v0.15.3 (2018-07-20)
Fixed Bugs:
- :$ requires additional enter to go to end of buffer #2858
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes $ and % commands #2860 (xconverge)
- fixed buggy interactive substitute replacements #2857 (kevintighe)
v0.15.2 (2018-07-19)
Fixed Bugs:
- Change surround tag with tag including a dot #2850
- Delete using ('d' + 'number' + '+/-') (e.g. d5+) doesn't work like expected. #2846
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #2850 #2856 (xconverge)
- fix: don't run test when launching through vscode #2854 (jpoon)
- v0.15.1 #2853 (jpoon)
- Interactive Substitute #2851 (kevintighe)
v0.15.1 (2018-07-17)
Fixed Bugs:
- ctrl+v no longer pastes in insert mode #2646
Merged pull requests:
- fix: upgrade winston to 3.0 #2852 (jpoon)
- update tslint and fix radix linting #2849 (xconverge)
- Update dependency @types/mocha to v5.2.5 #2847 (renovate-bot)
- gulp release #2841 (jpoon)
- Update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.112 #2839 (renovate-bot)
- Add config option for sneak to use smartcase and ignorecase #2837 (xconverge)
v0.15.0 (2018-07-12)
- TypeError shown on invalid search command. #2823
- Allow registering keybindings commands using strings #2806
Fixed Bugs:
- Keybindings not triggering #2833
- Macro doesn't memoryize
key. #2702 - VimError's does not show up on the status bar #2525
Merged pull requests:
- Add "cursor" to commandline entry #2836 (xconverge)
- Update issue templates #2825 (jpoon)
- Cache the mode for updating status bar colors #2822 (xconverge)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.111 #2821 (renovate-bot)
- Fix quickpick commandline #2816 (xconverge)
- Added ability to register commands using simple strings (fixes #2806) #2807 (6A)
v0.14.2 (2018-07-06)
- <C-u> doesn't behave as expected in insert mode #2804
- (feature) Add an option to bring commandline back to old place #2773
Fixed Bugs:
- 2gt not goes to the right tab #2789
- Repeating a VISUAL LINE indentation is inconsistent with native vim behaviour #2606
- ngt/ngT for tab switching is broken #2580
Closed issues:
- editor.cursorStyle not being respected #2809
Merged pull requests:
- Make gt work correctly like gT #2812 (xconverge)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.23 #2811 (renovate-bot)
- feat: Update <C-u> insert mode behavior #2805 (mrwest808)
- bump version #2797 (jpoon)
- fixes #2606 #2790 (xconverge)
- Allow for quickpick commandline usage #2781 (xconverge)
v0.14.1 (2018-06-30)
Fixed Bugs:
- Remapping > to editor.fold #2774
- Bug: Remapping Numbers (0-9) #2759
- At a certain point VSCodeVim "forgets" all remappings for every new tab opened #2271
Closed issues:
- 0.14.0 doesn't work on Fedora 28, but 0.13.1 works. #2780
- [neovim] Inconsistent behaviour when clicking files in the file tree #2770
Merged pull requests:
- doc: emojify readme #2796 (jpoon)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/mocha to v5.2.4 #2795 (renovate-bot)
- fix: enable remapping of numbers #2793 (jpoon)
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v1.13.7 #2786 (renovate-bot)
- refactor: simplify normalizekey() by using existing map #2782 (jpoon)
- fix: fixes bug where null arguments to vscode executecommand would fail #2776 (jpoon)
v0.14.0 (2018-06-26)
Fixed Bugs:
- Surround aliases not working as targets #2769
- Ctrl+D stuck on top of the window on visual mode #2766
- Cut two characters but only paste one. #2760
- Paste with CTRL+V while in edit mode does not work #2706
- Can't bind leader key shortcuts to some vscode methods #2674
- Searching forward / backward ignores count #2664
Closed issues:
- Yanking/deleting multiline into default register then pasting over other multiline text copies that overwritten multiline text, instead of retaining original yanked text. #2717
- "S" (capital s) does not behave properly when on prefixing whitespace #2240
- Bug: Can't navigate in autocompletion with "Ctrl+j" and "Ctrl+k". #1980
- Backwards delete using "X" doesn't allow count prefixes #1780
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #2769 #2772 (xconverge)
- Fix #2766. #2771 (rebornix)
- Update dependency prettier to v1.13.6 #2768 (renovate-bot)
- fixes #2766 #2767 (xconverge)
- fixes #1980 #2765 (xconverge)
- Fixes #1780 #2764 (xconverge)
- fixes #2664 and removes unused variable #2763 (xconverge)
- fixes #2706 #2762 (xconverge)
- fixes #2760 #2761 (xconverge)
- Move commandline to status bar to allow history navigation #2758 (xconverge)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/mocha to v5.2.3 #2757 (renovate-bot)
- v0.13.1 #2753 (jpoon)
v0.13.1 (2018-06-19)
Closed issues:
- Remapping ESC in insert mode with CR or Space does work via settings #2584
Merged pull requests:
- fix: closes #1472. insertModeKeyBindings apply to insert and replace modes #2749 (jpoon)
- fix: closes #2390. enables remapping using '<enter>' #2748 (jpoon)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.110 #2745 (renovate-bot)
- Update visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive example #2744 (chibicode)
- Fix #1348. ctrl+D/U correct position #2723 (rebornix)
v0.13.0 (2018-06-18)
Breaking changes:
- Allow remappings from mocked configurations during testing. #2732
- use vscode task api #2731
- Add visualModeKeyBindings, in addition to otherModesKeyBindings #2705
- [FEATURE REQUEST] "q:" command #2617
- How to make a keybinding only work in visual mode? #1805
- Allow simplified keybinding syntax in settings.json #1667
Fixed Bugs:
- gf creates files when the given file does not exist #2683
- Change/Delete/Yank combined with next unmatched bracket/parenthesis not behaving correctly #2670
- [Bug report]: 'c' key in multi-cursor mode removes additional cursors #2668
Closed issues:
- Keybindings with Alt modifier. #2713
- Commands cc and S do not respect indent level if executed before the first character #2497
- Toggling Vim Mode using keybindings is broken #2381
- Searching finds nothing when pasting from cmd #2362
- Evil mode #2328
- different key bindings for normal and visual mode #2205
- need support for alt+x key mapping #2061
- Keybindings with space don't seem to work #2039
- [Not Sure] Copy using Windows Clipboard looses CR/LF #2022
- "TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEqual' of undefined" while debugging an extension with vim enabled #2019
- :m command doesn't work #2010
- pane switching is broken in newest vscode-insiders #1973
- [Bug] Copy text destroys special characters #1825
Merged pull requests:
- fix: handle when commandLineHistory is empty #2741 (jpoon)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.22 #2739 (renovate-bot)
