Major changes
- #8565 - SmallRye Reactive Messaging 2.0
- #8453 - javax.imageio is now supported in GraalVM 19.3+
- #8411 - Add Vault response wrapping support for client token auth and secret id in approle auth
- #8365 - added elytron ldap authentication extension
- #8359 - Automatically add @produces to methods annotated with scope or qualifier
- #8343 - Support having a bean enabled only when a build time profile is enabled or disabled
- #8327 - Add support for @InjectMock
- #8317 - New Lambda packaging
- #8315 - Add keycloak admin client
- #8296 - ArC - select alternatives through the MicroProfile Config
- #8261 - Amazon Alexa extension for Quarkus Native integration with AWS Lambda
- #8208 - Test Quarkus with OpenJDK 14 instead of 13
- #8175 - Support for mocking CDI beans
- #8143 - Change Vault default KV secret engine from v1 to v2 Fixes #6739
- #8142 - Update Gradle to 6.3 (supporting Java 14)
- #7909 - Quarkus Funqy FaaS Framework - initial implementation
- #7873 - Add support for Vault TOTP secrets
- #7868 - Update to MongoDB Java driver 4.0.0
- #7815 - Move Kogito extension out of the Quarkus core repository
- #7762 - Add support for HTTP/2
- #7681 - Command mode support
Complete changelog
- #8565 - SmallRye Reactive Messaging 2.0
- #8557 - Add an admonition about UBI
- #8552 - update proton-j to 0.33.4
- #8551 - Remove unused QuarkusExtension class
- #8537 - Upgrade Hibernate Validator to 6.1.3.Final
- #8536 - Reactive routes - improve @route method invocation performance
- #8535 - docs: fix possible missing anchor tag warning when building the docs and some typo
- #8533 - Bump junit-jupiter from 5.6.1 to 5.6.2 in /devtools/gradle
- #8532 - Bump junit-bom from 5.6.1 to 5.6.2
- #8529 - Remove the temporary extreme cautioness in build time proxy generation
- #8528 - Provide proper error messages when Jib fails to validate the supplied…
- #8527 - Improve error messages for Docker container-image builds
- #8526 - Make the AMQP tests a bit more reliable
- #8524 - Fix content-type resolution in keycloak-authorization
- #8523 - container-image-docker silently fails
- #8522 - Set higher timeout for Security2 native image job
- #8520 - fix compiler errors in kafka-streams guide
- #8517 - Fix log message in DockerProcessor
- #8515 - MongoDB documentation improvements
- #8514 - Bump SLF4J to 1.7.30
- #8513 - Bump Neo4j to 4.0.1
- #8511 - Introduce a test for #8323 : Hibernate Validator to be able to use the Hibernate ORM helpers to traverse graphs with uninitialized proxies
- #8507 - container-image-docker erroneously logs "Pushed container image..."
- #8505 - doc: how to use kubectl with generated manifests
- #8501 - Differentiate the username/password for pulling base image with Jib
- #8498 - Jib pull base image from public registry and push to private registry
- #8495 - Qute ValueResolverGenerator - simplify generated classes
- #8493 - chore: upgrade to dekorate 0.11.5
- #8491 - Make beans injected with @InjectMock unremoveable.
- #8490 - Properly handle non-http service in s2i
- #8488 - Don't include optional deps for the deployment CP
- #8487 - Add debug logging for AppModel
- #8486 - Deprecate loadsApplicationClasses
- #8482 - Follow up to #8474. Maven resolver init improvements
- #8481 - image build fails without resteasy using quarkus-openshift extension
- #8478 - Keycloak Claim Information Point - NPE when trying to read body - 1.3.1.Final
- #8477 - Make Keycloak Authorization PathCache ConfigGroup non-optional
- #8476 - Adjust path of default cacerts depending on flavors of GraalVM
- #8474 - Maven resolver remote repo initialization fixes
- #8473 - Update SnakeYAML to 1.26 and add it to Dependabot
- #8471 - remove call to oc version
- #8470 - Explain usage of IndexDependencyBuildItem in the extension docs
- #8467 - Project root should not initialized to the current dir if the test class is from a JAR
- #8465 - Add skip parameter to ValidateExtensionsJsonMojo
- #8464 - Keycloak - path cache is not working
- #8459 - Scheduler - add configurable delay
- #8458 - Add deprecate warning for buildNative task
- #8457 - Bump liquibase-core from 3.8.8 to 3.8.9
- #8456 - Bump yasson from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
- #8453 - javax.imageio is now supported in GraalVM 19.3+
- #8452 - BootstrapAppModelResolver returns mixed versions for a Platform test with SNAPSHOT deps
- #8448 - add explanations to expose the debug remote port into docker image
- #8447 - Remove try catch exception in Hibernate build time proxy generation code
- #8444 - Fix duplicate resources in Gradle
- #8441 - Add a section about reactive in the JSON guide
- #8440 - ArC - minor perf improvements in client proxies
- #8438 - Introduce ability to deprioritize artifacts of deployment dependencies
- #8434 - Update to Mutiny 0.4.4
- #8433 - Pass args for command-mode application to dev-mode.
