Releases: agola-io/agola
Releases · agola-io/agola
- agolademo: use docker compose (@sgotti) #494
- executor: add option to define docker driver network (@sgotti) #493
- Dockerfile: agolademo: create agola directories (@sgotti) #491
- Dockerfile: update final image (@sgotti) #489
- notification: fix cleaners infinite loop. (@sgotti) #487
- *: add cursor fetching to GetRuns api (@sgotti) #484
- tests: always check testutil.Wait error (@sgotti) #485
- tests: improve and simplify some tests (@sgotti) #483
- tests: split tests in multiple files. (@sgotti) #482
- *: actions: ensure a default sort direction (@sgotti) #480
- *: commitstatus/runwebook delivery save filter inside cursor (@sgotti) #481
- configstore: simplify/improve Get tests (@sgotti) #478
- notification: simplify/improve Get tests (@sgotti) #479
- tests: simplify Get API with cursor tests (@sgotti) #477
- runservice: add AGOLA_RUN_COUNTER variable (@alessandro-sorint) #473
- gateway: add api to redeliver a commit status delivery (@alessandro-sorint) #472
- gateway: fix api cursors (@alessandro-sorint) #471
- notification: fix db func GetProjectRunWebhookDeliveriesAfterSequenceByProjectID (@alessandro-sorint) #470
- notification: fix db func GetProjectCommitStatusDeliveriesAfterSequenceByProjectID (@alessandro-sorint) #468
- tests: use assert helpers (@sgotti) #469
- testutil: Add NilError helper to log detailed test errors (@sgotti) #466
- testutil: add detailed errors for zerolog output in tests (@sgotti) #465
- notification: rename GetProjectRunWebhookDeliveriesAfterSequence func (@alessandro-sorint) #467
- gateway: add api to get commit status deliveries (@alessandro-sorint) #460
- runservice: remove time.sleep from tests (@sgotti) #464
- configstore: remove time.sleep from tests (@sgotti) #462
- notification: remove time.sleep from tests (@sgotti) #461
- notification: delete old commit statuses (@alessandro-sorint) #459
- notification: delete old run webhooks (@alessandro-sorint) #457
- gateway: add api to redelivery a run webhook delivery (@alessandro-sorint) #456
- gateway: add api to get run webhook deliveries (@alessandro-sorint) #452
- configstore: fix test get remotesources continuation (@alessandro-sorint) #455
- db: defer sqlite foreign keys during migration (@sgotti) #454
- runservice: return right error on not existing run (@alessandro-sorint) #451
- *: update dependencies (@sgotti) #449
- configstore: add ability to org members to restart stop cancel a project run (@alessandro-sorint) #446
- *: update to go 1.21 (@sgotti) #448
- *: add cursor fetching to GetOrgs api (@sgotti) #444
- testutils/db: handle col type bool on export (@sgotti) #447
- testutils/db: use schema provided by migrate data during export (@alessandro-sorint) #445
- notification: store commit status and commit status delivery (@alessandro-sorint) #432
- gateway: cleanup org invitation code. (@sgotti) #443
- gateway: correctly handle org/pg visibility (@sgotti) #442
- *: add cursor fetching to GetRemoteSources api (@sgotti) #440
- testutils/db: use sequences provided by create data during import (@alessandro-sorint) #441
- *: add cursor fetching to GetUserOrgs api (@sgotti) #439
- *: add cursor fetching to GetUsers api (@sgotti) #437
- ci: increase postgres container max connections (@sgotti) #438
- *: cursor based list api. (@sgotti) #436
- cmd: rename gateway client variable. (@sgotti) #435
- tests: use const for remote error string output (@sgotti) #433
- ci: use fixed postgres image version (@sgotti) #434
- tests: add missing t.Parallel to TestRunEventsNotification (@sgotti) #431
- configstore: clean TestOrgInvitation tests (@sgotti) #429
- notification: store last run event sequence (@alessandro-sorint) #423
- notification tests: synchronously start webhooksreceiver (@sgotti) #426
- notification: make webhooksreceiver a test file. (@sgotti) #425
- notification: store webhook and webhook delivery (@alessandro-sorint) #413
- testutils/db: handle byte array (@sgotti) #420
- sqlg: add support for blob/byte array base type (@sgotti) #419
- *: Optional internal services authentication (@sgotti) #412
- services: use common SetupDB function ...