- fix: use explicit configuration for logginglevel #2738 (jpoon)
- fix: remove duplicate UT #2734 (jpoon)
- Don't ignore mocked configurations' remaps during testing. #2733 (regiontog)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v2.9.2 #2730 (renovate-bot)
- Fix autoindent on cc/S #2497 #2729 (dqsully)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/mocha to v5.2.2 #2724 (renovate-bot)
- fix: revert our workaround cursor toggle as this has been fixed in vscode #2720 (jpoon)
- feat: use winston for logging #2719 (jpoon)
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v1.13.5 #2718 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.21 #2715 (renovate-bot)
- Update prettier dependency #2712 (xconverge)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/mocha to v5.2.1 #2704 (renovate-bot)
- fix gf to be like issue #2683 #2701 (SuyogSoti)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v2.9.1 #2698 (renovate-bot)
- Fix vim-commentary description in README #2694 (Ran4)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.20 #2691 (renovate-bot)
- fix: fix 'no-use-before-declare' requires type information lint warning #2679 (jpoon)
- chore(deps): update dependency gulp-git to v2.7.0 #2678 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency vscode to v1.1.18 #2676 (renovate-bot)
- Fixed difference in behavior for ]) and ]} when combined with certain operators #2671 (willcassella)
- fix(deps): update dependency untildify to v3.0.3 #2669 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency mocha to v5.2.0 #2666 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.16 #2644 (renovate-bot)
v0.12.0 (2018-05-16)
- Fix development problems on win #2651 (KamikazeZirou)
- Fixes #2632 #2641 (xconverge)
- Revert "[Fix] Restore 'when' conditions in <C-v>, <C-j>, <C-k>" #2640 (jpoon)
- fix(deps): update dependency diff-match-patch to v1.0.1 #2631 (renovate-bot)
- Update dependency @types/node to v9.6.14 #2630 (renovate-bot)
- [Fix] Restore 'when' conditions in <C-v>, <C-j>, <C-k> #2628 (tyru)
- Link to Linux setup #2627 (gggauravgandhi)
- fix: immediately exit travis on build error #2626 (jpoon)
- fix: immediately exit if there is an error on ts #2625 (jpoon)
- feat: log to outputChannel #2623 (jpoon)
- Implement "q:" command #2618 (KamikazeZirou)
v0.11.6 (2018-05-07)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.12 #2615 (renovate-bot)
- [Fix] * command highlights extra content #2611 (tyru)
- [Fix] p in visual line appends unnecessary newline #2609 (tyru)
- chore(deps): update dependency tslint to v5.10.0 #2605 (renovate-bot)
- Add o command in visual block mode #2604 (tyru)
- [Fix] p in visual-mode should update register content #2602 (tyru)
- [Fix] p won't work in linewise visual-mode at the end of document #2601 (tyru)
- Add missing window keys (<C-w><C-[hjklovq]>) #2600 (tyru)
- fix: fail on ts transpile errors by setting noEmitOnErrors #2599 (jpoon)
- add easymotion-lineforward and easymotion-linebackward #2596 (hy950831)
- Fix description in 🔢 % command #2595 (Ding-Fan)
- [Fix] <C-h> should work as same as <BS> in search mode #2593 (tyru)
- [Fix] aW doesn't work at the end of lines #2591 (tyru)
- Implement gn,gN command #2589 (tyru)
- [Fix] p in visual-mode should save last selection #2588 (tyru)
- [Fix] Transition between v,V,<C-v> is different with original Vim behavior #2581 (tyru)
- [Fix] Don't add beginning newline of linewise put in visual-mode #2579 (tyru)
- fix: Manually dispose ModeHandler when no longer needed #2577 (BinaryKhaos)
- chore(deps): update dependency vscode to v1.1.16 #2575 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.7 #2573 (renovate-bot)
- Fixes #2569. Fix vi{ for nested braces. #2572 (Shadaraman)
- Fixed neovim spawning in invalid directories #2570 (Chillee)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.108 #2565 (renovate-bot)
- Hopefully fixing the rest of our undo issues #2559 (Chillee)
v0.11.5 (2018-04-23)
- chore(deps): update dependency gulp-bump to v3.1.1 #2556 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v2.8.3 #2553 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.6 #2551 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/mocha to v5.2.0 #2550 (renovate-bot)
- Fixed undo issue given in #2545 #2547 (Chillee)
- chore(deps): update dependency mocha to v5.1.1 #2546 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v1.12.1 #2543 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.107 #2540 (renovate-bot)
v0.11.4 (2018-04-14)
- fix: don't call prettier when no files updated #2539 (jpoon)
- chore(dep): upgrade gulp-bump, gulp-git, gulp-typescript, prettier, typescript, vscode #2538 (jpoon)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.5 #2535 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency mocha to v5.1.0 #2534 (renovate-bot)
- docs: update readme to indicate restart of vscode needed #2530 (jdhines)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.4 #2528 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/diff to v3.5.1 #2527 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/diff to v3.5.0 #2523 (renovate-bot)
- bug: Neovim not spawned in appropriate directory (fixes #2482) #2522 (Chillee)
- bug: fixes behaviour of search when using * and # (fixes #2517) #2518 (clamb)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v9.6.2 #2509 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update node docker tag to v8.11 #2496 (renovate-bot)
- chore(deps): update dependency mocha to v5.0.5 #2490 (renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency gulp-tslint to v8.1.3 #2489 (renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.106 #2485 (renovate[bot])
- chore(deps): pin dependencies #2483 (renovate[bot])
- Configure Renovate #2480 (renovate[bot])
- Add jumptoanywhere command for easymotion #2454 (jsonMartin)
v0.11.3 (2018-03-29)
- docs: add documentation for installing xsel. fixes #2071 #2476 (jpoon)
- Respect vim.visualstar configuration (fixes #2469) #2470 (ytang)
- feat: Added <C-w>= keybind #2453 (844196)
- neovim.ts: typo in log #2451 (prakashdanish)
- await openEditorAtIndex1 command #2442 (arussellk)
v0.11.2 (2018-03-09)
- Readds vimState.lastClickWasPastEOL. Fixes #2404 #2433 (Chillee)
- fix: selection in search in visual mode #2406 #2418 (shortheron)
v0.11.1 (2018-03-08)
- Set the timeout to 0 for waitforcursorupdatestopropagate #2428 (Chillee)
- fix: use 'fsPath'. closes #2422 #2426 (jpoon)
- fix: don't overwrite file if file exists. fixes #2408 #2409 (jpoon)
- Fix :tabm to use moveActiveEditor command #2405 (arussellk)
v0.11.0 (2018-02-26)
