Releases: Breakthrough-Energy/PostREISE
Releases · Breakthrough-Energy/PostREISE
What's Changed
- Fix typo in argument to workflow trigger by @jenhagg in #349
- Add note and print statement to describe function's behavior by @rouille in #350
- Update plotting documentation by @jenhagg in #351
- docs: switch order of plots to match notebook by @jenhagg in #352
- Write tests for plotting function plot_scatter_capacity_vs_capacity_factor by @rouille in #353
- Write tests for plotting function plot_scatter_capacity_vs_cost_curve_slope by @rouille in #356
- Write tests for plotting function plot_scatter_capacity_vs_curtailment by @rouille in #358
- Write tests for plotting function plot_pie_generation_vs_capacity by @rouille in #360
- Improve test coverage for plotting function plot_bar_shortfall by @rouille in #362
- Write tests for plotting function plot_tornado by @rouille in #364
- Relocate function by @rouille in #367
- ci: update action versions by @jenhagg in #368
- Fix docstrings by @rouille in #369
- Write test for plotting function plot_carbon_bar by @rouille in #371
- Write test for plotting function map_plant_capacity by @rouille in #373
- Fix warnings raised by tests by @rouille in #375
- chore(deps): bump oauthlib from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 by @dependabot in #376
- Add Slack badge to README by @rouille in #377
- Clean up by @rouille in #379
- Regenerate pipenv lockfile by @rouille in #380
- Update dependencies by @rouille in #382
- Fix indent in code snippet by @rouille in #383
- chore: bump version to 0.5.3 by @rouille in #384
- Merge develop into master for 0.5.3 release by @rouille in #385
Full Changelog: v0.5.2...v0.5.3
What's Changed
- Remove issue and pull request template so default takes effect by @kasparm in #333
- Clean up tox file and fix warnings by @rouille in #334
- Remove obsolete module by @rouille in #336
- chore(deps): bump paramiko from 2.9.2 to 2.10.1 by @dependabot in #335
- Improve code coverage by @rouille in #337
- Describe scenarios used in tutorial by @rouille in #340
- Update dependencies by @jenhagg in #342
- ci: trigger stable image build by @jenhagg in #343
- Remove dependency on ScenarioInfo objects by @rouille in #344
- chore(deps): bump pillow from 9.1.0 to 9.1.1 by @dependabot in #345
- Update PowerSimData version by @rouille in #346
- chore: bump version to 0.5.2 by @rouille in #347
- Merge develop into master for v0.5.2 release by @rouille in #348
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.5.2
Closed Issues
- Refactor maps (#304)
Merged Pull Requests (features)
Merged Pull Requests (fixes, etc.)
- ci: remove unnecessary clone step (#319) (@jon-hagg)
- fix: remove filter on coverage measurement (#320) (@jon-hagg)
- docs: improve section on documentation in README (#324) (@rouille)
- docs: change author (#325) (@rouille)
- Update assignees for issue templates (#326) (@kasparm)
- refactor: get bus_demand via Scenario method instead of import (#328) (@danielolsen)
- style: update code style to latest black version (#329) (@danielolsen)
- chore: bump versions of PostREISE, Python, and dependencies (#330) (@danielolsen)
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1
Closed issues
- Recalibrate US map of emission using bars (#186)
- Refactor shortfall figure (#235)
- Scatter plot of capacity vs capacity factor (#236)
- Integrate heatmap figure (#237)
- Integrate power flow snapshot figure (#238)
- Clean up (#239)
- Scatter plot of capacity vs curtailment (#244)
- Scatter plot of cost curve slopes vs capacity (#246)
- Generation stacked bar chart (#258)
- MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The 's' parameter of annotate() has been renamed 'text' since Matplotlib 3.3 (#259)
- Bar plot of total capacity, actual generation and minimum generation per zone (#263)
- Bar plot of total capacity, actual generation and available energy per zone (#264)
- Transmission upgrades visualization refactor (#267)
- Storage line and fill can be misaligned in plot_generation_time_series_stack (#275)
- Documentation including plots should be reproducible (#280)
- Refactor plot_renewable_capacity_map (#281)
- Add scatter plot of capacity vs capacity factor to tutorial (#282)
- Add scatter plot of capacity vs cost curve slope to tutorial (#285)
- Add scatter plot of capacity vs curtailment to tutorial (#287)
- Add utilization map to tutorial (#290)
- Rename plot_upgrades_map to plot_transmission_upgrades mapsion upgrade (#293)
- Refactor states plotting (#305)
Merged pull requests (features)
- Retire analyze_pg and multi folder (#243) (@BainanXia)
- feat: add heatmap plot (#245) (@danielolsen)
- scatter plot capacity vs capacity factor (#251) (@BainanXia)
- Create dockerfile (#252) (@dmuldrew)
- scatter capacity vs curtailment (#256) (@BainanXia)
- scatter capacity vs cost curve slope (#261) (@BainanXia)
- bar generation stack plot (#262) (@BainanXia)
- README, tutorial and code improvement (#265) (@rouille)
- feat: improve flexibility of utilization, risk, and bind maps (#266) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: move cost calculation function to separate module (#269) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: add flexibility to plot_upgrades_map (#271) (@danielolsen)
- bar generation max vs actual vs min (#292) (@BainanXia)
- bar renewable max vs profile vs actual (#295) (@BainanXia)
- refactor: rewrite map_plant_capacity function for flexibility (#300) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: improve the flexibility of the transmission upgrades map (#301) (@danielolsen)
- Refactor states plotting (#306) (@rouille)
Merged pull requests (fixes, etc.)
