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Releases: blue-oil/blueoil
Releases · blue-oil/blueoil
Major Feature
- Move dlk to blueoil/converter #786 #847 by @kchygoe
- Move lmnet to blueoil #795 #799 #802 #818 #810 #811 #813 #822 #815 #826 #833 #824 #834 #832 #835 #839 #837 #840 #841 #838 #843 #862 by @tfujiwar @iizukak @oatawa1
Features / Refactoring
- BDD100K : Test Files (#633) by @ananno
- Remove configs using convert_weight_from_darknet (#782) by @iizukak
- Support convert without GPU (#789) by @hadusam
- Make blueoil as python module (#800) by @iizukak
- Remove scripts using darknet pretrained models (#783) by @iizukak
- Update pytablewriter 0.35 to 0.47.0 (#809) by @iizukak
- Improve PR template (#828) by @iizukak
- Remove network initialization time from benchmark (#803) by @hadusam
- Unify 2 types of config format into lmnet config (#798) by @tfujiwar
- Rename lib name (#724) by @primenumber
- Change flake8 target lmnet to blueoil (#844) by @iizukak
- Remove *.requirements.txt and Add requires to setup.cfg (#825) by @iizukak
- Remove dev.requirements.txt (#848) by @iizukak
- Unify tensor name (#829) by @primenumber
- Change for multinode training (#728) by @kurarrr
- Use integer division in pre_processor (#859) by @Joeper214
- Fix cmd to be module (#863) @kchygoe
- Update pandas 0.19.2 to 1.0.1 (#866) by @iizukak
- Update prompt-toolkit 1.0.15 to 3.0.3 (#874) by @oatawa1
- Run tests as user (#870) by @hadusam
- Use integer division on configs (#873) by @Joeper214
- Use list instead (#864) by @Joeper214
- Remove unecessary gast dependency (#879) by @Joeper214
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing variable declaration in usb_camera_demo (#820) by @oatawa1
- Verify keypoint detection tutorial documentation (#827) by @oatawa1
- Fix benchmark script to measure elapsed time correctly (#816) by @hadusam
- Fix trial option and calculation (#807) by @hadusam
- Fix import nnlib (#856) by @Joeper214
- Fix checkpoint validation (#857) by @kurarrr
- Fix some files are missing in output_template (#853) by @iizukak
- Fix python files of output_template (#871) by @hadusam
- Fix is_scalar (#869) by @primenumber
Features / Refactoring
- Remove two unrequired scripts (#736) by @tk26eng
- Parallelize test-keypoint-detection (#742) by @hadusam
- Parallelized lmnet test without GPU (#738) by @hadusam
- Remove TensorFlow's bug workaround (#748) by @tfujiwar
- Add target x86_avx to make_list of convert command (#755) by @hadusam
- Split global.tpl.h into types.h and global.tpl.h (#744) by @primenumber
- Optimize concat on depth (#756) by @primenumber
- Optimize func_Split for ChHWBCl (#759) by @primenumber
- Use ChHWBCl instead of HWChBCl if can (#729) by @primenumber
- jinja free tensor_view.h (#764) by @primenumber
- Change device buf type (#767) by @primenumber
- Remove unused config (#766) by @primenumber
- Use set instead of list to check matching by using 'in' statement (#765) by @hadusam
- Remove tensorflow-on-arm dependency (#774) by @iizukak
- Update TensorFlow 1.15.0 -> 1.15.2 (#773) by @iizukak
- Change pycocotools dependency, submodule to requirements.txt (#775) by @iizukak
- Convert prob to float before finding output class in classification prediction (#745) by @lm-jira
- Rename QTZ_binary_channel_wise_mean_scaling (#659) by @Joeper214
- Remove check-dataset-storage test (#779) by @iizukak
- Remove tox.ini (#780) by @iizukak
- Rename QTZ_binary_mean_scaling (#671) by @ Joeper214
Bug Fixes
Features / Refactoring
- Add FusedBatchNormV3 support (#695) by @iizukak
- Update TensorFlow 1.15 and g++ 9 (#690) by @iizukak
- BDD100K : Tests Fixtures (#632) by @ananno
- Make compatible with python2 (#698) by @tfujiwar
- Use logging instead of print (#705) by @hadusam
- Enhance to output JSON file for benchmark (#682) by @hadusam
- Enhance to output JSON file for benchmark (#691) by @hadusam
- Add a script to generate inference-pipline.yaml for buildkite (#686) by @fujiwar
- Use depends_on instead of wait for pipeline (#707) by @hadusam
- Add a script to generate inference-pipline.yaml for buildkite (#686) by @fujiwar
- Use symlink for output_template/python/lmnet/utils/ (#688) by @yd8534976
- Add details of training to json output for benchmark (#708) by @hadusam
- Optimize func_AveragePool (#713) by @primenumber
- Optimize QuantizedConv2D ApplyScalingFactor (#716) by @primenumber
- AddV2 to Add mapping (1.15.0 -> 1.14.0) (#717) by @kalpitthakkar-lm
- Change metrics json format from list to dict (#718) by @hadusam
- Add cosine learning rate scheduling (#719) by @iizukak
- Adding support for pytest with tox for single test file (#714) by @ananno
Bug Fixes
- Fix to use logger (#706) by @hadusam
- Fix a bug on initializing benchmark results in JsonOutput (#681) by @tfujiwar
- Fixed to load config file. (#678) by @odoku
- Fix pytype return for Uint16 (#721) by @kalpitthakkar-lm
Major Feature
- Add keypoint detection blueoil interface (#626) by @yd8534976
Features / Refactoring
- Add (#625) by @suttang
- Add runtime option to docker-compose (#637) by @suttang
- Allocate temporary buffer in initialization time (#652) by @primenumber
- Remove try wrap in blueoil train command (#650) by @suttang
- Optimize and refactor usb_camera_demo (#644) by @primenumber
- BDD100K : Segmentation (#631) by @ananno
- Remove submodule which is no longer used (#657) by @kchygoe
- Optimize batchnorm (#658) by @primenumber
- Remove unused codes (#660) by @primenumber
- Add unit test for resize pre_processor (#655) by @Joeper214
- Remove dead codes (#662) by @primenumber
- Remove func_QTZ_binary_channel_wise_mean_scaling (#586) by @primenumber
- Allocate temporary buffers in Network::init (#664) by @primenumber
- Removed some unused variable definitions (#669) by @tkng
- Change default experiment_id in
(#674) by @yd8534976 - Enable OpenMP for matrix_multiplication_col3 (#675) by @primenumber
- Update numpy to 1.17.4 (#689) by @iizukak
Bug Fixes
- Fix time measurement name (#653) by @primenumber
- Fix indent and space (#654) @primenumber
- Fix include file (#667) by @primenumber
- Fix dtype of resize preprocessor (#672) by @yasumura-lm
- Fix
os.rename(output, output_file_path)
(#677) by @yd8534976
- Add tutorials for training keypoint detection (#685) by @yd8534976
Features / Refactoring
- Adding checker of hardware constrain for S2D (#624, #638) by @nlpng
- BDD100K : Renaming dataset classname (#628) by @ananno
- BDD100K : ObjDet class update (#630) by @ananno
- Remove the Model class (#635) by @nlpng
- Optimize quantized conv2d for arm (#559) by @primenumber
- Added image reading function for runtime (#577) by @yoya
- Add lm_single_pose_v1 network (#613) by @yd8534976
- Refactoring lmnet/executor/ #199 by @ruimashita
- Remove suspicious simple model (#641) by @nlpng
Bug Fixes
- Fixing to the runtime Bi-Linear Resize. (#611) by @yoya
- Fix generate lmnet config flags (quantize 1st layer and dataset prefetch) #643 by @Joeper214
- Use more proper DATA_DIR in (#640) by @yd8534976
Features / Refactoring
- Add scripts to make 32bit and 64 bit os image (#560) by @tk26eng
- Add visualize_keypoint_detection and usb camera demo (#593) by @yd8534976
- Parallelize e2e test (#605) by @suttang
- Support QUANTIZED_PACKED for debug (#622) by @primenumber
- Add time measurement functions for convert_tensor (#623) by @primenumber
- Change DLK test runner from nose2 to pytest (#604) by @hadusam
- Pad thresholds (#621) by @primenumber
- Parallelize dlk code_generation tests by architecture (#606) by @hadusam
- Add ytfaces dataset for facial landmarks detection (#610) by @yd8534976
Bug Fixes
- Fix deprecated warnings (#587) by @Joeper214
- Fix module has no attribute Remove (#609) (#616) by @yd8534976
Features / Refactoring
- Remove unused files (#539) by @primenumber
- Enable to save outputs of code gen test (#552) by @hadusam
- Remove func_ConcatV2 (#563) by @primenumber
- Create div2k dataset class (#547) by @suttang
- Revive segmentation test for ARM with hard_quantize=False (#557) by @primenumber
- MscocoObjectDetection can set optional classes and instantiate. (#525) by @takecore
- Move lmnet/utils/ to lmnet/utils/ (#570) by @suttang
- Can use host network using docker-compose (#566) by @ruimashita
- Add buf parameter of matrix layout convertion functions (#571) by @primenumber
- Refactor predict output (#579) by @suttang
- Added deprecation warning(#581) by @twille00
- Add e2e test (#536) by @suttang
- Move requirements.txt in lmnet to the top (#561) by @iizukak