- Fix :tabe {file} only relative to current file (#1162) #2400 (arussellk)
- fix: clean-up neovim processes. closes #2038 #2395 (jpoon)
- refactor: no need to set current mode twice #2394 (jpoon)
- feat: create file if file does not exist. closes #2274 #2392 (jpoon)
- fix: status bar when configuration.showcmd is set (fixes #2365) #2386 (jpoon)
cursor position fix for #1418 #2366 (prog666)- fix: actually run prettier #2359 (jpoon)
- feat: implements usage of
to toggle between modes (as per #1787) #2356 (jpoon) - Build Improvements #2351 (jpoon)
- Possibility to set statusBar foreground color #2350 (mgor)
- Fixes #2346 #2347 (Chillee)
- Improve Test Infrastructure #2335 (jpoon)
- fix typo in README #2327 (hayley)
- Sneak plugin #2307 (jpotterm)
v0.10.13 (2018-01-23)
v0.10.12 (2018-01-23)
- fix: closes #730. setcontext when switching active text editors #2320 (jpoon)
- Update README for Mac key repeat #2316 (puradox)
- Default to vim behaviour for Ctrl+D #2314 (Graham42)
- Left shift fix 2299 #2300 (jessewmc)
v0.10.11 (2018-01-18)
v0.10.10 (2018-01-16)
- fix: add tests for compareKeyPressSequence #2289 (jpoon)
- Fix BaseAction.couldActionApply to work with two-dimensional keys array #2288 (jpotterm)
- refactor: move modehandlermap to own class #2285 (jpoon)
- fix: status bar not updating following toggle #2283 (jpoon)
- Fix: Warnings when retrieving configurations w/o resource #2282 (jpoon)
- fix: <C-d> remapping disabled by default. functionality controlled by "handleKeys" #2269 (Arxzin)
v0.10.9 (2018-01-11)
- feature: "h", "l" keybindings for sidebar #2290 (Nodman)
- fix: no need to change cursor if there is no active editor. closes #2273 #2278 (jpoon)
- fix: fixes circular dependency between notation and configuration #2277 (jpoon)
- fix: show cmd-line errors in status bar. add new E492 error #2272 (jpoon)
- refactor: normalize keys when loading configuration #2268 (jpoon)
v0.10.8 (2018-01-05)
- fix(2162): handleKeys was previously only handling negation #2267 (jpoon)
- fix(2264): go-to-line #2266 (jpoon)
- fix(2261): change status bar text for search-in-progress to be more l… #2263 (jpoon)
- fix(2261): fix regression. show search string in status bar #2262 (jpoon)
v0.10.7 (2018-01-04)
- Stop Silently Failing #2250 (jpoon)
- Misc Bug Fixes and Refactoring #2243 (jpoon)
- fix(2184): handle situation when no document is opened #2237 (jpoon)
v0.10.6 (2017-12-15)
- update(package.json) #2225 (jpoon)
- Add C-[ to Replace Mode escape #2223 (deybhayden)
- Do not open open file dialog when calling
#2215 (squgeim) - Update
command keybindings #2213 (joaomoreno) - moar clean-up #2208 (jpoon)
- Fix cursor position of <C-o> command in insertmode #2206 (hy950831)
- refactor(modehandler-updateview): use map and remove unused context #2197 (jpoon)
- Integrate TravisBuddy #2191 (bluzi)
- Fix #2168: Surround offset #2171 (westim)
- Fix #1945 $ in VisualBlock works on ragged lines #2096 (Strafos)
v0.10.5 (2017-11-21)
- Fixed incorrect styling of 'fake' cursors #2161 (Chillee)
- Fix #2155, Fix #2133: escape delimiter substitute #2159 (westim)
- Fix #2148: vertical split command #2158 (westim)
- fix(1673): re-enable some tests #2152 (jpoon)
- keep workbench color customizations when using status bar color #2122 (rodrigo-garcia-leon)
v0.10.4 (2017-11-14)
v0.10.3 (2017-11-13)
- Fix release #2142 (jpoon)
- Code Cleanup #2138 (jpoon)
- Fixed typo in README #2137 (Nonoctis)
- fix(travis): use lts/carbon (v8.9.1) for travis #2129 (jpoon)
- Fix ^, $, add case sensitivity override in search #2123 (parkovski)
- fix vscode launch/tasks #2121 (jpoon)
- Fix remapping keys to actions with "mustBeFirstKey", fixes #2216 #2117 (ohjames)
- Fixes #2113: Start in Disabled mode configuration. #2115 (westim)
- fix(line-endings): change all files to lf #2111 (jpoon)
- fix(build): position does not exist for replacetexttransformation #2105 (jpoon)
- Use 'editor.unfold' with direction: 'down' #2104 (aeschli)
- Pesky penguin CHANGELOG.md update. #2091 (westim)
- Added unit tests for movement commands. #2088 (westim)
- Fix #2080 #2087 (Strafos)
- Update Contributors #2083 (mcsosa121)
- Fixes #1974: U command #2081 (westim)
- Fix #2063 #2079 (Strafos)
- Fix #1852 surround issue at end of line #2077 (Strafos)
- added
when typing emtpy e #2067 (DanEEStar) - Fix gj/gk in visual block mode #2046 (orn688)
v0.10.2 (2017-10-14)
- Update ROADMAP.md #2073 (xconverge)
- Change ignoreFocusOut to false for the command line #2072 (gadkadosh)
- Upgrade packages #2070 (jpoon)
- fixes #1576 and showcmd configuration option #2069 (xconverge)
- removed code which is not needed anymore due to #2062 #2065 (DanEEStar)
- An option to show the colon at the start of the command line box #2064 (gadkadosh)
- Bugfix #1951: text selection in insert mode #2062 (DanEEStar)
- Dispose modehandler if NO documents match the modehandler document anymore #2058 (xconverge)
- Fixes #2050 Allow custom cursor styles per mode #2054 (xconverge)
- Fixes #1824: g; and g, commands. #2040 (westim)
- Fixes #1248: support for '., `., and gi commands. #2037 (westim)
- Fix for issue #1860, visual multicursor movement. #2036 (westim)
- Fix a typo #2028 (joonro)
v0.10.1 (2017-09-16)
- Fixing travis issues #2024 (Chillee)
- Correct behavior of mouseSelectionGoesIntoVisualMode #2020 (nguymin4)
- Easymotion improvements #2017 (MaxfieldWalker)
- fix #2009 #2012 (MaxfieldWalker)
- Fix deref of undefined race on startup. #2002 (brandonbloom)
- Use Go To Def & history absent a tag stack. #2001 (brandonbloom)
- Fix#1981 #1997 (MaxfieldWalker)
- Improvements to paragraph text objects. #1996 (brandonbloom)
- Implement '' and ``. #1993 (brandonbloom)
v0.10.0 (2017-08-30)
- Make prettier work on Windows #1987 (MaxfieldWalker)
- Remove flaky tests #1982 (Chillee)
- Fixed iW on beginning of word (#1935) #1977 (Ghust1995)
- Easymotion new features #1967 (MaxfieldWalker)
- Trying to fix the travis issues with neovim #1958 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1941: Action repetition with Ctrl-[ #1953 (tagniam)
- Fixes #1950: counter for $ #1952 (tagniam)
- Makes all tests pass on Windows #1939 (philipmat)
- Update tests due to VSCode PR 28238 #1926 (philipmat)
- fix
z O
unfoldRecursively #1924 (VincentBel) - Renamed test to reflect purpose #1913 (philipmat)
- Ctrl-C should copy to clipboard in visual mode - fix for #1896 #1912 (philipmat)
- Substitute global flag (like Vim's
) #1909 (philipmat) - Fixes #1871: Adds configuration option to go into visual mode upon clicking in insert mode #1898 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1886: indent repeat doesn't work in visual mode #1890 (Chillee)
- Formattted everything with prettier #1879 (Chillee)