- docs: fix link to function in docstring (#248) (@rouille)
- Update dependencies (#249) (@jon-hagg)
- ci: add pep8-naming check to flake8 (#250) (@jon-hagg)
- docs: fix link to functions in docstrings (#254) (@rouille)
- ci: build and push docker image (#257) (@jon-hagg)
- fix: install ipywidgets for tqdm progress bar (@jon-hagg)
- chore: change file permission (#268) (@rouille)
- chore: add data CSVs to package_data (#270) (@danielolsen)
- chore: remove seaborn from requirements (#272) (@danielolsen)
- chore: create bug report issue template (@273) (@rouille)
- ci: add workflow_dispatch trigger to docker build (#274) (@jon-hagg)
- generation stack plot bug fix (@276) (@BainanXia)
- ci: add coverage report to pytest (#278) (@jon-hagg)
- Add scatter plot of capacity vs capacity factor to tutorial (#283) (@rouille)
- chore: create feature request issue template (#284) (@rouille)
- Add scatter plot of capacity vs cost curve slope to tutorial (#286) (@rouille)
- Add scatter plot of capacity vs curtailment to tutorial (#288) (@rouille)
- Add utilization map to tutorial (#291) (@rouille)
- Rename plot_upgrades_map to plot_transmission_upgrades map (#294) (@rouille)
- Add logo and badges to README (#296) (@rouille)
- Update dependencies (#297) (@jon-hagg)
- fix: correct bug where get_dcline_differences fails for DC lines connected to new buses (#299) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: move code snippets to files (#302) (@jon-hagg)
- Update dependencies (#303) (@jon-hagg)
- Simplify process to generate plotting documentation (#307) (@jon-hagg)
- chore: bump version number to v0.5.0 (#309) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: replace function definitions with imports from powersimdata (#310) (@danielolsen)
- Update dependencies (#311) (@jon-hagg)
- Upload coverage report (#312) (@jon-hagg)
- chore: fix yaml and add badge (#313) (@jon-hagg)
- docs: clarify PowerSimData dependency (#314) (@rouille)
- Fix import statements (#315) (@rouille)
- Update dependencies (#316) (@jon-hagg)
- Update packaging and docker related workflows (#317) (@jon-hagg)
Closed Issues:
- Implement Pipelines Phase 1 (#196)
- LMP map hover-over tips and web compatibility (#190)
- turbines map - demo and code (#179)
- Transmission "traffic map" web compatibility (#178)
- Renewable capacity added (aka renewables at retirements) map function (#177)
- US states goals map - update code and create demo notebook (#175)
- Curtailment time series by area (#172)
- Create functions that operate on indices of time series (#164)
- Create functions that check input parameters type and value (#157)
- Add emissions analysis for more pollutants than just CO2 (#156)
- Factor out functions that check input parameters (#152)
- Refactor map projection (#150)
- Rename modules and notebooks for consistency (#148)
- Refactor PostREISE modules to use generator constants (#146)
- Enable USA plotting in AnalyzePG class (#144)
- Update import statements (#142)
- Refactor website tests [ongoing] (#139)
- Bokeh web map compatibility (#131)
- bokeh map changes to work with bokeh_upload_demo.ipynb (#128)
- Update init files (#124)
- Add linting to PostREISE (#123)
- os package dependencies for matplotlib (#120)
- LMP map improve (#117)
- Move plots and features in the spot check integration script into codebase (#116)
- UI for filter control bar (#112)
- Eastern mapping visualization improvements (#109)
- barplot overlay on US state map visualization tool (#106)
- color code by us state (#103)
- improve utilization mapping (#101)
- Update carbon emission maps (#99)
- [deleted] (#93)
- Reorganize analyze (#87)
- AnalyzePG stack plots are fragile due to 'negative curtailment' (#85)
- Calculate Averaged CONGU and CONGL (#82)
- Add analysis of capacity value of VRE generators (#80)
- Delete Output MAT-file Following Extraction (#78)
- Save MAT-file to be read by MATReader object (#75)
- [deleted] (#72)
- Use Pmin and Pmax (#67)
- Add most recent spot check code to PostREISE (#65)
- User test internal MVP dashboard (#61)
- Finish internal MVP Dashboard (#60)
