Major changes
- #23550 - Update to SmallRye Fault Tolerance 5.3.0
- #23423 - Support for OIDC Proof Of Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
- #23334 - Bump GraalVM / Mandrel version to 22.0
- #23332 - Add manifest configuration in build mojo/task
- #22960 - Add new extension Panache Hibernate Resteasy Reactive Rest Data
- #21115 - QuarkusTransaction API
- #18006 - Move assertj from BOM to build-parent
Complete changelog
- #24487 - Update liquibase xsds
- #24484 - Bump quarkus-http.version from 4.1.7 to 4.1.8
- #24479 - Update postgres, mariadb and db2 images for tests and devservices
- #24478 - Support date headers correctly in event server
- #24476 - Qute - fix validation of "cdi:" namespace expressions
- #24475 - Creates Redis RunningDevService with proper connection url
- #24473 - Redis Shared Dev Services Failed to Connect
- #24471 - Avoid French words in resteasy-reactive.adoc
- #24469 - Upgrade to Oracle JDBC drivers
- #24468 - Upgrade Oracle JDBC to
- #24467 - Support Uni and CompletionStage results for multipart responses in REST Client Reactive
- #24464 - List applicable param converters for resteasy reactive endpoints in dev ui
- #24461 - Bump wiremock-maven-plugin from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0
- #24459 - Add integrationTest tests as part of testNative task
- #24458 - More cleanup for RESTEasy Reactive switch of rest-json.adoc
- #24456 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive to 1.1.4.Final
- #24454 - Misc updates in codebase to be a bit more efficient
- #24451 - Ban org.jboss.spec.javax.el:jboss-el-api_3.0_spec
- #24450 - Support ConfigMappings and ConfigProperties injections with Instance
- #24449 - Introduce Kind extension that supports autoloading
- #24448 - Add REST Client Reactive extensions for JAXB and JSON-B
- #24447 - Improve usability of RESTEasy Reactive server and client multipart handling
- #24443 - Use loadClass rather than loadClassFromTCCL for ArC
- #24442 - Ban org.jboss.spec.javax.el:jboss-el-api_3.0_spec
- #24440 - Execute test plan with the deployment classloader as the TCCL
- #24438 - Support large file uploads with Reactive REST Client
- #24436 - Fix the Json deserializers code snippets
- #24435 - Support large file downloads with Reactive REST Client
- #24434 - Fix description of RESTEasy Reactive
- #24432 - Respect custom ConfigRoot.name in ConfigInstantiator & fix minLogLevel handling
- #24431 - Revert "Temporarily disable CliProjectJBangTest for Java 17+"
- #24427 - quarkus-rest-client-reactive does not URL encode some @QueryParam
- #24426 - quarkus-rest-client-reactive does not URL encode some @QueryParam values
- #24425 - Properly pin RESTEasy extensions to show a consistent view of both stacks
- #24422 - Fix a few issues in the JaCoCo guide
- #24420 - Initialize hibernate reactive before gRPC
- #24419 - Bump wildfly-elytron.version from 1.18.3.Final to 1.19.0.Final
- #24417 - Rename invalid path before building the uploaded artifact
- #24416 - Add a GCF Cloud Event function example in the codestart
- #24414 - Rename the RESTEasy extensions consistently to RESTEasy Classic
- #24413 - Make RESTEasy Reactive the default codestart
- #24411 - Add migration guide for RESTEasy Reactive
- #24408 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.1.3.Final
- #24407 - Add lz4-java to quarkus-bom
- #24405 - Reactive Rest client can not upload files bigger, than 2G
- #24403 - Qute message bundles - ignore loop metadata during validation
- #24402 - Reactive Rest client downloads only first 2G of file
- #24400 - Simplify stork configuration
- #24399 - Jakarta infrastructure
- #24398 - ArC - handle types of removed beans more leniently
- #24392 - Set content-length to 0 when the Reactive REST Client sends empty POST or PUT
- #24389 - Update SmallRye OpenAPI to 2.1.22
- #24388 - Bump liquibase.version from 4.8.0 to 4.9.0
- #24387 - Bump micrometer-bom from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4
- #24386 - Migrate the guides to RESTEasy Reactive