- Raise TypeError in if op_type is not supported (#540) by @yd8534976
- Refactor Makefile for DLK (#588) by @primenumber
- Collect box related functions into a box module (#513) by @yd8534976
- Refactor and generalize inputs_to_string (#590) by @primenumber
- Add FormatJoints post_processor for single-person Pose estimation (#546) by @yd8534976
- Remove, (#589) by @suttang
- Implement preserve_quantization for Prod, Shape (#585) by @primenumber
- Rename view.shape and view.shape_list (#594) by @primenumber
- Add test for binary files on aarch64 platform (#556) by @hadusam
- Implement benchmark feature in (#578) by @kchygoe
Bug Fixes
- Fix dimension format for kernel (#584) by @primenumber
- Fix docker layers and stage for local development (#580) by @kchygoe
- Fix typo in (#583) by @Joeper214
- Extend timeout of dlk tests (#576) by @hadusam
- Fix dlk/examples YAML some files. #554 by @yoya
Features / Refactoring
- Remove duplicated method definitions in (#499) by @tkng
- Remove redundant files in in dlk (#500) by @nlpng
- Remove unnecessary code generation tests (#510) by @hadusam
- Add segmentation test of code generation for ARM/FPGA (#511) by @hadusam
- Rebuild cli structure (#514) by @suttang
- Refactoring dlk/tests/ (#518) by @hadusam
- Add fpga_setup flag for setUpClass (#520) by @hadusam
- Optimize func_QTZ_linear_mid_tread_half for float output (#524) by @primenumber
- Create docker-compose.yml (#526) by @suttang
- Moved specification folder from lmnet/docs to docs (#537) by @mosesds
- Add code generation test for aarch64 (#521) by @hadusam
- Add object_keypoint_similarity metrics for single pose estimation (#517) by @yd8534976
- Reduce buffer size (#522) by @primenumber
- Remove unrequired .gitignore file (#538) by @tk26eng
- Remove Docker related files in lmnet directory. (#543) by @AlecJ
- Update Pillow to 6.2.1 (#553) by @Joeper214
- Update dlk tensorflow to 1.14.0 (#551) by @suttang
Bug Fixes
- Fix lm_resnet skip connection for unusual dimension (#504) by @nlpng
- Fix import error without FPGA_HOST environment variable (#535) by @hadusam
- Fix class name when generating metrics for Object Detection (#494) by @Joeper214
- Remove Outdated LMnet Docs (#541) by @Joeper214
Features / Refactoring
- Automatically enable Horovod when multiple GPU IDs are specified #393 by @tkng
- Remove TVM dependency #411 by @iizukak
- Remove a redundant semicolon from dlk
#427 by @serihiro - Delete absolute mode path from train executor #431 by @yasumura-lm
- Update TF version to 1.14.0, Horovod version to 0.18.1 #440 by @tkng
- Remove codes for old IP #443 by @primenumber
- Add image_size and project_name interfaces in blueoil convert #416 by @kchygoe
- Remove check-dataset-storage from 'make test-lmnet' #453 by @ruimashita
- Remove py35 target on test-lmnet #450 by @suttang
- Improve import order by isort #455 by @tkng
- Update split operator #405 by @nlpng
- Clean up tf importer #457 by @nlpng
- Well managed file descriptor and mmap-ed memory #454 by @primenumber
- Fix depth calculation for concat_on_depth #460 by @primenumber
- Remove git log output in dlk test which is unused any longer #465 by @kchygoe
- Allocate proper array size #463 by @primenumber
- Unify load_image() in lmnet #449 by @yd8534976
- Optimize batchnorm #469 by @primenumber
- Optimize matrix_shift_add #464 by @primenumber
- Update pytest version to 5.2.0 #487 by @tkng
- Layout-generalized concat_on_depth #472 by @primenumber
- Remove cURL from docker image #486 by @Sjesc
- Remove imagemagick from dockerfile #493 by @Joeper214
- Use enum class instead of struct #496 by @primenumber
- Add MSCOCO_2017 dataset for single pose #429 by @yd8534976
- Remove dlk dockerfiles which is not used any longer #501 by @kchygoe
- Remove LmThingsOnATable class #461 by @Joeper214
- Fix matrix multiplication for Arm #506 by @primenumber
Bug Fixes
- Fix debug option in the dlk #395 by @nlpng
- Fix mmap error check #447 by @primenumber
- Fix resize_nearest_neighbor support in #437 by @yd8534976
- Fix typos #434 #439 #423 by @tkng, @suttang
- Fix to save image in png format correctly in lmnet/executor/ #456 by @ruimashita
- Remove debug display #432 by @suttang
- Use CUDA stab instead of specifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH by #425 @hadusam