v0.9.0 (2017-06-24)
v0.8.7 (2017-06-23)
- Added :only command and corresponding shortcuts #1882 (LeonB)
- Select in visual mode when scrolling #1859 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1857: P not creating an undo stop #1858 (Chillee)
- Fixes #979: Adds q! to close without saving #1854 (Chillee)
- Update README.md (minor) #1851 (BlueDrink9)
- fixes #1843 A and I preceded by count #1846 (xconverge)
- WIP Fixes #754: Adds j,k,o,<Enter>, gg, G, ctrl+d, and ctrl+u commands for navigating inside the file explorer #1718 (Chillee)
v0.8.6 (2017-06-15)
- Removed solid block cursor #1842 (Chillee)
- Fix yiw cursor pos #1837 (xconverge)
- Fixes #1794: Undo not undoing all changes #1833 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1827: Autocomplete fails when any lines are wrapped/folded #1832 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1826: Jump to line with neovim disabled doesn't work #1831 (Chillee)
v0.8.5 (2017-06-11)
- Fixes #1814: Undo history getting deleted when file changes #1820 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1200: :e doesn't expand tildes #1819 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1786: Adds relative line ranges #1810 (Chillee)
- Fixed #1803: zc automatically reopens folds if the fold is performed in the middle. #1809 (Chillee)
- Vertical split shortcut keys #1795 (beefsack)
v0.8.4 (2017-05-29)
- Fixes #1743: Fixed pasting over visual mode with named register overwriting the named register #1777 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1760: Deindenting not working properly with neovim ex-commands #1770 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1768: Backspace deletes more than one tab when tabs are mandated by language specific settings #1769 (Chillee)
- More v8 patches #1766 (Chillee)
- fixed #1027 maybe? #1740 (Chillee)
v0.8.3 (2017-05-26)
v0.8.2 (2017-05-26)
- Fixes #1750: gq doesn't work for JSDoc type comments #1759 (Chillee)
- Some patches for v0.8.0 #1757 (Chillee)
v0.8.1 (2017-05-26)
v0.8.0 (2017-05-25)
- Fixes #1749: <D-d> in insert mode doesn't work when the word isn't by itself #1748 (Chillee)
- Added automatic changelog generator #1747 (Chillee)
- Actually readded <c-j> and <c-k> #1730 (Chillee)
- Revert "Unfixes #1720" #1729 (Chillee)
- Unfixes #1720 #1728 (Chillee)
- Embedding Neovim for Ex commands #1725 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1720: Removed unused <c- > bindings from package.json #1722 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1376: <C-a> doesn't work correctly when a word has more than 1 number #1721 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1715: Adds multicursor paste #1717 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1534, #1518, #1716, #1618, #1450: Refactored repeating motions #1712 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1520: search in visual/visualLine/visualBlock mode #1710 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1403: VisualBlock doesn't respect keybindings. #1709 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1655: Extends gf to line numbers #1708 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1436: extension prevents 'find all references' pop-up from closing through <esc> if it's empty. #1707 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1668: Self closing tags not properly handled. #1702 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1674: repeating . with characters like " or ) leaves cursor in wrong place #1700 (Chillee)
- remove system clipboard hack for UTF-8 #1695 (xconverge)
- Fixes #1684: Fixed gq spacing issues #1686 (Chillee)
- Fixed some regressions I introduced #1681 (Chillee)
- feat(surround): support complex tags surround #1680 (admosity)
- Fixes #1400, #612, #1632, #1634, #1531, #1458: Tab isn't handled properly for insert and visualblockinsert modes #1663 (Chillee)
- Fixes #792: Selecting range before Ex-commands highlights initial text #1659 (Chillee)
- Cobbweb/more readme fixes #1656 (cobbweb)
- Fixes #1256 and #394: Fixes delete key and adds functionality #1644 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1196, #1197: d}/y} not working correctly #1621 (Chillee)
- Fixing the automatic fold expansion (#1004) #1552 (Chillee)
- Fix visual mode bugs#1304to#1308 #1322 (xlaech)
v0.7.1 (2017-05-10)
- Changes tabs to navigate inside the same split #1677 (vinicio)
- clean up tests. increase timeout #1672 (jpoon)
- Fixes #1585: Added <C-w> j and <C-w> k #1666 (Chillee)
- Add :close support based on :quit #1665 (mspaulding06)
- Fixes #1280: Pasting over selection doesn't yank deleted section #1651 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1535, #1467, #1311: D-d doesn't work in insert mode #1631 (Chillee)
v0.7.0 (2017-05-05)
- Join HTML on single line to prevent extraneous <br>s #1643 (cobbweb)
- Refactor #1642 (rebornix)
- Fixes #1637, #1638: z- and z<CR> movements #1640 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1503: Undo history isn't kept when switching tabs #1629 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1441: Ctrl-c dropping a character when selecting from right to left in insert mode #1628 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1300: Fixed bug with recently submitted tag PR #1625 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1137: i_<C-w> deletes through whitespace at beginning of line #1624 (Chillee)
- Further work on tag matching (based off of #1454) #1620 (Chillee)
- Toggle vim #1619 (rebornix)
- Fixes #1588: <C-a> does wrong things if cursor is to the right of a number (and there's a number on the next line) #1617 (Chillee)
- Visualstar #1616 (mikew)
- outfiles needs to be globbed #1615 (jpoon)
- Upgrade typescript 2.2.1->2.3.2. tslint 3.10.2->2.3.2. Fix errors #1614 (jpoon)
- Fix warning #1613 (jpoon)
- Stopped getLineMaxColumn from erroring on line 0 #1610 (Chillee)
- use editor from event fixes #1607 #1608 (brandoncc)
- Fixes #1532: gd doesn't set desiredColumn properly #1605 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1594: <Copy> drops the first and last line when selecting in visual line mode from the bottom up #1604 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1575: Adds support for searching for strings with newlines #1603 (Chillee)
- Fix status bar color when change mode #1602 (zelphir)
- Made command line persistent when switching windows #1601 (Chillee)