Important Upgrade Notes
Agola v0.8.0 moved its internal db based on etcd and objectstorage to a standard external sql database (PostgreSQL or sqlite for single node deployments).
If you are going to update from a version <= v0.7.x you should do some manual steps to migrate the runservice and configstore data.
These steps are provided in the migration documentation
Changes from v0.7.0
- gateway: fix GetUserGitSource action (@alessandro-sorint) #404
- gitsources: split oauth2Client from gitsource (@sgotti) #403
- runservice/db: fix get run query (@alessandro-sorint) #402
- migrateexport: defer sqlite foreign keys (@sgotti) #400
- configstore: add some db constraints (@sgotti) #399
- *: new db schema (@sgotti) #398
- executor: fix k8s test (@sgotti) #397
- cmd: fix run list task api call (@sgotti) #364
- runservice: use dedicated api types for executor communication (@sgotti) #396
- *: use (@sgotti) #395
- *: organize imports and add gci linter (@sgotti) #394
- executor: close cache archive file before sending (@sgotti) #390
- github: update github ssh key (@sgotti) #392
- configstore: fix remote source ssh_host_key update (@sgotti) #391
- gateway: skip csrf check only on successful token auth (@sgotti) #389
- gateway: use auth cookies instead of jwt tokens (@sgotti) #365
- *: Fix auth flow with password based remote source (@sgotti) #388
- *: improve some error handling/logging (@sgotti) #387
- ci: update images (@sgotti) #386
- *: update dependencies (@sgotti) #385
- tests: parallelize tests (@sgotti) #384
- util: add wrapper error helper type (@sgotti) #375
- *: enable stylecheck and fix related lint warnings. (@sgotti) #383
- *: update to go 1.20 (@sgotti) #376
- *: remove deprecated use of io/ioutil package (@sgotti) #377
- tests: fix failing gitea pull request creation (@sgotti) #374
- tests: cleanups (@sgotti) #373
- configstore: fix GetOrgInvitations db action (@alessandro-sorint) #368
- util: fix empty APIError error message printing (@sgotti) #370
- integration tests: fix TestMaintenance (@alessandro-sorint) #369
- add cmd import, export, maintenance for runservice and configstore (@alessandro-sorint) #340
- gateway/client: add GetOrgs (@alessandro-sorint) #366
- tests: remove repeated strings (@alessandro-sorint) #361
- gateway: add admin api to get remote source user (@alessandro-sorint) #353
- db: improve transactions handling (@sgotti) #363
- *: implement org member adding modes: direct or invitation (@alessandro-sorint) #285
- tests: improve tests setup (@sgotti) #359
- configstore: use GetOrg method in DeleteOrg (@alessandro-sorint) #356
- configstore: fix deleteUser query (@alessandro-sorint) #354
- *: add api to update organization (@alessandro-sorint) #349
- configstore: fix action AddOrgMember (@alessandro-sorint) #352
- Handle remote repo default branch (@alessandro-sorint) #303
- gateway: add GetUserGitSource action to get user gitsource (@alessandro-sorint) #348
- runservice: add tasks timeout (@alessandro-sorint) #331
- runservice: added logcleanerLoop for deleting older logs (@alessandro-sorint) #294
- *: fix updating of user linked account (@sgotti) #346
- executor: use a timeout for pod creation (@alessandro-sorint) #343
- executor: avoid locking during setupTask (@alessandro-sorint) #344
- update to go 1.18 (@alessandro-sorint) #336
- services config: correctly use yaml tags instead of json tags (@sgotti) #341
- types: add custom Duration type (@alessandro-sorint) #342
- executor: fix synchronization when pod is starting (@alessandro-sorint) #293
- gateway: return task containers image names in RunTaskResponse (@tulliobotti64) #338
- *: replace etcd and datamanager with a sql db (@sgotti) #328
- runconfig: temporary enable ssh client ssh-rsa sha1 signature algorithm (@sgotti) #333
- configstore: update api and action request types (@sgotti) #329
- *: change gateway runs api (@sgotti) #323
- *: replace os errors check functions with errors.Is (@sgotti) #325
