Major changes
- #25880 - Deprecate quarkus-bootstrap-maven-plugin in favor of quarkus-extension-maven-plugin
- #25844 - Introduce CacheKeyGenerator
- #25792 - Add ability to add additional hibernate dialect for third party databases.
- #25729 - Introduce Quiltflower decompiler support
- #25657 - K8S service binding support for Reactive SQL Clients
- #25204 - Smallrye Reactive Messaging 3.16.0
- #25194 - GraphQL Non blocking support
- #24942 - Add virtual-threads support in Quarkus
Complete changelog
- #26027 - Fix package of hibernate-orm/deployment-spi
- #26019 - MAINTAINERS.adoc: add OptaPlanner
- #25988 - Drop 21.2 support
- #25985 - Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.0.0-M5 to 3.0.0-M7
- #25982 - Add support for appCds type in QuarkusIntegrationTest
- #25978 - Bump gitflow-incremental-builder to 4.1.0
- #25977 - Bump aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-v2 from 2.11.1 to 2.11.2
- #25971 - Use RecomputeFieldValue kind NewInstance for JAXB RuntimeInlineAnnotationReader packageCache field
- #25966 - Bump assertj-core from 3.22.0 to 3.23.1
- #25962 - Bump docker-maven-plugin from 0.39.1 to 0.40.0
- #25960 - Substitute EnvironmentValueProvider
- #25949 - Ensure that @WithConverter values work in native mode
- #25945 - Set content-type for Qute templates in RESTEasy Reactive
- #25941 - Add local project dependencies to a different layer for jib
- #25940 - MP Config
fails in native build - #25936 - Disable Websockets logging during native image build
- #25935 - Remove Amazon Services leftovers
- #25934 - Quarkus app cds fails on integration tests
- #25933 - Option to enable workspace discovery in NORMAL mode
- #25932 - RESTEasy Reactive: Content type incorrect for Qute templates
- #25931 - Allow passing of parameters to reactive sql client connect options
- #25930 - Provide actionable error message when unable to bind to Unix domain socket
- #25925 - Make REST Data Panache work properly with id fields not named 'id'
- #25924 - Vert.x + listening to a Unix Domain Socket - enhance error message when native transport is not configured properly
- #25920 - REST Data Panache with ResteasyReactive: field 'id' was not found error
- #25918 - Rename
- #25916 - Allow setting excluded resources from Gradle extension plugin
- #25915 - Changes to include usage in Quarkus docs
- #25914 - Postgres reactive configuration doesn't allow for arbitrary parameters on connect string
- #25913 - Qute: fix for processor when running in Eclipse IDE
- #25910 - Fix the error for non-blocking multipart endpoints
- #25909 - Misleading error for multipart non-blocking method in resteasy-reactive
- #25908 - Remove Github action unreconized property
- #25907 - SmallRye GraphQL 1.6
- #25903 - List Reactive Oracle Client in Hibernate Reactive guide
- #25901 - Bump asciidoctorj from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4
- #25900 - Bump mariadb-java-client from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5
- #25899 - Bump mockito-bom from 4.5.1 to 4.6.0
- #25896 - MongoDB using same client session for same transaction
- #25894 - Panache MongoDB extension not working for multiple collections inside same transaction
- #25893 - Bump assertj-core from 3.22.0 to 3.23.1 in /devtools/gradle
- #25890 - Document how to build fully static native executables
- #25888 - Registers media type
for RESTEasy Reactive with JAXB - #25884 - Media type
not working with REST Client Reactive - #25881 - Log finish of code generation for proto
- #25880 - Deprecate quarkus-bootstrap-maven-plugin in favor of quarkus-extension-maven-plugin
- #25878 - MySQL on M1: use architecture-specific image, and health check for readiness detection
- #25877 - ContextDataMap - get rid of raw types
- #25875 - Register Kubernetes model class fields for reflection when necessary
- #25871 - Bump kotlinx-coroutines-bom from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2
- #25870 - Fix null query parameter handling in generated RestEasy Reactive clients
- #25869 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2
- #25867 - Podman on Windows needs one /, not two // prefix
- #25865 - NativeImageBuildRemoteContainerRunner: Podman on Windows statfs error for prepending e.g. //c/ for C:\ drive
- #25864 - Allow updating docs for older branches
- #25861 - Introduce LambdaCapturingTypeBuildItem
- #25860 - Use
in BannerProcessorTest - #25858 - Dev tools: make sure non-platform extensions are added with a version
- #25856 - Fix javadoc of QuarkusClassLoader#isClassPresentAtRuntime()
