update IOR to version with fix for mdtest
- DAOSGCP-94 IO500 client image build failure
- DAOSGCP-108 Pin intel-oneapi-mpi packages to specific version
Version updates
No version updates in this release.
At the time the google-cloud-daos v0.2.0 tag was created the Packer scripts and Terraform modules used which was symlinked to DAOS v2.0.2
All Changes
Uncategorized list of changes
- DAOSGCP-91 Fix IO500 deployment by @lsitkiew in #28
- DAOSGCP-92 Update IOR to version with fix for mdtest by @lsitkiew in #29
- DAOSGCP-82 Changing defaults and default behaviors by @cboneti in #27
- DAOSGCP-94 Fix for io500_prepare.patch by @markaolson in #31
- DAOSGCP-86 Add support for advanced networking by @lsitkiew in #30
- DAOSGCP-85 Add daos_client_install_script output to daos_server module by @markaolson in #32
- DAOSGCP-96 Add functionality to check GCP permission before adding them by @lsitkiew in #34
- DAOSGCP-100 Added pre-commit hook for addlicense by @markaolson in #35
- DAOSGCP-102 Changed packer scripts to use IAP with private IP by @markaolson in #36
- DAOSGCP-99 Added support for using transport certs by @markaolson in #37
- DAOSGCP-103 Copy agent cert files on server instances by @markaolson in #38
- DAOSGCP-104 Fix image build issues related to IAP tunneling configuration by @cboneti in #39
- DAOSGCP-105 Change daos-client default image name by @cboneti in #41
- DAOSGCP-108 Pin intel-oneapi-mpi packages to specific version by @lsitkiew in #43
- DAOSGCP-107 Moved cert scripts from image into terraform by @markaolson in #42
- DAOSGCP-109 Updated client configuration script for toolkit by @markaolson in #44
- DAOSGCP-83 and DAOSGCP-84 Automatic format storage with pool and container creation that supports ACLs by @lsitkiew in #40
- DAOSGCP-111 Remove unneeded Examples by @Kmannth in #48
- DAOSGCP-83 Add option to set user and group for pool and container by @lsitkiew in #49
- DAOSGCP-106 Add io500-isc22 by @iirzynska in #45
- DAOSGCP-114 Documentation updates by @markaolson in #50
- DAOSGCP-115 Add depends_on for daos_ca secret by @markaolson in #51
- DAOSGCP-116 Updated with Support Info by @markaolson in #52
- DAOSGCP-63 Merge changes from develop to main by @markaolson in #53
New Contributors
- @cboneti made their first contribution in #27
- @iirzynska made their first contribution in #45
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
v0.1.0: google-cloud-daos Documentation and Automation Improvements
New Features
- DAOSGCP-72 Auto configure server and agent yaml files PR#20
- DAOSGCP-74 precommit hooks added in order to automatically generate documentation for terraform modules PR#19
Version updates
- Default DAOS version set to v2.0
- libfabric version downgraded to v1.12 due to a regression that impacts performance in GCP
- DAOSGCP-73 Renamed master branch to main. Created develop branch.
- DAOSGCP-75 Documentation updates in terraform/examples/* and 2 new Cloud Shell tutorials PR#25
- DAOSGCP-76 Create better defaults for tfvars, potentially with two tfvars files (tco or perf), included in PR#25
Bug Fixes
- DAOSGCP-80 Fix propagating SSH key to all nodes PR#22
- DAOSGCP-81 Fix the calculation of the pool size PR#23
All Changes
Uncategorized list of changes
- DAOS-8129 Remove file by @markaolson in #1
- Adjust DAOS yaml config file by @johannlombardi in #2
- Update SPDK RPMs to work around NVMe get-feature issue by @johannlombardi in #3
- Build and install IO500 in client image by @johannlombardi in #4
- Add the ability to use a preemptible instance by @lsitkiew in #5
- Move Terraform code to dedicated directory and add in it by @lsitkiew in #6
- Add setup directory with scripts that automate deployment and benchmarking by @lsitkiew in #7
- Speedup deployment and propagate SSH keys on client nodes by @lsitkiew in #8
- DAOS-9507 Modifications for DAOS v2.0 by @markaolson in #9
- DAOS-9673 Fix for 1 server 1 client error in IO500 example by @markaolson in #11
- Add zone info to a few gcloud commands by @Kmannth in #12
- Query pool at the end of IO500 by @johannlombardi in #13
- DAOS-9724 IO500 example improvements by @markaolson in #15
- DAOS-9883 downgrade libfabric to 1.12 and varia by @johannlombardi in #16
- DAOS-9737 Add support for applying labels to instances by @markaolson in #17
- DAOS-9910 pre-commit hooks by @markaolson in #19
- DAOS-9917 Auto configure server side YMLs by @markaolson in #20
- DAOS-9911 Update documentation by @lsitkiew in #21
- DAOSGCP-80 Add functionality to propagate SSH keys to all nodes by @lsitkiew in #22
- DAOSGCP-81 Fix the calculation of the pool size by @lsitkiew in #23
- DAOSGCP-75 Example and documentation updates by @markaolson in #25
- DAOSGCP-77 Merge v0.1.0 changes from develop to main by @markaolson in #26
Full Changelog: