- Use
and support python 3.11 by @dachengx in #240
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2
- Set
as integer by @dachengx in #220 - Keep only one
by @dachengx in #222 - Revert "Keep only one
" by @dachengx in #223 - Add the workflow id to the folder in staging-davs by @dachengx in #224
- Fix livetime bug in get_expectation_values() by @hammannr in #227
- Add file hash to blueice hash by @hammannr in #225
- Make metadata error message more informative by @hammannr in #229
- Add unused needs_reinit parameters to ignored parameters by @hammannr in #230
- Tar user-installed blueice to osg nodes by @hammannr in #231
- Source-wise interpolation by @hammannr in #228
- Fix bug, only add tarball when git installed by @dachengx in #233
- Switch to master for docformatter by @dachengx in #234
- Update blueice dependence by @hammannr in #236
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1
- Use
to install alea-inference by @dachengx in #192 - Removed deprecated
by @FaroutYLq in #196 - Simplify
by @dachengx in #193 - Debug for pypi build by @dachengx in #197
- There was a typo in docstr by @FaroutYLq in #198
- Prefer f-string than format by @dachengx in #200
- Use tree structure work directory by @dachengx in #202
- Use MB all the time in
, no more kB by @dachengx in #201 - Decompress outputs into
by @dachengx in #199 - Support more
by @dachengx in #206 - No need to plan or submit workflow if no job added by @dachengx in #207
- Save log for OSG jobs by @dachengx in #208
- Use
to convert the arguments into unix format by @dachengx in #209 - Fix the usage of scripts by @dachengx in #210
- Add
configuration forSpectrumTemplateSource
by @dachengx in #212 - Use utilix to validate X509 proxy by @dachengx in #213
- Tarball all needed templates from different folder by @dachengx in #214
- Fix the path of
script by @dachengx in #216 - Tarball alea for later user installation by @dachengx in #215
- Use
from utilix by @dachengx in #217 - Bump version of utilix by @dachengx in #218
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.8...v0.3.0
- Fix OSG submission by @hammannr in #189
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.7...v0.2.8
- Trigger PyPI workflow on "published" by @hammannr in #185
- Fix apply efficiency by @hammannr in #187
- Conditional Parameters by @hammannr in #186
- Enable choosing the fit strategy by @hammannr in #182
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.6...v0.2.7
- Defunctionalize
, apply efficiency whenefficiency_name
is specified by @dachengx in #183
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.5...v0.3.0
- Consistent sorting for BlueiceExtendedModel by @hammannr in #149
- Fixed data storing by @hammannr in #152
- Add lxml_html_clean to fix readthedocs building error by @zihaoxu98 in #157
- Fitting index variables by @zihaoxu98 in #156
- Print Argument combinations to be submitted by @hammannr in #151
- Minor changes to fitting index variables (PR #156) by @hammannr in #159
- Set
when submitting by @dachengx in #164 - Debug for interpolator deduction of
by @dachengx in #165 - The first i batch should be 0 by @dachengx in #166
- Try prefix every file path in likelihood configuration with template folder by @dachengx in #169
- Forbid prexing every key when adapt_likelihood_config_for_blueice by @FaroutYLq in #170
- Refactored Pegasus-based OSG submitter by @FaroutYLq in #163
- Try fixing #173 by @dachengx in #176
- Allow assigning kwargs in debug mode by @dachengx in #174
- Allow
in filename by @dachengx in #179 - Add 68% coverage as one of the defaults of
by @dachengx in #180 - Document to increase CPUs by @FaroutYLq in #178
New Contributors
- @FaroutYLq made their first contribution in #170
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.4...v0.2.5
- Point away from alea for physics models by @kdund in #143
- Make "piecewise" the default pdf interpolation by @hammannr in #142
- Enforce bins in config and template to match by @hammannr in #144
- Make model histograms accessible by @hammannr in #140
- Make local submitter verbose by @hammannr in #146
- Estimator of signal multiplier based on perturbation theory by @zihaoxu98 in #147
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.3...v0.2.4
- Improve check of already made toydata and output by @dachengx in #128
- Combine several jobs into one to save computation resources by @dachengx in #131
- Check
loaded package by @dachengx in #134 - Update