- #24383 - Bump com.gradle.enterprise from 3.8.1 to 3.9 in /devtools/gradle
- #24382 - Allow to configure Quartz misfire handling strategy
- #24381 - Make some additional address resolver options configurable
- #24380 - Last-Modified response header is not properly handled in QuarkusTests using MockHttpEventServer
- #24379 - Introduce a bash script that we can expand on to gradually transition parts of Quarkus to jakarta
- #24374 - Set proper content type for DevUI template rendering
- #24370 - Revert "Make sure Kafka serde autodetection doesn't override connector configuration"
- #24369 - Update SmallRye Config to 2.9.2
- #24368 - Ensure that connection issues can be handled in Reactive REST Client
- #24366 - DEV UI not working with nosniff http header
- #24364 - Reactive REST Client NullPointerException
- #24362 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.6.7.Final [and matching ByteBuddy]
- #24360 - Misc cleanup in extensions
- #24359 - Fix NPE when setting the logger level to null
- #24358 - NullPointer when setting logger level to null
- #24356 - Make sure Kafka serde autodetection doesn't override connector configuration
- #24355 - Fix DevServices for Keycloak UI regression
- #24354 - Add link to Neo4j call tree blog post
- #24353 - ArC - injection point validation
- #24352 - Ease restriction on native-sources type and container image extension
- #24351 - Cannot build native-source after adding container-image-buildpack extension.
- #24349 - RestClient reactive, Post without entity: Content-Length should be set to 0
- #24348 - Add ignore and timeout topics config options
- #24345 - Avoid random SmallRye Reactive Messaging Kafka Avro autodetection
- #24344 - REST Client is added to OpenAPI file
- #24342 - Add DevUI entry for RESTEasy Reactive Exception mappers
- #24338 - Removal of beans loads referenced classes
- #24337 - Provide contextualized response in dev and test when Jackson deserialization fails
- #24334 - Bump unboundid-ldapsdk from 6.0.3 to 6.0.4
- #24333 - Include Gradle configuration in test guide
- #24332 - Bump flyway.version from 8.5.2 to 8.5.4
- #24330 - Configure monitored workflows in preparation for next bot version
- #24329 - DevServices for Keycloak UI is broken on 2.8-main
- #24327 - Kafka deserializer generalization issues. Code from Kafka guide doesn't work.
- #24324 - Add sslmode/sslrootcert service binding params for postgresql
- #24323 - Added sslmode&sslrootcert Service Binding support to postgresql and cockroachdb
- #24321 - OpenTelemetry DevServices Datasource JDBC url
- #24319 - Add Ales to the notifications related to Kafka and Kafka Streams
- #24315 - Handle SIGINT in mojo prompt
- #24307 - How to create AWS lambdas using container images
- #24302 - NPE when interrupting the extension creation process
- #24301 - Arc - Introduce separate assignability rules for delegate injection points as per CDI specification
- #24282 - Allow passing a string to QuarkusApplicationClassBuildItem
- #24278 - Update Keycloak AdminClientTest
- #24275 - Smallrye Reactive Messaging 3.15.0
- #24274 - Fix Jandex Type parsing for array of primitive
- #24272 - Remove dependencies on GraalVM's SVM internal packages other than com.oracle.svm.core.annotate
- #24271 - Remove @OverRide annotations from to-be-removed API methods and replace BM#fireEvent calls
- #24270 - Scheduler - scheduled methods are not inherited
- #24269 - Enable all features of the bot for the Quarkus repository
- #24268 - Use -H:PrintAnalysisCallTreeType=CSV to generate csv call tree files
- #24255 - Support required capability in gradle extension plugin
- #24254 - Allow to configure Quartz misfire handling strategy globally that will be applied to all @scheduled methods
- #24253 - Add misfireThreshold default to QuartzRuntimeConfig.java
- #24248 - Scheduler - support static scheduled methods
- #24245 - Add connect and read timeout config to elytron ldap extension
- #24244 - Oracle Dev Service - Fix shared network JDBC URL
- #24242 - LDAP response read timed out, timeout used: 5000 ms.