- Add Storage to Stacked Time Series (#38)
- Extract SolveTime and Optimization time from matlab output (#28)
- Extract power flow profile for DC lines (#27)
- Plot Texas and Texas+Western scenarios (#25)
- fix: double-extracting congestion lower, not extracting upper (#23)
- Linux specific call to server. (#19)
- Investigate branches that have 0 powerflow in Western Base Case (#15)
- WECC Congestion Analysis - General Function Development (#13)
- Transfer Data (#10)
- check why hydro is curtailed, according to Ben's generation and demand plots (#7)
- Check why hydro power is curtailed according to Ben's generation and demand plots (#6)
- Automatic Transmission-line Congestion Analysis (#5)
- Don't exit python but rather return or throw an exception. (#4)
- Create proper timer in extract (#1)
Merged pull requests (features):
- Implement shortfall bar chart (#240) (@BainanXia)
- Improve flexibility of state line plotting function (#234) (@danielolsen)
- feat: abstract grid model (#233) (@rouille)
- Implement pie chart generation vs capacity (#231) (@BainanXia)
- Implement bar charts for generation vs capacity (#215) (@BainanXia)
- feat: add option to create bokeh figures for the website (#203) (@merrielle)
- Add transmission upgrade comparison plots (#202) (@danielolsen)
- Factor out generation and curtailment plots (#201) (@BainanXia)
- Improve flexibility of map plots (#199) (@danielolsen)
- LMP Map: hover tips and web compatibility for mapping visualization (#191) (@victoriahunt)
- Transmission utilization, risk and binding incidents maps improvement (#189) (@victoriahunt)
- Renewable capacity map (#188) (@victoriahunt)
- State goals web map (#176) (@victoriahunt)
- Carbon map web legend (#174) (@victoriahunt)
- Aggregate curtailment time series by area (#173) (@rouille)
- Interconnections map b2b (#170) (@victoriahunt)
- Add calculation of NOx and SO2 emissions (#168) (@danielolsen)
- Add 2016 historical capacity and generation data (#167) (@rouille)
- Create functions that operate on indices of time series (#165) (@rouille)
- Write check and helper functions (#158) (@rouille)
- Factor out functions that check input parameters (#153) (@rouille)
- Enable USA plotting in the AnalyzePG class (#145) (@rouille)
- Pr template (#141) (@kamilahjae)
- Add hover tool tips to Interconnections Map (#140) (@victoriahunt)
- feat: add interconnection map and improve lmp map performance (#136) (@merrielle)
- Map improvement (#130) (@victoriahunt)
- Integrate part of spot check - simulated and historical data prep and plot by state (#129) (@jon-hagg)
- feat: analyze binding constraints (ramp, pmin, pmax) (#121) (@danielolsen)
- Map average locational marginal price (#119) (@victoriahunt)
- When calculating MW-miles of transmission upgrades, exclude some branches (#118) (@danielolsen)
- Calculate capacity value (#114) (@danielolsen)
- Plot energy & carbon stacks (#113) (@danielolsen)
- feat: bar plots on US states map per us state for emissions (#108) (@victoriahunt)
- feat: add requirements_freeze.txt to lock down package dependencies (#107) (@dmuldrew)
- Color by us state (#104) (@victoriahunt)
- Add state borders (#98) (@victoriahunt)
- Calculate averaged congestion and save file on server (#92) (@rouille)
- Calculate averaged congestion and save output file on server (#89) (@rouille)
- feat: sum generation by type and zone (#86) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add info attribute to MockScenario (#83) (@BainanXia)
- Delete Output MAT-files (#79) (@rouille)
- Save MAT-file to be read by MATReader object (#76) (@rouille)
- feat: add name attribute to MockAnalyze (#74) (@BainanXia)
- feat: more functionality for MockAnalyze objects (#71) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add plot tornado function and state mappers from spot check (#66) (@merrielle)
- feat: analyze curtailment (#57) (@danielolsen)
- feat: plant parsing helpers (#56) (@danielolsen)
- feat: support for 'biomass' and 'other' generators, slight refactor (#55) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add historical data and NREL data to codebase to aid with plotting. Add a function to facilitate the creation of custom data. (#54) (@merrielle)