- #8431 - CreateProjectMojo: set proxy before mvn wrapper download
- #8430 - Bump flyway-core from 6.3.2 to 6.3.3
- #8428 - Command-mode applications in Gradle quarkusDev mode should allow passing commandline args
- #8426 - docs(#8425): Adds Documentation for Vault TOTP secret engine
- #8425 - Create Documentation for Vault TOTP
- #8424 - Set a path on the invalidated cookie
- #8421 - NPE in ClassTransformingBuildStep when building multi-module application
- #8420 - Revert how readers and writers are registered for REST clients
- #8419 - Gradle wrapper version must be 6.3
- #8417 - Quarkus OIDC with cookie-path does not remove cookie
- #8412 - Test that CDI beans in SmallRye Health are present
- #8411 - Add Vault response wrapping support for client token auth and secret id in approle auth
- #8409 - Remove RESTEasy exclusion
- #8408 - add list jvm list arguments
- #8400 - Liquibase in dev mode detects duplicate changeLog file
- #8389 - Remove WireMock from BOM
- #8387 - Remove redundant import for generated Spring controller
- #8382 - The platform maven resolver doesn't use the correct platform groupId when it's set via a maven property from a profile in the pom.xml
- #8381 - The platform maven resolver doesn't work when the remote "repositories" is set in the pom.xml
- #8380 - Document how to use a random test port
- #8378 - (Outdated) Wiremock should not be defined in BOM?
- #8377 - feat: add spring datasource data property + refactor
- #8376 - Support Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secrets as configuration/value sources
- #8370 - Funqy azure and lambda http support
- #8367 - Add support for async functions in funqy-knative
- #8365 - added elytron ldap authentication extension
- #8363 - quarkusDev task fails with "Unable to find quarkus-gradle-plugin dependency"
- #8361 - Don't throw NPE in QuarkusTestExtension on failed boot
- #8360 - Adding log level
- #8359 - Automatically add @produces to methods annotated with scope or qualifier
- #8357 - Missing Liquibase properties in native image
- #8355 - Fix a few things in the new Keycloak Admin Client extension
- #8353 - There is no need to ignore io.quarkus.arquillian.test.SimpleTest
- #8352 - Move the Security API to Mutiny
- #8351 - Fix newly added typo in cdi-reference.adoc
- #8343 - Support having a bean enabled only when a build time profile is enabled or disabled
- #8341 - Log downloads to the console
- #8340 - Gradle: Search for build script dependencies in the parent projects as well
- #8339 - Make vert.x a singleton
- #8338 - Bump postgresql from 42.2.11 to 42.2.12
- #8332 - improved funqy exception handling
- #8330 - Spring Boot properties extension guide #8186
- #8328 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta6
- #8327 - Add support for @InjectMock
- #8325 - deprecate buildNative gradle task
- #8321 - Add warning about @Provider constructors
- #8317 - New Lambda packaging
- #8315 - Add keycloak admin client
- #8314 - Scheduler - Configurable Init Delay
- #8311 - quarkus-mongodb-panache paging problems
- #8308 - Show helpful message when both db-kind and a driver are set
- #8307 - set groups attribute name as configurable
- #8305 - Added orm panache hot reload test
- #8302 - Properly handle Optional<List> in @ConfigProperties
- #8299 - Error when putting Qute include inside if/when/for
- #8296 - ArC - select alternatives through the MicroProfile Config
- #8294 - Using @ConfigProperty with Optional<List> throw an exception
- #8293 - test (#8093): Add test for env from field.
