Major changes
- #12531 - Kafka metrics
- #12505 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.22.Final and matching Hibernate Reactive 1.0.0.Alpha10
- #12470 - Update SmallRye Reactive Messaging to 2.4.0 and Mutiny to 0.9.0
- #12144 - Introduce dedicated JAXP extension
- #12001 - Remove the legacy datasource configuration
- #11908 - Support multiple Redis clients
- #11864 - Bean Validation support in reactive routes
- #11798 - Add the @TestTransaction annotation
- #11775 - Introduce quarkus-rest-client-mutiny extension
- #11760 - OpenShift container image extension
Complete changelog
- #12576 - Support Liquibase changelog parameters
- #12575 - Drop log entry when closing the Kubernetes client
- #12573 - GraphQL fix for Windows build
- #12572 - GraphQL deployment schema test failing consistently on Windows
- #12570 - add missing 'quickly' build profile to the independent projects
- #12568 - Fix potential hang in VertxInputStream
- #12567 - remote-dev does not watch config files
- #12565 - remote-dev is not taking into account HotDeploymentWatchedFileBuildItem
- #12562 - Bump formatter-maven-plugin from 2.12.2 to 2.13.0
- #12560 - Bump swagger-ui from 3.34.0 to 3.35.0
- #12558 - Fix various typos
- #12556 - Fix NPE while parsing CloudEvent time
- #12553 - Disable kubernetes http2 in kubernetes mock server
- #12552 - Update Infinispan to 11.0.4
- #12550 - Disable KotlinGRPCProjectBuildTest for now
- #12547 - Check naming strategy in Spring Boot properties
- #12543 - Update Strimzi version in examples
- #12542 - Update Strimzi container image versions
- #12541 - Kubernetes - Don't create a service account if not needed
- #12539 - Update Kafka Streams Quickstart documentation with Mutiny example
- #12538 - Update Kafka Quickstart documentation with Mutiny example
- #12537 - Update AMQP Quickstart documentation with Mutiny example
- #12536 - quarkus:create-extension Support external parent POMs
- #12534 - Remove parentheses from RETURNING clauses in Reactive SQL Clients guide
- #12533 - Bump kubernetes-client to 4.12.0
- #12531 - Kafka metrics
- #12527 - Update doc references to refer to Micrometer, and make it the preference
- #12524 - Correct reflection warning/error
- #12520 - Use Mutiny instead of RxJava in the Kafka Stream guide
- #12519 - Use Mutiny instead of RxJava in the AMQP guide
- #12518 - Use Mutiny instead of RxJava in the Kafka guide
- #12513 - Qute - improve unparsed character data
- #12505 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.22.Final and matching Hibernate Reactive 1.0.0.Alpha10
- #12503 - Fix i18n documentation
- #12501 - Support SmallRye Config 1.9.1
- #12499 - Create Extension Maven goal does not honor grandparent settings
- #12496 - Remove unnecessary var assignement breaking snapshot ci job
- #12491 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.1 to 2.15.2
- #12490 - Bump jackson-bom from 2.11.2 to 2.11.3
- #12489 - MongoDB - Batch Size On Aggregate Options & Find Options
- #12488 - Upgrade SmallRye OpenAPI to 2.0.10
- #12483 - Spring @ConfigProperties bindings are not relaxed
- #12482 - ArC docs - fix build time metadata availability
- #12481 - Update SmallRye GraphQL to 1.0.12
- #12478 - Warn for weird cases handling @timed methods
- #12470 - Update SmallRye Reactive Messaging to 2.4.0 and Mutiny to 0.9.0
- #12468 - Qute reference guide updates
- #12465 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.0 to 2.15.1
- #12462 - Add warning for MP Metric API usage with Micrometer
- #12454 - kafka very noisy in dev mode (master)
- #12453 - Avoid ContainerFilter import
- #12452 - Packaging native image fails with SmallRye GraphQL
- #12450 - Set 'Secured' property for Form authentication cookies
- #12448 - Integrate AzureMonitorRegistry into Micrometer Extension
- #12445 - Disable Keycloak Authorization TLS checks if required
- #12442 - Problem with invalid certification
- #12441 - Form based authentication cookie will soon be rejected
- #12435 - quarkus-micrometer does not work with quarkus-kafka-streams
- #12431 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.28 to 2.15.0
- #12428 - Qute type-safe templates: generate optimized value resolvers
- #12411 - Don't download the full AWS SDK every time
- #12407 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.25 to 2.14.28