- Fixes #890, #1377: Selection (both visual/visualline) is very wonky with gj and gk #1600 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1251: gq always adds an extra space to beginning of block. #1596 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1599: dot command doesn't work in macros #1595 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1369: Change on a selection where endpoint was at beginning of line misses last character #1560 (Chillee)
- Add support for indent objects #1550 (mikew)
- Navigate between view #1504 (lyup)
v0.6.20 (2017-04-26)
v0.6.19 (2017-04-26)
- Fixes #1573: Backspace at beginning of file causes subsequent operation to nop #1577 (Chillee)
- Fix logo src so logo displays inside VSCode #1572 (cobbweb)
- fixes #1449 #1571 (squedd)
- fixes #1252 #1569 (xconverge)
- fixes #1486 :wqa command #1568 (xconverge)
- fixes #1357 #1567 (xconverge)
- Fix surround aliases #1564 (xconverge)
v0.6.18 (2017-04-24)
- update clipboardy library with windows utf-8 fix #1559 (xconverge)
- Fixes #1539: Displaying values in register stops displaying anything after the newline #1558 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1539: Viewing register value displays incorrectly for macros #1557 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1554, #1553: Fixed daW bugs #1555 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1193, #1350, #967: Fixes daw bugs #1549 (Chillee)
- Allow users to use VSCode keybinding for remapping #1548 (rebornix)
- README enhancements #1547 (cobbweb)
- Fixes #1533: <Copy> not activating when <C-c> is pressed #1542 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1528: daw on end of word doesn't delete properly #1536 (Chillee)
- Fixes #1513: Backspace on middle of whitespace only line fails #1514 (Chillee)
v0.6.17 (2017-04-20)
- Allow user to change status bar color based on mode #1529 (xconverge)
- Fix README description for
#1522 (esturcke) - fixes #1519 #1521 (xconverge)
- make surround repeatable with dot #1515 (xconverge)
- [WIP] change system clipboard library to a newer more maintained library #1487 (xconverge)
v0.6.16 (2017-04-16)
- added cmd_line commands to remapper #1516 (xconverge)
- fixes #1507 and removes workspace settings that should not be there #1509 (xconverge)
- Add line comment operator #1506 (fiedler)
- Add 5i= or 4a- so that the previously inserted text is repeated upon exiting to normal mode #1495 (xconverge)
- Add ability to turn surround plugin off #1494 (xconverge)
- Added new style settings (color, size, etc.) for easymotion markers #1493 (edasaki)
- fixes #1475 #1485 (xconverge)
- fix for double clicking a word with mouse not showing selection properly #1484 (xconverge)
- fix easymotion j and k #1474 (xconverge)
0.6.15 (2017-04-07)
0.6.14 (2017-04-07)
- Fix tables in roadmap #1469 (xconverge)
- Fix visual block mode not updating multicursor selection #1468 (xconverge)
- Fix type suggestion for handleKeys object #1465 (abhiranjankumar00)
v0.6.13 (2017-04-04)
0.6.12 (2017-04-04)
- fixes #1432 #1434 (xconverge)
- fixes #1312 #1433 (xconverge)
- Change easymotion decoration colors to use searchHighlight colors #1431 (xconverge)
- minor cleanup to improve leader usage with <space> #1429 (xconverge)
- gUU and guu #1428 (xconverge)
- Allowing user to selectively disable some key combos #1425 (xconverge)
- Remapper cleanup key history #1416 (xconverge)
- fix undo points when moving around in insert with mouse or arrow keys #1413 (xconverge)
- update readme for plugins #1411 (xconverge)
- Allow users to use their own cursor style for insert from editor.cursorStyle #1399 (xconverge)
v0.6.11 (2017-03-19)
- Fix comment syntax for shell commands. #1408 (frewsxcv)
- Increase timeout for some test cases in mocha #1379 (xconverge)
v0.6.10 (2017-03-18)
v0.6.9 (2017-03-18)
v0.6.8 (2017-03-18)
v0.6.7 (2017-03-18)
- fix bracket motion behavior for use with % and a count, or [( and a c… #1406 (xconverge)
- fix for cursor not changing correctly, workaround for vscode issue #1402 (xconverge)
v0.6.6 (2017-03-17)
- Use block cursor in visual & underline in replace #1394 (net)
- Perform remapped commands when prefix by a number #1359 (bdauria)
v0.6.5 (2017-03-12)
v0.6.4 (2017-03-12)
- Update README.md #1390 (xconverge)
- fixes #1385 % motion with a count #1387 (xconverge)
- fixes #1382 #1386 (xconverge)
v0.6.3 (2017-03-11)
- fixes #1373 #1374 (xconverge)
- Remove log file. #1368 (frewsxcv)
- Remove our modified older typings #1367 (xconverge)
- [WIP] fix travis due to double digit version numbers #1366 (xconverge)
- Fixed numbered registered macros from overwriting themselves #1362 (xconverge)
- Update config options without restarting #1361 (xconverge)
- Index fixes #1190 (xconverge)
v0.6.0 (2017-03-03)
- Fix clipboard copy #1349 (johnfn)
- regex match #1346 (rebornix)
- Add limited support for :sort #1342 (jordan-heemskerk)
- Override VSCode copy command. #1337, #616. #1339 (johnfn)
- Fix #1318 #1338 (rebornix)
- Fix #1329 failing build by removing undefined in configuration.ts #1332 (misoguy)
- fixes #1327 #1331 (xconverge)
- fixes #1320 #1325 (xconverge)
- fixes #1313 #1324 (xconverge)
- Add ctrl-w q action to quit current window. #1317 (tail)
- Fix lint issue. #1316 (tail)
- Fix c on line beginning#1302 #1303 (xlaech)
- fixes travis with minor hack used in tests #1301 (xconverge)
- D in visual mode behaves like d #1297 (xlaech)
- Fix for #1293 #1296 (xlaech)
- Update readme for some clarity on using settings #1295 (xconverge)
- fixes #1290, visual block still has the same issue though #1291 (xconverge)
- More surround fixes #1289 (xconverge)
v0.5.3 (2017-02-12)
- fixes #1258 #1286 (xconverge)
- avoid using user remapping in test mode #1278 (rufusroflpunch)
- Support exact and inexact current word search #1277 (rhys-vdw)
- fixes #1271 #1274 (xconverge)
- fixes #1199 easymotion in visual mode #1273 (xconverge)
- fixes #1145 #1272 (xconverge)
- Delete matching bracket upon backspace #1267 (rufusroflpunch)
- Clearing commandList for remapped commands #1263 (rufusroflpunch)
- Added tag text to status bar in surround mode #1254 (xconverge)
- Fix autoindent when opening a line above #1249 (inejge)
- Fixes README spelling mistake #1246 (eastwood)
v0.5.0 (2017-01-23)
v0.5.1 (2017-01-23)
- Surround #1238 (johnfn)
- Support "gf" in es6 import statements by adding the file extension #1227 (aminroosta)
- fixes #1214 #1217 (Platzer)
v0.4.10 (2016-12-22)
- fixes #1132 #1187 (xconverge)
- fixes #1173 #1186 (xconverge)
- Fixed register tests breaking due to #1183 #1185 (vikramthyagarajan)
- fixes #1180 #1183 (xconverge)
- Adds documentation for adding leader bindings #1182 (eastwood)
- Implements Global state #1179 (vikramthyagarajan)
- fixes #1176 #1177 (xconverge)
- Select inner vi( fix #1175 (xconverge)
- fixes #1170 #1174 (xconverge)
- Fixes travis #1169 (xconverge)