- #8291 - Quarkus unable to launch when both quarkus.datasource.db-kind and quarkus.datasource.driver are set
- #8289 - Mongodb panache/cleanups
- #8285 - Don't open the HTTP socket until late in the startup process
- #8279 - Allow dev-mode to use preview Java features
- #8278 - Support OIDC client_secret_jwt
- #8275 - Add AMQP Connector tests
- #8271 - Fix for DefaultTenantConfigResolver race condition
- #8269 - OIDC initialization race condition in DefaultTenantConfigResolver in the native image
- #8265 - Test Uni support
- #8264 - Document the flags to make the full build faster
- #8261 - Amazon Alexa extension for Quarkus Native integration with AWS Lambda
- #8245 - Avoid the usage of unrecommended private members in Naryana JTA integration tests application beans
- #8244 - Update Kotlin to 1.3.71
- #8243 - Update liquibase to 3.8.8 and add it to dependabot
- #8240 - Honor the environment variable for verifying the host at which the server is listening
- #8233 - Clear empty beans.xml files (#8232)
- #8232 - Non-empty empty beans.xml files
- #8229 - Upgrade zookeeper to 3.5.7
- #8225 - Qute type-safe templates - Integer is iterable
- #8223 - Using the REST Client with Multipart not working in all cases
- #8215 - Remove deprecated RuntimeBeanBuildItem
- #8213 - Namespace optaplanner's kogito version to avoid clash
- #8212 - Kafka not starting with JDK 14
- #8211 - Enlist reactive entity for reflection
- #8208 - Test Quarkus with OpenJDK 14 instead of 13
- #8199 - Added ability for custom manifest entries in MANIFEST.MF
- #8198 - ArC BeanManager - minor improvements
- #8186 - Add documentation section about quarkus-spring-boot-properties
- #8185 - Add missing ooxml-schemas dependency #8081
- #8184 - Sync with optaplanner-quickstart PR 506
- #8183 - config doc generator top level grouping refactor
- #8180 - Cannot Inject Configuration Interface into ContainerRequestFilter Through Constructor
- #8175 - Support for mocking CDI beans
- #8173 - Mark build mojo as thread safe
- #8171 - Bump debezium-core from 1.0.3.Final to 1.1.0.Final
- #8170 - Bump flyway-core from 6.3.1 to 6.3.2
- #8167 - Make quarkus-maven-plugin's BuildMojo ThreadSafe
- #8150 - Vault documentation improvement secret-config-kv-path vs kv-secret-en…
- #8143 - Change Vault default KV secret engine from v1 to v2 Fixes #6739
- #8142 - Update Gradle to 6.3 (supporting Java 14)
- #8135 - Allow users to select alternatives though the MicroProfile Config
- #8124 - config doc generator should skip scanning and generation of config docs when
in use - #8123 - Bump wildfly-elytron.version from 1.11.2.Final to 1.11.3.Final
- #8121 - Problems resolving the deployment artifact for custom extension in private maven repo
- #8120 - Add quarkus.oidc.proxy config
- #8116 - Liquibase - Record service classes implementation instead of generating a native resource file for each service interface
- #8115 - Use CustomScopeAnnotationsBuildItem where needed
- #8114 - Add more test to MongoDB with Panache
- #8113 - Fix compilation issue after the update to MongoDb 4.0
- #8095 - Add JSON-B customization to OptaPlanner extension
- #8092 - Fixed doc compilation warnings
- #8089 - Provide rest-client- extensions
- #8088 - Add
configuration group toOidcTenantConfig
- #8087 - ObserverGenerator - rework the way a declaring bean instance is obtained
- #8086 - ArC - fix post construct invocation for hierarchical cases with beans from different packages
- #8085 - ArC doesn't allow package private @PostConstruct in hierarchy of beans with different packages
- #8084 - Use the actual DynamicTest type in test
- #8075 - Bump to JUnit 5.6.1
- #8072 - Bump Spring API version
- #8071 - JPA named query with Hibernate with Panache
- #8063 - Jackson deserialization not supported for REST client without including RESTEasy server
- #8062 - Constructor of bean with @startup annotation is called twice
- #8058 - refactor: remove initialization of unused variable in