- #12406 - Add tip for making gdb aware of the sources cache
- #12405 - Avoid copying sources directly in the source cache
- #12404 - Changed Execute objcopy command log message to debug
- #12402 - SmallRye GraphQL conflict with same enum names in different models
- #12399 - Deprecate OIDC xhr-auto-redirect and add java-script-auto-redirect properties
- #12396 - Fix the blocked thread issue caused by combining OIDC introspection and userinfo requests
- #12395 - When JWT token is expired Runtime exception is thrown
- #12394 - Combining OIDC introspection and userinfo calls causes Vert.x thread to block
- #12385 - Micrometer @timed and @counted
- #12383 - Unable to build a native image with GraalVM 20.2 and debug enabled
- #12381 - Mailer extension ITs
- #12378 - Codestart mixed loading
- #12374 - Improve error reporting in OIDC extension
- #12368 - Add micrometer to issue auto-labelling configuration
- #12366 - Fix broken Kubernetes tests
- #12365 - KubernetesConfigWithSecretsTest is failing the build
- #12360 - Defaults for kubernetes mock server
- #12357 - The reflection link is broken in your CDI page
- #12354 - Bump debezium-core from 1.2.4.Final to 1.2.5.Final
- #12352 - Bump aws-alexa-sdk.version from 2.34.0 to 2.35.0
- #12351 - Improve Debugging experience by copying sources
- #12344 - Don't re-initialize ThreadLocalRandom in GraalVM > 20.2
- #12343 - io.micrometer.core.annotation.Timed doesn't work
- #12335 - Enable quarkus:list-extensions in an empty dir
- #12332 - Bump mockito.version from 3.5.11 to 3.5.13
- #12331 - Bump mariadb-java-client from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0
- #12330 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.24 to 2.14.25
- #12328 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.11 to 3.5.13 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #12327 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.11 to 3.5.13 in /devtools/gradle
- #12326 - Remove unnecessary code from RestClientRecorder
- #12325 - Remove unnecessary code in RestClientRecorder wrt ResteasyProviderFactory
- #12322 - Create GH Action codestart
- #12321 - Skip jbang execution on -Dquickly
- #12320 - Support OIDC hybrid application type
- #12318 - Allow codestarts to be manually selected in CreateProject command
- #12315 - Upgrade to Debezium 1.2.5.Final
- #12309 - Remove reference to metrics classes in deployment
- #12308 - Re-enable Vault tests
- #12306 - Bump aws-lambda-java-events from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
- #12305 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.23 to 2.14.24
- #12297 - Support OIDC hybrid application type
- #12296 - build items doc: Make sure parent dir exists
- #12295 - Make OIDC CodeAuthenticationMechanism work with the proactive-auth disabled
- #12291 - refactor: Remove obsolete decorators
- #12289 - Quarkus Micrometer and Reactive Messaging kafka conflict
- #12288 - Kubernetes hostAliases property
- #12284 - Update to quarkus-security 1.1.3.Final
- #12280 - Reactive routes - inject throwable for a failure handler
- #12278 - Bump io.dekorate to 0.12.11
- #12274 - Remove xstream from dependabot
- #12271 - Deprecate QuarkusTestBeforeAllCallback
- #12270 - Bump RESTEasy to 4.5.8.Final
- #12269 - generated Kubernetes resources : roleBinding.yaml: object name does not conform to Kubernetes naming requirements
- #12268 - [OIDC] Config inheritance for multi-tenancy OIDC
- #12264 - Replaced eclipse-minimal-json with Jackson
- #12263 - Use correct classes in test package
- #12259 - Move gradle buildscript test in integration test project
- #12258 - Update the Axle and Mutiny Vert.x clients to version 1.2.1
- #12251 - Forward protoc log to console for gradle project
- #12250 - QuarkusTestBeforeAllCallback is run before every @test method
- #12249 - Reactive routes - inject throwable for a failure handler
- #12247 - Bump swagger-ui from 3.32.5 to 3.34.0
- #12242 - Vault health check not disabled as documented, and explicit disable does not work
- #12240 - Use micrometer in main IT; add smallrye-metrics IT
- #12239 - UserInfo support for OIDC service endpoints
- #12236 - ArC - basic support for single-letter classes in the default package
- #12227 - OIDC: User-Info for type
- #12226 - Qute: bunch of performance improvements
- #12225 - add TrimmedStringConverter to methods in CORSConfig.
