- feat(ownership-provider): support
#272 (@IronLu233)
- feat(ownership-provider): support
- chore: fix release error in pipeline #276 (@IronLu233)
- feat: a ckb node wrapper in js #239 (@IronLu233 @homura)
- refactor(e2e): make the config more clear #273 (@homura)
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- pygman (@pygman)
feat(detect-ckb): a module for detecting injected ckb (#249)
Added a module for detecting ckb
object in window
import { detectCkb } from '@nexus-wallet/detect-ckb';
// will detect if the `ckb` object is injected to window
// an error will be thrown after more than 3s of detection
const ckb = await detectCkb({ timeout: 3000 });
- feat(ownership-provider): supported send transaction #255 (@IronLu233)
- fix(ownership-providers): inject witness and cellDeps auto #251 (@homura @zhangyouxin)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/chrome to v0.0.233 #245 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.8.8 #257 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update jest monorepo #71 (@renovate[bot])
- @renovate[bot]
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- pygman (@pygman)
- Shinya (@zhangyouxin)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- feat(extension-chrome): support send transaction #227 (@IronLu233)
- chore(deps): update dependency @auto-it/upload-assets to v10.45.0 #241 (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency zustand to v4.3.7 #230 (@renovate[bot])
- @renovate[bot]
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- chore(deps): update dependency rimraf to v4.4.1 #242 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency @auto-it/npm to v10.44.0 #234 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency @auto-it/released to v10.44.0 #236 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency @auto-it/protected-branch to v10.44.0 #235 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency style-loader to v3.3.2 #200 (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency immer to v9.0.21 #205 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency html-webpack-plugin to v5.5.1 #228 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/chrome to v0.0.231 #62 (@renovate[bot])
- fix(deps): update dependency nanoid to v3.3.6 #206 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency terser-webpack-plugin to v5.3.7 #201 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency playwright to v1.32.3 #199 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update react monorepo #214 (@renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.58.0 #61 (@renovate[bot])
- @renovate[bot]
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- feat: badge to show how many notif window is pending #216 (@zhangyouxin)
- perf: support sign message in batch #225 (@zhangyouxin)
- chore: update webext-bridge to v6 #209 (@zhangyouxin)
- Shinya (@zhangyouxin)
- feat(ownership-providers): intro an accent color to inputs and buttons #186 (@IronLu233)
- fix(deps): update dependency awilix to v8.0.1 #203 (@renovate[bot])
- @renovate[bot]
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- feat: serial notif windows to avoid confusion from multiple notif #189 (@zhangyouxin)
- chore: avoid canary for renovate pr #212 (@homura)
- chore: add eslint import plugin #208 (@IronLu233)
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- Shinya (@zhangyouxin)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- docs: run with the local devnet #145 (@zhangyouxin)
- Shinya (@zhangyouxin)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- feat: ownership provider to work with Lumos #127 (@homura @IronLu233)
- fix: getLiveCells returns specified change type cells #183 (@zhangyouxin)
- feat(extension-chrome): optimize displaying amount of asset #187 (@IronLu233)
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- Shinya (@zhangyouxin)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- fix: UI bugs and improvements #177 (@IronLu233)
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- chore(extension-chrome): remove unnecessary accessible #173 (@homura)
- fix: return cells with invalid lock args #171 (@zhangyouxin)
- fix(extension-chrome): enable for http and local site #174 (@homura)
- docs: new readme #175 (@zhangyouxin)
- Shinya (@zhangyouxin)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- fix: retry not work in backend #167 (@zhangyouxin)
- Shinya (@zhangyouxin)
- feat(extension-chrome): Use Chrome extension favicon API for whitelist and grant #122 (@IronLu233)
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- fix: connect status is always connected #157 (@IronLu233)
- refactor: disable unsafe any access #138 (@IronLu233)
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- feat: sign data with a magic prefix for security #139 (@zhangyouxin)
- Shinya (@zhangyouxin)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)
- fix(extension-chrome): fix typo and whitelist UI overflow #142 (@IronLu233)
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- feat(extension-chrome): validate RPC methods input parameters #110 (@IronLu233)
- Iron Lu (@IronLu233)
- Yonghui Lin (@homura)