- #24240 - Use project's compile root dirs instead of hardcoded source dirs
- #24239 - Write a RESTEasy Classic -> Reactive migration guide
- #24238 - Detect container runtime when using Jib
- #24236 - Support consuming json stream and ndjson in REST Client Reactive
- #24234 - Scheduler - support static scheduled methods
- #24231 - quarkus/jib: Native build fails if docker isn't installed
- #24230 - Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.2.3.Final
- #24229 - Continuous testing is not picking up custom JUnit extension from same module
- #24228 - TEST: Static method in PanacheEntity with parameters type 'array of primitive' generate error during deployment phase
- #24226 - Add config quarkus.security.auth.enabled-in-dev-mode
- #24225 - Bump Gradle version to 7.4.1
- #24220 - Add
filters to continuous testing - #24219 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.20 to 9.21
- #24218 - Bump mockito-core from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0
- #24217 - Bump grpc.version from 1.44.1 to 1.45.0
- #24216 - Support for required capabilities
- #24213 - Introduce --link-at-build-time flag for GraalVM 22.1 and later
- #24212 - @scheduled method invoked both on original bean and @Alternative bean
- #24207 - Arc - Replace hard coded String with class reference
- #24206 - Update resteasy-reactive-kotlin w/ capabilities
- #24200 - In Resteasy Reactive, fix line separator for "x-ndjson" and "stream+json".
- #24199 - Support multiple levels of JUnit Nested with QuarkusTest
- #24194 - Document regex capabilities for CORS origins
- #24193 - Enable info logs on gradle tests
- #24191 - Disable INFO logging during the analysis phase in native build
- #24189 - Bump mockito-bom from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0
- #24188 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.0.1 to 8.1.0
- #24184 - Support Stork configuration under the quarkus namespace
- #24179 - Qute message bundles - search for localized files in all app archives
- #24176 - Adjust code.quarkus.io ordering to get RESTEasy Reactive extensions grouped first
- #24175 - Do not add RESTEasy classic by default in generated projects
- #24174 - Move all the guides to use RESTEasy Reactive
- #24171 - Adds Infinispan Server @readiness probe
- #24168 - Make formatter and impsort cache version-specific
- #24164 - Cosmetic change in Results.asMessage()
- #24163 - Bump OpenTelemetry version from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0
- #24162 - Add new property to openshift config that allows appending jvm args
- #24150 - Explain how to contribute to the documentation
- #24149 - Document gradle extension plugin capabilities configuration
- #24136 - Kubernetes: Wrongly parsing JVM arguments when using commas
- #24117 - OpenTelemetry gRPC support
- #24114 - Bump awaitility from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0
- #24113 - Bump flyway.version from 8.5.1 to 8.5.2
- #24111 - Remove zookeeper from dependabot
- #24108 - Bump Keycloak version to 17.0.0
- #24105 - Quartz configuration misfireThreshold in application.properties file
- #24102 - Query hangs on invalid URI
- #24099 - Make ReactiveClientHeadersFactory replace headers instead of adding
- #24095 - Remove zookeeper from BOM
- #24090 - Qute - localization - multi-module project - need for duplicated resources/messages and beans.xml
- #24089 - Kubernetes support of SecurityContext configuration
- #24084 - Documentation - Fix Elasticsearch Dev Services config doc include
- #24076 - Add test for MongoEntity annotation usage
- #24071 - Prepare integration of the next version of reactive messaging
- #24070 - Refactor the BlockedThreadChecker log names to avoid direct dependency
- #24066 - Bump apicurio-registry-serdes-avro-serde from 2.2.0.Final to 2.2.1.Final