- #25854 - Properly run DevModeListener classes
- #25853 - Remove unused config class
- #25851 - Include cookies from API Gateway V2 in http headers
- #25847 - quarkus ext add io.quarkiverse.ngrok:quarkus-ngrok does not include version info
- #25844 - Introduce CacheKeyGenerator
- #25841 - Bump SmallRye Reactive Messaging to 3.17.0
- #25838 - Remove the substitution for LocatableAnnotation
- #25835 - Micro allocations optimisation in ArC
- #25832 - Disable Oracle db tests on Mac M1 because of segfault (and updated readiness check)
- #25831 - Fix reuse of instances in Quarkus tests with nested test classes
- #25830 - Use Azure Edge Server rather than MS SQL on Mac M1
- #25829 - Kubernetes Client cannot create
resources in native mode - #25828 - Re-order plugin repository for Gradle in codestart
- #25823 - Fix indexing failure warning when using Spring Web
- #25821 - Failed to index org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.Mapping warning on reload in dev mode
- #25819 - Work combining previous PRs for better leveraging Gradle deferred intialization
- #25812 -
fails to run@AfterAll
with nested test classes and per-class test instance lifecycle - #25808 - Executing single-result GraphQL operations over websocket is broken in latest main branch
- #25805 - Use health check to detect mariadb startup and skip volume modifier on M1
- #25802 - Extension excluded resources in quarkus-extension.properties
- #25800 - OpenAPI enhancement
- #25799 - Allow access to dev services props
- #25797 - Bump liquibase.version from 4.10.0 to 4.11.0
- #25796 - Hibernate ORM 6 preparations, batch 2
- #25794 - Support surefire plugin's classpathDependencyExcludes and additionalClasspathElements
- #25792 - Add ability to add additional hibernate dialect for third party databases.
- #25791 - Document the need of request context for using Hibernate inside a security identity augmenter
- #25789 - Remove
- #25787 - Failed to resolve dependencies for gradle build
- #25779 - Bump postgresql from 42.3.3 to 42.3.6
- #25778 - Obtain the proper trigger in Quartz scheduler implementation
- #25776 - Improve virtual thread related validation in RESTEasy Reactive
- #25773 - fire times are not getting updated in quarkus's scheduler when using quartz
- #25772 - Work on README for Gradle plugin projects
- #25771 - Bump smallrye-jwt version to 3.5.0
- #25768 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1
- #25765 - Use a copy of compile classpath for quarkus-core annotation processor lookup
- #25764 - Update graal-svm.version property
- #25760 - Fix DevService for Keycloak logout with Keycloak 18
- #25756 - Kubernetes Client: Allow to disable the RBAC resources generation
- #25751 - io.quarkus.qute.deployment.QuteProcessor#collectTemplates threw exception
- #25743 - Add support for docker environment in Jib configuration
- #25740 - Remove unused code in ClassRoutingHandler
- #25736 - Leverage Gradle build cache in integration tests
- #25734 - More Jakarta progress
- #25733 - Hibernate ORM 6 preparations, batch 1
- #25731 - security-openid-connect-client-quickstart failing in native
- #25730 - DevServices config not making it to quarkusIntTest config
- #25729 - Introduce Quiltflower decompiler support
- #25721 - Provide details about failing MetaInfJandexReader
- #25720 - Bump to Mutiny 1.5.0 and Mutiny Vert.x bindings 2.22.0
- #25718 - Ensure that Vert.x's ConnectionBase#remoteAddress does not return null
- #25709 - Provider tighter integration of Qute into RESTEasy Reactive
- #25708 - Quarkus GraalVM AWS lambda-Open Telemetry extension issue
- #25705 - Move the OAuth2 opaque token extension to stable
- #25703 - Bump testcontainers.version from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2
- #25701 - Podman usage with Quarkus article is added
- #25699 - Fix typo
- #25697 - Upgrade Stork to 1.1.2
- #25696 - Bump smallrye-common-bom from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0
- #25694 - Bump com.gradle.enterprise from 3.10 to 3.10.1 in /devtools/gradle
- #25693 - Gradle integration tests mischaracterize "FROM-CACHE" as a failure when caching is enabled
- #25689 - Improve doc for containerized native build
- #25676 -
should be removed or deprecated - #25675 - Apply minor polish to LambdaHttpHandler
- #25674 - Add config option for skipping hostname resolution in Gelf logging
- #25671 - Support MDC when using OTEL
- #25666 - Access-Control-Request-Headers should not be split into multi header values
- #25663 - Align the version of Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana (7.16) across all integration tests and documentation