- #12220 - Introduce BansRuntimeDependency for extensions/*
- #12216 - RestClientProcessor does not handle classes/interfaces generated during build
- #12213 - Mutiny 0.8.1
- #12209 - Support vertx-web and micrometer
- #12207 - Clean jandex index after test
- #12206 - Adds new property to configure "hibernate.format_sql" in the application.properties
- #12204 - Allow configuration of Hibernate to disable "format_sql" property
- #12203 - Update ADOPTERS.md
- #12201 - Bump mockito.version from 3.5.10 to 3.5.11
- #12200 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.10 to 3.5.11 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #12199 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.10 to 3.5.11 in /devtools/gradle
- #12198 - Add OIDC SecurityEvent
- #12197 - Re-introduce removed configuration in Redis extension to support minimum backward compatibility
- #12191 - Fix Gradle test-fixtures class loading issues
- #12189 - Fix dependency issues causing build problems
- #12186 - Qute: add logical AND and OR operators
- #12183 - Update Redis connection property documentation to reflect latest changes
- #12182 - Quarkus won't start if both the micrometer extension and the vertx-web extension are enabled
- #12174 - Bump debezium-core from 1.2.3.Final to 1.2.4.Final
- #12172 - Update SmallRye Config to 1.9.0
- #12170 - Fix maven wrapper not working in codestarts
- #12169 - Update to Vert.x 3.9.3
- #12162 - Add a warning about usage of the clone() method on entities
- #12161 - Use Java 15 in CI instead of Java 14
- #12160 - chore: Upgrade dekorate to 0.12.9
- #12159 - Simplify build instructions: apply Maven heap settings automatically
- #12157 - Allow a different binary when running docker
- #12147 - Generate an "All Build Items" documentation page
- #12146 - No more runtime / deployment BOMs
- #12145 - Add OidcAuthenticationListener for capturing important code flow events
- #12144 - Introduce dedicated JAXP extension
- #12142 - Support '*' in CORS configuration
- #12141 - Throw a build exception if the deprecated datasource config is used
- #12138 - Do not rely on svm scope set to provided in the BoM
- #12135 - Allow the use of podman for creating a container-image
- #12132 - Use DotNames for BeanValidationAnnotationsBuildItem
- #12129 - JAXP extension
- #12128 - Qute: add basic date-time formatting support
- #12127 - Allow configuring the RestAssured timeouts and provide sensible defaults.
- #12124 - Add knative to auto-labeler
- #12123 - Remove lambdas from runtime metrics code
- #12119 - Bump maven-model-helper to 16
- #12112 - Implement report for the snapshot deployment build
- #12108 - Add support for passing custom headers in Spring Cloud Config
- #12107 - Replace CommandLineArgumentsProducer with a synthetic bean
- #12105 - Maven Model Merger is messing with properties order in Codestarts
- #12100 - JUnit 5 version should match in ArC too
- #12099 - Add support for HTTP headers in Spring Cloud Config Client extension
- #12098 - Bump aws-lambda-java-events from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
- #12096 - Bump junit-bom from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0
- #12092 - Bump junit-jupiter from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0 in /devtools/gradle
- #12091 - Bump junit-jupiter from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #12090 - OIDC CodeAuthenticationMechanism does not work if the proactive authentication is disabled
- #12076 - AdditionalBeanBuildItem - clarify javadoc and improve the transformer
- #12075 - caffeine: register CacheLoader and implementors for reflection
- #12074 - caffeine: register CacheLoader and implementors for reflection
- #12073 - Add wellness health handling
- #12071 - /health/well is not exposed
- #12070 - Introduce the quarkus.container-image.image property
- #12060 - Bump wildfly-elytron.version from 1.12.1.Final to 1.13.0.Final
- #12057 - Define the version of the main wildfly-elytron artifact
- #12054 - Bump snakeyaml from 1.26 to 1.27
- #12051 - Only create the Reactive PoolProducers and health check beans if we produce a pool
- #12044 - Allow adding /health endpoint to OpenAPI using config
- #12043 - Unsatisfied dependency for type io.vertx.db2client.DB2Pool and qualifiers with Quarkus master, works with 1.8.0.Final
- #12038 - Update gRPC to 1.32.1
- #12037 - enable uber-jar for cli to make it directly runnable
- #12036 - quarkus-config-yaml causes ClassCastException
- #12034 - Bump aws-alexa-sdk.version from 2.33.0 to 2.34.0
- #12030 - Multi project codestart
- #12028 - Qute RESTEasy Integration - document RestTemplate
- #12025 - Move QuarkusModelBuilderTest from the plugin module to Gradle IT
- #12016 - Bump commons-io from 2.7 to 2.8.0
- #12013 - Bootstrap Maven: support for MAVEN_OPTS and properties with whitespaces
- #12011 - security jpa documentation update
- #12004 - Hibernate ORM build error during enhancement of entity
- #12001 - Remove the legacy datasource configuration
- #11990 - Activate RequiresMinimalDeploymentDependency rule for tcks and add min deps
- #11987 - Avoiding deprecated code in KubernetesClientUtils
- #11986 - Problem connecting to Redis Cluster on sentinel type
- #11982 - Add OpenShift Client extension
- #11980 - ArC - distinguish "bean archive" and "additional" index
- #11978 - Log a warning if model for default PU and no default datasource
- #11967 - Allow to ignore explicit JAX-RS application-classes
- #11966 - Allow configuration of JAX-RS application-class if multiple exist
- #11965 - Config property to include health endpoints in OpenAPI definition
- #11959 - Cleanup the log records held in-memory, in Quarkus test extensions
- #11958 - Change RedisClientProcessor to singleton
- #11953 - Bump smallrye-common-bom from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0
- #11950 - Adding fetch configuration option to hibernate-orm module
- #11947 - Test for listing extensions-Gradle
- #11943 - Use smallrye-common-bom 1.4.0
- #11939 - JSON exporter for Micrometer
- #11938 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta10
- #11937 - Support for combining OIDC with other auth mechanisms
- #11924 - Register a global exception handler on the Vert.x instance so uncaught exceptions are logged properly.