- #24064 - Introduce integration test source set for gradle based project
- #24061 - Manage Scala & Kotlin Awaitility extension versions
- #24054 - ReactiveClientHeadersFactory ignores rest-client @produces headers
- #24053 - Arc - mention that decorating built-in types is not supported; log a warning if we detect such case
- #24052 - Replace tags by generic synthetic metadata to be used as filter by the tooling
- #24047 - Bump formatter-maven-plugin from 2.17.1 to 2.18.0
- #24046 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1
- #24045 - Bump checker-qual from 3.21.2 to 3.21.3
- #24036 - Micrometer: provide io.quarkus.metrics capability
- #24035 - Add FrameworkEndpointsBuildStep for OTel Sampler
- #24034 - Add ability to set extension capability from gradle plugin
- #24032 - 2.7.2.Final does not start when smallrye-metrics is on classpath
- #24024 - Bump guava from 30.1.1-jre to 31.1-jre
- #24023 - Bump docker-maven-plugin from 0.39.0 to 0.39.1
- #24022 - Bump log4j-api from 2.17.1 to 2.17.2
- #24021 - Bump bctls-fips from to
- #24017 - Consistent Span name and http.route.name
- #24012 - Only start Elasticsearch Dev Services for Hibernate Search if the default backend is in use
- #24005 - Deprecate the quarkus-resteasy-mutiny extension
- #24003 - Remove redpanda image name check
- #23984 - Solution link is broken
- #23978 - Kafka dev services can not be used with redpanda images from outside of DockerHub
- #23977 - Support custom fields in JSON logging
- #23974 - Allow using Elasticsearch Dev Services by multiple extensions
- #23955 - Bump commonmark from 0.18.1 to 0.18.2
- #23948 - Timeout when using quarkus-kafka-streams extension
- #23946 - Fix Arc NPE if
is false - #23944 - ArC - log exceptions thrown by async observers
- #23943 - Warning messages for unknown build time properties
- #23942 - Support Stork configuration under the
namespace - #23941 - Quarkus-bot: area/securepipeline
- #23931 - Close Liquibase
and update liquibase-mongodb to 4.8.0 - #23930 - Bump flyway.version from 8.5.0 to 8.5.1
- #23929 -
exclude/include filter for continuous testing - #23928 - Fix project and scm urls in child project POMs
- #23926 - Remove duplicated code
- #23919 - Use dev-services in tests and documentation of the Hibernate Search extension
- #23901 - Clarify error message when trying to retrieve SearchMapping/SearchSession while Hibernate Search is disabled
- #23892 - Bump liquibase-core from 4.7.1 to 4.8.0
- #23890 - Improving docs for
- #23889 - Quarkiverse extensions can build on other OSes too
- #23881 - Use a copy of compile classpath for panache annotation processor lookup
- #23880 - Log a message when buildpack push starts/completes
- #23879 - Can't @Inject a @ConfigMapping Interface on a Validator
- #23878 - Use dev-services in tests and documentation of the Hibernate Search extension
- #23871 - Print warning when -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true is used without a container image extension
- #23868 - Add Dekorate helm annotations to the dependency management
- #23867 - Kubernetes: Update apply container decorator to implement WithConfigReferences
- #23866 - define securityContext properties for kubernetes in Quarkus application.properties
- #23864 - Quarkus GitHub bot triage improvements for Hibernate projects
- #23852 - Upgrade to
4.0.0 - #23851 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.19 to 9.20
- #23826 - gRPC - gather call statistics
- #23823 - Use EnumSet in place of HashSet for enum elements
- #23822 - Use EnumSet in place of HashSet for enum elements
- #23818 - Minor change on pkce configuration
- #23817 - Minor typo
- #23812 - Bump grpc.version from 1.44.0 to 1.44.1
- #23808 - Remove unused