- #25657 - K8S service binding support for Reactive SQL Clients
- #25655 - Add "excluded-resources" configuration to the ApplicationModel
- #25654 - Improve error message for Reactive Messaging coroutine support
- #25653 - Add a test verifying JWT signed with a secret key
- #25651 - Fix adding of Qute Custom Template Locators
- #25647 - Qute - optimize build steps - round 2
- #25642 - Better exception message when using a Hibernate Session outside of a transaction or request
- #25640 - Added documentation for Non Blocking GraphQL and Map support
- #25639 - Add Dev UI to micrometer and smallrye metrics
- #25632 - JWT token with HS256 and corresponding JWK file : UnresolvableKeyException
- #25631 - Leverage delayed property in Gradle extension plugin
- #25627 - Better message for bad exec fmt with native test
- #25626 - Quarkus extension in multi-module Gradle project fails to resolve quarkus-core
- #25624 - Make reactive-oracle-client depend on jdbc-oracle
- #25623 - Qute - optimizations of build steps - round 1
- #25620 - Add more logging to gRPC BlockingRawTest to debug the CI issues
- #25613 - Refactor configuration creation to ensure Gradle has full visibility of Configuration's contents
- #25611 - Bump flyway.version from 8.5.10 to 8.5.11
- #25597 - Introduce declarative support for Jackson's mixin feature
- #25594 - Activate request context when prometheus scraping is invoked
- #25589 - Enable buildx support in docker container image extension
- #25588 - Use a particular field of a Class as CacheKey
- #25584 - Use getHost instead of getContainerIpAddress
- #25580 - Commas in Headers with AWS Lambda
- #25578 - Update Hibernate Search dev console card for multiple persistence-units
- #25572 - Bump gizmo from 1.0.10.Final to 1.0.11.Final
- #25565 - Revert parent-first change of testcontainers
- #25564 - DevServices for Keycloak is failing to start with a TestContainer issue
- #25560 - Improve annotation literals generation in ArC
- #25548 - Change order for hal extension
- #25547 - Bump micrometer-bom from 1.8.6 to 1.9.0
- #25546 - Remove deprecated HTTP configuration
- #25545 - Bump kotlinx-serialization-json from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3
- #25544 - Fix FileTestCase.testFiles on windows with core.autocrlf input
- #25537 - Documentation: Native testing, buildtime and runtime profile
- #25531 - Qute - unify behavior/logic of include sections and user tags
- #25530 - Introduce DevServicesDatasourceContainerConfig
- #25524 - Upgrade Keycloak server version to 18
- #25521 - Fix hal links tests in resteasy reactive and resteasy classic
- #25519 - @QuarkusIntegrationTest starts native executable in prod profile instead of test profile
- #25518 - Document optional declaration of io.quarkus.qute.i18n.Message.value()
- #25514 - Adjust HAL extension for Jakarta migration
- #25510 - Fix DevMode test project and target directories
- #25507 - Add Oidc Client and Token Propagation Quickstart
- #25505 - Support JSON logging for files
- #25500 - Allow setting user-agent via configuration for the Reactive REST Client
- #25493 - Resteasy Reactive Links: Improve "rel" deduction rules
- #25488 - Qute - parameter declarations with default values
- #25483 - Improve EmptyBuildItem handling and add a note on how to use them
- #25478 - Add a null check for SmallRyeContext, it's not always present
- #25473 - Load Testcontainers as parent first
- #25469 - Support Flyway cleanOnValidationError config
- #25463 - Support Flyway cleanOnValidationError
- #25459 - More Jakarta progress
- #25455 - Unused
extension break Quarkus scenario in combination with other extensions - #25452 - Gitpod - add extensions + custom image to get quarkus CLI + contributing.md
- #25451 - Some additional test coverage related to SmallRye GraphQL 1.5
- #25447 - Qute - support default values for the #let section
- #25445 - Add a global override for user agent in REST Client Reactive
- #25438 - Add offline to DevOptions
- #25430 - Bump unboundid-ldapsdk from 6.0.4 to 6.0.5
- #25415 - integration-tests/reactive-oracle-client fails in native mode
- #25406 - Bump liquibase.version from 4.9.1 to 4.10.0
- #25403 - Refactor docs for database dev services
- #25397 - Improve standalone codestart testing
- #25396 - Create quarkus hal extension for resteasy and reactive
- #25380 - Bump artemis.version from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0
- #25375 - Show Enum constant description in documentation
- #25373 - Update opentelemetry.adoc