- control key bindings respect the useCtrlKey setting #1151 (xwvvvvwx)
- fixes #657 implements search history #1147 (xconverge)
- More click past eol o no #1146 (xconverge)
- Reselect visual implemented (gv) #1141 (xconverge)
- fixes #1136 #1139 (xconverge)
- minor fixes for # and * after using :nohl #1134 (xconverge)
- Updated useCtrlKeys default value #1126 (Mxbonn)
- fixes #1063 #1124 (xconverge)
- Fixed "d" and "D" in multicursor mode #1029 (Platzer)
v0.4.9 (2016-12-05)
v0.4.8 (2016-12-05)
v0.4.7 (2016-12-05)
- Fix minor typo #1113 (xconverge)
- [WIP] initial leader fixes #1112 (xconverge)
- Added more aliases for nohl #1111 (xconverge)
- Turns highlighting back on after nohl if you try to go to a new searc… #1110 (xconverge)
v0.4.6 (2016-12-04)
0.4.5 (2016-12-04)
v0.4.5 (2016-12-02)
- Override home key (for pressing home in visual for example) #1100 (xconverge)
- avoid syncing style back to config #1099 (rebornix)
- Implement open file command - Issue #801 #1098 (jamirvin)
v0.4.4 (2016-11-29)
- Removed debug print #1083 (xconverge)
- Update roadmap for ctrl-o #1082 (xconverge)
- fixes #1076 #1077 (xconverge)
- fixes #1073 #1074 (xconverge)
- fixes #1065 #1071 (xconverge)
- fixes #1023 #1069 (xconverge)
v0.4.3 (2016-11-19)
- fixes #1034 #1068 (xconverge)
- fixes #1035 #1067 (xconverge)
- fixes #1064 #1066 (xconverge)
- How can I fix travis failure #1062 (rebornix)
v0.4.2 (2016-11-17)
- Visual block fixes to cursor position and tests #1044 (xconverge)
- Hide the info line in issue template #1037 (octref)
- Implemented EasyMotion plugin functionality #993 (Metamist)
v0.4.1 (2016-10-31)
- fixes #1013 #1014 (xconverge)
- Update Readme #1012 (jpoon)
- fixes #983 #1008 (xconverge)
- Make create-multicursor commands repeatable #1007 (Platzer)
- fix mouse clicking past EOL #1006 (xconverge)
- fixes #1000 and a minor replace issue #1005 (xconverge)
- Update "r" for visual modes on roadmap #1002 (xconverge)
- fixes #998 #1001 (xconverge)
- Remove fix-whitespace gulp command. #999 (jpoon)
- Improved performance of visual block replace by a lot #997 (xconverge)
- fixes #663 #996 (xconverge)
- No need for "i" flag on a numerical only regex #995 (stefanoio)
- SearchState - Fixed isRegex not set on search #994 (Metamist)
- fix #985 #992 (rebornix)
- Run all tests #990 (xconverge)
- Fix for visual line behaving funky when going from bottom up #989 (xconverge)
- Add Keymaps category #987 (waderyan)
- fix #982 #984 (rebornix)
- fix #977 #981 (rebornix)
- fix #689 #980 (rebornix)
- Numbered, upper case and multicursor register #974 (Platzer)
- remove leading spaces when <Esc>... is pressed #685 #962 (Zzzen)
- Fix replace in visual, visual line, and visual block mode #953 (xconverge)
- Add some tests and fix some exceptions during the tests #914 (xconverge)
v0.4.0 (2016-10-24)
- fix #528 #966 (rebornix)
- fix #693 #964 (rebornix)
- fix #922 #960 (rebornix)
- fix #939 #958 (rebornix)
- Add a command is
in visual block mode. #957 (Kooooya) - Add commands is
in visual block mode. #954 (Kooooya) - fix #808 #952 (rebornix)
- fix #484 #951 (rebornix)
- fix #921 #950 (rebornix)
- make tab sequence feel right #949 (rebornix)
- stop revealing cursor when not necessary #948 (rebornix)
- add gh hover command #945 (will-wow)
- New increment without separators #944 (xconverge)
- fix #937 #943 (rebornix)
- fixes #878 #942 (xconverge)
- Support num registers macros #941 (xconverge)
- Test enhancement #938 (rebornix)
- fix #845 #911 (rebornix)
v0.3.8 (2016-10-18)
- fixes #879 #933 (xconverge)
- fixes #905 #932 (xconverge)
- fixes #652 #931 (xconverge)
- Update internal cursor position when necessary #927 (rebornix)
- Draw multicursor correctly in Visual Mode #920 (Platzer)
- update internal cursor position per Code selection change #919 (rebornix)
- display register value in reg-cmd, fix #830 #915 (Platzer)
- [Post 1.0] Two way syncing of Vim and Code's configuration #913 (rebornix)
- Macro #894 (rebornix)
0.3.7 (2016-10-12)
0.3.6 (2016-10-12)
- allow remapping of ctrl-j and ctrl-k in settings.json #891 (xwvvvvwx)
- Fix visual block x #861 (xconverge)
0.3.5 (2016-10-10)
0.3.4 (2016-10-10)
- Remove unused modehandlers when tabs are closed #865 (xconverge)
- Insert Previous text #768 (rebornix)
0.3.3 (2016-10-08)
0.3.2 (2016-10-08)
v0.3.1 (2016-10-08)
- Unnecessary quit check on untitled files #855 (xconverge)
- Add new logo icon #852 (kevincoleman)
- Fixes arrow navigation to EOL while in insert #838 (xconverge)
- fixes #832 #837 (xconverge)
- [WIP] Use new transformation style in delete and paste #835 (johnfn)
- X eats eol #827 (xconverge)
- Fix to allow A while in visual mode #816 (xconverge)
- Fix issue where could not use I while in visual mode #815 (xconverge)
- fixes #784 #814 (xconverge)
v0.3.0 (2016-10-03)
- Show debug console when session launches #821 (xconverge)
- zz in visual, visualline, and visual block mode #820 (xconverge)
- Fixes #817 #819 (xconverge)
- Clean up typings #818 (jpoon)
- Updated documentation for linux system clipboard use #813 (xconverge)
- Multi-Cursor Mode v 2.0 #811 (johnfn)
- Fix docs #807 (jpoon)
- Fix bug joining lines with whitespace only next line #799 (mleech)
- Add autoindent to README, fix hlsearch default #796 (srenatus)
- Support "+ system clipboard register (#780) #782 (bdchauvette)
- fixes #739 #767 (xconverge)
v0.2.0 (2016-09-21)
v0.1.11 (2016-09-20)
- Release Pipeline #788 (jpoon)
- Fix delete line with CRLF (#743) #770 (jgoz)
- fixes #740 #766 (xconverge)
- fixes #764 #765 (xconverge)
- fixes #759 #760 (xconverge)
- Register info #756 (rebornix)
- build on extension/test launch #755 (jpoon)
- fixes #750 #752 (xconverge)
- clean gulpfile #748 (jpoon)
- Substitute marks #744 (rebornix)
- Read command #736 (domgee)
- Doc for enabling repeating j/k for Insider build #733 (octref)
- Add autoindent setting #726 (octref)
- Disable Vim Mode in Debug Repl #723 (rebornix)
- [WIP] Roadmap update #717 (rebornix)
- Editor Scroll #681 (rebornix)
- Implement :wa[ll] command (write all) #671 (mleech)
- Special keys in Insert Mode #615 (rebornix)
v0.1.10 (2016-09-06)
- Align Screen Line commands with latest Code API #724 (rebornix)
- Visual block tests #722 (xconverge)
- Remapper fixes #721 (jpoon)
- fixes #718 A and I have cursor in right position now #720 (xconverge)
- fixes #696 #715 (xconverge)
- fix #690 and other toggle case issues #698 (xconverge)
v0.1.9 (2016-09-05)
- Update README.md #714 (jpoon)
- Add vim.* settings to readme. Fixes #503 #713 (jpoon)
- Set diff timeout to 1 second. #712 (johnfn)
- Inserts repeated with . would add many undo points; fix this. #711 (johnfn)
- Hotfix remapping #710 (johnfn)
- Tiny change to issue template. #709 (johnfn)