- #8056 - Replace obsolete OS-dependent compilation condition
- #8055 - Stop calling Jandex deprecated methods
- #8050 - Support OIDC client_secret_jwt authentication method
- #8047 - Add jandex to dependabot
- #8043 - Support Maven sha1 & changelist version properties
- #8034 - Bump mockito-core from 3.3.0 to 3.3.3
- #8033 - Bump mariadb-java-client from 2.5.4 to 2.6.0
- #8031 - Fix AmazonLambdaProcessor SkillStreamHandler subclass check
- #8023 - Improve test coverage of the AMQP connector
- #8014 - Implement Vault Health Check integration
- #8012 - Ensure that @QuarkusTest plays nicely with @testfactory
- #8001 - Replace ApplicationIndexBuildItem with CombinedIndexBuildItem where it makes sense
- #7998 - Bump rxjava from 2.2.18 to 2.2.19
- #7997 - Bump narayana.version from 5.10.1.Final to 5.10.4.Final
- #7987 - fix OpenTracing trace context propagation with Fault Tolerance @asynchronous methods
- #7985 - Alexa SkillStreamHandler subclass check for RequestStreamHandler in AmazonLambdaProcessor
- #7984 - OpenTracing trace context is not propagated to Fault Tolerance @asynchronous methods
- #7982 - test OpenTracing trace context propagation to @asynchronous Fault Tolerance methods
- #7981 - test JDBC tracing with OpenTracing
- #7978 - Update to SmallRye Health 2.2.0
- #7977 - Adding Narayana depencencies to dependabot config.yml
- #7976 - Make it possible to initialize a synthetic bean during RUNTIME_INIT
- #7972 - reduce log level of the message printed when metrics are disabled
- #7971 - Gradle added to Amazon Lambda archetype
- #7967 - Align jboss-parent versions in independent-projects
- #7952 - Document extra log levels
- #7947 - Remove unused ClassOutput
- #7946 - Remove usage of deprecated WildFlyElytronProvide
- #7941 - Support static CDI observer methods
- #7940 - [oidc] Add config to trust all certs and skip hostname verification
- #7938 - ArC - support static observer methods
- #7931 - Interceptor resolution with multiple bindings is not done accordingly to the specification
- #7927 - Document RequestStreamHandler, JUnit tests, Gradle, AWS SDK Java v2, and AWS ASK SDK
- #7926 - Have the Mongo Clients initialized eagerly
- #7909 - Quarkus Funqy FaaS Framework - initial implementation
- #7902 - Make use of ExtendedMetadataBuilder in the Metrics extension
- #7900 - Add support for Vault Unwrap Token
- #7899 - Have the Mongo Clients initialized eagerly
- #7898 - Support for access log in Vert.x HTTP
- #7895 - Mongo clients should be initialized eagerly
- #7892 - Bump jgit.version from to
- #7886 - Make it possible to dump zig files in all modes
- #7875 - Make use of the new ExtendedMetadataBuilder in the Metrics extension
- #7874 - Have the Agroal datasources initialized eagerly
- #7873 - Add support for Vault TOTP secrets
- #7868 - Update to MongoDB Java driver 4.0.0
- #7867 - Updated Jackson to version 2.10.3
- #7866 - RequestStreamHandler functionality added to Amazon Lambda
- #7865 - Vault TOTP Support
- #7852 - Support for "Maven CI Friendly Versions" properties sha1 and changelist
- #7844 - Dump the zig files in dev/test modes
- #7843 - Qute - methods on Object not resolved for types declared using interfaces
- #7841 - Add test for generateConfig
- #7837 - ArC - transform unproxyable bean classes by default
- #7833 - Add Environment and Release option to logging-sentry
- #7829 - Bump debezium-core from 1.0.2.Final to 1.0.3.Final
- #7828 - Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 4.8.0 to 4.9.0
- #7821 - logging-sentry: Read additional properties from io-sentry default locations
- #7815 - Move Kogito extension out of the Quarkus core repository
- #7809 - New exception on 1.3.0.CR2 with kafka and without reasteasy
- #7792 - Bump kafka2.version from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1
- #7789 - Test on JDK 13 instead of JDK 12
- #7779 - Support for repeating qualifiers in ArC plus automated tests
- #7763 - Attempt to fix intermittent failure
