Bluesnap: Omit state codes for unsupported countries [therufs] #3229
Adyen: Pass updateShopperStatement, industryUsage [curiousepic] #3233
TransFirst Transaction Express: Fix blank address2 values [britth] #3231
WorldPay: Add support for store method [bayprogrammer] #3232
Adyen: Support for additional AVS code mapping [jknipp] #3236
Adyen: Update message for AVS result code 'A' to generically cover postal code mismatches [jknipp] #3237
CyberSource: Update CyberSource SOAP documentation link [vince-smith] #3204
USAePay: Handle additional error codes and add default error code [estelendur] #3167
Braintree: Add skip_avs
and skip_cvv
gateway specific fields [leila-alderman] #3241
NAB Transact: Update periodic test url [mengqing] #3177
NMI: Add level 3 gateway-specific fields tax, shipping, and ponumber [jasonxp] #3239
Checkout V2: Update stored card flag [curiousepic] #3247
NMI: Add support for stored credentials [bayprogrammer] #3243
Spreedly: Consolidate API requests and support bank accounts [lancecarlson] #3105
BPoint: Hook up merchant_reference and CRN fields [curiousepic] #3249
Checkout V2: Stop sending phone number to Checkout V2 integration [filipebarcos] #3248
Barclaycard Smartpay: Add support for 3DS2 [britth] #3251
Adyen: Add support for non-fractional currencies [molbrown] #3257
Decidir: Add new gateway [jknipp] #3254
Checkout V2: Reapply Update stored card flag [curiousepic]
CyberSource: Update supported countries [molbrown] #3260
Credorax: Update supported countries [molbrown] #3260
Kushki: Update supported countries [molbrown] #3260
Paypal: Update supported countries [molbrown] #3260
BlueSnap: Send amount in capture requests [jknipp] #3262
Mundipagg: Add Alelo card support [jasonxp] #3255
Adyen: Remove temporary amount modification for non-fractional currencies [molbrown] #3263
Adyen: Set blank state to N/A [therufs] #3252
MiGS: Add tx_source gateway specific field [leila-alderman] #3264
NMI: Correct password scrubber to scrub symbols [hdeters] #3267
Global Collect: Only add name if present [curiousepic] #3268
HPS: Add Apple Pay raw cryptogram support [slogsdon] #3209
CardConnect: Fix parsing of level 3 fields [hdeters] #3273
TrustCommerce: Support void after purchase [jknipp] #3265
Payflow: Support arbitrary level 2 + level 3 fields [therufs] #3272
BlueSnap: Default to not send amount on capture [molbrown] #3270
Spreedly: extra fields, remove extraneous check [montdidier] #3102 #3281
Cecabank: Update encryption to SHA2 [leila-alderman] #3278
Checkout V2: Fix 3DS 1&2 integration [nicolas-maalouf-cko] #3240
Credorax: add 3DS2 MPI auth data support [bayprogrammer] #3274
Add Kosovo to the list of countries [AnotherJoSmith] #3226
Realex: Adds 3DS 1&2 support through external MPI [filipebarcos] #3284
PayPal: Adds 3DS 1 support through external MPI [nebdil] #3279
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