v0.1.8 (2016-09-04)
- Fix race condition with switching active text editor. #705 (johnfn)
- Fix bug with undo on untitled files. #704 (johnfn)
- clear history when content from disk is changed #703 (aminroosta)
- Fix
Behaviour #702 (jpoon) - Fix error when <BS> at beginning of document #691 (jpoon)
- Handle Ns and fix #684 #688 (octref)
- Use Angle Bracket Notation (Fixes #64) #683 (jpoon)
- Implement ; and , #674 (aminroosta)
- Some visual block fixes #667 (xconverge)
- implement useSystemClipboard command #665 (aminroosta)
- Document autoindent option #664 (sectioneight)
- fix #510 #659 (xconverge)
- fix #654 #656 (xconverge)
- fix #652 #655 (xconverge)
- improves bracket undo behavior when vscode autocloses brackets #649 (xconverge)
- Fix missleading readme instruction #647 (AntonAderum)
- Undo behavior when position changes using arrows or mouse #646 (xconverge)
- fix for extra character when double click mouse selection #645 (xconverge)
- fix #639 visual block mode minor issues #640 (xconverge)
- Ctrl+a and Ctrl+x now create undo points correctly and can be repeate… #636 (xconverge)
- fix #501 some more to include 'k' #635 (xconverge)
- updating the undo tree when using bracket operators slightly #634 (xconverge)
- fix #501 #632 (xconverge)
- Fix bug #613 ":wq command dows not work" #630 (Platzer)
- Respect indentation on cc and S #629 (sectioneight)
- Fix tag markup in roadmap #628 (sectioneight)
- Allow regex in / search #627 (sectioneight)
- Synonyms #621 (rebornix)
- Implement tag movements #619 (sectioneight)
v0.1.7 (2016-08-14)
- Add support Y in visual mode #597 (shotaAkasaka)
- Sentence selection #592 (rebornix)
- fix C or cc kill the empty line #591 (shotaAkasaka)
- Added Non-Recursive mapping capability. Fixes issue #408 #589 (somkun)
- Vim Settings #508 (rebornix)
v0.1.6 (2016-08-09)
v0.1.5 (2016-08-09)
0.1.5 (2016-08-09)
- Replace mode #580 (rebornix)
- Fix for issue #571 #579 (xconverge)
- OS X non-global key repeat fix #577 (jimray)
- Hack to mitigate #569 and prevent extension from locking up #576 (jpoon)
- Fix binding of control-keys #575 (sectioneight)
- Fix test regression #560 (rebornix)
- Fix gt,gT numeric prefix #559 (rebornix)
- Fix incorrect cursor location after deleting linebreak (fixes #550) #551 (thomasboyt)
- Support gd #547 (johnfn)
- Add support for S #546 (glibsm)
- update roadmap #545 (rebornix)
- Support "{char} registers and clipboard access via "* register. #543 (aminroosta)
- Added CommandGoToOtherEndOfHiglightedText - #526 #539 (Platzer)
- Move sections #533 (rebornix)
- Substitute with no range or marks #525 (rebornix)
- Correct Fold behavior and update roadmap #524 (rebornix)
- Make <delete> repeatable in Normal Mode. Fix #394 #514 (octref)
- Screen lines and characters. #486 (rebornix)
v0.1.4 (2016-07-28)
- Implement increment and decrement operators #515 (sectioneight)
- Fix #502 #509 (rebornix)
- Add tabs movement and fix tab command with correct counting #507 (rebornix)
- Omit first word in hash backwards search #506 (sectioneight)
- Turn around for cursor problem #505 (rebornix)
- Fix instructions for setting key bindings #499 (positron)
- Code clean-up. Remove dead code. #497 (jpoon)
- Merge history changes into a single operation. Fixes #427 #496 (infogulch)
- Fix #438 - Limit the number of matches, and try to only recalculate when the searchString changes, or the document changes #494 (roblourens)
- CommandFold should be available in Normal mode #493 (aminroosta)
- Fix % movement when not on opening character #490 (sectioneight)
- Suggest npm run compile in CONTRIBUTING page #488 (aminroosta)
- Implement quoted text objects #483 (sectioneight)
- Fix #338 - add gt, gT support #482 (arussellk)
- Set correct cursor and selection after code format. #478 (rebornix)
- CJK in all modes #475 (rebornix)
- Fix #358. #399 (rebornix)
- Word in visual mode #385 (rebornix)
v0.1.3 (2016-07-19)
- Fix wrong command for ctrl+f #476 (rebornix)
- Fix regressions in text objects #473 (sectioneight)
- Fix handling of opener for nested text objects #472 (sectioneight)
- Implement square-bracket text object #467 (sectioneight)
- Add support for failed motions #466 (johnfn)
- Add test-specific tslint #464 (sectioneight)
- Initialize mode and cursor after startup #462 (rebornix)
- FixTabStops #461 (rebornix)
- Convert 4 space tab to 2 space tab. #460 (rebornix)
- Enforce TSLint. Closes #456 #459 (jpoon)
- Add back missing control-c registration #455 (sectioneight)
- Fix checkmark syntax on roadmap #454 (sectioneight)
- Add support for ctrl+w in insert mode #453 (sectioneight)
- Implement additional text object commands #450 (sectioneight)
- Remove custom keyboard mapping (fixes #432). Fix duplicate definition… #447 (jpoon)
- Fix #341 CJK Problem. #446 (rebornix)
- Fix #426 #445 (arussellk)
- Read TextEditor options from active editor #444 (rebornix)
- [p, [p, gp and gP #412 (rebornix)
- Open file in new window. #404 (rebornix)
v0.1.2 (2016-07-13)
- Fix spec for otherModesKeyBindings to match insert #434 (sectioneight)
- Use TypeScript 2.0 and use strictNullChecks. #431 (johnfn)
- Ctrl+U and Ctrl+D #430 (rebornix)
- Fix#369.
eats EOF. #428 (rebornix) - Include vscode typings #419 (jpoon)
- Fix ctrl+b, ctrl+f #418 (jpoon)
- Fix #397. #413 (rebornix)
- Fix layout mistake in Contributing and gulp typo #411 (frederickfogerty)
v0.1.1 (2016-07-08)
v0.1 (2016-07-08)
- Fix Roadmap link in Readme #405 (frederickfogerty)
- Fix TS2318 and ignore .vscode-test folder #400 (rebornix)
- Update window command status #398 (rebornix)
is deprecated. #395 (rebornix)- Basic Key Remapping #390 (johnfn)
- Use correct API for file open. #388 (rebornix)
- Use Arrows in Insert Mode. #387 (rebornix)
- Marks #386 (johnfn)
- Arrows #383 (rebornix)
- Edit File #372 (rebornix)
- Unclosed brackets #371 (rebornix)
- Manual history tracking #370 (johnfn)
- Tabs #368 (rebornix)
- Rebornix switch pane #367 (johnfn)
- Support
#366 (rebornix) - Add Ncc support and revise cc behavior #365 (rebornix)
- Bring Ctrl keys back #364 (rebornix)
- [WIP]: Switch Window #363 (rebornix)
- Sentence #362 (rebornix)
- Add config option for nonblinking block cursor. #361 (johnfn)
- Refactor search #357 (johnfn)
- WriteQuit #354 (srepollock)
v0.0.28 (2016-06-24)
- Implement <count>yy #351 (rebornix)
- Align TextEditorOptions between test code and workspace #350 (rebornix)
- Uppercase support #349 (johnfn)
- Add format code support. Fix #308. #348 (rebornix)
v0.0.27 (2016-06-23)
v0.0.26 (2016-06-22)
0.0.26 (2016-06-22)
- Star and hash #335 (johnfn)
- Tilde key toggles case and moves forwards #325 (markrendle)