- feat: add ability to select custom dates when plotting bar, pie, and shortfall graphs (#53) (@merrielle)
- feat: add code to plot shadow price data (#52) (@merrielle)
- feat: calculate congestion surplus (#50) (@danielolsen)
- Calculate MW-miles of upgraded lines (#48) (@rouille)
- Carbon emission calculation (#47) (@rouille)
- Add wecc congest (#45) (@rouille)
- Integrate spot check code for plotting multiple scenarios (#44) (@merrielle)
- Carbon plotting (#43) (@victoriahunt)
- feat: parse change_table entries into interstate/intrastate (#42) (@danielolsen)
- feat: calculate MW-miles for transmission-expanded change tables (#41) (@danielolsen)
- Changes to AnalyzePG (#40) (@rouille)
- Carbon analysis with tests and generic mock objects (#39) (@ghost)
- feat: add extraction of storage variable results (#37) (@ghost)
- feat: Add HOME_DIR (#35) (@rouille)
- Extract log (#34) (@rouille)
- Revert "feat: Add HOME_DIR" (#33) (@rouille)
- Add net demand to stacked generation plot (#32) (@rouille)
- feat: Add HOME_DIR (#31) (@rouille)
- Extract log (#30) (@rouille)
- Extract power flow on HVDC line (#29) (@rouille)
- Enable Texas plotting in Analyzepg class (#26) (@rouille)
- feat: wecc congestion stats (#20) (@victoriahunt)
- feat: parse results including geothermal and dfo gens (#18) (@ghost)
- feat: extract duals for LMP and congestion from matpower to pkl (#16) (@ghost)
- Transfer for scenario object (#14) (@kasparm)
- Add analysis and plotting routines (#9) (@rouille)
- Output data transfer (#8) (@kasparm)
- Transmission congestion analysis (#3) (@mlamherr)
- Speedup read (#2) (@kasparm)
Merged pull requests (fixes, etc.):
- fix: typo in curtailment summarization (#232) (@danielolsen)
- Update dependencies (#230) (@jon-hagg)
- Better formatting for auto generated PR description (#229) (@jon-hagg)
- ci: update some packages, and add workflow to automate package updates (#218) (@jon-hagg)
- ci: use custom action to trigger docs build (#216) (@jon-hagg)
- Update link in PR template (#214) (@rouille)
- chore: update package version number (#213) (@kasparm)
- docs: add link to installation and contribution guide (#212) (@kasparm)
- ci: remove obsolete token (#211) (@jon-hagg)
- Update org info (#210) (@jon-hagg)
- ci: use built in black profile for isort (#209) (@jon-hagg)
- refactor: remove redundant map_demand_to_buses (#208) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: remove seaborn dependency for colors (#207) (@danielolsen)
- Improve shadow price plotting module (#206) (@rouille)
- fix: regenerate lock file to include requests (#205) (@jon-hagg)
- Fix docstrings (#204) (@rouille)
- No longer clip time series resampled by mean in (#198) (@BainanXia)
- Add license (#197) (@rouille)
- Create data intake template (#195) (@rouille)
- chore: update matplotlib and numpy (#194) (@jon-hagg)
- Add flake8 workflow and fix warnigns (#193) (@jon-hagg)
- Add terms and conditions to ATTRIBUTION file (#192) (@rouille)
- Notebooks (#187) (@rouille)
- Remove zipp (unused package) (#185) (@jon-hagg)
- fix: wrong var name for mapper in map_risk_bind (#184) (@merrielle)
- Regenerate lock file (#183) (@jon-hagg)
- fix: typo in tox.ini (#182) (@jon-hagg)
- Format docstring (#181) (@rouille)
- CI enhancements (#171) (@jon-hagg)
- List of available resources (#169) (@rouille)
- refactor: expect datetime indices in tests with mock scenarios (#166) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: remove reference to id2type (#163) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: move design analyses out of PostREISE (#162) (@danielolsen)
- Update pandas (#161) (@jon-hagg)
- Fix some warnings from sphinx and remove large states data objects from docs (#160) (@jon-hagg)
- Fix rsa error due to para...
Version 0.3 release. Use Scenario object.
Merge pull request #17 from intvenlab/develop Develop into Master
Analysis and Plot for Western Interconnect.
0.2 chore: fix version number in setup