- #23802 - Create launch mode-specific classpath configurations for Gradle applications
- #23800 - Rename SQLXLMFeature.java to SQLXMLFeature.java
- #23798 - Allow 0 for port assignment for Lambda
- #23795 - Fix kafka-oauth-keycloak test on GraalVM 22.1
- #23794 - Support OIDC form_post response mode
- #23781 - Qute loop - treat null as no-op, as it is handled by SingleResultNode
- #23776 - Running gradle quarkusDev fails in a multi-module Gradle project
- #23765 - Remote debug not working
- #23763 - ArC dev mode - include decorators in /q/arc endpoints and DEV UI
- #23761 - Improve naming
- #23753 - Elasticsearch Devservices
- #23748 - Remove JBoss Threads version printing when building native
- #23733 - Smallrye RM 3.14.0 with Kafka Companion test resource
- #23725 - Qute type-safe expressions - ignore wildcards in parameter declarations
- #23717 - Document Cloud Functions gen2 and Cloud Events support
- #23714 - Decorator beans to not appear in /q/arc/beans or /q/arc/removed-beans
- #23713 - ArC: Decorator for built-In Bean Event broken
- #23710 - Guard against RouteBuildItem$Builder.routeFunction not being set
- #23705 - Move LRA to separate rule for title notifications
- #23691 - Exclude some more JTA API variations
- #23690 - Bump google-http-client-bom from 1.41.3 to 1.41.4
- #23688 - Bump flyway.version from 8.4.4 to 8.5.0
- #23677 - Qute type-safe expressions - ignore wildcards in parameter declarations
- #23666 - Add the ability to specify additional exposed ports for @QuarkusIntegrationTest
- #23662 - Move all MongoDB Panache common classes to the common root package
- #23660 - LinkageError with quarkus-agroal and camel-quarkus-activemq
- #23659 - Add Stork to bot configuration
- #23657 - Kubernetes: Expose Dekorate output and allow to supply configurators
- #23653 - Fix Maven warning caused by oidc-deployment
- #23644 - Disable
on Windows - #23640 - Bump opentelemetry-alpha.version from 1.10.1-alpha to 1.11.0-alpha
- #23639 - Allow to read jobs in Scheduler
- #23636 - Dev UI Devservices screen update
- #23631 - Bump rest-assured.version from 4.4.0 to 4.5.1
- #23630 - Bump google-http-client-bom from 1.41.2 to 1.41.3
- #23626 - Bump maven-model-helper from 19 to 20
- #23611 - Mongodb update with document
- #23601 - Update to SmallRye Fault Tolerance 5.3.1
- #23597 - Support multiple Vert.x Tracers
- #23588 - Update MongoDB Panache operations
- #23581 - Random test port does not work together with amazon-lambda-http extension
- #23578 - Quarkus doesn't create a dedicated StorkInfrastructure
- #23576 - Implement the ability to inject custom configured instances of ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext
- #23570 - Move to dekorate 2.9.0
- #23567 - Bump font-awesome from 5.15.4 to 6.0.0
- #23565 - Bump bc-fips from to
- #23564 - Speedup test executions & Save the planet
- #23557 - Update OIDC DefaultTokenStateManager to support the token encryption
- #23550 - Update to SmallRye Fault Tolerance 5.3.0
- #23536 - Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.35 to 1.7.36
- #23535 - Bump kafka-oauth-client from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0
- #23530 - Revert "Upgrade mariadb-java-client from 2.7.5 to 3.0.3"
- #23528 - Allow
to coexist in same test suite - #23522 - Bump gradle version to 7.4
- #23496 - Bump docker-maven-plugin from 0.38.1 to 0.39.0
- #23495 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.18 to 9.19
- #23491 - Wrong Buildpack configuration for native
- #23488 - Use @QuarkusIntegrationTest in generated projects
- #23475 - Consistent structure in the jdbc deployment pom.xml files
- #23469 - JDBC Statement leaks after StaleStateException
- #23466 - Add
- #23465 - Fix Oracle devservices by adding missing