by @dachengx in #135 - Print total number of submitted jobs by @dachengx in #137
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3
- Save dtype of
as bool by @dachengx in #123 - Optional setting of random seed for debugging by @dachengx in #122
- Tiny minor change on docstring by @dachengx in #126
- Change example filename extension by @kdund in #93
- Add axis_names to example templates by @hammannr in #127
- Evaluate
expression by @dachengx in #124 - Update pypi to use trusted publisher by @dachengx in #130
- Update versions of
by @dachengx in #132
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2
- Add optional argument
by @dachengx in #86 - Update readthedocs configurations by @dachengx in #88
- Update tutorials by @hammannr in #89
- Add column to toyMC results with minuit convergence flag by @kdund in #91
- Debug a typo at docstring of fittable parameter by @dachengx in #95
- Improve documentation by @hammannr in #101
- Update Neyman threshold when changing runner_args by @hammannr in #100
- Allow submitter to skip the already succeeded files by @dachengx in #94
- Print time usage of
by @dachengx in #104 - Get expectation values per likelihood term by @hammannr in #106
- Prevent arguments to submission variations being changed by deepcopy-ing them. by @dachengx in #107
- Make error message more explicit that an excecutable is not found and… by @kdund in #109
- Read poi and expectation directly from
to accelerateNeymanConstructor
by @dachengx in #108 - Direct call of used parameters of model by @dachengx in #112
- Add function to get all sources names from all likelihoods by @dachengx in #111
- Make sure values of parameters that need re-initialization are not changed by @hammannr in #110
- Allow all computation names by @kdund in #116
- Debug for the missing argument in
by @dachengx in #118 - Remove unnecessary warning given new ptype constraints by @dachengx in #119
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1
- Proposal to use pre-commit for continuous integration by @dachengx in #78
- Example notebooks by @hammannr in #75
- Simplify TemplateSource, CombinedSource and SpectrumTemplateSource by @dachengx in #69
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #80
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #82
- Add Submitter and NeymanConstructor by @dachengx in #79
New Contributors
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #80
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.1.0...v0.2.0
- Unify and clean code style and docstring by @dachengx in #68
- First runner manipulating statistical model by @dachengx in #50
- Set best_fit_args to confidence_interval_args if None by @kdund in #76
- Livetime scaling by @kdund in #73
Full Changelog: https://github.com/XENONnT/alea/compare/v0.0.0...v0.1.0
- readme update with pointer to previous work in lieu of commit history by @kdund in #8
- Adds a statistical model base class (under construction by @kdund in #7
- change folder/module name by @kdund in #9
- Move submission_script.py also from binference to here by @dachengx in #10
- Add simple gaussian model by @hammannr in #12
- Parameter class by @hammannr in #19
- Confidence intervals by @kdund in #27
- Update README.md by @kdund in #29
- Init code style checking, pytest, and coverage by @dachengx in #31
- Add templates for wimp example by @hoetzsch in #30
- Removes all hash for parameters not used for each source, and for all… by @kdund in #37
- First implementation of an nT-like likelihood by @hammannr in #32
- Check if some parameter is not set as guess when fitting by @kdund in #44
- Fix likelihood_names check in statistical_model.store_data to handle unnamed likelihoods by @kdund in #45
- Create pull_request_template.md by @dachengx in #46
- Codes style cleaning by @dachengx in #49
- First runner manipulating statistical model by @dachengx in #47
- Run test on main not master by @dachengx in #55
- Simplify file structure by @dachengx in #51
- Move
by @dachengx in #56 - Change data format to only use structured arrays by @kdund in #42
- Another fitting test by @kdund in #59
- Add first tests module and file indexing system by @dachengx in #54
- Shape parameters by @hammannr in #58
- Recover examples folder, update file indexing, add notebooks folder, remove legacies by @dachengx in #61
- Remove pdf_cache folder before pytest by @dachengx in #65
- Make 0.0.0, initialize documentation structure based on readthedocs, add badges to README by @dachengx in #66
New Contributors