SemVer Minor
Add a closeFuture
to the server context (#1147 )
Allow calls to run on a specified EventLoop
(#1156 )
Provide functions for making default client and server configurations (#1198 )
SemVer Patch
Ignore errors when the client is in the idle state. (#1133 )
Better handle DATA frames with end stream set (#1139 )
Make storage on server contexts thread safe (#1146 )
Adopt new SwiftNIO API for doing synchronous pipeline operations to reduce allocations (#1149 , #1160 )
Make 'NIOSSLContext' ahead of time to reduce allocations (#1184 )
Use static trailers where possible to save allocations (#1151 )
Fix bugs in gRPC-Web found by oss-fuzz (#1187 )
Add remote and local IP addresses to logging metadata (#1195 )
Refactor parts of the ConnectionManager
and add internal types for an upcoming connection pool (#1158 , #1162 , #1173 , #1176 , #1189 )
Add a static-source Logger (#1165 )
Add in-source fuzzing support (#1177 )
Bump version for 1.1.0 release (#1200 )
Other Changes
Bump version of Google's SpeechToText Example Podfile (#1142 , patch credit to @Raduan77)
Use PlatformSupport.makeEventLoopGroup
in the basic tutorial (#1179 , patch credit to @e-sung )
Update Cocoapods (#1130 )
Update bug report template to include how code is built (#1140 )
Add allocation counting tests (#1150 , #1155 , #1169 , #1188 )
Test against Swift 5.4 in CI (#1167 )
Add an --iterations option to the Echo example (#1180 )
Add fuzzing failure cases (#1190 )
Fix compiler crash on Swift 5.2 when inlining test helper (#1192 )
Add a security policy. (#1193 )
Fix links in interceptors tutorial (#1197 )
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