- config: add ability to take the docker registry encoded auth from a variable (@alessandro-sorint) #296
- runconfig: fix missing generation of dockerregistryauth auth field (@alessandro-sorint) #298
- test: use
to create temporary test directory (@Juneezee) #324 - cmd: fix run list panic on task with nil exit status (@sgotti) #314
- tests: don't start gitea for direct runs test (@sgotti) #312
- *: use new errors handling library (@sgotti) #321
- *: use zerolog for logging (@sgotti) #320
- *: Improve error handling (@sgotti) #313
- *: use errors.Is/errors.As to handle wrapped error checking (@sgotti) #319
- ci: update golangci-lint to v1.44.2 (@sgotti) #315
- gateway: use dedicated auth context keys type (@sgotti) #317
- gateway: add api to get authenticated user organizations (@tulliosorintdev) #299
- go.mod: replace (@sgotti) #311
- ci: update gitea to v1.15.11 (@alessandro-sorint) #305
- gitserver: add cleanup of old repos/branches (@alessandro-sorint) #284
- runconfig: test task generation with on_skipped dependencies (@alessandro-sorint) #302
- runconfig: add case statement for on_skipped (@raeyulca) #290
- config: fix executor ActiveTasksLimit yaml tag (@alessandro-sorint) #279
- *: migrate to golang-jwt/jwt (@sgotti) #276
- fix: gitea fetch remote repository with pagination (@ygbillet) #273
- executor: add init image config authentication options (@sgotti) #271
- executor: use busybox:stable as default init image (@sgotti) #270
- executor/docker: pull init image only when needed (@sgotti) #269
- executor: add config option to define the init image (@sgotti) #268
- *: update to go 1.16 (@sgotti) #257
- gitserver: fix fetchfile error handling (@sgotti) #258
- Remove WaitingApproval for stopped tasks (@camandel) #253
- example: fix gitserverURL in example config (@sgotti) #250
- add content-type header for /config.js (@ftsell) #249
- vendor: update gitea sdk v0.11.0 -> 0.12.0 (@6543) #241
- *: update to go 1.14 (@sgotti) #217
- config: check max config size (@sgotti) #239
- config: add starlark config support (@sgotti) #232
- run: export also ref type environment variable to runs (@sgotti) #231
- run: export also pull request id environment variable to runs (@sgotti) #230
- config: provide jsonnet context top level argument (@sgotti) #141
- runconfig: disable password authentication in clone step (@sgotti) #229
- runservice: correctly handle skipped tasks in fetcher (@sgotti) #226
- github: add issue templates config (@sgotti) #227
- runservice: fix handling of wrong executortask status (@sgotti) #225
- executor: use cancellable context in executetask (@sgotti) #224
- executor: fix stopping of not running tasks (@sgotti) #223
- runservice: use all scheduled tasks in scheduleRun (@sgotti) #220
- executor: fix reporting of stopped tasks and steps (@sgotti) #222
- executor: serialize task handling (@sgotti) #221
- runservice: minimize scheduling of tasks that will be queued by the executor (@sgotti) #218
- runservice: mark not running tasks as skipped when run marked to stop (@sgotti) #219
- gateway: move authentication apis to /api/v1alpha/auth (@sgotti) #215
- go.mod: update dependencies (@sgotti) #213
- gitsources: handle skipverify also in oauth2 requests (@sgotti) #208
- github: handle nil user email (@sgotti) #207
- cmd: remotesource create don't force github defaults (@sgotti) #205
- github: use the provided api url (@sgotti) #206
- vendor: update gitea sdk (@6543) #203
- makefile: remove test target (@sgotti) #202
- cmd: project option to disable passing variables to PR from forked repo (@camandel) #198
- doc: document supported go versions. (@sgotti) #201
- Update (@MitaliBo) #195
- cmd: fix token create help message (@camandel) #196
- tests: add unique name for logs of the third ConfigStore instance (@camandel) #197
- tests: improve services logging (@sgotti) #194
- docker: create a toolbox volume for every pod (@sgotti) #193
- datamanager tests: don't wait for etcd down (@sgotti) #189
- cmd: add TaskID to run list output (@camandel) #188