- #7762 - Add support for HTTP/2
- #7754 - Bump jgit.version from to
- #7750 - Support for OIDC public-key property
- #7734 - Print warning if JDK version is older than 11
- #7732 - Support repeatable qualifier annotations
- #7730 - Print deprecation warning when Java 8 is in use
- #7725 - Qute - @TemplateExtension add priority
- #7721 - Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory due NPE
- #7720 - Remove unnecessary open modifier for Kotlin tests
- #7713 - Bump httpclient from 4.5.11 to 4.5.12
- #7707 - Qute - support nested expressions/virtual methods as virtual methods …
- #7705 - Default our JVM builds and the native CI build to JDK 11
- #7698 - Add more tests to MongoDB with Panache
- #7691 - Add some Kubernetes Client build time improvements
- #7681 - Command mode support
- #7676 - Amazon lambda archetype manage.sh add timeout and output response.txt
- #7659 - Bump freemarker from 2.3.29 to 2.3.30
- #7657 - refactor: remove CompositeMigrationResolverSubstitutions substitution since it is no longer needed
- #7637 - the
extension runsoc version
without reason - #7592 - Qute - support nested expressions/virtual methods as virtual methods parameters
- #7543 - Quarkus OIDC and HTTPS improvements
- #7527 - Panache : deleteById()
- #7510 - feat: Hibernate with Panache ranged query
- #7498 - Add logging of hibernate orm bind params
- #7443 - Implements projection inside reactive MongoDB with Panache
- #7431 - Provides multi-tenancy capabilities for MongoDB with Panache
- #7199 - QuarkusTestExtension doesn't work with @ExtendWith or @RegisterExtension
- #7185 - quarkus-kubernetes and quarkus-maven-plugin:native-image - Build failed due to errors
- #7147 - MongoDB with Panache multi-update
- #7133 - Kotlin quarkusDev with gradle: javax.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException: Normal scoped bean must not be final
- #7104 - Deprecate QuarkusNative
- #7030 - Test that CDI beans in SmallRye Health are present
- #7007 - Add health check for Vault
- #6814 - Support the Concept of @ActiveProfile from Spring CDI
- #6745 - Support Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secrets as configuration/value sources
- #6739 - Fetching credentials from Vault KV v2 fails
- #6627 - Date loose one day with JSONB
- #6607 - Configurable name for the attribute groups in the DefaultRoleDecoder.
- #6606 - quarkus-elytron-security-ldap-integration-test fails in the native mode
- #6464 - JVM arguments should be an array instead (under Gradle's QuarkusDev task)
- #6350 - Keycloak Admin Client does not work with Quarkus because it depends on RestEasy 3.x
- #6270 - Provide deleteById() for MongoDB and Hibernate with Panache
- #6062 - Vault documentation improvement secret-config-kv-path vs kv-secret-engine-mount-path
- #5924 - Update entities method with Mongo
- #5828 - Verify OIDC 'public-key' property can be used
- #5640 - [oidc] Add Ability to Skip TLS Verify
- #5556 - Support access log logging when using RESTEasy with Vert.x
- #5226 - Support LDAP identity provider
- #5183 - Multitenancy with mongodb panache extension
- #4842 - Improve the way runtime configuration is injected into CDI producers
- #4831 - HealthChecks and CDI Produces
- #4507 - Agroal datasource should be initialized eagerly
- #4460 - Bootstrap resolver should log if it is accessing the network
- #4414 - quarkus:dev not working well for kotlin projects
- #4272 - Ability to pass CDI managed instances into a recorder
- #3870 - PanacheQuery.range()
- #3626 - Support http/2 and make it available
- #3483 - Support named queries in Panache
- #3227 - Quarkus uses deprecated WildFlyElytronProvider
- #3075 - [ORM] Add option for logging bind variables
- #2923 - Class generation build items are screwy
- #2219 - quarkus-maven-plugin:create : Maven Wrapper installation fails with "SocketException: Connection reset", probably because of proxy
- #1302 - Introduce a CDI bean which encapsulates the command-line arguments