- #25367 - Allow reuse of containers needed by DevServices (opt-in)
- #25366 - Bump GraalVM and Mandrel version to 22.1
- #25365 - Allow reuse of containers started via DevServices
- #25362 - quarkus dev missing --offline/-o options
- #25358 - Qute - fix string LiteralSupport
- #25348 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.1.3 to 8.2.0
- #25347 - Bump jboss-logmanager-embedded from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10
- #25341 - Add detectBindingResources to service binding config
- #25340 - Apicurio registry version update to 2.2.3.Final
- #25325 - JAXB2 ClassCastException in Native Image (XmlSeeAlso$$ProxyImpl cannot be cast to Locatable)
- #25317 - Bump jboss-metadata-web from 14.0.0.Final to 15.0.0.Final
- #25316 - Fix CONTRIBUTION regarding configuration properties generation
- #25315 - Explain how to generate config properties in 'How to contribute'
- #25314 - Bump checker-qual from 3.21.4 to 3.22.0
- #25313 - Bump google-http-client-bom from 1.41.7 to 1.41.8
- #25311 - Add Vert.x MDC
- #25309 - More progress on the Jakarta front
- #25304 - Add a built-in bean for the InjectionPoint type
- #25276 - Type-safe messages - declare io.quarkus.qute.i18n.Message.value() as optional
- #25273 - Bump wiremock-jre8-standalone from 2.33.1 to 2.33.2
- #25262 - ArC: avoid using Class.forName to load classes from the java. package
- #25253 - Correct
guard so that it still works if-DskipTests
is set to false in container-image/maven-invoker-way - #25248 - Allow configuring DKIM options on Vertx's Mail client
- #25247 - Mailer - Support DKIM
- #25240 - IntelliJ: Add Quarkus icon to IJ project list
- #25238 - Bump jboss-logging from 3.4.3.Final to 3.5.0.Final
- #25228 - More progress on the Jakarta front
- #25226 - Use forwarded header to extract forwarding properties
- #25225 -
header is not parsed as expected - #25223 - isOverdue documentation in Scheduler is confusing
- #25220 - Knative: fix clusterLocal property
- #25217 - Document Resteasy Reactive Links
- #25207 - Do not disable DevServicesElasticsearchDevModeTestCase on Windows
- #25204 - Smallrye Reactive Messaging 3.16.0
- #25200 - Adjust the CONTRIBUTING.md to not promote -DskipTests=false
- #25194 - GraphQL Non blocking support
- #25182 - Add debug log when adding entry into cache in sync calls
- #25178 - Log when creating cache entry on synchronous calls
- #25170 - Do not run NativeImageBuildContainerRunnerTest test unless -Dtest-containers is set
- #25152 - Bump grpc.version from 1.45.1 to 1.46.0
- #25117 - Allow parsing both Forwarded headers
- #25109 - Bump Keycloak version to 18.0.0
- #25108 - Test fails when run without docker or podman, even if
is not set - #25090 - Remove unnecessary setting of JSON content-type
- #25077 - Quarkus proxy ForwardedParser doesn't support a defacto forwarded header fallback
- #25043 - Use new extension codestart loading system in QuarkusCodestartTest
- #25042 - Added more detail to some error cases in the VertxHttpRecorder
- #25012 - Always restore query params on OIDC redirect URIs
- #24942 - Add virtual-threads support in Quarkus
- #24882 - Passing Custom State Data for OIDC Auth Flows
- #24861 - Support lambda function serialization in native image
- #24839 - Qute - introduce unique error codes for problems detected by parser
- #24821 - Add quickstart guide for Stork Kubernetes Service Discovery
- #23950 - Add initial support of Project CRaC
- #23515 - Quarkus cache CompositeCacheKey only consists of method arguments - should include method name as well
- #23292 - Qute: Consistent behaviour for tags and include
- #23291 - Qute: Default values for tags
- #22822 - org.graalvm.compiler.java.BytecodeParser$BytecodeParserError: java.lang.NullPointerException when using SQLite
- #22657 - Qute: user-defined tags should allow insert's like include does
- #22449 - Native image with liquibase on Windows 10
- #21997 - Move failsafe config out of native profile
- #20891 - Java 17 records don't work in native image with GraalVM 21.3.0 JDK 17
- #18228 - Support for MDC log metadata when using Opentelemetry
- #17857 - Type-safe messages - consider declaring io.quarkus.qute.i18n.Message.value() as optional
- #14729 - Hibernate Search dev console card for multi-persistence-unit applications
- #10376 - Qute - consider custom template locators when validating injected templates
- #9818 - Layered container image generation
- #9386 - Support JSON logging for file
- #8242 - Since 1.3.0 excluding dependencies during tests with classpathDependencyExcludes does not work