- cmd: add details to run list (@camandel) #185
- cmd: add log get and delete subcommands (@camandel) #187
- gateway: fix api used by GetRunTask (@camandel) #186
- cmd: fix project visibility switch (@camandel) #184
- gateway/runservice: add api to delete step logs #157
- *: write and flush header on log handlers (@sgotti) #180
- runservice: improve errors in logsHandler (@sgotti) #179
- runservice: use etcd mutex TryLock on fetching (@sgotti) #177
- gateway: add api to get log status (@camandel) #175
- *: use etcd mutex TryLock (@sgotti) #176
- datamanager: skip already applied wals in writeDataSnapshot (@sgotti) #167
- readdb: improve HandleEvents goroutine exiting (@sgotti) #172
- datamanager tests: increase etcd waitdown timeout (@sgotti) #174
- *: improve error handling (@sgotti) #169
- objectstorage: use a single package (@sgotti) #170
- datamanager: refactor ReadWal (@sgotti) #168
- datamanager: check wal previouswalsequence is correct in initEtcd (@sgotti) #165
- datamanager: don't create ost wal checkpointed files (@sgotti) #164
- datamanager: clean old data files (@sgotti) #160
- datamanager: fix index creation on multiple data files (@sgotti) #163
- services: check config only for enabled services (@camandel) #162
- datamanager: add data sequence to data file name (@sgotti) #158
- sequence: add tests for String and Parse methods (@sgotti) #159
- go.mod: update dependencies (@sgotti) #150
- run config: add tty option for run steps (@camandel) #149
- README: issue link points to templates (@camandel) #156
- objectstorage: add WriteObject tests (@sgotti) #155
- objectstorage: return object size in objectinfo (@sgotti) #154
- objectstorage posix: use limitreader only when size is specified. (@sgotti) #153
- objectstorage s3: use limitreader in write object (@sgotti) #152
- gitea: use GetRepoRefs instead of GetRepoRef (@sgotti) #146
- when: fix typo in tag matching (@sgotti) #147
- cmd: add run create command (@sgotti) #144
- gateway: fix project create run http method (@sgotti) #143
- docker: mount multiple volumes (@camandel) #142
- gitsources: don't set branch value when in a pull request (@sgotti) #140
- when: match only the current ref type (@sgotti) #139
- *: implement ability to add tmpfs volumes to containers (@sgotti) #136
- cmd: add version command (@camandel) #135
- datamanager: remove some logs from tests (@sgotti) #134
- cmd: add completion command (@camandel) #133
- cmd: add project group delete command (@sgotti) #132
- cmd: add project group update command (@sgotti) #131
- gateway: add parentRef field to project group update api (@sgotti) #130
- configstore: implement project group move (@sgotti) #128
- configstore: disable root project group deletion (@sgotti) #129
- cmd: add project update command (@sgotti) #123
- tests: wait gitea ready (@sgotti) #127
- gateway: add parentRef field to project update api (@sgotti) #122
- cmd: fix version output (@camandel) #126
- Add github issue templates (@sgotti) #125
- configstore: implement project move (@sgotti) #121
- cmd: fix typos in online help (@camandel) #124
- cli: add secret/variable list subcommand (@camandel) #118
- config: add clone options (@camandel) #120
- gateway: api implement get secrets removeoverridden (@sgotti) #119
- skip run with special commit (@camandel) #90
- executor: add missing mutex unlock (@sgotti) #117
- gateway: run api return more step data (@sgotti) #116
- runservice: save step exitstatus in run. (@sgotti) #115
- runservice: don't save executor task data in etcd (@sgotti) #113
- runservice: add run workspace cleaner (@sgotti) #109
- executor: set the container exec user in every step (@sgotti) #112
- runconfig: set task default shell (@sgotti) #111
- runservice: remove run step user (@sgotti) #110
- *: update to go 1.13 (@sgotti) #105
- gitserver: don't return http response/error when calling external git process (@sgotti) #103
- util: Fix PathList output when path ends with slashes (@sgotti) #102