- #11908 - Support multiple Redis clients
- #11904 - Re-enable tests that should now work
- #11881 - Add an SPI BuildItem to publish detected Bean Validation annotations
- #11879 - quarkus-integration-test-vault needs to be fixed
- #11876 - Remove unused field
- #11871 - Bump narayana.version from 5.10.5.Final to 5.10.6.Final
- #11865 - Support for custom token headers for OIDC service applications
- #11864 - Bean Validation support in reactive routes
- #11863 - Generic Type arguments of producer method needs to be in a bean archive
- #11854 - Fix list output problem in tests
- #11853 - Quarkus cli test failing
- #11848 - CDI programmatic lookup - detect "unused" false positives at runtime
- #11819 - Bootstrap Maven: consult MAVEN_OPTS for relevant options
- #11813 - Gradle tests failing when releasing
- #11803 - Add some logging to codestarts
- #11798 - Add the @TestTransaction annotation
- #11790 - Customize access token header in OIDC for API
- #11789 - Rename ContextAwareTokenCredential to OidcTokenCredential and move it out of the runtime package
- #11787 - Don't use JSON formatted logs for main integration tests
- #11783 - KubernetesClientTest.testInteractionWithAPIServer is failing
- #11775 - Introduce quarkus-rest-client-mutiny extension
- #11774 - Test failures not clear on root causes
- #11769 - Rest assured timeouts are way too big
- #11760 - OpenShift container image extension
- #11661 - Allow removing version from Kubernetes label selectors
- #11629 - Use HTTPS for the elytron-undertow tests
- #11614 - Integrate Mutiny 0.8.0
- #11590 - Add ability to export ports in Jib
- #11572 - Reactive messaging Emitter interface is missing Mutiny integration
- #11565 - MongoDB - Batch Size On Aggregate Options
- #11558 - Support multiple Redis clients
- #11552 - quarkus 1.7.0.Final gradle plugin hides errors from protoc compilation
- #11541 - {[ and ]} with Qute
- #11527 - Add a new config category quarkus.hibernate-orm.fetch
- #11517 - Improve robustness of our devtools Gradle code
- #11467 - Command line arguments are not properly passed along when using quarkus.args
- #11450 - Quarkus CLI 2.0
- #11406 - Gradle Test task with Quarkus is not always cached
- #11318 - Gradle Test fixtures do not work when Running Unit tests with IntelliJ
- #11303 - Improve robustness of our devtools Gradle code
- #11285 - Qute: document under what conditions are special characters escaped
- #11181 - Date and Time Formatting for Qute
- #11174 - Enforce the rule "don't use runtime dependencies in deployment artifacts"
- #11142 - Support for additional test-to-main directory mappings
- #11101 - gRPC tests not working when releasing
- #11084 - Find a way to inform the consumer (print or result) about the Codestart processing
- #11070 - Kubernetes extension should not use version in labelselectors
- #10990 - Reactive routes - support Bean Validation for parameters and return value
- #10907 - Make RoutingContext available in SecurityIdentityAugmentor
- #10769 - Panache reactive based on Hibernate Reactive
- #10431 - REST Data Panache dev mode
- #10265 - mvn:quarkus produce : The AMQP message to address
has not been sent, the client is closed - #10133 - Spring MVC @RequestParam encoding problem on UTF-8
- #9980 - Quarkus 1.8.1.Final + infinispan-client and deletion of Marshaller.class files
- #9945 - Create a "All Build Items" page
- #9709 - Introduce a quarkus-rest-client-mutiny extension
- #9510 - Error with HTTP POST using "REST Data with Panache" extension
- #9283 - control over kubernetes service account generation / kubernets-client issue
- #8790 - Qute: document
- #8588 - Support GitLab CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE variable for container build.
- #7376 - Qute type-safe templates - generate optimized value resolvers
- #6463 - @transactional annotation doesn't work in JUnit tests
- #5422 - quarkus.http.cors.origins=* should be supported
- #3200 - Implement OpenshiftClient on Kubernetes Client Extension