- #23456 - Bump opentelemetry-bom from 1.10.1 to 1.11.0
- #23451 - Add OIDC error-path property
- #23444 - Remove now unused Apache HTTP Client dependency from AWS Lambda REST
- #23443 - Clean up AWS Lambda REST dependencies
- #23430 - Bump gitflow-incremental-builder from 3.14.5 to 3.15.0
- #23428 - Database image tag alignments and updates in context of devservices
- #23427 - Bump aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-v2 from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0
- #23424 - Deprecate CopyVertxContextDataBuildItem and related cleanup as it's no longer used
- #23423 - Support for OIDC Proof Of Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
- #23399 -
fails when using Git submodules. - #23394 - Bump apicurio-registry-serdes-avro-serde from 2.1.5.Final to 2.2.0.Final
- #23393 - Bump flyway.version from 8.4.3 to 8.4.4
- #23382 - kafka-client extension - Jandex index warning
- #23377 - Qute - improve validation of insert sections
- #23373 - Quarkus OIDC session cookie encryption support
- #23372 - Use Java 11 Process redirect discard instead of custom null file
- #23369 - Move Funqy GCP function support to preview
- #23368 - Improved OpenTelemetry Resource attributes test
- #23359 - Apply minor polish to FilterUtil
- #23353 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 7.16.3 to 7.17.0
- #23352 - Bump checker-qual from 3.21.1 to 3.21.2
- #23350 - Update SmallRye OpenTracing to 2.1.0
- #23340 - Strimzi test container for Kafka Dev Services
- #23339 - Remove now unused GraalVM check in generated bytecode
- #23334 - Bump GraalVM / Mandrel version to 22.0
- #23332 - Add manifest configuration in build mojo/task
- #23329 - Update MariaDB image to 10.6 for integration tests and dev services
- #23328 - Bump microprofile-openapi-tck from 2.0.1-RC1 to 2.0.1
- #23326 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.16.1 to 9.18
- #23319 - Document OpenTelemetry @WithSpan
- #23307 - Tracing additional methods in OpenTelemetry
- #23294 - Update OpenTelemetry to 1.10.1
- #23280 - Configurable Telemetry for static resources
- #23279 - Remove quarkus-undertow-websockets
- #23274 - Process OIDC code query param only if the state cookie exists
- #23273 - Upgrade flapdoodle and tweak test mongodb configuration
- #23262 - Remove deprecated AdditionalStaticInitConfigSourceProviderBuildItem
- #23261 - Remove long deprecated for removal entries in RESTEasy Reactive
- #23260 - Remove long time deprecated quarkus.datasource.devservices
- #23259 - Misc cleanup 2022-01-28
- #23254 - New property to allow disabling authorization
- #23251 - Add commits per month badge to README
- #23249 - Upgrade mariadb-java-client from 2.7.5 to 3.0.3
- #23246 - Bump google-http-client-bom from 1.41.1 to 1.41.2
- #23245 - Bump grpc.version from 1.43.2 to 1.44.0
- #23238 - Add websockets integration tests
- #23227 - Remove the legacy create-extension mojo and the templates
- #23226 - Bump flyway.version from 8.4.2 to 8.4.3
- #23223 - Remove more unused docker images to free up space for Early Access JDK Build
- #23222 - Add default serialVersionUID to serializable classes in bootstrap model
- #23216 - Qute - implement timeout for async rendering methods
- #23212 - Fail the building docker image when a Java version mismatch exists
- #23206 - Upgrade SmallRye Health to 3.2.0
- #23202 - Bump error_prone_annotations from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0
- #23199 - Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.15.2 to 9.16.1
- #23197 - Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.33 to 1.7.35
- #23182 - Reduce clutter in logs of the Vertx HTTP tests
- #23171 - Allow to disable contextual error messages in reactive rest client
- #23168 - Extend removed resources configuration to application sources themselves