- Pressing Enter moves cursor to start of next line #324 (markrendle)
- Add infrastructure for repeatable commands. #322 (johnfn)
- Add support for 'U' uppercase #312 (rebornix)
0.0.25 (2016-06-20)
v0.0.25 (2016-06-20)
0.0.24 (2016-06-19)
v0.0.24 (2016-06-19)
v0.0.23 (2016-06-19)
0.0.23 (2016-06-19)
v0.0.22 (2016-06-18)
v0.0.21 (2016-06-17)
- Fix visual line selection from bottom to top. #307 (johnfn)
- Fix autocomplete #304 (johnfn)
- Select into visual mode #302 (johnfn)
- Refactor dot #294 (johnfn)
v0.0.20 (2016-06-13)
- Add simpler test mechanism and convert some tests #292 (darrenweston)
- Refactor motions #288 (johnfn)
- Search #277 (johnfn)
- Tests #275 (johnfn)
- Add P. #262 (johnfn)
- Add zz. #261 (johnfn)
- Added some 'r' tests #260 (darrenweston)
- Add r. #252 (johnfn)
- J #251 (johnfn)
- Dot key. #249 (johnfn)
- No longer special case insert mode keys. #246 (johnfn)
- Use vscode built in support for block cursors #245 (Paxxi)
v0.0.19 (2016-06-07)
- Add f, F, t and T motions #244 (johnfn)
- Add visual line mode tests. #243 (johnfn)
- List keys individually rather than as a string. #242 (johnfn)
- Fix vims wonky visual eol behavior #241 (johnfn)
- Add Visual Line mode #240 (johnfn)
- Move word special case to appropriate place. #239 (johnfn)
- Cleanup cursor drawing and remove Motion class #238 (johnfn)
- dd, cc & yy tests #237 (johnfn)
- Add cc/yy/dd. #236 (johnfn)
- Add s keybinding #235 (Paxxi)
- Refactor commands [WIP] #234 (johnfn)
- Don't use ctrl-c to leave insert mode by default. #233 (johnfn)
- Add rudimentary register implementation. #232 (johnfn)
- Rewrite normal mode tests. #231 (johnfn)
- Rewrite Normal Mode tests to use the ModeHandler interface. #230 (johnfn)
- Refactor CommandKeyMap #228 (jpoon)
- Add yank support for Visual mode #217 (pjvds)
v0.0.18 (2016-05-19)
v0.0.17 (2016-05-17)
- Added basic fold commands zc, zo, zC, zO. #222 (geksilla)
- keymap configurations only override defaults that are changed #221 (adiviness)
- Added basic support for rebinding keys. #219 (Lindenk)
- waffle.io Badge #216 (waffle-iron)
- Add check mark to D key in README #215 (pjvds)
v0.0.16 (2016-05-03)
- I think this may fix the build failure. #209 (edthedev)
- Support for copy and p command #208 (petegleeson)
- Fix issue / key doesn't search current file #205 (tnngo2)
- Fixes Incorrect Cursor Position after Transition into Normal Mode #202 (dpbackes)
- Fixes Issue with Cursor Position After 'dw' #200 (dpbackes)
v0.0.15 (2016-03-22)
v0.0.14 (2016-03-21)
v0.0.13 (2016-03-18)
- fix appveyor build #189 (jpoon)
- Fixup/highlight eol char #182 (khisakuni)
- c commands and ge motions #180 (frarees)
- add github_token to appveyor/travis #178 (jpoon)
- Commands can write to status bar #177 (frarees)
- Wait for test files to get written #175 (frarees)
- d{motion} support #174 (frarees)
v0.0.12 (2016-03-04)
- Spanish keyboard mappings #169 (frarees)
- Fix visual mode activated on insert mode #168 (frarees)
- Fix lexer unreachable code causing build error #165 (frarees)
- Update Package Dependencies. Remove Ctrl+C #163 (jpoon)
- Add E (end of WORD), and fix up e (end of word). #160 (tma-isbx)
- Fix for block cursor in insert mode #154 (sWW26)
- Move private methods and update readme #153 (tma-isbx)
- Visual Mode + Rudimentary Operators #144 (johnfn)
v0.0.11 (2016-02-18)
- Upgrade to Typings as TSD has been deprecated #152 (jpoon)
- Convert test to async/await style. #150 (johnfn)
- Capital W/B word movement #147 (tma-isbx)
- Implement 'X' in normal mode (backspace) #145 (tma-isbx)
- Fix b motion. #143 (johnfn)
- Implement ctrl+f/ctrl+b (PageDown/PageUp) #142 (tma-isbx)
- [#127] Fix 'x' behavior at EOL #141 (tma-isbx)
- Implement % to jump to matching brace #140 (tma-isbx)
- Add ctrl-c. #139 (johnfn)
- Fix word and back-word motions, and fix tests. #138 (johnfn)
- Convert to ES6, Promises, async and await. #137 (johnfn)
v0.0.10 (2016-02-01)
- Implement % to jump to matching brace #134 (tma-isbx)
- Add paragraph motions #133 (johnfn)
- Add Swedish keyboard layout #130 (AntonAderum)
v0.0.9 (2016-01-06)
0.0.9 (2016-01-06)
- added danish keyboard layout - fix issue #124 #125 (kedde)
- Delete Right when user presses x #122 (sharpoverride)
v0.0.8 (2016-01-03)
v0.0.7 (2016-01-03)
- Block Cursor #120 (jpoon)
- BugFix: swapped cursor and caret. desired column not updated properly #119 (jpoon)
- Readme: update with keyboard configuration #116 (jpoon)
- Tests: Enable all tests to be run in Travis CI #115 (jpoon)
- Cleanup #114 (jpoon)
v0.0.6 (2015-12-30)
- Cleanup #113 (jpoon)
- Motion Fixes #112 (jpoon)
- Fix character position persistence on up/down commands, add : "e", "0", and fix "^" #109 (corymickelson)
v0.0.5 (2015-12-09)
v0.0.3 (2015-12-04)
- Promisify #92 (jpoon)
- fix cursor position after entering command mode (again) #91 (kimitake)
- Refactor motion. #87 (jpoon)
- Added CONTRIBUTING doc #83 (markrendle)
- readme: update more detailed contributing info #80 (jpoon)
- Created tests for modeInsert #79 (benjaminRomano)
- gulp: add trim-whitespace task #78 (jpoon)
- implement correct w,b motion behaviour #76 (adriaanp)
- Fix PR builds #75 (jpoon)
- Tests #74 (jpoon)
- Add commands support for 'gg' and 'G' #71 (liushuping)
- fix line end determination for a, A, $ #68 (kimitake)
- '$' and '^' for Moving to beginning and end of line #66 (josephliccini)
- support x command #65 (kimitake)
- Update README.md #63 (markrendle)
- map keys from US keyboard to other layouts #61 (guillermooo)
- fix bug for Cursor class #58 (kimitake)
- Cursor Motions #56 (jpoon)
- Add word motion and db #53 (adriaanp)
v0.0.2 (2015-11-29)
v0.0.1 (2015-11-29)
- Implement Redo, Refactor Keybindings #46 (jpoon)
- reorganize tests; add tests #45 (guillermooo)
- fixes; add VimError class #43 (guillermooo)
- Refactor cmdline #42 (guillermooo)
- ensure user can dismiss global messages with esc #41 (guillermooo)
- implement :quit #40 (guillermooo)
- Commands:
#38 (jpoon) - Update metadata getting ready for a release #37 (jpoon)
- rename command mode to normal mode #34 (jpoon)
- Support
#32 (jpoon) - Add Slackin to Readme #31 (jpoon)
- start code in CI server #28 (guillermooo)
- assorted fixes #27 (guillermooo)
- travis: turn off email notifications #25 (jpoon)
- add keys #22 (guillermooo)
- Ex mode #20 (guillermooo)
- Command/Insert Modes #16 (jpoon)
- Update tslint to vscode official style guidelines #14 (jpoon)
- Run Tests a la Gulp #11 (jpoon)
- assorted fixes #10 (guillermooo)
- Assorted fixes #7 (guillermooo)
- add gulp + tslint #6 (jpoon)
- command line mode refactoring #5 (guillermooo)
- Navigation mode #4 (jpoon)
- Add ex mode #3 (guillermooo)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator