Major changes
Complete changelog
- #10872 - Add missing port flag to Amazon SES documentation
- #10869 - Added missing docker port flag for AWS SQS guide
- #10854 - Mention validator extension with @ConfigProperties
- #10849 - Remove BOM check when adding extensions in tooling
- #10848 - Bean validation in class annotated with ConfigProperties doesn't work
- #10844 - Qute docs - fix @CheckedTemplate examples
- #10841 - Fixing link format
- #10826 - Maven Add Extension command fails with error about BOM
- #10825 - Maven Archetype generates hard-coded path
- #10821 - Qute guide shows examples that do not compile
- #10820 - Synthetic observers w/ identical attributes should use unique identifier
- #10814 - Upgrade Quarkus HTTP to 3.0.12.Final
- #10806 - Duplicate classes in @startup observer generation
- #10798 - Upgrade Quarkus HTTP to 3.0.12.Final
- #10795 - HTTP/2 push fails
- #10792 - Explain which config property is failing to load
- #10777 - Return null from DirectoryClassPathElement#getResource if it can't resolve the Path
- #10774 - Take into account the RESTEasy path in SmallRye OpenAPI
- #10773 - Add jakarta version of activation-api to Jaeger extension
- #10772 - RESTEasy - skip reflect. reg. for all types from javax.json package
- #10770 - Update the ASM version in the bootstrap project
- #10762 - Upgrade SmallRye OpenAPI to 2.0.3 version
- #10755 - When minikube is being used, never push a container-image
- #10754 - Quartz - improve the error message when scheduler is disabled and org.quartz.Scheduler is injected
- #10751 - ResteasyServerCommonProcessor - fix resource method reflective scanning
- #10750 - Colon in resource @path does not work
- #10747 - Updates are not being picked up when using minikube and jib extension together
- #10739 - fix: use a less chatty version of dekorate
- #10728 - Adding OpenAPI information in the Spring-Web Guide
- #10726 - Fix race conditions in KafkaStreams startup
- #10724 - Kakfa-Streams dependency injection issue
- #10723 - Update Blaze-Persistence guide
- #10719 - fixes a property name
- #10718 - Properly determine classpath locations in Flyway
- #10708 - docs: add quickstart source code and fix typo
- #10707 - Link to the JBoss Logging Level and not the JDK one
- #10693 - funqy docs disclaimers and usage improvements
- #10675 - Make sure that test callbacks always work on the proper test method
- #10664 - Bump jaeger version, to eliminate vulnerabilities
- #10659 - docs: add resteasy-mutiny extension
- #10656 - fix from pattern in CommonPanacheQueryImpl class
- #10655 - Use JBoss Commons Logging Implementation - Amazon Alexa
- #10643 - Quarkus 1.6.0.Final does not resolve profile-scoped variables correctly in the configuration
- #10642 - Fixing the GraalVM with macOS Catalina workaround
- #10641 - Kubernetes resources get duplicated then trying to use existing resources in src/main/kubernetes
- #10639 - Log a warning for constraints on static methods and ignore them
- #10638 - Don't generate JdbcDataSourceBuildItem twice
- #10634 - Simplify fast jar dockerfiles by only using a single copy command.
- #10633 - Create a better exception message when Quartz is used
- #10629 - Support @RepositoryDefinition for Spring Data repositories
- #10624 - Add the headers end handler to the routing context
- #10623 - JUnit Extension is loaded with wrong classloader inside @QuarkusTest
- #10622 - Reactive datasource config: cache-prepared-statements is not specific to DB2
- #10620 - SSL support for reactive DB2 client
- #10617 - Method countQuery does not create select if where are line break characters (\n)
- #10616 - Openapi ignores quarkus.resteasy.path in Quarkus 1.6.0.Final
- #10615 - Added tests to Config, to ensure backwards compatibility.
- #10614 - Quarkus extension for spring data API - automatic repository implementation generation
- #10612 - Fix openapihandler request options
- #10609 - Minor CL change
- #10607 - Dev mode not working in multi module maven project in 1.6.0.Final
- #10606 - Add the missing space in the error message.
- #10605 - More fixes around dev mode TCCL
- #10604 - OPTIONS Request on /openapi => infinite loading
- #10598 - ArC - fix AnnotationStore
- #10595 - Fix exception in logs on live reload
- #10593 - ArC AnnotationStore - AnnotationTarget is incorrectly used as a key in a Map
- #10591 - Move access logs to their own section
- #10589 - Quarkus 1.6.0 doesn't build native executable when Alexa Skill extension is used.
- #10588 - Fix broken Jib with fast-jar
- #10586 - fast-jar creates a different directory structure not recognized by Jib
- #10582 - SSL support for reactive DB2 client
- #10579 - Hibernate Validator does not support constraints on static methods
- #10577 - Push the Cassandra documentation to the main repo
- #10576 - Bootstrap workspace discovery: fix infinite loop, pom model cache
- #10575 - Qute - fix incorrect behavior of Evaluator in loop sections
- #10573 - Fix issue with Opentracing and Servlet in native
- #10572 - Problem with Qute context using for and each blocks
- #10570 - Devmode, Regression in 1.6.0: Cannot override property from profile via system property
- #10568 - Fail deployment if multiple security annotations are present
- #10562 - Wait for graalVM version docker container because of possible race condition
- #10560 - Properly integrate log4j2 inside Quarkus
- #10558 - feat(#10557): Add knative cluster-local support
- #10557 - Support knative cluster-local services
- #10551 - Remote dev mode improvements
- #10550 - Add labels and annotation to minikube manifests
- #10549 - Infinite loop resolving workspace
- #10546 - Hot reload logging fixes
- #10545 - Don't send body with 403
- #10544 - Filter out Netty DEBUG level exceptions
- #10537 - Update manage.sh for updated aws cli for issue 10480
- #10535 - Update antlr4 to 4.8 to be consistent with the version used by Kogito
- #10527 - Default file.encoding system property to UTF-8 during native image build
- #10512 - add quarkusDev tips on compilerArgs
- #10488 - Ensure that %test.quarkus.http.test-port works properly
- #10486 - docs: multipart-provider is not a quarkus extension
- #10483 - Improve Security documentation
- #10477 - Random test port stopped working in 1.6.0.Final
- #10471 - Fix KafkaSASLTestResource to prevent failures in KafkaCodecTest
- #10470 - Amazon Lambda - native mode execution outside of AWS/sam container #9997
- #10469 - CI failures - KafkaCodecTest is consistently failing
- #10468 - disable daemon on wrapper generation
- #10454 - Gradle hanging in quarkus-platform-descriptor-json execution
- #10450 - Avoid very unlikely NPE
- #10446 - Stop lombok annotations from preventing no-args ctor generation
- #10443 - Remote dev mode fixes
- #10433 - Allow injection of a reactive session not wrapped in a Mutiny/CompletionStage
- #10432 - Allow injection of Mutiny.Session and Stage.Session when using Hibernate Reactive
- #10430 - Constructor injection in JAX-RS Resource which implements an interface causes an RuntimeException
- #10426 - Fix typo in max header size value
- #10424 - Remove not supported anymore bootstrap system properties from the docs
- #10421 - Ensure that duplicates don't end up in dev mode CP in multi-module projects
- #10411 - Devmode, Liquibase: Changelog file is found twice if located in another Maven module
- #10341 - Add Prometheus annotations when smallrye metrics in enabled
- #10183 - Openapi.yaml file is not consistent to api.json
- #10176 - Make sure request resumes on correct thread
- #10167 - custom kubernetes labels not added to minikube.yml
- #10041 - Flyway migrations of defined locations are not applied anymore
- #9997 - quarkus-amazon-lambda is failing with java.net.UnknownHostException in Native Mode
- #9919 - Devmode: support launching devmode with an alternate pom
- #9693 - Hot reload crashes using dev mode with vert.x-web extension
- #9086 - Native Image with Custom Config and OpenTracing
- #9069 - Make sure dev mode uses correct TCCL
- #6297 - Configuring application using application.yaml should accept directives separator
- #6209 - IllegalArgumentException: workerPoolSize must be > 0 if quarkus:dev fails to start
- #5998 - JaxRS Security wrong content-type
- #5213 - UnsupportedOperationException thrown at startup for vertx-quickstart project with Java 11