- #23156 - Bump logstash-gelf from 1.14.1 to 1.15.0
- #23147 - Add the ability to specify main MANIFEST.MF attributes from configuration
- #23144 - OpenTelemetry Vert.x integration doesn't create spans for Event Bus or SQL
- #23111 - Fix noise about missing
in GraphQL TCK module - #23098 - Add the ability for extensions to change the default blocking handling of types
- #23096 - Allow
as values ofquarkus.native.builder-image
- #23088 - Resteasy reactive - make it possible to extend the set of "non-blocking" return types
- #23086 - Select OIDC tenant using annotations
- #23074 - ResteasyReactive @context param from CDI. AWS objects CDI injectable
- #23069 - Update COMMITTERS.adoc with current process
- #23066 - Declare DB images defaults in parent POM
- #23065 - Simplify getting-started-testing example documentation
- #23048 - Dev console and UI for listing running dev services
- #23039 - Qute MessageBundles - add locale info to the error messages
- #22974 - Allow to set OIDC tenant using annotations
- #22960 - Add new extension Panache Hibernate Resteasy Reactive Rest Data
- #22928 - Use new loadClassFromTCCL method
- #22905 - Support OTel JDBC Driver in DevServices
- #22868 - Index classes using jandex plugin before starting devmode if configured
- #22832 - Rest-Client-Reactive: Custom
not accessable by MP-Fault-Tolerance - #22807 - quarkus:dev maven goal should imply process-classes
- #22777 - Rest-Client-Reactive: Allow disabling contextual error messages
- #22645 - @ThreadContextConfig does not work in Quarkus
- #22554 - Panache Rest doesn't use Reactive Hibernate
- #22483 - Resolve HttpCredentialTransport dynamically
- #22404 - JWT and OIDC challenge conflict
- #22206 - Make sure
and OIDCweb-app
mechanisms can align - #22202 - Narayana: support @DontRollback on exception type
- #22195 - OIDC: do not inspect every unauthenticated request for a
param - #22189 - OIDC: user-specified error endpoint
- #22035 - Gradle Plugin - Introduce integration test source set
- #22029 - Support OIDC form_post response mode
- #21782 - Don't autodetect Avro serde in case multiple Avro serdes are present on classpath
- #21697 - Find a generic uniform way to filter extensions across platforms based on metadata
- #21250 - AnnotationRegisteredProvidersImplementation are in unnamed module of loader 'app'
- #21115 - QuarkusTransaction API
- #20908 - Add JSON streaming for RESTEasy Reactive Jsonb and Jackson
- #20733 - Default native reports to CSV
- #19924 - @Retry shouldn't trigger Uni publisher
- #19907 - Static resources as operations in Jaeger
- #19845 - JUnit multiple levels of Nested fail with QuarkusTest
- #19230 - Support @ConfigMapping in Extensions
- #18982 - ArC - implement assignability rules for decorators delegate injection points according to the spec
- #18820 - Guide/code.quarkus.io native image testing re-work
- #18725 - Specify an Application class at build time
- #18129 - Make the use of Mandrel images easier
- #18006 - Move assertj from BOM to build-parent
- #17901 - Quarkus build docker images should emit warning when pom.xml have no "Container Image extensions"
- #17581 - Configure java agent for cloud remote debugging and set env var JAVA_OPTIONS_TOOL
- #17088 - The optional configuration group is always empty.
- #16752 - DevServices for Elasticsearch
- #13663 - RESTEasy Reactive: investigate JSON streaming
- #13052 - Gradle quarkusDev fails with multi-module runtimeOnly dependencies
- #12889 - Additional Manifest entries via POM
- #12856 - Add Support for OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE Flow
- #9791 - Add "prefix" to @configroot
- #7862 - Optional configuration groups do not work
- #7856 - @configitem Optional<Map<String,String>> does not work